use of org.apache.hadoop.hdds.scm.container.ContainerID in project ozone by apache.
the class ContainerBalancerSelectionCriteria method getCandidateContainers.
* Gets containers that are suitable for moving based on the following
* required criteria:
* 1. Container must not be undergoing replication.
* 2. Container must not already be selected for balancing.
* 3. Container size should be closer to 5GB.
* 4. Container must not be in the configured exclude containers list.
* 5. Container should be closed.
* @param node DatanodeDetails for which to find candidate containers.
* @return NavigableSet of candidate containers that satisfy the criteria.
public NavigableSet<ContainerID> getCandidateContainers(DatanodeDetails node) {
NavigableSet<ContainerID> containerIDSet = new TreeSet<>(orderContainersByUsedBytes().reversed());
try {
} catch (NodeNotFoundException e) {
LOG.warn("Could not find Datanode {} while selecting candidate " + "containers for Container Balancer.", node.toString(), e);
return containerIDSet;
if (excludeContainers != null) {
if (selectedContainers != null) {
// remove not closed containers
containerIDSet.removeIf(containerID -> {
try {
return containerManager.getContainer(containerID).getState() != HddsProtos.LifeCycleState.CLOSED;
} catch (ContainerNotFoundException e) {
LOG.warn("Could not retrieve ContainerInfo for container {} for " + "checking LifecycleState in ContainerBalancer. Excluding this " + "container.", containerID.toString(), e);
return true;
// if the utilization of the source data node becomes lower than lowerLimit
// after the container is moved out , then the container can not be
// a candidate one, and we should remove it from the candidateContainers.
containerIDSet.removeIf(c -> {
ContainerInfo cInfo;
try {
cInfo = containerManager.getContainer(c);
} catch (ContainerNotFoundException e) {
LOG.warn("Could not find container {} when " + "be matched with a move target", c);
// remove this not found container
return true;
return !findSourceStrategy.canSizeLeaveSource(node, cInfo.getUsedBytes());
return containerIDSet;
use of org.apache.hadoop.hdds.scm.container.ContainerID in project ozone by apache.
the class ContainerBalancer method moveContainer.
* Asks {@link ReplicationManager} to move the specified container from
* source to target.
* @param source the source datanode
* @param moveSelection the selected container to move and target datanode
* @return false if an exception occurred, the move completed
* exceptionally, or the move completed with a result other than
* ReplicationManager.MoveResult.COMPLETED. Returns true if the move
* completed with MoveResult.COMPLETED or move is not yet done
private boolean moveContainer(DatanodeDetails source, ContainerMoveSelection moveSelection) {
ContainerID container = moveSelection.getContainerID();
CompletableFuture<ReplicationManager.MoveResult> future;
try {
future = replicationManager.move(container, source, moveSelection.getTargetNode());
} catch (ContainerNotFoundException e) {
LOG.warn("Could not find Container {} for container move", container, e);
return false;
} catch (NodeNotFoundException e) {
LOG.warn("Container move failed for container {}", container, e);
return false;
if (future.isDone()) {
if (future.isCompletedExceptionally()) {"Container move for container {} from source {} to target {}" + "completed exceptionally", container.toString(), source.getUuidString(), moveSelection.getTargetNode().getUuidString());
return false;
} else {
ReplicationManager.MoveResult result = future.join();
moveSelectionToFutureMap.put(moveSelection, future);
return result == ReplicationManager.MoveResult.COMPLETED;
} else {
moveSelectionToFutureMap.put(moveSelection, future);
return true;
use of org.apache.hadoop.hdds.scm.container.ContainerID in project ozone by apache.
the class ContainerStateMap method intersectSets.
* Calculates the intersection between sets and returns a new set.
* @param smaller - First Set
* @param bigger - Second Set
* @return resultSet which is the intersection of these two sets.
private NavigableSet<ContainerID> intersectSets(final NavigableSet<ContainerID> smaller, final NavigableSet<ContainerID> bigger) {
Preconditions.checkState(smaller.size() <= bigger.size(), "This function assumes the first set is lesser or equal to second " + "set");
final NavigableSet<ContainerID> resultSet = new TreeSet<>();
for (ContainerID id : smaller) {
if (bigger.contains(id)) {
return resultSet;
use of org.apache.hadoop.hdds.scm.container.ContainerID in project ozone by apache.
the class AbstractFindTargetGreedy method containerMoveSatisfiesPlacementPolicy.
* Checks if container being present in target instead of source satisfies
* the placement policy.
* @param containerID Container to be moved from source to target
* @param replicas Set of replicas of the given container
* @param source Source datanode for container move
* @param target Target datanode for container move
* @return true if placement policy is satisfied, otherwise false
private boolean containerMoveSatisfiesPlacementPolicy(ContainerID containerID, Set<ContainerReplica> replicas, DatanodeDetails source, DatanodeDetails target) {
ContainerInfo containerInfo;
try {
containerInfo = containerManager.getContainer(containerID);
} catch (ContainerNotFoundException e) {
logger.warn("Could not get Container {} from Container Manager while " + "checking if container move satisfies placement policy in " + "Container Balancer.", containerID.toString(), e);
return false;
List<DatanodeDetails> replicaList = -> !datanodeDetails.equals(source)).collect(Collectors.toList());
ContainerPlacementStatus placementStatus = placementPolicy.validateContainerPlacement(replicaList, containerInfo.getReplicationConfig().getRequiredNodes());
return placementStatus.isPolicySatisfied();
use of org.apache.hadoop.hdds.scm.container.ContainerID in project ozone by apache.
the class TestFailoverWithSCMHA method testMoveFailover.
public void testMoveFailover() throws Exception {
SCMClientConfig scmClientConfig = conf.getObject(SCMClientConfig.class);
Assert.assertEquals(scmClientConfig.getRetryCount(), 15);
StorageContainerManager scm = getLeader(cluster);
final ContainerID id = getContainer(HddsProtos.LifeCycleState.CLOSED).containerID();
DatanodeDetails dn1 = randomDatanodeDetails();
DatanodeDetails dn2 = randomDatanodeDetails();
// here we just want to test whether the new leader will get the same
// inflight move after failover, so no need to create container and datanode,
// just mock them bypassing all the pre checks.
scm.getReplicationManager().getMoveScheduler().startMove(id.getProtobuf(), (new MoveDataNodePair(dn1, dn2)).getProtobufMessage(CURRENT_VERSION));
SCMBlockLocationFailoverProxyProvider failoverProxyProvider = new SCMBlockLocationFailoverProxyProvider(conf);
ScmBlockLocationProtocolClientSideTranslatorPB scmBlockLocationClient = new ScmBlockLocationProtocolClientSideTranslatorPB(failoverProxyProvider);
GenericTestUtils.setLogLevel(SCMBlockLocationFailoverProxyProvider.LOG, Level.DEBUG);
GenericTestUtils.LogCapturer logCapture = GenericTestUtils.LogCapturer.captureLogs(SCMBlockLocationFailoverProxyProvider.LOG);
ScmBlockLocationProtocol scmBlockLocationProtocol = TracingUtil.createProxy(scmBlockLocationClient, ScmBlockLocationProtocol.class, conf);
Assert.assertTrue(logCapture.getOutput().contains("Performing failover to suggested leader"));
scm = getLeader(cluster);
// switch to the new leader successfully, new leader should
// get the same inflightMove
Map<ContainerID, MoveDataNodePair> inflightMove = scm.getReplicationManager().getMoveScheduler().getInflightMove();
MoveDataNodePair mp = inflightMove.get(id);
// complete move in the new leader
SCMContainerLocationFailoverProxyProvider proxyProvider = new SCMContainerLocationFailoverProxyProvider(conf, null);
GenericTestUtils.setLogLevel(SCMContainerLocationFailoverProxyProvider.LOG, Level.DEBUG);
logCapture = GenericTestUtils.LogCapturer.captureLogs(SCMContainerLocationFailoverProxyProvider.LOG);
StorageContainerLocationProtocol scmContainerClient = TracingUtil.createProxy(new StorageContainerLocationProtocolClientSideTranslatorPB(proxyProvider), StorageContainerLocationProtocol.class, conf);
scmContainerClient.allocateContainer(HddsProtos.ReplicationType.RATIS, HddsProtos.ReplicationFactor.ONE, "ozone");
Assert.assertTrue(logCapture.getOutput().contains("Performing failover to suggested leader"));
// switch to the new leader successfully, new leader should
// get the same inflightMove , which should not contains
// that container.
scm = getLeader(cluster);
inflightMove = scm.getReplicationManager().getMoveScheduler().getInflightMove();