use of org.apache.hadoop.hdds.scm.container.ContainerNotFoundException in project ozone by apache.
the class ContainerHealthTask method processExistingDBRecords.
* This method reads all existing records in the UnhealthyContainers table.
* The container records are read sorted by Container ID, as there can be
* more than 1 record per container.
* Each record is checked to see if it should be retained or deleted, and if
* any of the replica counts have changed the record is updated. Each record
* for a container is collected into a Set and when the next container id
* changes, indicating the end of the records for the current container,
* completeProcessingContainer is called. This will check to see if any
* additional records need to be added to the database.
* @param currentTime Timestamp to place on all records generated by this run
* @return Count of records processed
private long processExistingDBRecords(long currentTime) {
long recordCount = 0;
try (Cursor<UnhealthyContainersRecord> cursor = containerHealthSchemaManager.getAllUnhealthyRecordsCursor()) {
ContainerHealthStatus currentContainer = null;
Set<String> existingRecords = new HashSet<>();
while (cursor.hasNext()) {
UnhealthyContainersRecord rec = cursor.fetchNext();
try {
if (currentContainer == null) {
currentContainer = setCurrentContainer(rec.getContainerId());
if (currentContainer.getContainerID() != rec.getContainerId()) {
completeProcessingContainer(currentContainer, existingRecords, currentTime);
currentContainer = setCurrentContainer(rec.getContainerId());
if (ContainerHealthRecords.retainOrUpdateRecord(currentContainer, rec)) {
// Check if the missing container is deleted in SCM
if (currentContainer.isMissing() && containerDeletedInSCM(currentContainer.getContainer())) {
if (rec.changed()) {
} else {
} catch (ContainerNotFoundException cnf) {
currentContainer = null;
// Remember to finish processing the last container
if (currentContainer != null) {
completeProcessingContainer(currentContainer, existingRecords, currentTime);
return recordCount;
use of org.apache.hadoop.hdds.scm.container.ContainerNotFoundException in project ozone by apache.
the class ContainerController method markContainerForClose.
* Marks the container for closing. Moves the container to CLOSING state.
* @param containerId Id of the container to update
* @throws IOException in case of exception
public void markContainerForClose(final long containerId) throws IOException {
Container container = containerSet.getContainer(containerId);
if (container == null) {
String warning;
Set<Long> missingContainerSet = containerSet.getMissingContainerSet();
if (missingContainerSet.contains(containerId)) {
warning = "The Container is in the MissingContainerSet " + "hence we can't close it. ContainerID: " + containerId;
} else {
warning = "The Container is not found. ContainerID: " + containerId;
throw new ContainerNotFoundException(warning);
} else {
if (container.getContainerState() == State.OPEN) {
use of org.apache.hadoop.hdds.scm.container.ContainerNotFoundException in project ozone by apache.
the class TestStorageContainerManager method testRpcPermissionWithConf.
private void testRpcPermissionWithConf(OzoneConfiguration ozoneConf, String fakeRemoteUsername, boolean expectPermissionDenied) throws Exception {
MiniOzoneCluster cluster = MiniOzoneCluster.newBuilder(ozoneConf).build();
try {
SCMClientProtocolServer mockClientServer = Mockito.spy(cluster.getStorageContainerManager().getClientProtocolServer());
try {
fail("Operation should fail, expecting an IOException here.");
} catch (Exception e) {
if (expectPermissionDenied) {
verifyPermissionDeniedException(e, fakeRemoteUsername);
} else {
// If passes permission check, it should fail with
// container not exist exception.
Assert.assertTrue(e instanceof ContainerNotFoundException);
try {
ContainerWithPipeline container2 = mockClientServer.allocateContainer(SCMTestUtils.getReplicationType(ozoneConf), HddsProtos.ReplicationFactor.ONE, OzoneConsts.OZONE);
if (expectPermissionDenied) {
fail("Operation should fail, expecting an IOException here.");
} else {
Assert.assertEquals(1, container2.getPipeline().getNodes().size());
} catch (Exception e) {
verifyPermissionDeniedException(e, fakeRemoteUsername);
try {
ContainerWithPipeline container3 = mockClientServer.allocateContainer(SCMTestUtils.getReplicationType(ozoneConf), HddsProtos.ReplicationFactor.ONE, OzoneConsts.OZONE);
if (expectPermissionDenied) {
fail("Operation should fail, expecting an IOException here.");
} else {
Assert.assertEquals(1, container3.getPipeline().getNodes().size());
} catch (Exception e) {
verifyPermissionDeniedException(e, fakeRemoteUsername);
try {
fail("Operation should fail, expecting an IOException here.");
} catch (Exception e) {
if (expectPermissionDenied) {
verifyPermissionDeniedException(e, fakeRemoteUsername);
} else {
// If passes permission check, it should fail with
// key not exist exception.
Assert.assertTrue(e instanceof ContainerNotFoundException);
} finally {
use of org.apache.hadoop.hdds.scm.container.ContainerNotFoundException in project ozone by apache.
the class ContainerBalancerSelectionCriteria method getCandidateContainers.
* Gets containers that are suitable for moving based on the following
* required criteria:
* 1. Container must not be undergoing replication.
* 2. Container must not already be selected for balancing.
* 3. Container size should be closer to 5GB.
* 4. Container must not be in the configured exclude containers list.
* 5. Container should be closed.
* @param node DatanodeDetails for which to find candidate containers.
* @return NavigableSet of candidate containers that satisfy the criteria.
public NavigableSet<ContainerID> getCandidateContainers(DatanodeDetails node) {
NavigableSet<ContainerID> containerIDSet = new TreeSet<>(orderContainersByUsedBytes().reversed());
try {
} catch (NodeNotFoundException e) {
LOG.warn("Could not find Datanode {} while selecting candidate " + "containers for Container Balancer.", node.toString(), e);
return containerIDSet;
if (excludeContainers != null) {
if (selectedContainers != null) {
// remove not closed containers
containerIDSet.removeIf(containerID -> {
try {
return containerManager.getContainer(containerID).getState() != HddsProtos.LifeCycleState.CLOSED;
} catch (ContainerNotFoundException e) {
LOG.warn("Could not retrieve ContainerInfo for container {} for " + "checking LifecycleState in ContainerBalancer. Excluding this " + "container.", containerID.toString(), e);
return true;
// if the utilization of the source data node becomes lower than lowerLimit
// after the container is moved out , then the container can not be
// a candidate one, and we should remove it from the candidateContainers.
containerIDSet.removeIf(c -> {
ContainerInfo cInfo;
try {
cInfo = containerManager.getContainer(c);
} catch (ContainerNotFoundException e) {
LOG.warn("Could not find container {} when " + "be matched with a move target", c);
// remove this not found container
return true;
return !findSourceStrategy.canSizeLeaveSource(node, cInfo.getUsedBytes());
return containerIDSet;
use of org.apache.hadoop.hdds.scm.container.ContainerNotFoundException in project ozone by apache.
the class ContainerBalancer method checkIterationMoveResults.
* Checks the results of all move operations when exiting an iteration.
* @param selectedTargets Set of target datanodes that were selected in
* current iteration
private void checkIterationMoveResults(Set<DatanodeDetails> selectedTargets) {
this.countDatanodesInvolvedPerIteration = 0;
this.sizeMovedPerIteration = 0;
for (Map.Entry<ContainerMoveSelection, CompletableFuture<ReplicationManager.MoveResult>> futureEntry : moveSelectionToFutureMap.entrySet()) {
ContainerMoveSelection moveSelection = futureEntry.getKey();
CompletableFuture<ReplicationManager.MoveResult> future = futureEntry.getValue();
try {
ReplicationManager.MoveResult result = future.get(config.getMoveTimeout().toMillis(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
if (result == ReplicationManager.MoveResult.COMPLETED) {
try {
ContainerInfo container = containerManager.getContainer(moveSelection.getContainerID());
this.sizeMovedPerIteration += container.getUsedBytes();
metrics.incrementNumMovedContainersInLatestIteration(1);"Move completed for container {} to target {}", container.containerID(), moveSelection.getTargetNode().getUuidString());
} catch (ContainerNotFoundException e) {
LOG.warn("Could not find Container {} while " + "checking move results in ContainerBalancer", moveSelection.getContainerID(), e);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
LOG.warn("Interrupted while waiting for container move result for " + "container {}.", moveSelection.getContainerID(), e);
} catch (ExecutionException e) {
LOG.warn("Container move for container {} completed exceptionally.", moveSelection.getContainerID(), e);
} catch (TimeoutException e) {
LOG.warn("Container move for container {} timed out.", moveSelection.getContainerID(), e);
countDatanodesInvolvedPerIteration = sourceToTargetMap.size() + selectedTargets.size();
metrics.incrementDataSizeMovedGBInLatestIteration(sizeMovedPerIteration / OzoneConsts.GB);"Number of datanodes involved in this iteration: {}. Size moved " + "in this iteration: {}B.", countDatanodesInvolvedPerIteration, sizeMovedPerIteration);