use of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.NNStorage.NameNodeFile in project hadoop by apache.
the class FSImage method loadFSImage.
* Choose latest image from one of the directories,
* load it and merge with the edits.
* Saving and loading fsimage should never trigger symlink resolution.
* The paths that are persisted do not have *intermediate* symlinks
* because intermediate symlinks are resolved at the time files,
* directories, and symlinks are created. All paths accessed while
* loading or saving fsimage should therefore only see symlinks as
* the final path component, and the functions called below do not
* resolve symlinks that are the final path component.
* @return whether the image should be saved
* @throws IOException
private boolean loadFSImage(FSNamesystem target, StartupOption startOpt, MetaRecoveryContext recovery) throws IOException {
final boolean rollingRollback = RollingUpgradeStartupOption.ROLLBACK.matches(startOpt);
final EnumSet<NameNodeFile> nnfs;
if (rollingRollback) {
// if it is rollback of rolling upgrade, only load from the rollback image
nnfs = EnumSet.of(NameNodeFile.IMAGE_ROLLBACK);
} else {
// otherwise we can load from both IMAGE and IMAGE_ROLLBACK
nnfs = EnumSet.of(NameNodeFile.IMAGE, NameNodeFile.IMAGE_ROLLBACK);
final FSImageStorageInspector inspector = storage.readAndInspectDirs(nnfs, startOpt);
isUpgradeFinalized = inspector.isUpgradeFinalized();
List<FSImageFile> imageFiles = inspector.getLatestImages();
StartupProgress prog = NameNode.getStartupProgress();
File phaseFile = imageFiles.get(0).getFile();
prog.setFile(Phase.LOADING_FSIMAGE, phaseFile.getAbsolutePath());
prog.setSize(Phase.LOADING_FSIMAGE, phaseFile.length());
boolean needToSave = inspector.needToSave();
Iterable<EditLogInputStream> editStreams = null;
if (NameNodeLayoutVersion.supports(LayoutVersion.Feature.TXID_BASED_LAYOUT, getLayoutVersion())) {
// If we're open for write, we're either non-HA or we're the active NN, so
// we better be able to load all the edits. If we're the standby NN, it's
// OK to not be able to read all of edits right now.
// In the meanwhile, for HA upgrade, we will still write editlog thus need
// this toAtLeastTxId to be set to the max-seen txid
// For rollback in rolling upgrade, we need to set the toAtLeastTxId to
// the txid right before the upgrade marker.
long toAtLeastTxId = editLog.isOpenForWrite() ? inspector.getMaxSeenTxId() : 0;
if (rollingRollback) {
// note that the first image in imageFiles is the special checkpoint
// for the rolling upgrade
toAtLeastTxId = imageFiles.get(0).getCheckpointTxId() + 2;
editStreams = editLog.selectInputStreams(imageFiles.get(0).getCheckpointTxId() + 1, toAtLeastTxId, recovery, false);
} else {
editStreams = FSImagePreTransactionalStorageInspector.getEditLogStreams(storage);
for (EditLogInputStream elis : editStreams) {
for (EditLogInputStream l : editStreams) {
LOG.debug("Planning to load edit log stream: " + l);
if (!editStreams.iterator().hasNext()) {"No edit log streams selected.");
FSImageFile imageFile = null;
for (int i = 0; i < imageFiles.size(); i++) {
try {
imageFile = imageFiles.get(i);
loadFSImageFile(target, recovery, imageFile, startOpt);
} catch (IllegalReservedPathException ie) {
throw new IOException("Failed to load image from " + imageFile, ie);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("Failed to load image from " + imageFile, e);
imageFile = null;
// Failed to load any images, error out
if (imageFile == null) {
throw new IOException("Failed to load FSImage file, see error(s) " + "above for more info.");
if (!rollingRollback) {
long txnsAdvanced = loadEdits(editStreams, target, startOpt, recovery);
needToSave |= needsResaveBasedOnStaleCheckpoint(imageFile.getFile(), txnsAdvanced);
} else {
// Trigger the rollback for rolling upgrade. Here lastAppliedTxId equals
// to the last txid in rollback fsimage.
rollingRollback(lastAppliedTxId + 1, imageFiles.get(0).getCheckpointTxId());
needToSave = false;
editLog.setNextTxId(lastAppliedTxId + 1);
return needToSave;
use of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.NNStorage.NameNodeFile in project hadoop by apache.
the class FSImage method saveNamespace.
* @param timeWindow a checkpoint is done if the latest checkpoint
* was done more than this number of seconds ago.
* @param txGap a checkpoint is done also if the gap between the latest tx id
* and the latest checkpoint is greater than this number.
* @return true if a checkpoint has been made
* @see #saveNamespace(FSNamesystem, NameNodeFile, Canceler)
public synchronized boolean saveNamespace(long timeWindow, long txGap, FSNamesystem source) throws IOException {
if (timeWindow > 0 || txGap > 0) {
final FSImageStorageInspector inspector = storage.readAndInspectDirs(EnumSet.of(NameNodeFile.IMAGE, NameNodeFile.IMAGE_ROLLBACK), StartupOption.REGULAR);
FSImageFile image = inspector.getLatestImages().get(0);
File imageFile = image.getFile();
final long checkpointTxId = image.getCheckpointTxId();
final long checkpointAge = - imageFile.lastModified();
if (checkpointAge <= timeWindow * 1000 && checkpointTxId >= this.getCorrectLastAppliedOrWrittenTxId() - txGap) {
return false;
saveNamespace(source, NameNodeFile.IMAGE, null);
return true;
use of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.NNStorage.NameNodeFile in project hadoop by apache.
the class TransferFsImage method uploadImage.
* Uploads the imagefile using HTTP PUT method
private static void uploadImage(URL url, Configuration conf, NNStorage storage, NameNodeFile nnf, long txId, Canceler canceler) throws IOException {
File imageFile = storage.findImageFile(nnf, txId);
if (imageFile == null) {
throw new IOException("Could not find image with txid " + txId);
HttpURLConnection connection = null;
try {
URIBuilder uriBuilder = new URIBuilder(url.toURI());
// write all params for image upload request as query itself.
// Request body contains the image to be uploaded.
Map<String, String> params = ImageServlet.getParamsForPutImage(storage, txId, imageFile.length(), nnf);
for (Entry<String, String> entry : params.entrySet()) {
uriBuilder.addParameter(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
URL urlWithParams =;
connection = (HttpURLConnection) connectionFactory.openConnection(urlWithParams, UserGroupInformation.isSecurityEnabled());
// Set the request to PUT
if (imageFile.length() > chunkSize) {
// using chunked streaming mode to support upload of 2GB+ files and to
// avoid internal buffering.
// this mode should be used only if more than chunkSize data is present
// to upload. otherwise upload may not happen sometimes.
// set headers for verification
ImageServlet.setVerificationHeadersForPut(connection, imageFile);
// Write the file to output stream.
writeFileToPutRequest(conf, connection, imageFile, canceler);
int responseCode = connection.getResponseCode();
if (responseCode != HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) {
throw new HttpPutFailedException(String.format("Image uploading failed, status: %d, url: %s, message: %s", responseCode, urlWithParams, connection.getResponseMessage()), responseCode);
} catch (AuthenticationException | URISyntaxException e) {
throw new IOException(e);
} finally {
if (connection != null) {