use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.HiveObjectPrivilege in project hive by apache.
the class ObjectStore method convertGlobal.
private List<HiveObjectPrivilege> convertGlobal(List<MGlobalPrivilege> privs) {
List<HiveObjectPrivilege> result = new ArrayList<HiveObjectPrivilege>();
for (MGlobalPrivilege priv : privs) {
String pname = priv.getPrincipalName();
PrincipalType ptype = PrincipalType.valueOf(priv.getPrincipalType());
HiveObjectRef objectRef = new HiveObjectRef(HiveObjectType.GLOBAL, null, null, null, null);
PrivilegeGrantInfo grantor = new PrivilegeGrantInfo(priv.getPrivilege(), priv.getCreateTime(), priv.getGrantor(), PrincipalType.valueOf(priv.getGrantorType()), priv.getGrantOption());
result.add(new HiveObjectPrivilege(objectRef, pname, ptype, grantor));
return result;
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.HiveObjectPrivilege in project hive by apache.
the class ObjectStore method listPrincipalPartitionColumnGrantsAll.
public List<HiveObjectPrivilege> listPrincipalPartitionColumnGrantsAll(String principalName, PrincipalType principalType) {
boolean success = false;
Query query = null;
try {
LOG.debug("Executing listPrincipalPartitionColumnGrantsAll");
List<MPartitionColumnPrivilege> mSecurityTabPartList;
if (principalName != null && principalType != null) {
query = pm.newQuery(MPartitionColumnPrivilege.class, "principalName == t1 && principalType == t2");
query.declareParameters("java.lang.String t1, java.lang.String t2");
mSecurityTabPartList = (List<MPartitionColumnPrivilege>) query.executeWithArray(principalName, principalType.toString());
} else {
query = pm.newQuery(MPartitionColumnPrivilege.class);
mSecurityTabPartList = (List<MPartitionColumnPrivilege>) query.execute();
LOG.debug("Done executing query for listPrincipalPartitionColumnGrantsAll");
List<HiveObjectPrivilege> result = convertPartCols(mSecurityTabPartList);
success = commitTransaction();
LOG.debug("Done retrieving all objects for listPrincipalPartitionColumnGrantsAll");
return result;
} finally {
if (!success) {
if (query != null) {
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.HiveObjectPrivilege in project hive by apache.
the class ObjectStore method revokePrivileges.
public boolean revokePrivileges(PrivilegeBag privileges, boolean grantOption) throws InvalidObjectException, MetaException, NoSuchObjectException {
boolean committed = false;
try {
List<Object> persistentObjs = new ArrayList<Object>();
List<HiveObjectPrivilege> privilegeList = privileges.getPrivileges();
if (privilegeList != null && privilegeList.size() > 0) {
Iterator<HiveObjectPrivilege> privIter = privilegeList.iterator();
while (privIter.hasNext()) {
HiveObjectPrivilege privDef =;
HiveObjectRef hiveObject = privDef.getHiveObject();
String privilegeStr = privDef.getGrantInfo().getPrivilege();
if (privilegeStr == null || privilegeStr.trim().equals("")) {
String[] privs = privilegeStr.split(",");
String userName = privDef.getPrincipalName();
PrincipalType principalType = privDef.getPrincipalType();
if (hiveObject.getObjectType() == HiveObjectType.GLOBAL) {
List<MGlobalPrivilege> mSecUser = this.listPrincipalMGlobalGrants(userName, principalType);
boolean found = false;
if (mSecUser != null) {
for (String privilege : privs) {
for (MGlobalPrivilege userGrant : mSecUser) {
String userGrantPrivs = userGrant.getPrivilege();
if (privilege.equals(userGrantPrivs)) {
found = true;
if (grantOption) {
if (userGrant.getGrantOption()) {
} else {
throw new MetaException("User " + userName + " does not have grant option with privilege " + privilege);
if (!found) {
throw new InvalidObjectException("No user grant found for privileges " + privilege);
} else if (hiveObject.getObjectType() == HiveObjectType.DATABASE) {
MDatabase dbObj = getMDatabase(hiveObject.getDbName());
if (dbObj != null) {
String db = hiveObject.getDbName();
boolean found = false;
List<MDBPrivilege> dbGrants = this.listPrincipalMDBGrants(userName, principalType, db);
for (String privilege : privs) {
for (MDBPrivilege dbGrant : dbGrants) {
String dbGrantPriv = dbGrant.getPrivilege();
if (privilege.equals(dbGrantPriv)) {
found = true;
if (grantOption) {
if (dbGrant.getGrantOption()) {
} else {
throw new MetaException("User " + userName + " does not have grant option with privilege " + privilege);
if (!found) {
throw new InvalidObjectException("No database grant found for privileges " + privilege + " on database " + db);
} else if (hiveObject.getObjectType() == HiveObjectType.TABLE) {
boolean found = false;
List<MTablePrivilege> tableGrants = this.listAllMTableGrants(userName, principalType, hiveObject.getDbName(), hiveObject.getObjectName());
for (String privilege : privs) {
for (MTablePrivilege tabGrant : tableGrants) {
String tableGrantPriv = tabGrant.getPrivilege();
if (privilege.equalsIgnoreCase(tableGrantPriv)) {
found = true;
if (grantOption) {
if (tabGrant.getGrantOption()) {
} else {
throw new MetaException("User " + userName + " does not have grant option with privilege " + privilege);
if (!found) {
throw new InvalidObjectException("No grant (" + privilege + ") found " + " on table " + hiveObject.getObjectName() + ", database is " + hiveObject.getDbName());
} else if (hiveObject.getObjectType() == HiveObjectType.PARTITION) {
boolean found = false;
Table tabObj = this.getTable(hiveObject.getDbName(), hiveObject.getObjectName());
String partName = null;
if (hiveObject.getPartValues() != null) {
partName = Warehouse.makePartName(tabObj.getPartitionKeys(), hiveObject.getPartValues());
List<MPartitionPrivilege> partitionGrants = this.listPrincipalMPartitionGrants(userName, principalType, hiveObject.getDbName(), hiveObject.getObjectName(), partName);
for (String privilege : privs) {
for (MPartitionPrivilege partGrant : partitionGrants) {
String partPriv = partGrant.getPrivilege();
if (partPriv.equalsIgnoreCase(privilege)) {
found = true;
if (grantOption) {
if (partGrant.getGrantOption()) {
} else {
throw new MetaException("User " + userName + " does not have grant option with privilege " + privilege);
if (!found) {
throw new InvalidObjectException("No grant (" + privilege + ") found " + " on table " + tabObj.getTableName() + ", partition is " + partName + ", database is " + tabObj.getDbName());
} else if (hiveObject.getObjectType() == HiveObjectType.COLUMN) {
Table tabObj = this.getTable(hiveObject.getDbName(), hiveObject.getObjectName());
String partName = null;
if (hiveObject.getPartValues() != null) {
partName = Warehouse.makePartName(tabObj.getPartitionKeys(), hiveObject.getPartValues());
if (partName != null) {
List<MPartitionColumnPrivilege> mSecCol = listPrincipalMPartitionColumnGrants(userName, principalType, hiveObject.getDbName(), hiveObject.getObjectName(), partName, hiveObject.getColumnName());
boolean found = false;
if (mSecCol != null) {
for (String privilege : privs) {
for (MPartitionColumnPrivilege col : mSecCol) {
String colPriv = col.getPrivilege();
if (colPriv.equalsIgnoreCase(privilege)) {
found = true;
if (grantOption) {
if (col.getGrantOption()) {
} else {
throw new MetaException("User " + userName + " does not have grant option with privilege " + privilege);
if (!found) {
throw new InvalidObjectException("No grant (" + privilege + ") found " + " on table " + tabObj.getTableName() + ", partition is " + partName + ", column name = " + hiveObject.getColumnName() + ", database is " + tabObj.getDbName());
} else {
List<MTableColumnPrivilege> mSecCol = listPrincipalMTableColumnGrants(userName, principalType, hiveObject.getDbName(), hiveObject.getObjectName(), hiveObject.getColumnName());
boolean found = false;
if (mSecCol != null) {
for (String privilege : privs) {
for (MTableColumnPrivilege col : mSecCol) {
String colPriv = col.getPrivilege();
if (colPriv.equalsIgnoreCase(privilege)) {
found = true;
if (grantOption) {
if (col.getGrantOption()) {
} else {
throw new MetaException("User " + userName + " does not have grant option with privilege " + privilege);
if (!found) {
throw new InvalidObjectException("No grant (" + privilege + ") found " + " on table " + tabObj.getTableName() + ", column name = " + hiveObject.getColumnName() + ", database is " + tabObj.getDbName());
if (persistentObjs.size() > 0) {
if (grantOption) {
// If grant option specified, only update the privilege, don't remove it.
// Grant option has already been removed from the privileges in the section above
} else {
committed = commitTransaction();
} finally {
if (!committed) {
return committed;
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.HiveObjectPrivilege in project hive by apache.
the class ObjectStore method listTableGrantsAll.
public List<HiveObjectPrivilege> listTableGrantsAll(String dbName, String tableName) {
boolean success = false;
Query query = null;
try {
LOG.debug("Executing listTableGrantsAll");
query = pm.newQuery(MTablePrivilege.class, "table.tableName == t1 && == t2");
query.declareParameters("java.lang.String t1, java.lang.String t2");
List<MTablePrivilege> mSecurityTabPartList = (List<MTablePrivilege>) query.executeWithArray(tableName, dbName);
LOG.debug("Done executing query for listTableGrantsAll");
List<HiveObjectPrivilege> result = convertTable(mSecurityTabPartList);
success = commitTransaction();
LOG.debug("Done retrieving all objects for listPrincipalAllTableGrants");
return result;
} finally {
if (!success) {
if (query != null) {
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.HiveObjectPrivilege in project hive by apache.
the class ObjectStore method convertPartition.
private List<HiveObjectPrivilege> convertPartition(List<MPartitionPrivilege> privs) {
List<HiveObjectPrivilege> result = new ArrayList<HiveObjectPrivilege>();
for (MPartitionPrivilege priv : privs) {
String pname = priv.getPrincipalName();
PrincipalType ptype = PrincipalType.valueOf(priv.getPrincipalType());
MPartition mpartition = priv.getPartition();
MTable mtable = mpartition.getTable();
MDatabase mdatabase = mtable.getDatabase();
HiveObjectRef objectRef = new HiveObjectRef(HiveObjectType.PARTITION, mdatabase.getName(), mtable.getTableName(), mpartition.getValues(), null);
PrivilegeGrantInfo grantor = new PrivilegeGrantInfo(priv.getPrivilege(), priv.getCreateTime(), priv.getGrantor(), PrincipalType.valueOf(priv.getGrantorType()), priv.getGrantOption());
result.add(new HiveObjectPrivilege(objectRef, pname, ptype, grantor));
return result;