use of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.CacheDirectiveInfo in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestCacheDirectives method testMaxRelativeExpiry.
@Test(timeout = 30000)
public void testMaxRelativeExpiry() throws Exception {
// Test that negative and really big max expirations can't be set during add
try {
dfs.addCachePool(new CachePoolInfo("failpool").setMaxRelativeExpiryMs(-1l));
fail("Added a pool with a negative max expiry.");
} catch (InvalidRequestException e) {
GenericTestUtils.assertExceptionContains("negative", e);
try {
dfs.addCachePool(new CachePoolInfo("failpool").setMaxRelativeExpiryMs(Long.MAX_VALUE - 1));
fail("Added a pool with too big of a max expiry.");
} catch (InvalidRequestException e) {
GenericTestUtils.assertExceptionContains("too big", e);
// Test that setting a max relative expiry on a pool works
CachePoolInfo coolPool = new CachePoolInfo("coolPool");
final long poolExpiration = 1000 * 60 * 10l;
RemoteIterator<CachePoolEntry> poolIt = dfs.listCachePools();
CachePoolInfo listPool =;
assertFalse("Should only be one pool", poolIt.hasNext());
assertEquals("Expected max relative expiry to match set value", poolExpiration, listPool.getMaxRelativeExpiryMs().longValue());
// Test that negative and really big max expirations can't be modified
try {
fail("Added a pool with a negative max expiry.");
} catch (InvalidRequestException e) {
assertExceptionContains("negative", e);
try {
dfs.modifyCachePool(coolPool.setMaxRelativeExpiryMs(CachePoolInfo.RELATIVE_EXPIRY_NEVER + 1));
fail("Added a pool with too big of a max expiry.");
} catch (InvalidRequestException e) {
assertExceptionContains("too big", e);
// Test that adding a directives without an expiration uses the pool's max
CacheDirectiveInfo defaultExpiry = new CacheDirectiveInfo.Builder().setPath(new Path("/blah")).setPool(coolPool.getPoolName()).build();
RemoteIterator<CacheDirectiveEntry> dirIt = dfs.listCacheDirectives(defaultExpiry);
CacheDirectiveInfo listInfo =;
assertFalse("Should only have one entry in listing", dirIt.hasNext());
long listExpiration = listInfo.getExpiration().getAbsoluteMillis() - new Date().getTime();
assertTrue("Directive expiry should be approximately the pool's max expiry", Math.abs(listExpiration - poolExpiration) < 10 * 1000);
// Test that the max is enforced on add for relative and absolute
CacheDirectiveInfo.Builder builder = new CacheDirectiveInfo.Builder().setPath(new Path("/lolcat")).setPool(coolPool.getPoolName());
try {
dfs.addCacheDirective(builder.setExpiration(Expiration.newRelative(poolExpiration + 1)).build());
fail("Added a directive that exceeds pool's max relative expiration");
} catch (InvalidRequestException e) {
assertExceptionContains("exceeds the max relative expiration", e);
try {
dfs.addCacheDirective(builder.setExpiration(Expiration.newAbsolute(new Date().getTime() + poolExpiration + (10 * 1000))).build());
fail("Added a directive that exceeds pool's max relative expiration");
} catch (InvalidRequestException e) {
assertExceptionContains("exceeds the max relative expiration", e);
// Test that max is enforced on modify for relative and absolute Expirations
try {
dfs.modifyCacheDirective(new CacheDirectiveInfo.Builder(defaultExpiry).setId(listInfo.getId()).setExpiration(Expiration.newRelative(poolExpiration + 1)).build());
fail("Modified a directive to exceed pool's max relative expiration");
} catch (InvalidRequestException e) {
assertExceptionContains("exceeds the max relative expiration", e);
try {
dfs.modifyCacheDirective(new CacheDirectiveInfo.Builder(defaultExpiry).setId(listInfo.getId()).setExpiration(Expiration.newAbsolute(new Date().getTime() + poolExpiration + (10 * 1000))).build());
fail("Modified a directive to exceed pool's max relative expiration");
} catch (InvalidRequestException e) {
assertExceptionContains("exceeds the max relative expiration", e);
// Test some giant limit values with add
try {
fail("Added a directive with a gigantic max value");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
assertExceptionContains("is too far in the future", e);
try {
fail("Added a directive with a gigantic max value");
} catch (InvalidRequestException e) {
assertExceptionContains("is too far in the future", e);
// Test some giant limit values with modify
try {
dfs.modifyCacheDirective(new CacheDirectiveInfo.Builder(defaultExpiry).setId(listInfo.getId()).setExpiration(Expiration.NEVER).build());
fail("Modified a directive to exceed pool's max relative expiration");
} catch (InvalidRequestException e) {
assertExceptionContains("exceeds the max relative expiration", e);
try {
dfs.modifyCacheDirective(new CacheDirectiveInfo.Builder(defaultExpiry).setId(listInfo.getId()).setExpiration(Expiration.newAbsolute(Long.MAX_VALUE)).build());
fail("Modified a directive to exceed pool's max relative expiration");
} catch (InvalidRequestException e) {
assertExceptionContains("is too far in the future", e);
// Test that the max is enforced on modify correctly when changing pools
CachePoolInfo destPool = new CachePoolInfo("destPool");
dfs.addCachePool(destPool.setMaxRelativeExpiryMs(poolExpiration / 2));
try {
dfs.modifyCacheDirective(new CacheDirectiveInfo.Builder(defaultExpiry).setId(listInfo.getId()).setPool(destPool.getPoolName()).build());
fail("Modified a directive to a pool with a lower max expiration");
} catch (InvalidRequestException e) {
assertExceptionContains("exceeds the max relative expiration", e);
dfs.modifyCacheDirective(new CacheDirectiveInfo.Builder(defaultExpiry).setId(listInfo.getId()).setPool(destPool.getPoolName()).setExpiration(Expiration.newRelative(poolExpiration / 2)).build());
dirIt = dfs.listCacheDirectives(new CacheDirectiveInfo.Builder().setPool(destPool.getPoolName()).build());
listInfo =;
listExpiration = listInfo.getExpiration().getAbsoluteMillis() - new Date().getTime();
assertTrue("Unexpected relative expiry " + listExpiration + " expected approximately " + poolExpiration / 2, Math.abs(poolExpiration / 2 - listExpiration) < 10 * 1000);
// Test that cache pool and directive expiry can be modified back to never
poolIt = dfs.listCachePools();
listPool =;
while (!listPool.getPoolName().equals(destPool.getPoolName())) {
listPool =;
assertEquals("Expected max relative expiry to match set value", CachePoolInfo.RELATIVE_EXPIRY_NEVER, listPool.getMaxRelativeExpiryMs().longValue());
dfs.modifyCacheDirective(new CacheDirectiveInfo.Builder().setId(listInfo.getId()).setExpiration(Expiration.newRelative(RELATIVE_EXPIRY_NEVER)).build());
// Test modifying close to the limit
dfs.modifyCacheDirective(new CacheDirectiveInfo.Builder().setId(listInfo.getId()).setExpiration(Expiration.newRelative(RELATIVE_EXPIRY_NEVER - 1)).build());
use of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.CacheDirectiveInfo in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestCacheDirectives method testLimit.
@Test(timeout = 120000)
public void testLimit() throws Exception {
try {
dfs.addCachePool(new CachePoolInfo("poolofnegativity").setLimit(-99l));
fail("Should not be able to set a negative limit");
} catch (InvalidRequestException e) {
GenericTestUtils.assertExceptionContains("negative", e);
final String destiny = "poolofdestiny";
final Path path1 = new Path("/destiny");
DFSTestUtil.createFile(dfs, path1, 2 * BLOCK_SIZE, (short) 1, 0x9494);
// Start off with a limit that is too small
final CachePoolInfo poolInfo = new CachePoolInfo(destiny).setLimit(2 * BLOCK_SIZE - 1);
final CacheDirectiveInfo info1 = new CacheDirectiveInfo.Builder().setPool(destiny).setPath(path1).build();
try {
fail("Should not be able to cache when there is no more limit");
} catch (InvalidRequestException e) {
GenericTestUtils.assertExceptionContains("remaining capacity", e);
// Raise the limit up to fit and it should work this time
poolInfo.setLimit(2 * BLOCK_SIZE);
long id1 = dfs.addCacheDirective(info1);
waitForCachePoolStats(dfs, 2 * BLOCK_SIZE, 2 * BLOCK_SIZE, 1, 1, poolInfo, "testLimit:1");
// Adding another file, it shouldn't be cached
final Path path2 = new Path("/failure");
DFSTestUtil.createFile(dfs, path2, BLOCK_SIZE, (short) 1, 0x9495);
try {
dfs.addCacheDirective(new CacheDirectiveInfo.Builder().setPool(destiny).setPath(path2).build(), EnumSet.noneOf(CacheFlag.class));
fail("Should not be able to add another cached file");
} catch (InvalidRequestException e) {
GenericTestUtils.assertExceptionContains("remaining capacity", e);
// Bring the limit down, the first file should get uncached
waitForCachePoolStats(dfs, 2 * BLOCK_SIZE, 0, 1, 0, poolInfo, "testLimit:2");
RemoteIterator<CachePoolEntry> it = dfs.listCachePools();
assertTrue("Expected a cache pool", it.hasNext());
CachePoolStats stats =;
assertEquals("Overlimit bytes should be difference of needed and limit", BLOCK_SIZE, stats.getBytesOverlimit());
// Moving a directive to a pool without enough limit should fail
CachePoolInfo inadequate = new CachePoolInfo("poolofinadequacy").setLimit(BLOCK_SIZE);
try {
dfs.modifyCacheDirective(new CacheDirectiveInfo.Builder(info1).setId(id1).setPool(inadequate.getPoolName()).build(), EnumSet.noneOf(CacheFlag.class));
} catch (InvalidRequestException e) {
GenericTestUtils.assertExceptionContains("remaining capacity", e);
// Succeeds when force=true
dfs.modifyCacheDirective(new CacheDirectiveInfo.Builder(info1).setId(id1).setPool(inadequate.getPoolName()).build(), EnumSet.of(CacheFlag.FORCE));
// Also can add with force=true
dfs.addCacheDirective(new CacheDirectiveInfo.Builder().setPool(inadequate.getPoolName()).setPath(path1).build(), EnumSet.of(CacheFlag.FORCE));
use of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.CacheDirectiveInfo in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestCacheDirectives method testWaitForCachedReplicas.
@Test(timeout = 120000)
public void testWaitForCachedReplicas() throws Exception {
FileSystemTestHelper helper = new FileSystemTestHelper();
GenericTestUtils.waitFor(new Supplier<Boolean>() {
public Boolean get() {
return ((namenode.getNamesystem().getCacheCapacity() == (NUM_DATANODES * CACHE_CAPACITY)) && (namenode.getNamesystem().getCacheUsed() == 0));
}, 500, 60000);
// Send a cache report referring to a bogus block. It is important that
// the NameNode be robust against this.
NamenodeProtocols nnRpc = namenode.getRpcServer();
DataNode dn0 = cluster.getDataNodes().get(0);
String bpid = cluster.getNamesystem().getBlockPoolId();
LinkedList<Long> bogusBlockIds = new LinkedList<Long>();
nnRpc.cacheReport(dn0.getDNRegistrationForBP(bpid), bpid, bogusBlockIds);
Path rootDir = helper.getDefaultWorkingDirectory(dfs);
// Create the pool
final String pool = "friendlyPool";
nnRpc.addCachePool(new CachePoolInfo("friendlyPool"));
// Create some test files
final int numFiles = 2;
final int numBlocksPerFile = 2;
final List<String> paths = new ArrayList<String>(numFiles);
for (int i = 0; i < numFiles; i++) {
Path p = new Path(rootDir, "testCachePaths-" + i);
FileSystemTestHelper.createFile(dfs, p, numBlocksPerFile, (int) BLOCK_SIZE);
// Check the initial statistics at the namenode
waitForCachedBlocks(namenode, 0, 0, "testWaitForCachedReplicas:0");
// Cache and check each path in sequence
int expected = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < numFiles; i++) {
CacheDirectiveInfo directive = new CacheDirectiveInfo.Builder().setPath(new Path(paths.get(i))).setPool(pool).build();
nnRpc.addCacheDirective(directive, EnumSet.noneOf(CacheFlag.class));
expected += numBlocksPerFile;
waitForCachedBlocks(namenode, expected, expected, "testWaitForCachedReplicas:1");
// Check that the datanodes have the right cache values
DatanodeInfo[] live = dfs.getDataNodeStats(DatanodeReportType.LIVE);
assertEquals("Unexpected number of live nodes", NUM_DATANODES, live.length);
long totalUsed = 0;
for (DatanodeInfo dn : live) {
final long cacheCapacity = dn.getCacheCapacity();
final long cacheUsed = dn.getCacheUsed();
final long cacheRemaining = dn.getCacheRemaining();
assertEquals("Unexpected cache capacity", CACHE_CAPACITY, cacheCapacity);
assertEquals("Capacity not equal to used + remaining", cacheCapacity, cacheUsed + cacheRemaining);
assertEquals("Remaining not equal to capacity - used", cacheCapacity - cacheUsed, cacheRemaining);
totalUsed += cacheUsed;
assertEquals(expected * BLOCK_SIZE, totalUsed);
// Uncache and check each path in sequence
RemoteIterator<CacheDirectiveEntry> entries = new CacheDirectiveIterator(nnRpc, null, FsTracer.get(conf));
for (int i = 0; i < numFiles; i++) {
CacheDirectiveEntry entry =;
expected -= numBlocksPerFile;
waitForCachedBlocks(namenode, expected, expected, "testWaitForCachedReplicas:2");
use of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.CacheDirectiveInfo in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestCacheDirectives method testAddRemoveDirectives.
@Test(timeout = 60000)
public void testAddRemoveDirectives() throws Exception {
proto.addCachePool(new CachePoolInfo("pool1").setMode(new FsPermission((short) 0777)));
proto.addCachePool(new CachePoolInfo("pool2").setMode(new FsPermission((short) 0777)));
proto.addCachePool(new CachePoolInfo("pool3").setMode(new FsPermission((short) 0777)));
proto.addCachePool(new CachePoolInfo("pool4").setMode(new FsPermission((short) 0)));
CacheDirectiveInfo alpha = new CacheDirectiveInfo.Builder().setPath(new Path("/alpha")).setPool("pool1").build();
CacheDirectiveInfo beta = new CacheDirectiveInfo.Builder().setPath(new Path("/beta")).setPool("pool2").build();
CacheDirectiveInfo delta = new CacheDirectiveInfo.Builder().setPath(new Path("/delta")).setPool("pool1").build();
long alphaId = addAsUnprivileged(alpha);
long alphaId2 = addAsUnprivileged(alpha);
assertFalse("Expected to get unique directives when re-adding an " + "existing CacheDirectiveInfo", alphaId == alphaId2);
long betaId = addAsUnprivileged(beta);
try {
addAsUnprivileged(new CacheDirectiveInfo.Builder().setPath(new Path("/unicorn")).setPool("no_such_pool").build());
fail("expected an error when adding to a non-existent pool.");
} catch (InvalidRequestException ioe) {
GenericTestUtils.assertExceptionContains("Unknown pool", ioe);
try {
addAsUnprivileged(new CacheDirectiveInfo.Builder().setPath(new Path("/blackhole")).setPool("pool4").build());
fail("expected an error when adding to a pool with " + "mode 0 (no permissions for anyone).");
} catch (AccessControlException e) {
GenericTestUtils.assertExceptionContains("Permission denied while accessing pool", e);
try {
addAsUnprivileged(new CacheDirectiveInfo.Builder().setPath(new Path("/illegal:path/")).setPool("pool1").build());
fail("expected an error when adding a malformed path " + "to the cache directives.");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
GenericTestUtils.assertExceptionContains("is not a valid DFS filename", e);
try {
addAsUnprivileged(new CacheDirectiveInfo.Builder().setPath(new Path("/emptypoolname")).setReplication((short) 1).setPool("").build());
fail("expected an error when adding a cache " + "directive with an empty pool name.");
} catch (InvalidRequestException e) {
GenericTestUtils.assertExceptionContains("Invalid empty pool name", e);
long deltaId = addAsUnprivileged(delta);
// We expect the following to succeed, because DistributedFileSystem
// qualifies the path.
long relativeId = addAsUnprivileged(new CacheDirectiveInfo.Builder().setPath(new Path("relative")).setPool("pool1").build());
RemoteIterator<CacheDirectiveEntry> iter;
iter = dfs.listCacheDirectives(null);
validateListAll(iter, alphaId, alphaId2, betaId, deltaId, relativeId);
iter = dfs.listCacheDirectives(new CacheDirectiveInfo.Builder().setPool("pool3").build());
iter = dfs.listCacheDirectives(new CacheDirectiveInfo.Builder().setPool("pool1").build());
validateListAll(iter, alphaId, alphaId2, deltaId, relativeId);
iter = dfs.listCacheDirectives(new CacheDirectiveInfo.Builder().setPool("pool2").build());
validateListAll(iter, betaId);
iter = dfs.listCacheDirectives(new CacheDirectiveInfo.Builder().setId(alphaId2).build());
validateListAll(iter, alphaId2);
iter = dfs.listCacheDirectives(new CacheDirectiveInfo.Builder().setId(relativeId).build());
validateListAll(iter, relativeId);
iter = dfs.listCacheDirectives(new CacheDirectiveInfo.Builder().setPool("pool2").build());
try {
fail("expected an error when removing a non-existent ID");
} catch (InvalidRequestException e) {
GenericTestUtils.assertExceptionContains("No directive with ID", e);
try {
fail("expected an error when removing a negative ID");
} catch (InvalidRequestException e) {
GenericTestUtils.assertExceptionContains("Invalid negative ID", e);
try {
fail("expected an error when removing a non-existent ID");
} catch (InvalidRequestException e) {
GenericTestUtils.assertExceptionContains("No directive with ID", e);
dfs.modifyCacheDirective(new CacheDirectiveInfo.Builder().setId(relativeId).setReplication((short) 555).build());
iter = dfs.listCacheDirectives(null);
CacheDirectiveInfo modified =;
assertEquals(relativeId, modified.getId().longValue());
assertEquals((short) 555, modified.getReplication().shortValue());
iter = dfs.listCacheDirectives(null);
// Verify that PBCDs with path "." work correctly
CacheDirectiveInfo directive = new CacheDirectiveInfo.Builder().setPath(new Path(".")).setPool("pool1").build();
long id = dfs.addCacheDirective(directive);
dfs.modifyCacheDirective(new CacheDirectiveInfo.Builder(directive).setId(id).setReplication((short) 2).build());
// Perform cache directive operations using a closed file system.
DistributedFileSystem dfs1 = (DistributedFileSystem) cluster.getNewFileSystemInstance(0);
try {
fail("listCacheDirectives using a closed filesystem!");
} catch (IOException ioe) {
GenericTestUtils.assertExceptionContains("Filesystem closed", ioe);
try {
fail("addCacheDirective using a closed filesystem!");
} catch (IOException ioe) {
GenericTestUtils.assertExceptionContains("Filesystem closed", ioe);
try {
fail("modifyCacheDirective using a closed filesystem!");
} catch (IOException ioe) {
GenericTestUtils.assertExceptionContains("Filesystem closed", ioe);
try {
fail("removeCacheDirective using a closed filesystem!");
} catch (IOException ioe) {
GenericTestUtils.assertExceptionContains("Filesystem closed", ioe);
use of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.CacheDirectiveInfo in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestAuditLoggerWithCommands method testAddCacheDirective.
public void testAddCacheDirective() throws Exception {
proto.addCachePool(new CachePoolInfo("pool1").setMode(new FsPermission((short) 0)));
CacheDirectiveInfo alpha = new CacheDirectiveInfo.Builder().setPath(new Path("/alpha")).setPool("pool1").build();
fileSys = DFSTestUtil.getFileSystemAs(user1, conf);
try {
((DistributedFileSystem) fileSys).addCacheDirective(alpha);
fail("The operation should have failed with AccessControlException");
} catch (AccessControlException ace) {
String aceAddCachePattern = ".*allowed=false.*ugi=theDoctor.*cmd=addCache.*";
int length = verifyAuditLogs(aceAddCachePattern);
try {
((DistributedFileSystem) fileSys).addCacheDirective(alpha);
fail("The operation should have failed with IOException");
} catch (IOException e) {
assertTrue("Unexpected log!", length == auditlog.getOutput().split("\n").length);