use of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.diskbalancer.DiskBalancerException in project hadoop by apache.
the class CancelCommand method cancelPlan.
* Cancels a running plan.
* @param planData - Plan data.
* @throws IOException
private void cancelPlan(String planData) throws IOException {
NodePlan plan = NodePlan.parseJson(planData);
String dataNodeAddress = plan.getNodeName() + ":" + plan.getPort();
ClientDatanodeProtocol dataNode = getDataNodeProxy(dataNodeAddress);
String planHash = DigestUtils.shaHex(planData);
try {
} catch (DiskBalancerException ex) {
LOG.error("Cancelling plan on {} failed. Result: {}, Message: {}", plan.getNodeName(), ex.getResult().toString(), ex.getMessage());
throw ex;
use of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.diskbalancer.DiskBalancerException in project hadoop by apache.
the class CancelCommand method cancelPlanUsingHash.
* Cancels a running plan.
* @param nodeAddress - Address of the data node.
* @param hash - Sha512 hash of the plan, which can be read from datanode
* using query status command.
* @throws IOException
private void cancelPlanUsingHash(String nodeAddress, String hash) throws IOException {
ClientDatanodeProtocol dataNode = getDataNodeProxy(nodeAddress);
try {
} catch (DiskBalancerException ex) {
LOG.error("Cancelling plan on {} failed. Result: {}, Message: {}", nodeAddress, ex.getResult().toString(), ex.getMessage());
throw ex;
use of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.diskbalancer.DiskBalancerException in project hadoop by apache.
the class QueryCommand method execute.
* Executes the Client Calls.
* @param cmd - CommandLine
public void execute(CommandLine cmd) throws Exception {"Executing \"query plan\" command.");
verifyCommandOptions(DiskBalancerCLI.QUERY, cmd);
String nodeName = cmd.getOptionValue(DiskBalancerCLI.QUERY);
nodeName = nodeName.trim();
String nodeAddress = nodeName;
// if the string is not name:port format use the default port.
if (!nodeName.matches("[^\\:]+:[0-9]{2,5}")) {
int defaultIPC = NetUtils.createSocketAddr(getConf().getTrimmed(DFSConfigKeys.DFS_DATANODE_IPC_ADDRESS_KEY, DFSConfigKeys.DFS_DATANODE_IPC_ADDRESS_DEFAULT)).getPort();
nodeAddress = nodeName + ":" + defaultIPC;
LOG.debug("Using default data node port : {}", nodeAddress);
ClientDatanodeProtocol dataNode = getDataNodeProxy(nodeAddress);
try {
DiskBalancerWorkStatus workStatus = dataNode.queryDiskBalancerPlan();
System.out.printf("Plan File: %s%nPlan ID: %s%nResult: %s%n", workStatus.getPlanFile(), workStatus.getPlanID(), workStatus.getResult().toString());
if (cmd.hasOption(DiskBalancerCLI.VERBOSE)) {
System.out.printf("%s", workStatus.currentStateString());
} catch (DiskBalancerException ex) {
LOG.error("Query plan failed. ex: {}", ex);
throw ex;
use of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.diskbalancer.DiskBalancerException in project hadoop by apache.
the class ReportCommand method handleNodeReport.
private void handleNodeReport(final CommandLine cmd, StrBuilder result, final String nodeFormat, final String volumeFormat) throws Exception {
String outputLine = "";
* get value that identifies DataNode(s) from command line, it could be
* UUID, IP address or host name.
final String nodeVal = cmd.getOptionValue(DiskBalancerCLI.NODE);
if (StringUtils.isBlank(nodeVal)) {
outputLine = "The value for '-node' is neither specified or empty.";
recordOutput(result, outputLine);
} else {
* Reporting volume information for specific DataNode(s)
outputLine = String.format("Reporting volume information for DataNode(s) '%s'.", nodeVal);
recordOutput(result, outputLine);
List<DiskBalancerDataNode> dbdns = Lists.newArrayList();
try {
dbdns = getNodes(nodeVal);
} catch (DiskBalancerException e) {
// If there are some invalid nodes that contained in nodeVal,
// the exception will be threw.
recordOutput(result, e.getMessage());
if (!dbdns.isEmpty()) {
for (DiskBalancerDataNode node : dbdns) {
recordNodeReport(result, node, nodeFormat, volumeFormat);