use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.GetLatestCommittedCompactionInfoResponse in project hive by apache.
the class TestCompactionTxnHandler method testGetLatestCommittedCompaction.
public void testGetLatestCommittedCompaction() throws Exception {
final String dbName = "foo";
final String tableName = "bar";
final String errorMessage = "Dummy error";
addSucceededCompaction(dbName, tableName, null, CompactionType.MINOR);
addFailedCompaction(dbName, tableName, CompactionType.MINOR, null, errorMessage);
GetLatestCommittedCompactionInfoRequest rqst = new GetLatestCommittedCompactionInfoRequest();
GetLatestCommittedCompactionInfoResponse response = txnHandler.getLatestCommittedCompactionInfo(rqst);
assertEquals("Expecting a single compaction record", 1, response.getCompactionsSize());
CompactionInfoStruct lci = response.getCompactions().get(0);
assertEquals("Expecting the first succeeded compaction record", 1, lci.getId());
assertNull("Expecting null partitionname for a non-partitioned table", lci.getPartitionname());
assertEquals(CompactionType.MINOR, lci.getType());
rqst.setPartitionnames(new ArrayList<>());
response = txnHandler.getLatestCommittedCompactionInfo(rqst);
assertEquals("Expecting a single compaction record", 1, response.getCompactionsSize());
lci = response.getCompactions().get(0);
assertEquals("Expecting the first succeeded compaction record", 1, lci.getId());
assertEquals(dbName, lci.getDbname());
assertEquals(tableName, lci.getTablename());
assertNull("Expecting null partitionname for a non-partitioned table", lci.getPartitionname());
assertEquals(CompactionType.MINOR, lci.getType());
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.GetLatestCommittedCompactionInfoResponse in project hive by apache.
the class TxnHandler method getLatestCommittedCompactionInfo.
* We assume this is only called by metadata cache server to know if there are new base/delta files should be read.
* The query filters compactions by state and only returns SUCCEEDED or READY_FOR_CLEANING compactions because
* only these two states means there are new files ready to be read.
public GetLatestCommittedCompactionInfoResponse getLatestCommittedCompactionInfo(GetLatestCommittedCompactionInfoRequest rqst) throws MetaException {
GetLatestCommittedCompactionInfoResponse response = new GetLatestCommittedCompactionInfoResponse(new ArrayList<>());
Connection dbConn = null;
PreparedStatement pst = null;
ResultSet rs = null;
try {
try {
dbConn = getDbConn(Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED);
List<String> params = new ArrayList<>();
// This query combines the result sets of SUCCEEDED compactions and READY_FOR_CLEANING compactions
// We also sort the result by CC_ID in descending order so that we can keep only the latest record
// according to the order in result set
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder().append("SELECT * FROM (").append(" SELECT").append(" \"CC_ID\", \"CC_DATABASE\", \"CC_TABLE\", \"CC_PARTITION\", \"CC_TYPE\"").append(" FROM \"COMPLETED_COMPACTIONS\"").append(" WHERE \"CC_STATE\" = " + quoteChar(SUCCEEDED_STATE)).append(" UNION ALL").append(" SELECT").append(" \"CQ_ID\" AS \"CC_ID\", \"CQ_DATABASE\" AS \"CC_DATABASE\"").append(" ,\"CQ_TABLE\" AS \"CC_TABLE\", \"CQ_PARTITION\" AS \"CC_PARTITION\"").append(" ,\"CQ_TYPE\" AS \"CC_TYPE\"").append(" FROM \"COMPACTION_QUEUE\"").append(" WHERE \"CQ_STATE\" = " + quoteChar(READY_FOR_CLEANING)).append(") AS compactions ").append(" WHERE \"CC_DATABASE\" = ? AND \"CC_TABLE\" = ?");
if (rqst.getPartitionnamesSize() > 0) {
sb.append(" AND \"CC_PARTITION\" IN (");
sb.append(String.join(",", Collections.nCopies(rqst.getPartitionnamesSize(), "?")));
if (rqst.isSetLastCompactionId()) {
sb.append(" AND \"CC_ID\" > ?");
sb.append(" ORDER BY \"CC_ID\" DESC");
pst = sqlGenerator.prepareStmtWithParameters(dbConn, sb.toString(), params);
LOG.debug("Going to execute query <" + sb.toString() + ">");
rs = pst.executeQuery();
Set<String> partitionSet = new HashSet<>();
while ( {
CompactionInfoStruct lci = new CompactionInfoStruct();
String partition = rs.getString(4);
if (!rs.wasNull()) {
// Only put the latest record of each partition into response
if (!partitionSet.contains(partition)) {
} catch (SQLException e) {
LOG.error("Unable to execute query " + e.getMessage());
checkRetryable(e, "getLatestCommittedCompactionInfo");
} finally {
close(rs, pst, dbConn);
return response;
} catch (RetryException e) {
return getLatestCommittedCompactionInfo(rqst);