use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.llap.registry.LlapServiceInstance in project hive by apache.
the class GenericUDTFGetSplits method populateLlapDaemonInfos.
private LlapDaemonInfo[] populateLlapDaemonInfos(JobConf job, SplitLocationInfo[] locations) throws IOException {
LlapRegistryService registryService = LlapRegistryService.getClient(job);
LlapServiceInstanceSet instanceSet = registryService.getInstances();
Collection<LlapServiceInstance> llapServiceInstances = null;
// this means a valid location, see makeLocationHints()
if (locations.length == 1 && locations[0].getLocation() != null) {
llapServiceInstances = instanceSet.getByHost(locations[0].getLocation());
// let's populate them all so that we can fetch data from any of them.
if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(llapServiceInstances)) {
llapServiceInstances = instanceSet.getAll();
Preconditions.checkState(llapServiceInstances.size() > 0, "Unable to find any of the llap instances in zk registry");
LlapDaemonInfo[] llapDaemonInfos = new LlapDaemonInfo[llapServiceInstances.size()];
int count = 0;
for (LlapServiceInstance inst : llapServiceInstances) {
LlapDaemonInfo info;
if (LlapUtil.isCloudDeployment(job)) {
info = new LlapDaemonInfo(inst.getExternalHostname(), inst.getExternalClientsRpcPort(), inst.getOutputFormatPort());
} else {
info = new LlapDaemonInfo(inst.getHost(), inst.getRpcPort(), inst.getOutputFormatPort());
llapDaemonInfos[count++] = info;
return llapDaemonInfos;
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.llap.registry.LlapServiceInstance in project hive by apache.
the class LlapZookeeperRegistryImpl method getAllInstancesOrdered.
// The real implementation for the instanceset... instanceset has its own copy of the
// ZK cache yet completely depends on the parent in every other aspect and is thus unneeded.
Collection<LlapServiceInstance> getAllInstancesOrdered(boolean consistentIndexes, PathChildrenCache instancesCache) {
Map<String, Long> slotByWorker = new HashMap<String, Long>();
Set<LlapServiceInstance> unsorted = Sets.newHashSet();
for (ChildData childData : instancesCache.getCurrentData()) {
if (childData == null)
byte[] data = childData.getData();
if (data == null)
String nodeName = extractNodeName(childData);
if (nodeName.startsWith(WORKER_PREFIX)) {
LlapServiceInstance instances = getInstanceByPath(childData.getPath());
if (instances != null) {
} else if (nodeName.startsWith(SLOT_PREFIX)) {
slotByWorker.put(extractWorkerIdFromSlot(childData), Long.parseLong(nodeName.substring(SLOT_PREFIX.length())));
} else {"Ignoring unknown node {}", childData.getPath());
TreeMap<Long, LlapServiceInstance> sorted = new TreeMap<>();
long maxSlot = Long.MIN_VALUE;
for (LlapServiceInstance worker : unsorted) {
Long slot = slotByWorker.get(worker.getWorkerIdentity());
if (slot == null) {"Unknown slot for {}", worker.getWorkerIdentity());
maxSlot = Math.max(maxSlot, slot);
sorted.put(slot, worker);
if (consistentIndexes) {
// Add dummy instances to all slots where LLAPs are MIA... I can haz insert_iterator?
TreeMap<Long, LlapServiceInstance> dummies = new TreeMap<>();
Iterator<Long> keyIter = sorted.keySet().iterator();
long expected = 0;
Long ts = null;
while (keyIter.hasNext()) {
Long slot =;
assert slot >= expected;
while (slot > expected) {
if (ts == null) {
// Inactive nodes restart every call!
ts = System.nanoTime();
dummies.put(expected, new InactiveServiceInstance("inactive-" + expected + "-" + ts));
return sorted.values();