use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.txn.TxnStore in project hive by apache.
the class TestCompactor method testCompactorGatherStats.
public void testCompactorGatherStats() throws Exception {
String dbName = "default";
String tableName = "stats_comp_test";
List<String> colNames = Arrays.asList("a");
executeStatementOnDriver("drop table if exists " + dbName + "." + tableName, driver);
executeStatementOnDriver("create table " + dbName + "." + tableName + " (a INT) STORED AS ORC TBLPROPERTIES ('transactional'='true')", driver);
executeStatementOnDriver("insert into " + dbName + "." + tableName + " values(1)", driver);
executeStatementOnDriver("insert into " + dbName + "." + tableName + " values(1)", driver);
TxnStore txnHandler = TxnUtils.getTxnStore(conf);
txnHandler.compact(new CompactionRequest(dbName, tableName, CompactionType.MAJOR));
// Make sure we do not have statistics for this table yet
// Compaction generates stats only if there is any
List<ColumnStatisticsObj> colStats = msClient.getTableColumnStatistics(dbName, tableName, colNames, Constants.HIVE_ENGINE);
assertEquals("No stats should be there for the table", 0, colStats.size());
executeStatementOnDriver("analyze table " + dbName + "." + tableName + " compute statistics for columns", driver);
executeStatementOnDriver("insert into " + dbName + "." + tableName + " values(2)", driver);
// Make sure we have old statistics for the table
colStats = msClient.getTableColumnStatistics(dbName, tableName, colNames, Constants.HIVE_ENGINE);
assertEquals("Stats should be there", 1, colStats.size());
assertEquals("Value should contain old data", 1, colStats.get(0).getStatsData().getLongStats().getHighValue());
assertEquals("Value should contain old data", 1, colStats.get(0).getStatsData().getLongStats().getLowValue());
txnHandler.compact(new CompactionRequest(dbName, tableName, CompactionType.MAJOR));
// Make sure the statistics is NOT updated for the table (compaction triggers only a basic stats gathering)
colStats = msClient.getTableColumnStatistics(dbName, tableName, colNames, Constants.HIVE_ENGINE);
assertEquals("Stats should be there", 1, colStats.size());
assertEquals("Value should contain new data", 1, colStats.get(0).getStatsData().getLongStats().getHighValue());
assertEquals("Value should contain new data", 1, colStats.get(0).getStatsData().getLongStats().getLowValue());
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.txn.TxnStore in project hive by apache.
the class TestCompactor method minorCompactAfterAbort.
public void minorCompactAfterAbort() throws Exception {
String dbName = "default";
String tblName = "cws";
String columnNamesProperty = "a,b";
String columnTypesProperty = "int:string";
executeStatementOnDriver("drop table if exists " + tblName, driver);
executeStatementOnDriver("CREATE TABLE " + tblName + "(a INT, b STRING) " + // currently ACID requires table to be bucketed
" CLUSTERED BY(a) INTO 1 BUCKETS" + " STORED AS ORC TBLPROPERTIES ('transactional'='true')", driver);
processStreamingAPI(dbName, tblName);
// Now, compact
TxnStore txnHandler = TxnUtils.getTxnStore(conf);
txnHandler.compact(new CompactionRequest(dbName, tblName, CompactionType.MINOR));
// Find the location of the table
IMetaStoreClient msClient = new HiveMetaStoreClient(conf);
Table table = msClient.getTable(dbName, tblName);
FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(conf);
FileStatus[] stat = fs.listStatus(new Path(table.getSd().getLocation()), AcidUtils.deltaFileFilter);
String[] names = new String[stat.length];
Path resultDelta = null;
for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
names[i] = stat[i].getPath().getName();
if (names[i].equals("delta_0000001_0000004_v0000009")) {
resultDelta = stat[i].getPath();
String[] expected = new String[] { "delta_0000001_0000002", "delta_0000001_0000004_v0000009", "delta_0000003_0000004" };
if (!Arrays.deepEquals(expected, names)) {"Expected: " + Arrays.toString(expected) + ", found: " + Arrays.toString(names));
CompactorTestUtil.checkExpectedTxnsPresent(null, new Path[] { resultDelta }, columnNamesProperty, columnTypesProperty, 0, 1L, 4L, Lists.newArrayList(5, 6), 1);
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.txn.TxnStore in project hive by apache.
the class TestCompactor method testMinorCompactionForSplitUpdateWithInsertsAndDeletes.
public void testMinorCompactionForSplitUpdateWithInsertsAndDeletes() throws Exception {
String dbName = "default";
String tblName = "cws";
String columnNamesProperty = "a,b";
String columnTypesProperty = "int:string";
executeStatementOnDriver("drop table if exists " + tblName, driver);
executeStatementOnDriver("CREATE TABLE " + tblName + "(a INT, b STRING) " + // currently ACID requires table to be bucketed
" CLUSTERED BY(a) INTO 1 BUCKETS" + " STORED AS ORC TBLPROPERTIES ('transactional'='true'," + "'transactional_properties'='default')", driver);
// Insert some data -> this will generate only insert deltas and no delete deltas: delta_3_3
executeStatementOnDriver("INSERT INTO " + tblName + "(a,b) VALUES(1, 'foo')", driver);
// Insert some data -> this will again generate only insert deltas and no delete deltas: delta_4_4
executeStatementOnDriver("INSERT INTO " + tblName + "(a,b) VALUES(2, 'bar')", driver);
// Delete some data -> this will generate only delete deltas and no insert deltas: delete_delta_5_5
executeStatementOnDriver("DELETE FROM " + tblName + " WHERE a = 2", driver);
// Now, compact -> Compaction produces a single range for both delta and delete delta
// That is, both delta and delete_deltas would be compacted into delta_3_5 and delete_delta_3_5
// even though there are only two delta_3_3, delta_4_4 and one delete_delta_5_5.
TxnStore txnHandler = TxnUtils.getTxnStore(conf);
txnHandler.compact(new CompactionRequest(dbName, tblName, CompactionType.MINOR));
// Find the location of the table
IMetaStoreClient msClient = new HiveMetaStoreClient(conf);
Table table = msClient.getTable(dbName, tblName);
FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(conf);
// Verify that we have got correct set of deltas.
FileStatus[] stat = fs.listStatus(new Path(table.getSd().getLocation()), AcidUtils.deltaFileFilter);
String[] deltas = new String[stat.length];
Path minorCompactedDelta = null;
for (int i = 0; i < deltas.length; i++) {
deltas[i] = stat[i].getPath().getName();
if (deltas[i].equals("delta_0000001_0000003_v0000006")) {
minorCompactedDelta = stat[i].getPath();
String[] expectedDeltas = new String[] { "delta_0000001_0000001_0000", "delta_0000001_0000003_v0000006", "delta_0000002_0000002_0000" };
if (!Arrays.deepEquals(expectedDeltas, deltas)) {"Expected: " + Arrays.toString(expectedDeltas) + ", found: " + Arrays.toString(deltas));
CompactorTestUtil.checkExpectedTxnsPresent(null, new Path[] { minorCompactedDelta }, columnNamesProperty, columnTypesProperty, 0, 1L, 2L, null, 1);
// Verify that we have got correct set of delete_deltas.
FileStatus[] deleteDeltaStat = fs.listStatus(new Path(table.getSd().getLocation()), AcidUtils.deleteEventDeltaDirFilter);
String[] deleteDeltas = new String[deleteDeltaStat.length];
Path minorCompactedDeleteDelta = null;
for (int i = 0; i < deleteDeltas.length; i++) {
deleteDeltas[i] = deleteDeltaStat[i].getPath().getName();
if (deleteDeltas[i].equals("delete_delta_0000001_0000003_v0000006")) {
minorCompactedDeleteDelta = deleteDeltaStat[i].getPath();
String[] expectedDeleteDeltas = new String[] { "delete_delta_0000001_0000003_v0000006", "delete_delta_0000003_0000003_0000" };
if (!Arrays.deepEquals(expectedDeleteDeltas, deleteDeltas)) {"Expected: " + Arrays.toString(expectedDeleteDeltas) + ", found: " + Arrays.toString(deleteDeltas));
CompactorTestUtil.checkExpectedTxnsPresent(null, new Path[] { minorCompactedDeleteDelta }, columnNamesProperty, columnTypesProperty, 0, 2L, 2L, null, 1);
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.txn.TxnStore in project hive by apache.
the class TestCompactor method assertAndCompactCleanAbort.
private void assertAndCompactCleanAbort(String dbName, String tblName, boolean partialAbort, boolean singleSession) throws Exception {
IMetaStoreClient msClient = new HiveMetaStoreClient(conf);
TxnStore txnHandler = TxnUtils.getTxnStore(conf);
Table table = msClient.getTable(dbName, tblName);
FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(conf);
FileStatus[] stat = fs.listStatus(new Path(table.getSd().getLocation()));
if (3 != stat.length) {"Expecting three directories corresponding to three partitions, FileStatus[] stat " + Arrays.toString(stat));
int count = TestTxnDbUtil.countQueryAgent(conf, "select count(*) from TXN_COMPONENTS where TC_OPERATION_TYPE='i'");
// We should have two rows corresponding to the two aborted transactions
Assert.assertEquals(TestTxnDbUtil.queryToString(conf, "select * from TXN_COMPONENTS"), partialAbort ? 1 : 2, count);
count = TestTxnDbUtil.countQueryAgent(conf, "select count(*) from COMPACTION_QUEUE");
// Only one job is added to the queue per table. This job corresponds to all the entries for a particular table
// with rows in TXN_COMPONENTS
Assert.assertEquals(TestTxnDbUtil.queryToString(conf, "select * from COMPACTION_QUEUE"), 1, count);
ShowCompactResponse rsp = txnHandler.showCompact(new ShowCompactRequest());
Assert.assertEquals(1, rsp.getCompacts().size());
Assert.assertEquals(TxnStore.CLEANING_RESPONSE, rsp.getCompacts().get(0).getState());
Assert.assertEquals("cws", rsp.getCompacts().get(0).getTablename());
Assert.assertEquals(CompactionType.MINOR, rsp.getCompacts().get(0).getType());
// After the cleaner runs TXN_COMPONENTS and COMPACTION_QUEUE should have zero rows, also the folders should have been deleted.
count = TestTxnDbUtil.countQueryAgent(conf, "select count(*) from TXN_COMPONENTS");
Assert.assertEquals(TestTxnDbUtil.queryToString(conf, "select * from TXN_COMPONENTS"), (singleSession && partialAbort) ? 1 : 0, count);
count = TestTxnDbUtil.countQueryAgent(conf, "select count(*) from COMPACTION_QUEUE");
Assert.assertEquals(TestTxnDbUtil.queryToString(conf, "select * from COMPACTION_QUEUE"), 0, count);
RemoteIterator it = fs.listFiles(new Path(table.getSd().getLocation()), true);
if (it.hasNext() && !partialAbort) {"Expected cleaner to drop aborted delta & base directories, FileStatus[] stat " + Arrays.toString(stat));
rsp = txnHandler.showCompact(new ShowCompactRequest());
Assert.assertEquals(1, rsp.getCompacts().size());
Assert.assertEquals(TxnStore.SUCCEEDED_RESPONSE, rsp.getCompacts().get(0).getState());
Assert.assertEquals("cws", rsp.getCompacts().get(0).getTablename());
Assert.assertEquals(CompactionType.MINOR, rsp.getCompacts().get(0).getType());
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.txn.TxnStore in project hive by apache.
the class TestCompactor method runMajorCompaction.
private void runMajorCompaction(String dbName, String tblName, String... partNames) throws Exception {
TxnStore txnHandler = TxnUtils.getTxnStore(conf);
Worker t = new Worker();
t.setThreadId((int) t.getId());
t.init(new AtomicBoolean(true));
if (partNames.length == 0) {
txnHandler.compact(new CompactionRequest(dbName, tblName, CompactionType.MAJOR));;
} else {
for (String partName : partNames) {
CompactionRequest cr = new CompactionRequest(dbName, tblName, CompactionType.MAJOR);