use of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.replication.ReplicationPeerConfig in project hbase by apache.
the class TestRegionReplicaReplicationEndpoint method testRegionReplicaReplicationPeerIsCreatedForModifyTable.
@Test(timeout = 240000)
public void testRegionReplicaReplicationPeerIsCreatedForModifyTable() throws Exception {
// modify a table by adding region replicas. Check whether the replication peer is created
// and replication started.
ReplicationAdmin admin = new ReplicationAdmin(HTU.getConfiguration());
String peerId = "region_replica_replication";
ReplicationPeerConfig peerConfig = null;
try {
peerConfig = admin.getPeerConfig(peerId);
} catch (ReplicationPeerNotFoundException e) {
LOG.warn("Region replica replication peer id=" + peerId + " not exist", e);
if (peerConfig != null) {
peerConfig = null;
HTableDescriptor htd = HTU.createTableDescriptor("testRegionReplicaReplicationPeerIsCreatedForModifyTable");
// assert that replication peer is not created yet
try {
peerConfig = admin.getPeerConfig(peerId);
fail("Should throw ReplicationException, because replication peer id=" + peerId + " not exist");
} catch (ReplicationPeerNotFoundException e) {
HTU.getAdmin().modifyTable(htd.getTableName(), htd);
// assert peer configuration is correct
peerConfig = admin.getPeerConfig(peerId);
assertEquals(peerConfig.getClusterKey(), ZKConfig.getZooKeeperClusterKey(HTU.getConfiguration()));
assertEquals(peerConfig.getReplicationEndpointImpl(), RegionReplicaReplicationEndpoint.class.getName());
use of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.replication.ReplicationPeerConfig in project hbase by apache.
the class HBaseAdmin method needToReplicate.
* Decide whether the table need replicate to the peer cluster according to the peer config
* @param table name of the table
* @param peerConfig config for the peer
* @return true if the table need replicate to the peer cluster
private boolean needToReplicate(TableName table, ReplicationPeerDescription peer) {
ReplicationPeerConfig peerConfig = peer.getPeerConfig();
Set<String> namespaces = peerConfig.getNamespaces();
Map<TableName, List<String>> tableCFsMap = peerConfig.getTableCFsMap();
// so all the tables data are applicable for replication
if (namespaces == null && tableCFsMap == null) {
return true;
if (namespaces != null && namespaces.contains(table.getNamespaceAsString())) {
return true;
if (tableCFsMap != null && tableCFsMap.containsKey(table)) {
return true;
LOG.debug("Table " + table.getNameAsString() + " doesn't need replicate to peer cluster, peerId=" + peer.getPeerId() + ", clusterKey=" + peerConfig.getClusterKey());
return false;
use of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.replication.ReplicationPeerConfig in project hbase by apache.
the class HBaseAdmin method removeReplicationPeerTableCFs.
public void removeReplicationPeerTableCFs(String id, Map<TableName, ? extends Collection<String>> tableCfs) throws ReplicationException, IOException {
if (tableCfs == null) {
throw new ReplicationException("tableCfs is null");
ReplicationPeerConfig peerConfig = getReplicationPeerConfig(id);
Map<TableName, List<String>> preTableCfs = peerConfig.getTableCFsMap();
if (preTableCfs == null) {
throw new ReplicationException("Table-Cfs for peer" + id + " is null");
for (Map.Entry<TableName, ? extends Collection<String>> entry : tableCfs.entrySet()) {
TableName table = entry.getKey();
Collection<String> removeCfs = entry.getValue();
if (preTableCfs.containsKey(table)) {
List<String> cfs = preTableCfs.get(table);
if (cfs == null && (removeCfs == null || removeCfs.isEmpty())) {
} else if (cfs != null && (removeCfs != null && !removeCfs.isEmpty())) {
Set<String> cfSet = new HashSet<String>(cfs);
if (cfSet.isEmpty()) {
} else {
preTableCfs.put(table, Lists.newArrayList(cfSet));
} else if (cfs == null && (removeCfs != null && !removeCfs.isEmpty())) {
throw new ReplicationException("Cannot remove cf of table: " + table + " which doesn't specify cfs from table-cfs config in peer: " + id);
} else if (cfs != null && (removeCfs == null || removeCfs.isEmpty())) {
throw new ReplicationException("Cannot remove table: " + table + " which has specified cfs from table-cfs config in peer: " + id);
} else {
throw new ReplicationException("No table: " + table + " in table-cfs config of peer: " + id);
updateReplicationPeerConfig(id, peerConfig);
use of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.replication.ReplicationPeerConfig in project hbase by apache.
the class HBaseAdmin method appendReplicationPeerTableCFs.
public void appendReplicationPeerTableCFs(String id, Map<TableName, ? extends Collection<String>> tableCfs) throws ReplicationException, IOException {
if (tableCfs == null) {
throw new ReplicationException("tableCfs is null");
ReplicationPeerConfig peerConfig = getReplicationPeerConfig(id);
Map<TableName, List<String>> preTableCfs = peerConfig.getTableCFsMap();
if (preTableCfs == null) {
} else {
for (Map.Entry<TableName, ? extends Collection<String>> entry : tableCfs.entrySet()) {
TableName table = entry.getKey();
Collection<String> appendCfs = entry.getValue();
if (preTableCfs.containsKey(table)) {
List<String> cfs = preTableCfs.get(table);
if (cfs == null || appendCfs == null || appendCfs.isEmpty()) {
preTableCfs.put(table, null);
} else {
Set<String> cfSet = new HashSet<String>(cfs);
preTableCfs.put(table, Lists.newArrayList(cfSet));
} else {
if (appendCfs == null || appendCfs.isEmpty()) {
preTableCfs.put(table, null);
} else {
preTableCfs.put(table, Lists.newArrayList(appendCfs));
updateReplicationPeerConfig(id, peerConfig);
use of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.replication.ReplicationPeerConfig in project hbase by apache.
the class ReplicationAdmin method listPeerConfigs.
* @deprecated use {@link org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Admin#listReplicationPeers()} instead
public Map<String, ReplicationPeerConfig> listPeerConfigs() throws IOException {
List<ReplicationPeerDescription> peers = this.admin.listReplicationPeers();
Map<String, ReplicationPeerConfig> result = new TreeMap<>();
for (ReplicationPeerDescription peer : peers) {
result.put(peer.getPeerId(), peer.getPeerConfig());
return result;