use of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.thrift2.generated.TColumnValue in project hbase by apache.
the class TestThriftHBaseServiceHandler method testLongLivedScan.
* Tests keeping a HBase scanner alive for long periods of time. Each call to getScannerRow()
* should reset the ConnectionCache timeout for the scanner's connection
* @throws Exception
public void testLongLivedScan() throws Exception {
int numTrials = 6;
int trialPause = 1000;
int cleanUpInterval = 100;
Configuration conf = new Configuration(UTIL.getConfiguration());
// Set the ConnectionCache timeout to trigger halfway through the trials
conf.setInt(ThriftHBaseServiceHandler.MAX_IDLETIME, (numTrials / 2) * trialPause);
conf.setInt(ThriftHBaseServiceHandler.CLEANUP_INTERVAL, cleanUpInterval);
ThriftHBaseServiceHandler handler = new ThriftHBaseServiceHandler(conf, UserProvider.instantiate(conf));
ByteBuffer table = wrap(tableAname);
// insert data
TColumnValue columnValue = new TColumnValue(wrap(familyAname), wrap(qualifierAname), wrap(valueAname));
List<TColumnValue> columnValues = new ArrayList<>(1);
for (int i = 0; i < numTrials; i++) {
TPut put = new TPut(wrap(("testScan" + i).getBytes()), columnValues);
handler.put(table, put);
// create scan instance
TScan scan = new TScan();
List<TColumn> columns = new ArrayList<>(1);
TColumn column = new TColumn();
// Prevent the scanner from caching results
// get scanner and rows
int scanId = handler.openScanner(table, scan);
for (int i = 0; i < numTrials; i++) {
// Make sure that the Scanner doesn't throw an exception after the ConnectionCache timeout
List<TResult> results = handler.getScannerRows(scanId, 1);
assertArrayEquals(("testScan" + i).getBytes(), results.get(0).getRow());
use of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.thrift2.generated.TColumnValue in project hbase by apache.
the class TestThriftHBaseServiceHandler method testScanWithColumnFamilyTimeRange.
public void testScanWithColumnFamilyTimeRange() throws Exception {
ThriftHBaseServiceHandler handler = createHandler();
ByteBuffer table = wrap(tableAname);
// insert data
TColumnValue familyAColumnValue = new TColumnValue(wrap(familyAname), wrap(qualifierAname), wrap(valueAname));
TColumnValue familyBColumnValue = new TColumnValue(wrap(familyBname), wrap(qualifierBname), wrap(valueBname));
long minTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
familyAColumnValue.setTimestamp(minTimestamp + i);
familyBColumnValue.setTimestamp(minTimestamp + i);
List<TColumnValue> columnValues = new ArrayList<>(2);
TPut put = new TPut(wrap(("testScanWithColumnFamilyTimeRange" + i).getBytes()), columnValues);
handler.put(table, put);
// create scan instance with column family time range
TScan scan = new TScan();
Map<ByteBuffer, TTimeRange> colFamTimeRangeMap = new HashMap<>(2);
colFamTimeRangeMap.put(wrap(familyAname), new TTimeRange(minTimestamp + 3, minTimestamp + 5));
colFamTimeRangeMap.put(wrap(familyBname), new TTimeRange(minTimestamp + 6, minTimestamp + 9));
// get scanner and rows
int scanId = handler.openScanner(table, scan);
List<TResult> results = handler.getScannerRows(scanId, 5);
assertEquals(5, results.size());
int familyACount = 0;
int familyBCount = 0;
for (TResult result : results) {
List<TColumnValue> columnValues = result.getColumnValues();
if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(columnValues)) {
if (Bytes.equals(familyAname, columnValues.get(0).getFamily())) {
} else if (Bytes.equals(familyBname, columnValues.get(0).getFamily())) {
assertEquals(2, familyACount);
assertEquals(3, familyBCount);
// check that we are at the end of the scan
results = handler.getScannerRows(scanId, 1);
assertEquals(0, results.size());
// close scanner and check that it was indeed closed
try {
handler.getScannerRows(scanId, 1);
fail("Scanner id should be invalid");
} catch (TIllegalArgument e) {
use of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.thrift2.generated.TColumnValue in project hbase by apache.
the class TestThriftHBaseServiceHandler method testCheckAndMutate.
public void testCheckAndMutate() throws Exception {
ThriftHBaseServiceHandler handler = createHandler();
ByteBuffer table = wrap(tableAname);
ByteBuffer row = wrap("row".getBytes());
ByteBuffer family = wrap(familyAname);
ByteBuffer qualifier = wrap(qualifierAname);
ByteBuffer value = wrap(valueAname);
// Create a mutation to write to 'B', our "mutate" of "checkAndMutate"
List<TColumnValue> columnValuesB = new ArrayList<>(1);
TColumnValue columnValueB = new TColumnValue(family, wrap(qualifierBname), wrap(valueBname));
TPut putB = new TPut(row, columnValuesB);
TRowMutations tRowMutations = new TRowMutations(row, Arrays.<TMutation>asList(TMutation.put(putB)));
// Empty table when we begin
TResult result = handler.get(table, new TGet(row));
assertEquals(0, result.getColumnValuesSize());
// checkAndMutate -- condition should fail because the value doesn't exist.
assertFalse("Expected condition to not pass", handler.checkAndMutate(table, row, family, qualifier, TCompareOp.EQUAL, value, tRowMutations));
List<TColumnValue> columnValuesA = new ArrayList<>(1);
TColumnValue columnValueA = new TColumnValue(family, qualifier, value);
// Put an update 'A'
handler.put(table, new TPut(row, columnValuesA));
// Verify that the update is there
result = handler.get(table, new TGet(row));
assertEquals(1, result.getColumnValuesSize());
assertTColumnValueEqual(columnValueA, result.getColumnValues().get(0));
// checkAndMutate -- condition should pass since we added the value
assertTrue("Expected condition to pass", handler.checkAndMutate(table, row, family, qualifier, TCompareOp.EQUAL, value, tRowMutations));
result = handler.get(table, new TGet(row));
assertEquals(2, result.getColumnValuesSize());
assertTColumnValueEqual(columnValueA, result.getColumnValues().get(0));
assertTColumnValueEqual(columnValueB, result.getColumnValues().get(1));
use of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.thrift2.generated.TColumnValue in project hbase by apache.
the class TestThriftHBaseServiceHandler method testMetrics.
public void testMetrics() throws Exception {
Configuration conf = UTIL.getConfiguration();
ThriftMetrics metrics = getMetrics(conf);
ThriftHBaseServiceHandler hbaseHandler = createHandler();
THBaseService.Iface handler = ThriftHBaseServiceHandler.newInstance(hbaseHandler, metrics);
byte[] rowName = "testMetrics".getBytes();
ByteBuffer table = wrap(tableAname);
TGet get = new TGet(wrap(rowName));
assertFalse(handler.exists(table, get));
List<TColumnValue> columnValues = new ArrayList<>(2);
columnValues.add(new TColumnValue(wrap(familyAname), wrap(qualifierAname), wrap(valueAname)));
columnValues.add(new TColumnValue(wrap(familyBname), wrap(qualifierBname), wrap(valueBname)));
TPut put = new TPut(wrap(rowName), columnValues);
handler.put(table, put);
assertTrue(handler.exists(table, get));
metricsHelper.assertCounter("put_num_ops", 1, metrics.getSource());
metricsHelper.assertCounter("exists_num_ops", 2, metrics.getSource());
use of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.thrift2.generated.TColumnValue in project hbase by apache.
the class TestThriftHBaseServiceHandlerWithLabels method assertTColumnValuesEqual.
public void assertTColumnValuesEqual(List<TColumnValue> columnValuesA, List<TColumnValue> columnValuesB) {
assertEquals(columnValuesA.size(), columnValuesB.size());
Comparator<TColumnValue> comparator = new Comparator<TColumnValue>() {
public int compare(TColumnValue o1, TColumnValue o2) {
return Bytes.compareTo(Bytes.add(o1.getFamily(), o1.getQualifier()), Bytes.add(o2.getFamily(), o2.getQualifier()));
Collections.sort(columnValuesA, comparator);
Collections.sort(columnValuesB, comparator);
for (int i = 0; i < columnValuesA.size(); i++) {
TColumnValue a = columnValuesA.get(i);
TColumnValue b = columnValuesB.get(i);
assertArrayEquals(a.getFamily(), b.getFamily());
assertArrayEquals(a.getQualifier(), b.getQualifier());
assertArrayEquals(a.getValue(), b.getValue());