use of in project hbase by apache.
the class RowResourceBase method checkAndPutValueXML.
protected static Response checkAndPutValueXML(String url, String table, String row, String column, String valueToCheck, String valueToPut, HashMap<String, String> otherCells) throws IOException, JAXBException {
RowModel rowModel = new RowModel(row);
rowModel.addCell(new CellModel(Bytes.toBytes(column), Bytes.toBytes(valueToPut)));
if (otherCells != null) {
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : otherCells.entrySet()) {
rowModel.addCell(new CellModel(Bytes.toBytes(entry.getKey()), Bytes.toBytes(entry.getValue())));
// This Cell need to be added as last cell.
rowModel.addCell(new CellModel(Bytes.toBytes(column), Bytes.toBytes(valueToCheck)));
CellSetModel cellSetModel = new CellSetModel();
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
xmlMarshaller.marshal(cellSetModel, writer);
Response response = client.put(url, Constants.MIMETYPE_XML, Bytes.toBytes(writer.toString()));
return response;
use of in project hbase by apache.
the class RowResourceBase method checkAndDeleteValuePB.
protected static Response checkAndDeleteValuePB(String url, String table, String row, String column, String valueToCheck, HashMap<String, String> cellsToDelete) throws IOException {
RowModel rowModel = new RowModel(row);
if (cellsToDelete != null) {
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : cellsToDelete.entrySet()) {
rowModel.addCell(new CellModel(Bytes.toBytes(entry.getKey()), Bytes.toBytes(entry.getValue())));
// Add this at the end
rowModel.addCell(new CellModel(Bytes.toBytes(column), Bytes.toBytes(valueToCheck)));
CellSetModel cellSetModel = new CellSetModel();
Response response = client.put(url, Constants.MIMETYPE_PROTOBUF, cellSetModel.createProtobufOutput());
return response;
use of in project hbase by apache.
the class TestScannersWithFilters method verifyScanNoEarlyOut.
private static void verifyScanNoEarlyOut(Scan s, long expectedRows, long expectedKeys) throws Exception {
ScannerModel model = ScannerModel.fromScan(s);
// fetch it all at once
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
marshaller.marshal(model, writer);
byte[] body = Bytes.toBytes(writer.toString());
Response response = client.put("/" + TABLE + "/scanner", Constants.MIMETYPE_XML, body);
assertEquals(response.getCode(), 201);
String scannerURI = response.getLocation();
// get a cell set
response = client.get(scannerURI, Constants.MIMETYPE_XML);
assertEquals(response.getCode(), 200);
assertEquals(Constants.MIMETYPE_XML, response.getHeader("content-type"));
CellSetModel cellSet = (CellSetModel) unmarshaller.unmarshal(new ByteArrayInputStream(response.getBody()));
// delete the scanner
response = client.delete(scannerURI);
assertEquals(response.getCode(), 200);
Iterator<RowModel> i = cellSet.getRows().iterator();
int j = 0;
for (boolean done = true; done; j++) {
done = i.hasNext();
if (!done)
RowModel rowModel =;
List<CellModel> cells = rowModel.getCells();
if (cells.isEmpty())
assertTrue("Scanned too many rows! Only expected " + expectedRows + " total but already scanned " + (j + 1), expectedRows > j);
assertEquals("Expected " + expectedKeys + " keys per row but " + "returned " + cells.size(), expectedKeys, cells.size());
assertEquals("Expected " + expectedRows + " rows but scanned " + j + " rows", expectedRows, j);
use of in project hbase by apache.
the class TestScannersWithFilters method verifyScan.
private static void verifyScan(Scan s, long expectedRows, long expectedKeys) throws Exception {
ScannerModel model = ScannerModel.fromScan(s);
// fetch it all at once
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
marshaller.marshal(model, writer);
byte[] body = Bytes.toBytes(writer.toString());
Response response = client.put("/" + TABLE + "/scanner", Constants.MIMETYPE_XML, body);
assertEquals(response.getCode(), 201);
String scannerURI = response.getLocation();
// get a cell set
response = client.get(scannerURI, Constants.MIMETYPE_XML);
assertEquals(response.getCode(), 200);
assertEquals(Constants.MIMETYPE_XML, response.getHeader("content-type"));
CellSetModel cells = (CellSetModel) unmarshaller.unmarshal(new ByteArrayInputStream(response.getBody()));
int rows = cells.getRows().size();
assertTrue("Scanned too many rows! Only expected " + expectedRows + " total but scanned " + rows, expectedRows == rows);
for (RowModel row : cells.getRows()) {
int count = row.getCells().size();
assertEquals("Expected " + expectedKeys + " keys per row but " + "returned " + count, expectedKeys, count);
// delete the scanner
response = client.delete(scannerURI);
assertEquals(response.getCode(), 200);
use of in project hbase by apache.
the class TestScannersWithFilters method verifyScanFull.
private static void verifyScanFull(Scan s, KeyValue[] kvs) throws Exception {
ScannerModel model = ScannerModel.fromScan(s);
// fetch it all at once
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
marshaller.marshal(model, writer);
byte[] body = Bytes.toBytes(writer.toString());
Response response = client.put("/" + TABLE + "/scanner", Constants.MIMETYPE_XML, body);
assertEquals(response.getCode(), 201);
String scannerURI = response.getLocation();
// get a cell set
response = client.get(scannerURI, Constants.MIMETYPE_XML);
assertEquals(response.getCode(), 200);
assertEquals(Constants.MIMETYPE_XML, response.getHeader("content-type"));
CellSetModel cellSet = (CellSetModel) unmarshaller.unmarshal(new ByteArrayInputStream(response.getBody()));
// delete the scanner
response = client.delete(scannerURI);
assertEquals(response.getCode(), 200);
int row = 0;
int idx = 0;
Iterator<RowModel> i = cellSet.getRows().iterator();
for (boolean done = true; done; row++) {
done = i.hasNext();
if (!done)
RowModel rowModel =;
List<CellModel> cells = rowModel.getCells();
if (cells.isEmpty())
assertTrue("Scanned too many keys! Only expected " + kvs.length + " total but already scanned " + (cells.size() + idx), kvs.length >= idx + cells.size());
for (CellModel cell : cells) {
assertTrue("Row mismatch", Bytes.equals(rowModel.getKey(), CellUtil.cloneRow(kvs[idx])));
byte[][] split = KeyValue.parseColumn(cell.getColumn());
assertTrue("Family mismatch", Bytes.equals(split[0], CellUtil.cloneFamily(kvs[idx])));
assertTrue("Qualifier mismatch", Bytes.equals(split[1], CellUtil.cloneQualifier(kvs[idx])));
assertTrue("Value mismatch", Bytes.equals(cell.getValue(), CellUtil.cloneValue(kvs[idx])));
assertEquals("Expected " + kvs.length + " total keys but scanned " + idx, kvs.length, idx);