use of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.BlockListAsLongs in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestAddStripedBlocks method testAddUCReplica.
* Test BlockInfoStripedUnderConstruction#addReplicaIfNotPresent in different
* scenarios.
public void testAddUCReplica() throws Exception {
final Path file = new Path("/file1");
final List<String> storageIDs = new ArrayList<>();
// create an empty file
FSDataOutputStream out = null;
try {
out = dfs.create(file, (short) 1);
// 1. create the UC striped block
FSDirectory fsdir = cluster.getNamesystem().getFSDirectory();
INodeFile fileNode = fsdir.getINode4Write(file.toString()).asFile();
cluster.getNamesystem().getAdditionalBlock(file.toString(), fileNode.getId(), dfs.getClient().getClientName(), null, null, null, null);
BlockInfo lastBlock = fileNode.getLastBlock();
DatanodeStorageInfo[] locs = lastBlock.getUnderConstructionFeature().getExpectedStorageLocations();
byte[] indices = lastBlock.getUnderConstructionFeature().getBlockIndices();
Assert.assertEquals(groupSize, locs.length);
Assert.assertEquals(groupSize, indices.length);
// 2. mimic incremental block reports and make sure the uc-replica list in
// the BlockInfoUCStriped is correct
int i = 0;
for (DataNode dn : cluster.getDataNodes()) {
final Block block = new Block(lastBlock.getBlockId() + i++, 0, lastBlock.getGenerationStamp());
DatanodeStorage storage = new DatanodeStorage(UUID.randomUUID().toString());
StorageReceivedDeletedBlocks[] reports = DFSTestUtil.makeReportForReceivedBlock(block, BlockStatus.RECEIVING_BLOCK, storage);
for (StorageReceivedDeletedBlocks report : reports) {
cluster.getNamesystem().processIncrementalBlockReport(dn.getDatanodeId(), report);
// make sure lastBlock is correct and the storages have been updated
locs = lastBlock.getUnderConstructionFeature().getExpectedStorageLocations();
indices = lastBlock.getUnderConstructionFeature().getBlockIndices();
Assert.assertEquals(groupSize, locs.length);
Assert.assertEquals(groupSize, indices.length);
for (DatanodeStorageInfo newstorage : locs) {
} finally {
IOUtils.cleanup(null, out);
// 3. restart the namenode. mimic the full block reports and check the
// uc-replica list again
final String bpId = cluster.getNamesystem().getBlockPoolId();
INodeFile fileNode = cluster.getNamesystem().getFSDirectory().getINode4Write(file.toString()).asFile();
BlockInfo lastBlock = fileNode.getLastBlock();
int i = groupSize - 1;
for (DataNode dn : cluster.getDataNodes()) {
String storageID = storageIDs.get(i);
final Block block = new Block(lastBlock.getBlockId() + i--, lastBlock.getGenerationStamp(), 0);
DatanodeStorage storage = new DatanodeStorage(storageID);
List<ReplicaBeingWritten> blocks = new ArrayList<>();
ReplicaBeingWritten replica = new ReplicaBeingWritten(block, null, null, null);
BlockListAsLongs bll = BlockListAsLongs.encode(blocks);
StorageBlockReport[] reports = { new StorageBlockReport(storage, bll) };
cluster.getNameNodeRpc().blockReport(dn.getDNRegistrationForBP(bpId), bpId, reports, new BlockReportContext(1, 0, System.nanoTime(), 0, true));
DatanodeStorageInfo[] locs = lastBlock.getUnderConstructionFeature().getExpectedStorageLocations();
byte[] indices = lastBlock.getUnderConstructionFeature().getBlockIndices();
Assert.assertEquals(groupSize, locs.length);
Assert.assertEquals(groupSize, indices.length);
for (i = 0; i < groupSize; i++) {
Assert.assertEquals(storageIDs.get(i), locs[groupSize - 1 - i].getStorageID());
Assert.assertEquals(groupSize - i - 1, indices[i]);
use of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.BlockListAsLongs in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestInjectionForSimulatedStorage method testInjection.
/* This test makes sure that NameNode retries all the available blocks
* for under replicated blocks. This test uses simulated storage and one
* of its features to inject blocks,
* It creates a file with several blocks and replication of 4.
* The cluster is then shut down - NN retains its state but the DNs are
* all simulated and hence loose their blocks.
* The blocks are then injected in one of the DNs. The expected behaviour is
* that the NN will arrange for themissing replica will be copied from a valid source.
public void testInjection() throws IOException {
MiniDFSCluster cluster = null;
String testFile = "/replication-test-file";
Path testPath = new Path(testFile);
byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
for (int i = 0; i < buffer.length; i++) {
buffer[i] = '1';
try {
Configuration conf = new HdfsConfiguration();
conf.set(DFSConfigKeys.DFS_REPLICATION_KEY, Integer.toString(numDataNodes));
conf.setInt(DFSConfigKeys.DFS_BYTES_PER_CHECKSUM_KEY, checksumSize);
//first time format
cluster = new MiniDFSCluster.Builder(conf).numDataNodes(numDataNodes).build();
String bpid = cluster.getNamesystem().getBlockPoolId();
DFSClient dfsClient = new DFSClient(new InetSocketAddress("localhost", cluster.getNameNodePort()), conf);
DFSTestUtil.createFile(cluster.getFileSystem(), testPath, filesize, filesize, blockSize, (short) numDataNodes, 0L);
waitForBlockReplication(testFile, dfsClient.getNamenode(), numDataNodes, 20);
List<Map<DatanodeStorage, BlockListAsLongs>> blocksList = cluster.getAllBlockReports(bpid);
cluster = null;
/* Start the MiniDFSCluster with more datanodes since once a writeBlock
* to a datanode node fails, same block can not be written to it
* immediately. In our case some replication attempts will fail.
*/"Restarting minicluster");
conf = new HdfsConfiguration();
cluster = new MiniDFSCluster.Builder(conf).numDataNodes(numDataNodes * 2).format(false).build();
Set<Block> uniqueBlocks = new HashSet<Block>();
for (Map<DatanodeStorage, BlockListAsLongs> map : blocksList) {
for (BlockListAsLongs blockList : map.values()) {
for (Block b : blockList) {
uniqueBlocks.add(new Block(b));
// Insert all the blocks in the first data node"Inserting " + uniqueBlocks.size() + " blocks");
cluster.injectBlocks(0, uniqueBlocks, null);
dfsClient = new DFSClient(new InetSocketAddress("localhost", cluster.getNameNodePort()), conf);
waitForBlockReplication(testFile, dfsClient.getNamenode(), numDataNodes, -1);
} finally {
if (cluster != null) {
use of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.BlockListAsLongs in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestSimulatedFSDataset method testInjectionEmpty.
public void testInjectionEmpty() throws IOException {
SimulatedFSDataset fsdataset = getSimulatedFSDataset();
BlockListAsLongs blockReport = fsdataset.getBlockReport(bpid);
assertEquals(0, blockReport.getNumberOfBlocks());
int bytesAdded = addSomeBlocks(fsdataset);
blockReport = fsdataset.getBlockReport(bpid);
assertEquals(NUMBLOCKS, blockReport.getNumberOfBlocks());
for (Block b : blockReport) {
assertEquals(blockIdToLen(b.getBlockId()), b.getNumBytes());
// Inject blocks into an empty fsdataset
// - injecting the blocks we got above.
SimulatedFSDataset sfsdataset = getSimulatedFSDataset();
sfsdataset.injectBlocks(bpid, blockReport);
blockReport = sfsdataset.getBlockReport(bpid);
assertEquals(NUMBLOCKS, blockReport.getNumberOfBlocks());
for (Block b : blockReport) {
assertEquals(blockIdToLen(b.getBlockId()), b.getNumBytes());
assertEquals(blockIdToLen(b.getBlockId()), sfsdataset.getLength(new ExtendedBlock(bpid, b)));
assertEquals(bytesAdded, sfsdataset.getDfsUsed());
assertEquals(sfsdataset.getCapacity() - bytesAdded, sfsdataset.getRemaining());
use of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.BlockListAsLongs in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestSimulatedFSDataset method testInjectionNonEmpty.
public void testInjectionNonEmpty() throws IOException {
SimulatedFSDataset fsdataset = getSimulatedFSDataset();
BlockListAsLongs blockReport = fsdataset.getBlockReport(bpid);
assertEquals(0, blockReport.getNumberOfBlocks());
int bytesAdded = addSomeBlocks(fsdataset);
blockReport = fsdataset.getBlockReport(bpid);
assertEquals(NUMBLOCKS, blockReport.getNumberOfBlocks());
for (Block b : blockReport) {
assertEquals(blockIdToLen(b.getBlockId()), b.getNumBytes());
fsdataset = null;
// Inject blocks into an non-empty fsdataset
// - injecting the blocks we got above.
SimulatedFSDataset sfsdataset = getSimulatedFSDataset();
// Add come blocks whose block ids do not conflict with
// the ones we are going to inject.
bytesAdded += addSomeBlocks(sfsdataset, NUMBLOCKS + 1, false);
assertEquals(NUMBLOCKS, blockReport.getNumberOfBlocks());
assertEquals(NUMBLOCKS, blockReport.getNumberOfBlocks());
sfsdataset.injectBlocks(bpid, blockReport);
blockReport = sfsdataset.getBlockReport(bpid);
assertEquals(NUMBLOCKS * 2, blockReport.getNumberOfBlocks());
for (Block b : blockReport) {
assertEquals(blockIdToLen(b.getBlockId()), b.getNumBytes());
assertEquals(blockIdToLen(b.getBlockId()), sfsdataset.getLength(new ExtendedBlock(bpid, b)));
assertEquals(bytesAdded, sfsdataset.getDfsUsed());
assertEquals(sfsdataset.getCapacity() - bytesAdded, sfsdataset.getRemaining());
// Now test that the dataset cannot be created if it does not have sufficient cap
conf.setLong(SimulatedFSDataset.CONFIG_PROPERTY_CAPACITY, 10);
try {
sfsdataset = getSimulatedFSDataset();
sfsdataset.addBlockPool(bpid, conf);
sfsdataset.injectBlocks(bpid, blockReport);
assertTrue("Expected an IO exception", false);
} catch (IOException e) {
// ok - as expected
use of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.BlockListAsLongs in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestSimulatedFSDataset method testGetBlockReport.
public void testGetBlockReport() throws IOException {
SimulatedFSDataset fsdataset = getSimulatedFSDataset();
BlockListAsLongs blockReport = fsdataset.getBlockReport(bpid);
assertEquals(0, blockReport.getNumberOfBlocks());
blockReport = fsdataset.getBlockReport(bpid);
assertEquals(NUMBLOCKS, blockReport.getNumberOfBlocks());
for (Block b : blockReport) {
assertEquals(blockIdToLen(b.getBlockId()), b.getNumBytes());