use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.FieldSchema in project hive by apache.
the class TestHBaseStoreIntegration method getAllTables.
public void getAllTables() throws Exception {
// named to match getAllDbs so we get the
String[] dbNames = new String[] { "db0", "db1" };
// right number of databases in that test.
String[] tableNames = new String[] { "curly", "larry", "moe" };
for (int i = 0; i < dbNames.length; i++) {
store.createDatabase(new Database(dbNames[i], "no description", "file:///tmp", emptyParameters));
for (int i = 0; i < dbNames.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < tableNames.length; j++) {
int startTime = (int) (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000);
List<FieldSchema> cols = new ArrayList<FieldSchema>();
cols.add(new FieldSchema("col1", "int", "nocomment"));
SerDeInfo serde = new SerDeInfo("serde", "seriallib", null);
StorageDescriptor sd = new StorageDescriptor(cols, "file:/tmp", "input", "output", false, 0, serde, null, null, emptyParameters);
Table table = new Table(tableNames[j], dbNames[i], "me", startTime, startTime, 0, sd, null, emptyParameters, null, null, null);
List<String> fetchedNames = store.getAllTables(dbNames[0]);
Assert.assertEquals(3, fetchedNames.size());
String[] sortedFetchedNames = fetchedNames.toArray(new String[fetchedNames.size()]);
Assert.assertArrayEquals(tableNames, sortedFetchedNames);
List<String> regexNames = store.getTables(dbNames[0], "*y");
Assert.assertEquals(2, regexNames.size());
String[] sortedRegexNames = regexNames.toArray(new String[regexNames.size()]);
Assert.assertArrayEquals(Arrays.copyOfRange(tableNames, 0, 2), sortedRegexNames);
List<Table> fetchedTables = store.getTableObjectsByName(dbNames[1], Arrays.asList(Arrays.copyOfRange(tableNames, 1, 3)));
Assert.assertEquals(2, fetchedTables.size());
sortedFetchedNames = new String[fetchedTables.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < fetchedTables.size(); i++) {
sortedFetchedNames[i] = fetchedTables.get(i).getTableName();
Assert.assertArrayEquals(Arrays.copyOfRange(tableNames, 1, 3), sortedFetchedNames);
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.FieldSchema in project hive by apache.
the class TestHBaseStoreIntegration method dropTable.
public void dropTable() throws Exception {
String tableName = "dtable";
int startTime = (int) (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000);
List<FieldSchema> cols = new ArrayList<FieldSchema>();
cols.add(new FieldSchema("col1", "int", "nocomment"));
SerDeInfo serde = new SerDeInfo("serde", "seriallib", null);
StorageDescriptor sd = new StorageDescriptor(cols, "file:/tmp", "input", "output", false, 0, serde, null, null, emptyParameters);
Table table = new Table(tableName, "default", "me", startTime, startTime, 0, sd, null, emptyParameters, null, null, null);
Table t = store.getTable("default", tableName);
store.dropTable("default", tableName);
Assert.assertNull(store.getTable("default", tableName));
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.FieldSchema in project hive by apache.
the class TestHBaseStoreIntegration method listPartitionsWithPs.
public void listPartitionsWithPs() throws Exception {
String dbName = "default";
String tableName = "listPartitionsWithPs";
int startTime = (int) (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000);
List<FieldSchema> cols = new ArrayList<FieldSchema>();
cols.add(new FieldSchema("col1", "int", "nocomment"));
SerDeInfo serde = new SerDeInfo("serde", "seriallib", null);
StorageDescriptor sd = new StorageDescriptor(cols, "file:/tmp", "input", "output", false, 0, serde, null, null, emptyParameters);
List<FieldSchema> partCols = new ArrayList<FieldSchema>();
partCols.add(new FieldSchema("ds", "string", ""));
partCols.add(new FieldSchema("region", "string", ""));
Table table = new Table(tableName, dbName, "me", startTime, startTime, 0, sd, partCols, emptyParameters, null, null, null);
String[][] partVals = new String[][] { { "today", "north america" }, { "today", "europe" }, { "tomorrow", "north america" }, { "tomorrow", "europe" } };
for (String[] pv : partVals) {
List<String> vals = new ArrayList<String>();
for (String v : pv) vals.add(v);
StorageDescriptor psd = new StorageDescriptor(sd);
psd.setLocation("file:/tmp/ds=" + pv[0] + "/region=" + pv[1]);
Partition part = new Partition(vals, dbName, tableName, startTime, startTime, psd, emptyParameters);
// We only test listPartitionNamesPs since it calls listPartitionsPsWithAuth anyway.
// Test the case where we completely specify the partition
List<String> partitionNames = store.listPartitionNamesPs(dbName, tableName, Arrays.asList(partVals[0]), (short) -1);
Assert.assertEquals(1, partitionNames.size());
Assert.assertEquals("ds=today/region=north america", partitionNames.get(0));
// Leave off the last value of the partition
partitionNames = store.listPartitionNamesPs(dbName, tableName, Arrays.asList(partVals[0][0]), (short) -1);
Assert.assertEquals(2, partitionNames.size());
String[] names = partitionNames.toArray(new String[partitionNames.size()]);
Assert.assertArrayEquals(new String[] { "ds=today/region=europe", "ds=today/region=north america" }, names);
// Put a star in the last value of the partition
partitionNames = store.listPartitionNamesPs(dbName, tableName, Arrays.asList("today", "*"), (short) -1);
Assert.assertEquals(2, partitionNames.size());
names = partitionNames.toArray(new String[partitionNames.size()]);
Assert.assertArrayEquals(new String[] { "ds=today/region=europe", "ds=today/region=north america" }, names);
// Put a star in the first value of the partition
partitionNames = store.listPartitionNamesPs(dbName, tableName, Arrays.asList("*", "europe"), (short) -1);
Assert.assertEquals(2, partitionNames.size());
names = partitionNames.toArray(new String[partitionNames.size()]);
Assert.assertArrayEquals(new String[] { "ds=today/region=europe", "ds=tomorrow/region=europe" }, names);
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.FieldSchema in project hive by apache.
the class TestHBaseAggrStatsCacheIntegration method alterInvalidation.
public void alterInvalidation() throws Exception {
try {
String dbName = "default";
String tableName = "ai";
List<String> partVals1 = Arrays.asList("today");
List<String> partVals2 = Arrays.asList("yesterday");
List<String> partVals3 = Arrays.asList("tomorrow");
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
List<FieldSchema> cols = new ArrayList<>();
cols.add(new FieldSchema("col1", "boolean", "nocomment"));
SerDeInfo serde = new SerDeInfo("serde", "seriallib", null);
StorageDescriptor sd = new StorageDescriptor(cols, "file:/tmp", "input", "output", false, 0, serde, null, null, Collections.<String, String>emptyMap());
List<FieldSchema> partCols = new ArrayList<>();
partCols.add(new FieldSchema("ds", "string", ""));
Table table = new Table(tableName, dbName, "me", (int) now, (int) now, 0, sd, partCols, Collections.<String, String>emptyMap(), null, null, null);
Partition[] partitions = new Partition[3];
int partnum = 0;
for (List<String> partVals : Arrays.asList(partVals1, partVals2, partVals3)) {
StorageDescriptor psd = new StorageDescriptor(sd);
psd.setLocation("file:/tmp/default/invalidation/ds=" + partVals.get(0));
Partition part = new Partition(partVals, dbName, tableName, (int) now, (int) now, psd, Collections.<String, String>emptyMap());
partitions[partnum++] = part;
ColumnStatistics cs = new ColumnStatistics();
ColumnStatisticsDesc desc = new ColumnStatisticsDesc(false, dbName, tableName);
desc.setPartName("ds=" + partVals.get(0));
ColumnStatisticsObj obj = new ColumnStatisticsObj();
ColumnStatisticsData data = new ColumnStatisticsData();
BooleanColumnStatsData bcsd = new BooleanColumnStatsData();
store.updatePartitionColumnStatistics(cs, partVals);
AggrStats aggrStats = store.get_aggr_stats_for(dbName, tableName, Arrays.asList("ds=today", "ds=tomorrow"), Arrays.asList("col1"));
aggrStats = store.get_aggr_stats_for(dbName, tableName, Arrays.asList("ds=today", "ds=yesterday"), Arrays.asList("col1"));
// Check that we had to build it from the stats
Assert.assertEquals(0, store.backdoor().getStatsCache().hbaseHits.getCnt());
Assert.assertEquals(2, store.backdoor().getStatsCache().totalGets.getCnt());
Assert.assertEquals(2, store.backdoor().getStatsCache().misses.getCnt());
// wake the invalidator and check again to make sure it isn't too aggressive about
// removing our stuff.
Partition newPart = new Partition(partitions[2]);
newPart.setLastAccessTime((int) System.currentTimeMillis());
store.alterPartition(dbName, tableName, partVals3, newPart);
aggrStats = store.get_aggr_stats_for(dbName, tableName, Arrays.asList("ds=tomorrow", "ds=today"), Arrays.asList("col1"));
// Check that we missed, which means this aggregate was dropped from the cache.
Assert.assertEquals(0, store.backdoor().getStatsCache().hbaseHits.getCnt());
Assert.assertEquals(3, store.backdoor().getStatsCache().totalGets.getCnt());
Assert.assertEquals(3, store.backdoor().getStatsCache().misses.getCnt());
// Check that our other aggregate is still in the cache.
aggrStats = store.get_aggr_stats_for(dbName, tableName, Arrays.asList("ds=yesterday", "ds=today"), Arrays.asList("col1"));
Assert.assertEquals(0, store.backdoor().getStatsCache().hbaseHits.getCnt());
Assert.assertEquals(4, store.backdoor().getStatsCache().totalGets.getCnt());
Assert.assertEquals(3, store.backdoor().getStatsCache().misses.getCnt());
} finally {
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.FieldSchema in project hive by apache.
the class TestHBaseStoreIntegration method alterPartitions.
public void alterPartitions() throws Exception {
String dbName = "default";
String tableName = "alterParts";
int startTime = (int) (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000);
List<FieldSchema> cols = new ArrayList<FieldSchema>();
cols.add(new FieldSchema("col1", "int", "nocomment"));
SerDeInfo serde = new SerDeInfo("serde", "seriallib", null);
StorageDescriptor sd = new StorageDescriptor(cols, "file:/tmp", "input", "output", false, 0, serde, null, null, emptyParameters);
List<FieldSchema> partCols = new ArrayList<FieldSchema>();
partCols.add(new FieldSchema("pc", "string", ""));
Table table = new Table(tableName, dbName, "me", startTime, startTime, 0, sd, partCols, emptyParameters, null, null, null);
List<String> partVals = Arrays.asList("alan", "bob", "carl", "doug", "ethan");
List<Partition> partitions = new ArrayList<Partition>();
List<List<String>> allVals = new ArrayList<List<String>>();
for (String val : partVals) {
List<String> vals = new ArrayList<String>();
StorageDescriptor psd = new StorageDescriptor(sd);
psd.setLocation("file:/tmp/pc=" + val);
Partition part = new Partition(vals, dbName, tableName, startTime, startTime, psd, emptyParameters);
store.addPartitions(dbName, tableName, partitions);
for (Partition p : partitions) p.setLastAccessTime(startTime + 10);
store.alterPartitions(dbName, tableName, allVals, partitions);
partitions = store.getPartitions(dbName, tableName, -1);
for (Partition part : partitions) {
Assert.assertEquals(startTime + 10, part.getLastAccessTime());