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Example 11 with DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature

use of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.snapshot.DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature in project hadoop by apache.

the class INodeDirectory method undoRename4DstParent.

   * Undo the rename operation for the dst tree, i.e., if the rename operation
   * (with OVERWRITE option) removes a file/dir from the dst tree, add it back
   * and delete possible record in the deleted list.  
public void undoRename4DstParent(final BlockStoragePolicySuite bsps, final INode deletedChild, int latestSnapshotId) throws QuotaExceededException {
    DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature sf = getDirectoryWithSnapshotFeature();
    assert sf != null : "Directory does not have snapshot feature";
    boolean removeDeletedChild = sf.getDiffs().removeChild(ListType.DELETED, deletedChild);
    int sid = removeDeletedChild ? Snapshot.CURRENT_STATE_ID : latestSnapshotId;
    final boolean added = addChild(deletedChild, true, sid);
    // been stored in deleted list before
    if (added && !removeDeletedChild) {
        final QuotaCounts counts = deletedChild.computeQuotaUsage(bsps);
        addSpaceConsumed(counts, false);
Also used : DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature(org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.snapshot.DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature)

Example 12 with DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature

use of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.snapshot.DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature in project hadoop by apache.

the class INodeDirectory method addSnapshotFeature.

public DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature addSnapshotFeature(DirectoryDiffList diffs) {
    Preconditions.checkState(!isWithSnapshot(), "Directory is already with snapshot");
    DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature sf = new DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature(diffs);
    return sf;
Also used : DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature(org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.snapshot.DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature)

Example 13 with DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature

use of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.snapshot.DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature in project hadoop by apache.

the class INodeDirectory method addChild.

   * Add a child inode to the directory.
   * @param node INode to insert
   * @param setModTime set modification time for the parent node
   *                   not needed when replaying the addition and 
   *                   the parent already has the proper mod time
   * @return false if the child with this name already exists; 
   *         otherwise, return true;
public boolean addChild(INode node, final boolean setModTime, final int latestSnapshotId) throws QuotaExceededException {
    final int low = searchChildren(node.getLocalNameBytes());
    if (low >= 0) {
        return false;
    if (isInLatestSnapshot(latestSnapshotId)) {
        // create snapshot feature if necessary
        DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature sf = this.getDirectoryWithSnapshotFeature();
        if (sf == null) {
            sf = this.addSnapshotFeature(null);
        return sf.addChild(this, node, setModTime, latestSnapshotId);
    addChild(node, low);
    if (setModTime) {
        // update modification time of the parent directory
        updateModificationTime(node.getModificationTime(), latestSnapshotId);
    return true;
Also used : DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature(org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.snapshot.DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature)

Example 14 with DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature

use of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.snapshot.DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature in project hadoop by apache.

the class INodeDirectory method cleanSubtree.

public void cleanSubtree(ReclaimContext reclaimContext, final int snapshotId, int priorSnapshotId) {
    DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature sf = getDirectoryWithSnapshotFeature();
    // there is snapshot data
    if (sf != null) {
        sf.cleanDirectory(reclaimContext, this, snapshotId, priorSnapshotId);
    } else {
        // there is no snapshot data
        if (priorSnapshotId == Snapshot.NO_SNAPSHOT_ID && snapshotId == Snapshot.CURRENT_STATE_ID) {
            // destroy the whole subtree and collect blocks that should be deleted
        } else {
            // make a copy the quota delta
            QuotaCounts old = reclaimContext.quotaDelta().getCountsCopy();
            // process recursively down the subtree
            cleanSubtreeRecursively(reclaimContext, snapshotId, priorSnapshotId, null);
            QuotaCounts current = reclaimContext.quotaDelta().getCountsCopy();
            if (isQuotaSet()) {
                reclaimContext.quotaDelta().addQuotaDirUpdate(this, current);
Also used : DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature(org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.snapshot.DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature)

Example 15 with DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature

use of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.snapshot.DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature in project hadoop by apache.

the class INodesInPath method resolve.

static INodesInPath resolve(final INodeDirectory startingDir, byte[][] components, final boolean isRaw) {
    Preconditions.checkArgument(startingDir.compareTo(components[0]) == 0);
    INode curNode = startingDir;
    int count = 0;
    int inodeNum = 0;
    INode[] inodes = new INode[components.length];
    boolean isSnapshot = false;
    int snapshotId = CURRENT_STATE_ID;
    while (count < components.length && curNode != null) {
        final boolean lastComp = (count == components.length - 1);
        inodes[inodeNum++] = curNode;
        final boolean isRef = curNode.isReference();
        final boolean isDir = curNode.isDirectory();
        final INodeDirectory dir = isDir ? curNode.asDirectory() : null;
        if (!isRef && isDir && dir.isWithSnapshot()) {
            //if the path is a non-snapshot path, update the latest snapshot.
            if (!isSnapshot && shouldUpdateLatestId(dir.getDirectoryWithSnapshotFeature().getLastSnapshotId(), snapshotId)) {
                snapshotId = dir.getDirectoryWithSnapshotFeature().getLastSnapshotId();
        } else if (isRef && isDir && !lastComp) {
            // recordModification method.
            if (!isSnapshot) {
                int dstSnapshotId = curNode.asReference().getDstSnapshotId();
                if (// no snapshot in dst tree of rename
                snapshotId == CURRENT_STATE_ID || (dstSnapshotId != CURRENT_STATE_ID && dstSnapshotId >= snapshotId)) {
                    // the above scenario
                    int lastSnapshot = CURRENT_STATE_ID;
                    DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature sf;
                    if (curNode.isDirectory() && (sf = curNode.asDirectory().getDirectoryWithSnapshotFeature()) != null) {
                        lastSnapshot = sf.getLastSnapshotId();
                    snapshotId = lastSnapshot;
        if (lastComp || !isDir) {
        final byte[] childName = components[++count];
        // check if the next byte[] in components is for ".snapshot"
        if (isDotSnapshotDir(childName) && dir.isSnapshottable()) {
            isSnapshot = true;
            // check if ".snapshot" is the last element of components
            if (count == components.length - 1) {
            // Resolve snapshot root
            final Snapshot s = dir.getSnapshot(components[count + 1]);
            if (s == null) {
                // snapshot not found
                curNode = null;
            } else {
                curNode = s.getRoot();
                snapshotId = s.getId();
            // combine .snapshot & name into 1 component element to ensure
            // 1-to-1 correspondence between components and inodes arrays is
            // preserved so a path can be reconstructed.
            byte[][] componentsCopy = Arrays.copyOf(components, components.length - 1);
            componentsCopy[count] = DFSUtil.string2Bytes(DFSUtil.byteArray2PathString(components, count, 2));
            // shift the remaining components after snapshot name
            int start = count + 2;
            System.arraycopy(components, start, componentsCopy, count + 1, components.length - start);
            components = componentsCopy;
            // reduce the inodes array to compensate for reduction in components
            inodes = Arrays.copyOf(inodes, components.length);
        } else {
            // normal case, and also for resolving file/dir under snapshot root
            curNode = dir.getChild(childName, isSnapshot ? snapshotId : CURRENT_STATE_ID);
    return new INodesInPath(inodes, components, isRaw, isSnapshot, snapshotId);
Also used : Snapshot(org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.snapshot.Snapshot) DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature(org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.snapshot.DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature)


DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature (org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.snapshot.DirectoryWithSnapshotFeature)15 DirectorySnapshottableFeature (org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.snapshot.DirectorySnapshottableFeature)2 WithCount (org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.INodeReference.WithCount)1 Snapshot (org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.snapshot.Snapshot)1