use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.LockState in project hive by apache.
the class AlterMaterializedViewRebuildAnalyzer method getRewrittenAST.
private ASTNode getRewrittenAST(TableName tableName) throws SemanticException {
ASTNode rewrittenAST;
// We need to go lookup the table and get the select statement and then parse it.
try {
Table table = getTableObjectByName(tableName.getNotEmptyDbTable(), true);
if (!table.isMaterializedView()) {
// Cannot rebuild not materialized view
throw new SemanticException(ErrorMsg.REBUILD_NO_MATERIALIZED_VIEW);
// We need to use the expanded text for the materialized view, as it will contain
// the qualified table aliases, etc.
String viewText = table.getViewExpandedText();
if (viewText.trim().isEmpty()) {
throw new SemanticException(ErrorMsg.MATERIALIZED_VIEW_DEF_EMPTY);
Context ctx = new Context(queryState.getConf());
String rewrittenInsertStatement = String.format(REWRITTEN_INSERT_STATEMENT, tableName.getEscapedNotEmptyDbTable(), viewText);
rewrittenAST = ParseUtils.parse(rewrittenInsertStatement, ctx);
if (!this.ctx.isExplainPlan() && AcidUtils.isTransactionalTable(table)) {
// Acquire lock for the given materialized view. Only one rebuild per materialized view can be triggered at a
// given time, as otherwise we might produce incorrect results if incremental maintenance is triggered.
HiveTxnManager txnManager = getTxnMgr();
LockState state;
try {
state = txnManager.acquireMaterializationRebuildLock(tableName.getDb(), tableName.getTable(), txnManager.getCurrentTxnId()).getState();
} catch (LockException e) {
throw new SemanticException("Exception acquiring lock for rebuilding the materialized view", e);
if (state != LockState.ACQUIRED) {
throw new SemanticException("Another process is rebuilding the materialized view " + tableName.getNotEmptyDbTable());
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new SemanticException(e);
return rewrittenAST;
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.LockState in project hive by apache.
the class Lock method internalAcquire.
private long internalAcquire(Long transactionId) throws LockException {
int attempts = 0;
LockRequest request = buildLockRequest(transactionId);
do {
LockResponse response = null;
try {
response = metaStoreClient.lock(request);
} catch (TException e) {
throw new LockException("Unable to acquire lock for tables: [" + join(tables) + "]", e);
if (response != null) {
LockState state = response.getState();
if (state == LockState.NOT_ACQUIRED || state == LockState.ABORT) {
// I expect we'll only see NOT_ACQUIRED here?
if (state == LockState.ACQUIRED) {
LOG.debug("Acquired lock {}", response.getLockid());
return response.getLockid();
if (state == LockState.WAITING) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
} while (attempts < lockRetries);
throw new LockException("Could not acquire lock on tables: [" + join(tables) + "]");
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.LockState in project hive by apache.
the class TestDbTxnManager2 method checkExpectedLocks.
* collection of queries where we ensure that we get the locks that are expected
* @throws Exception
public void checkExpectedLocks() throws Exception {
dropTable(new String[] { "acidPart", "nonAcidPart" });
CommandProcessorResponse cpr = null;
cpr ="create table acidPart(a int, b int) partitioned by (p string) clustered by (a) into 2 buckets stored as orc TBLPROPERTIES ('transactional'='true')");
cpr ="create table nonAcidPart(a int, b int) partitioned by (p string) stored as orc TBLPROPERTIES ('transactional'='false')");
cpr = driver.compileAndRespond("insert into nonAcidPart partition(p) values(1,2,3)");
LockState lockState = ((DbTxnManager) txnMgr).acquireLocks(driver.getPlan(), ctx, "Practical", false);
List<ShowLocksResponseElement> locks = getLocks();
Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected lock count", 2, locks.size());
checkLock(LockType.EXCLUSIVE, LockState.ACQUIRED, "default", "nonAcidPart", null, locks);
checkLock(LockType.SHARED_READ, LockState.ACQUIRED, "_dummy_database", "_dummy_table", null, locks);
cpr = driver.compileAndRespond("insert into nonAcidPart partition(p=1) values(5,6)");
lockState = ((DbTxnManager) txnMgr).acquireLocks(driver.getPlan(), ctx, "Practical", false);
locks = getLocks();
Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected lock count", 2, locks.size());
checkLock(LockType.EXCLUSIVE, LockState.ACQUIRED, "default", "nonAcidPart", "p=1", locks);
checkLock(LockType.SHARED_READ, LockState.ACQUIRED, "_dummy_database", "_dummy_table", null, locks);
cpr = driver.compileAndRespond("insert into acidPart partition(p) values(1,2,3)");
lockState = ((DbTxnManager) txnMgr).acquireLocks(driver.getPlan(), ctx, "Practical", false);
locks = getLocks();
Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected lock count", 2, locks.size());
checkLock(LockType.SHARED_READ, LockState.ACQUIRED, "default", "acidPart", null, locks);
checkLock(LockType.SHARED_READ, LockState.ACQUIRED, "_dummy_database", "_dummy_table", null, locks);
cpr = driver.compileAndRespond("insert into acidPart partition(p=1) values(5,6)");
lockState = ((DbTxnManager) txnMgr).acquireLocks(driver.getPlan(), ctx, "Practical", false);
locks = getLocks();
Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected lock count", 2, locks.size());
checkLock(LockType.SHARED_READ, LockState.ACQUIRED, "default", "acidPart", "p=1", locks);
checkLock(LockType.SHARED_READ, LockState.ACQUIRED, "_dummy_database", "_dummy_table", null, locks);
cpr = driver.compileAndRespond("update acidPart set b = 17 where a = 1");
lockState = ((DbTxnManager) txnMgr).acquireLocks(driver.getPlan(), ctx, "Practical", false);
locks = getLocks();
Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected lock count", 1, locks.size());
checkLock(LockType.SHARED_WRITE, LockState.ACQUIRED, "default", "acidPart", null, locks);
cpr = driver.compileAndRespond("update acidPart set b = 17 where p = 1");
lockState = ((DbTxnManager) txnMgr).acquireLocks(driver.getPlan(), ctx, "Practical", false);
locks = getLocks();
Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected lock count", 1, locks.size());
checkLock(LockType.SHARED_WRITE, LockState.ACQUIRED, "default", "acidPart", null, locks);
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.LockState in project hive by apache.
the class TestDbTxnManager2 method checkExpectedLocks2.
* Check to make sure we acquire proper locks for queries involving acid and non-acid tables
public void checkExpectedLocks2() throws Exception {
dropTable(new String[] { "tab_acid", "tab_not_acid" });
checkCmdOnDriver("create table if not exists tab_acid (a int, b int) partitioned by (p string) " + "clustered by (a) into 2 buckets stored as orc TBLPROPERTIES ('transactional'='true')"));
checkCmdOnDriver("create table if not exists tab_not_acid (na int, nb int) partitioned by (np string) " + "clustered by (na) into 2 buckets stored as orc TBLPROPERTIES ('transactional'='false')"));
checkCmdOnDriver("insert into tab_acid partition(p) (a,b,p) values(1,2,'foo'),(3,4,'bar')"));
checkCmdOnDriver("insert into tab_not_acid partition(np) (na,nb,np) values(1,2,'blah'),(3,4,'doh')"));
txnMgr.openTxn(ctx, "T1");
checkCmdOnDriver(driver.compileAndRespond("select * from tab_acid inner join tab_not_acid on a = na"));
txnMgr.acquireLocks(driver.getPlan(), ctx, "T1");
List<ShowLocksResponseElement> locks = getLocks(txnMgr);
Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected lock count", 6, locks.size());
checkLock(LockType.SHARED_READ, LockState.ACQUIRED, "default", "tab_acid", null, locks);
checkLock(LockType.SHARED_READ, LockState.ACQUIRED, "default", "tab_acid", "p=bar", locks);
checkLock(LockType.SHARED_READ, LockState.ACQUIRED, "default", "tab_acid", "p=foo", locks);
checkLock(LockType.SHARED_READ, LockState.ACQUIRED, "default", "tab_not_acid", null, locks);
checkLock(LockType.SHARED_READ, LockState.ACQUIRED, "default", "tab_not_acid", "np=blah", locks);
checkLock(LockType.SHARED_READ, LockState.ACQUIRED, "default", "tab_not_acid", "np=doh", locks);
HiveTxnManager txnMgr2 = TxnManagerFactory.getTxnManagerFactory().getTxnManager(conf);
txnMgr2.openTxn(ctx, "T2");
checkCmdOnDriver(driver.compileAndRespond("insert into tab_not_acid partition(np='doh') values(5,6)"));
LockState ls = ((DbTxnManager) txnMgr2).acquireLocks(driver.getPlan(), ctx, "T2", false);
locks = getLocks(txnMgr2);
Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected lock count", 8, locks.size());
checkLock(LockType.SHARED_READ, LockState.ACQUIRED, "default", "tab_acid", null, locks);
checkLock(LockType.SHARED_READ, LockState.ACQUIRED, "default", "tab_acid", "p=bar", locks);
checkLock(LockType.SHARED_READ, LockState.ACQUIRED, "default", "tab_acid", "p=foo", locks);
checkLock(LockType.SHARED_READ, LockState.ACQUIRED, "default", "tab_not_acid", null, locks);
checkLock(LockType.SHARED_READ, LockState.ACQUIRED, "default", "tab_not_acid", "np=blah", locks);
checkLock(LockType.SHARED_READ, LockState.ACQUIRED, "default", "tab_not_acid", "np=doh", locks);
checkLock(LockType.EXCLUSIVE, LockState.WAITING, "default", "tab_not_acid", "np=doh", locks);
checkLock(LockType.SHARED_READ, LockState.WAITING, "_dummy_database", "_dummy_table", null, locks);
// Test strict locking mode, i.e. backward compatible locking mode for non-ACID resources.
// With non-strict mode, INSERT got SHARED_READ lock, instead of EXCLUSIVE with ACID semantics
conf.setBoolVar(HiveConf.ConfVars.HIVE_TXN_STRICT_LOCKING_MODE, false);
HiveTxnManager txnMgr3 = TxnManagerFactory.getTxnManagerFactory().getTxnManager(conf);
txnMgr3.openTxn(ctx, "T3");
checkCmdOnDriver(driver.compileAndRespond("insert into tab_not_acid partition(np='blah') values(7,8)"));
((DbTxnManager) txnMgr3).acquireLocks(driver.getPlan(), ctx, "T3", false);
locks = getLocks(txnMgr3);
Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected lock count", 10, locks.size());
checkLock(LockType.SHARED_READ, LockState.ACQUIRED, "default", "tab_acid", null, locks);
checkLock(LockType.SHARED_READ, LockState.ACQUIRED, "default", "tab_acid", "p=bar", locks);
checkLock(LockType.SHARED_READ, LockState.ACQUIRED, "default", "tab_acid", "p=foo", locks);
checkLock(LockType.SHARED_READ, LockState.ACQUIRED, "default", "tab_not_acid", null, locks);
checkLock(LockType.SHARED_READ, LockState.ACQUIRED, "default", "tab_not_acid", "np=blah", locks);
checkLock(LockType.SHARED_READ, LockState.ACQUIRED, "default", "tab_not_acid", "np=doh", locks);
checkLock(LockType.EXCLUSIVE, LockState.WAITING, "default", "tab_not_acid", "np=doh", locks);
checkLock(LockType.SHARED_READ, LockState.WAITING, "_dummy_database", "_dummy_table", null, locks);
checkLock(LockType.SHARED_READ, LockState.ACQUIRED, "default", "tab_not_acid", "np=blah", locks);
checkLock(LockType.SHARED_READ, LockState.ACQUIRED, "_dummy_database", "_dummy_table", null, locks);
conf.setBoolVar(HiveConf.ConfVars.HIVE_TXN_STRICT_LOCKING_MODE, true);
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.LockState in project hive by apache.
the class DbTxnManager method acquireLocks.
* Normally client should call {@link #acquireLocks(org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.QueryPlan, org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.Context, String)}
* @param isBlocking if false, the method will return immediately; thus the locks may be in LockState.WAITING
* @return null if no locks were needed
LockState acquireLocks(QueryPlan plan, Context ctx, String username, boolean isBlocking) throws LockException {
// Make sure we've built the lock manager
queryId = plan.getQueryId();
switch(plan.getOperation()) {
*This is here for documentation purposes. This TM doesn't support this - only has one
* mode of operation documented at {@link DbTxnManager#isExplicitTransaction}
return null;
LockRequestBuilder rqstBuilder = new LockRequestBuilder(queryId);
// link queryId to txnId"Setting lock request transaction to " + JavaUtils.txnIdToString(txnId) + " for queryId=" + queryId);
rqstBuilder.setZeroWaitReadEnabled(!conf.getBoolVar(HiveConf.ConfVars.TXN_OVERWRITE_X_LOCK) || !conf.getBoolVar(HiveConf.ConfVars.TXN_WRITE_X_LOCK));
// this operation.
if (plan.getInputs().isEmpty() && plan.getOutputs().isEmpty()) {
LOG.debug("No locks needed for queryId=" + queryId);
return null;
List<LockComponent> lockComponents = AcidUtils.makeLockComponents(plan.getOutputs(), plan.getInputs(), ctx.getOperation(), conf);
// It's possible there's nothing to lock even if we have w/r entities.
if (lockComponents.isEmpty()) {
LOG.debug("No locks needed for queryId=" + queryId);
return null;
List<HiveLock> locks = new ArrayList<HiveLock>(1);
LockState lockState = lockMgr.lock(, queryId, isBlocking, locks);
return lockState;