use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.GetOpenTxnsResponse in project hive by apache.
the class TestTxnCommands3 method testMajorCompactionAbortLeftoverFiles.
public void testMajorCompactionAbortLeftoverFiles() throws Exception {
MetastoreConf.setBoolVar(hiveConf, MetastoreConf.ConfVars.CREATE_TABLES_AS_ACID, true);
dropTable(new String[] { "T" });
// note: transaction names T1, T2, etc below, are logical, the actual txnid will be different
runStatementOnDriver("create table T (a int, b int) stored as orc");
// makes delta_1_1 in T1
runStatementOnDriver("insert into T values(0,2)");
// makes delta_2_2 in T2
runStatementOnDriver("insert into T values(1,4)");
runStatementOnDriver("alter table T compact 'minor'");
// create failed compaction attempt so that compactor txn is aborted
CompactorMR compactorMr = Mockito.spy(new CompactorMR());
Mockito.doAnswer((Answer<Void>) invocationOnMock -> {
throw new RuntimeException("Will cause CompactorMR to fail all opening txn and creating directories for compaction.");
}).when(compactorMr).run(any(), any(), any(), any(), any(), any(), any(), any(), any());
Worker worker = Mockito.spy(new Worker());
worker.init(new AtomicBoolean(true));
TxnStore txnHandler = TxnUtils.getTxnStore(hiveConf);
ShowCompactResponse resp = txnHandler.showCompact(new ShowCompactRequest());
Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected number of compactions in history", 1, resp.getCompactsSize());
Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected 0th compaction state", TxnStore.FAILED_RESPONSE, resp.getCompacts().get(0).getState());
GetOpenTxnsResponse openResp = txnHandler.getOpenTxns();
Assert.assertEquals(openResp.toString(), 1, openResp.getOpen_txnsSize());
// check that the compactor txn is aborted
Assert.assertTrue(openResp.toString(), BitSet.valueOf(openResp.getAbortedBits()).get(0));
Assert.assertEquals(0, TestTxnDbUtil.countQueryAgent(hiveConf, "SELECT count(*) FROM hive_locks WHERE hl_txnid=" + openResp.getOpen_txns().get(0)));
FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(hiveConf);
Path warehousePath = new Path(getWarehouseDir());
FileStatus[] actualList = fs.listStatus(new Path(warehousePath + "/t"), FileUtils.HIDDEN_FILES_PATH_FILTER);
// we expect all the t/base_* files to be removed by the compactor failure
String[] expectedList = new String[] { "/t/delta_0000001_0000001_0000", "/t/delta_0000002_0000002_0000" };
checkExpectedFiles(actualList, expectedList, warehousePath.toString());
// delete metadata about aborted txn from txn_components and files (if any)
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.GetOpenTxnsResponse in project hive by apache.
the class TestOpenTxn method testMultiGapWithOldCommit.
public void testMultiGapWithOldCommit() throws Exception {
OpenTxnRequest openTxnRequest = new OpenTxnRequest(1, "me", "localhost");
long first = txnHandler.openTxns(openTxnRequest).getTxn_ids().get(0);
txnHandler.commitTxn(new CommitTxnRequest(first));
long second = txnHandler.openTxns(new OpenTxnRequest(10, "me", "localhost")).getTxn_ids().get(0);
deleteTransaction(second, second + 9);
GetOpenTxnsResponse openTxns = txnHandler.getOpenTxns();
Assert.assertEquals(11, openTxns.getOpen_txnsSize());
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.GetOpenTxnsResponse in project hive by apache.
the class TestOpenTxn method testGapWithOldCommit.
public void testGapWithOldCommit() throws Exception {
OpenTxnRequest openTxnRequest = new OpenTxnRequest(1, "me", "localhost");
long first = txnHandler.openTxns(openTxnRequest).getTxn_ids().get(0);
txnHandler.commitTxn(new CommitTxnRequest(first));
long second = txnHandler.openTxns(openTxnRequest).getTxn_ids().get(0);
GetOpenTxnsResponse openTxns = txnHandler.getOpenTxns();
Assert.assertEquals(2, openTxns.getOpen_txnsSize());
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.GetOpenTxnsResponse in project hive by apache.
the class HMSClient method getOpenTxns.
List<Long> getOpenTxns() throws TException {
GetOpenTxnsRequest getOpenTxnsRequest = new GetOpenTxnsRequest();
GetOpenTxnsResponse txns = client.get_open_txns_req(getOpenTxnsRequest);
List<Long> openTxns = new ArrayList<>();
BitSet abortedBits = BitSet.valueOf(txns.getAbortedBits());
int i = 0;
for (long txnId : txns.getOpen_txns()) {
if (!abortedBits.get(i)) {
return openTxns;
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.GetOpenTxnsResponse in project hive by apache.
the class TxnHandler method getOpenTxns.
public GetOpenTxnsResponse getOpenTxns() throws MetaException {
try {
// We need to figure out the current transaction number and the list of
// open transactions. To avoid needing a transaction on the underlying
// database we'll look at the current transaction number first. If it
// subsequently shows up in the open list that's ok.
Connection dbConn = null;
Statement stmt = null;
ResultSet rs = null;
try {
* This runs at READ_COMMITTED for exactly the same reason as {@link #getOpenTxnsInfo()}
dbConn = getDbConn(Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED);
stmt = dbConn.createStatement();
String s = "select ntxn_next - 1 from NEXT_TXN_ID";
LOG.debug("Going to execute query <" + s + ">");
rs = stmt.executeQuery(s);
if (! {
throw new MetaException("Transaction tables not properly " + "initialized, no record found in next_txn_id");
long hwm = rs.getLong(1);
if (rs.wasNull()) {
throw new MetaException("Transaction tables not properly " + "initialized, null record found in next_txn_id");
List<Long> openList = new ArrayList<>();
// need the WHERE clause below to ensure consistent results with READ_COMMITTED
s = "select txn_id, txn_state from TXNS where txn_id <= " + hwm + " order by txn_id";
LOG.debug("Going to execute query<" + s + ">");
rs = stmt.executeQuery(s);
long minOpenTxn = Long.MAX_VALUE;
BitSet abortedBits = new BitSet();
while ( {
long txnId = rs.getLong(1);
char c = rs.getString(2).charAt(0);
if (c == TXN_OPEN) {
minOpenTxn = Math.min(minOpenTxn, txnId);
} else if (c == TXN_ABORTED) {
abortedBits.set(openList.size() - 1);
LOG.debug("Going to rollback");
ByteBuffer byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(abortedBits.toByteArray());
GetOpenTxnsResponse otr = new GetOpenTxnsResponse(hwm, openList, byteBuffer);
if (minOpenTxn < Long.MAX_VALUE) {
return otr;
} catch (SQLException e) {
LOG.debug("Going to rollback");
checkRetryable(dbConn, e, "getOpenTxns");
throw new MetaException("Unable to select from transaction database, " + StringUtils.stringifyException(e));
} finally {
close(rs, stmt, dbConn);
} catch (RetryException e) {
return getOpenTxns();