use of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.SnapshotDiffReport.DiffReportEntry in project hadoop by apache.
the class SnapshotDiffInfo method generateReport.
* Interpret the ChildrenDiff and generate a list of {@link DiffReportEntry}.
* @param dirDiff The ChildrenDiff.
* @param parentPath The relative path of the parent.
* @param fromEarlier True indicates {@code diff=later-earlier},
* False indicates {@code diff=earlier-later}
* @param renameMap A map containing information about rename operations.
* @return A list of {@link DiffReportEntry} as the diff report.
private List<DiffReportEntry> generateReport(ChildrenDiff dirDiff, byte[][] parentPath, boolean fromEarlier, Map<Long, RenameEntry> renameMap) {
List<DiffReportEntry> list = new ArrayList<DiffReportEntry>();
List<INode> created = dirDiff.getList(ListType.CREATED);
List<INode> deleted = dirDiff.getList(ListType.DELETED);
byte[][] fullPath = new byte[parentPath.length + 1][];
System.arraycopy(parentPath, 0, fullPath, 0, parentPath.length);
for (INode cnode : created) {
RenameEntry entry = renameMap.get(cnode.getId());
if (entry == null || !entry.isRename()) {
fullPath[fullPath.length - 1] = cnode.getLocalNameBytes();
list.add(new DiffReportEntry(fromEarlier ? DiffType.CREATE : DiffType.DELETE, fullPath));
for (INode dnode : deleted) {
RenameEntry entry = renameMap.get(dnode.getId());
if (entry != null && entry.isRename()) {
list.add(new DiffReportEntry(DiffType.RENAME, fromEarlier ? entry.getSourcePath() : entry.getTargetPath(), fromEarlier ? entry.getTargetPath() : entry.getSourcePath()));
} else {
fullPath[fullPath.length - 1] = dnode.getLocalNameBytes();
list.add(new DiffReportEntry(fromEarlier ? DiffType.DELETE : DiffType.CREATE, fullPath));
return list;
use of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.SnapshotDiffReport.DiffReportEntry in project hadoop by apache.
the class SnapshotDiffInfo method generateReport.
* Generate a {@link SnapshotDiffReport} based on detailed diff information.
* @return A {@link SnapshotDiffReport} describing the difference
public SnapshotDiffReport generateReport() {
List<DiffReportEntry> diffReportList = new ArrayList<DiffReportEntry>();
for (Map.Entry<INode, byte[][]> drEntry : diffMap.entrySet()) {
INode node = drEntry.getKey();
byte[][] path = drEntry.getValue();
diffReportList.add(new DiffReportEntry(DiffType.MODIFY, path, null));
if (node.isDirectory()) {
List<DiffReportEntry> subList = generateReport(dirDiffMap.get(node), path, isFromEarlier(), renameMap);
return new SnapshotDiffReport(snapshotRoot.getFullPathName(), Snapshot.getSnapshotName(from), Snapshot.getSnapshotName(to), diffReportList);
use of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.SnapshotDiffReport.DiffReportEntry in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestRenameWithSnapshots method testRenameWithOverWrite.
public void testRenameWithOverWrite() throws Exception {
final Path root = new Path("/");
final Path foo = new Path(root, "foo");
final Path file1InFoo = new Path(foo, "file1");
final Path file2InFoo = new Path(foo, "file2");
final Path file3InFoo = new Path(foo, "file3");
DFSTestUtil.createFile(hdfs, file1InFoo, 1L, REPL, SEED);
DFSTestUtil.createFile(hdfs, file2InFoo, 1L, REPL, SEED);
DFSTestUtil.createFile(hdfs, file3InFoo, 1L, REPL, SEED);
final Path bar = new Path(root, "bar");
SnapshotTestHelper.createSnapshot(hdfs, root, "s0");
// move file1 from foo to bar
final Path fileInBar = new Path(bar, "file1");
hdfs.rename(file1InFoo, fileInBar);
// rename bar to newDir
final Path newDir = new Path(root, "newDir");
hdfs.rename(bar, newDir);
// move file2 from foo to newDir
final Path file2InNewDir = new Path(newDir, "file2");
hdfs.rename(file2InFoo, file2InNewDir);
// move file3 from foo to newDir and rename it to file1, this will overwrite
// the original file1
final Path file1InNewDir = new Path(newDir, "file1");
hdfs.rename(file3InFoo, file1InNewDir, Rename.OVERWRITE);
SnapshotTestHelper.createSnapshot(hdfs, root, "s1");
SnapshotDiffReport report = hdfs.getSnapshotDiffReport(root, "s0", "s1");"DiffList is \n\"" + report.toString() + "\"");
List<DiffReportEntry> entries = report.getDiffList();
assertEquals(7, entries.size());
assertTrue(existsInDiffReport(entries, DiffType.MODIFY, "", null));
assertTrue(existsInDiffReport(entries, DiffType.MODIFY, foo.getName(), null));
assertTrue(existsInDiffReport(entries, DiffType.MODIFY, bar.getName(), null));
assertTrue(existsInDiffReport(entries, DiffType.DELETE, "foo/file1", null));
assertTrue(existsInDiffReport(entries, DiffType.RENAME, "bar", "newDir"));
assertTrue(existsInDiffReport(entries, DiffType.RENAME, "foo/file2", "newDir/file2"));
assertTrue(existsInDiffReport(entries, DiffType.RENAME, "foo/file3", "newDir/file1"));
use of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.SnapshotDiffReport.DiffReportEntry in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestRenameWithSnapshots method testRenameDirectoryInSnapshot.
@Test(timeout = 60000)
public void testRenameDirectoryInSnapshot() throws Exception {
final Path sub2 = new Path(sub1, "sub2");
final Path sub3 = new Path(sub1, "sub3");
final Path sub2file1 = new Path(sub2, "sub2file1");
final String sub1snap1 = "sub1snap1";
DFSTestUtil.createFile(hdfs, sub2file1, BLOCKSIZE, REPL, SEED);
SnapshotTestHelper.createSnapshot(hdfs, sub1, sub1snap1);
// First rename the sub-directory.
hdfs.rename(sub2, sub3);
// Query the diff report and make sure it looks as expected.
SnapshotDiffReport diffReport = hdfs.getSnapshotDiffReport(sub1, sub1snap1, "");"DiffList is \n\"" + diffReport.toString() + "\"");
List<DiffReportEntry> entries = diffReport.getDiffList();
assertEquals(2, entries.size());
assertTrue(existsInDiffReport(entries, DiffType.MODIFY, "", null));
assertTrue(existsInDiffReport(entries, DiffType.RENAME, sub2.getName(), sub3.getName()));
use of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.SnapshotDiffReport.DiffReportEntry in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestSnapshotDiffReport method testDiffReport2.
* Make changes under a sub-directory, then delete the sub-directory. Make
* sure the diff report computation correctly retrieve the diff from the
* deleted sub-directory.
@Test(timeout = 60000)
public void testDiffReport2() throws Exception {
Path subsub1 = new Path(sub1, "subsub1");
Path subsubsub1 = new Path(subsub1, "subsubsub1");
modifyAndCreateSnapshot(subsubsub1, new Path[] { sub1 });
// delete subsub1
hdfs.delete(subsub1, true);
// check diff report between s0 and s2
verifyDiffReport(sub1, "s0", "s2", new DiffReportEntry(DiffType.MODIFY, DFSUtil.string2Bytes("subsub1/subsubsub1")), new DiffReportEntry(DiffType.CREATE, DFSUtil.string2Bytes("subsub1/subsubsub1/file15")), new DiffReportEntry(DiffType.DELETE, DFSUtil.string2Bytes("subsub1/subsubsub1/file12")), new DiffReportEntry(DiffType.DELETE, DFSUtil.string2Bytes("subsub1/subsubsub1/file11")), new DiffReportEntry(DiffType.CREATE, DFSUtil.string2Bytes("subsub1/subsubsub1/file11")), new DiffReportEntry(DiffType.MODIFY, DFSUtil.string2Bytes("subsub1/subsubsub1/file13")), new DiffReportEntry(DiffType.CREATE, DFSUtil.string2Bytes("subsub1/subsubsub1/link13")), new DiffReportEntry(DiffType.DELETE, DFSUtil.string2Bytes("subsub1/subsubsub1/link13")));
// check diff report between s0 and the current status
verifyDiffReport(sub1, "s0", "", new DiffReportEntry(DiffType.MODIFY, DFSUtil.string2Bytes("")), new DiffReportEntry(DiffType.DELETE, DFSUtil.string2Bytes("subsub1")));