use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.GroupByOperator in project hive by apache.
the class DynamicPartitionPruningOptimization method generateSemiJoinOperatorPlan.
// Generates plan for min/max when dynamic partition pruning is ruled out.
private boolean generateSemiJoinOperatorPlan(DynamicListContext ctx, ParseContext parseContext, TableScanOperator ts, String keyBaseAlias, String internalColName, String colName, SemiJoinHint sjHint) throws SemanticException {
// we will put a fork in the plan at the source of the reduce sink
Operator<? extends OperatorDesc> parentOfRS = ctx.generator.getParentOperators().get(0);
// we need the expr that generated the key of the reduce sink
ExprNodeDesc key = ctx.generator.getConf().getKeyCols().get(ctx.desc.getKeyIndex());
assert colName != null;
// Fetch the TableScan Operator.
Operator<?> op = parentOfRS;
while (!(op == null || op instanceof TableScanOperator || op instanceof ReduceSinkOperator)) {
op = op.getParentOperators().get(0);
if (op instanceof TableScanOperator) {
Table table = ((TableScanOperator) op).getConf().getTableMetadata();
if (table.isPartitionKey(colName)) {
// The column is partition column, skip the optimization.
return false;
// Check if there already exists a semijoin branch
GroupByOperator gb = parseContext.getColExprToGBMap().get(key);
if (gb != null) {
// Already an existing semijoin branch, reuse it
createFinalRsForSemiJoinOp(parseContext, ts, gb, key, keyBaseAlias, ctx.parent.getChildren().get(0), sjHint != null);
// done!
return true;
List<ExprNodeDesc> keyExprs = new ArrayList<ExprNodeDesc>();
// group by requires "ArrayList", don't ask.
ArrayList<String> outputNames = new ArrayList<String>();
// project the relevant key column
SelectDesc select = new SelectDesc(keyExprs, outputNames);
// Create the new RowSchema for the projected column
ColumnInfo columnInfo = parentOfRS.getSchema().getColumnInfo(internalColName);
ArrayList<ColumnInfo> signature = new ArrayList<ColumnInfo>();
RowSchema rowSchema = new RowSchema(signature);
// Create the column expr map
Map<String, ExprNodeDesc> colExprMap = new HashMap<String, ExprNodeDesc>();
ExprNodeDesc exprNode = null;
if (parentOfRS.getColumnExprMap() != null) {
exprNode = parentOfRS.getColumnExprMap().get(internalColName).clone();
} else {
exprNode = new ExprNodeColumnDesc(columnInfo);
if (exprNode instanceof ExprNodeColumnDesc) {
ExprNodeColumnDesc encd = (ExprNodeColumnDesc) exprNode;
colExprMap.put(internalColName, exprNode);
// Create the Select Operator
SelectOperator selectOp = (SelectOperator) OperatorFactory.getAndMakeChild(select, rowSchema, colExprMap, parentOfRS);
// do a group by to aggregate min,max and bloom filter.
float groupByMemoryUsage = HiveConf.getFloatVar(parseContext.getConf(), HiveConf.ConfVars.HIVEMAPAGGRHASHMEMORY);
float memoryThreshold = HiveConf.getFloatVar(parseContext.getConf(), HiveConf.ConfVars.HIVEMAPAGGRMEMORYTHRESHOLD);
// Add min/max and bloom filter aggregations
List<ObjectInspector> aggFnOIs = new ArrayList<ObjectInspector>();
ArrayList<ExprNodeDesc> params = new ArrayList<ExprNodeDesc>();
params.add(new ExprNodeColumnDesc(key.getTypeInfo(), outputNames.get(0), "", false));
ArrayList<AggregationDesc> aggs = new ArrayList<AggregationDesc>();
try {
AggregationDesc min = new AggregationDesc("min", FunctionRegistry.getGenericUDAFEvaluator("min", aggFnOIs, false, false), params, false, Mode.PARTIAL1);
AggregationDesc max = new AggregationDesc("max", FunctionRegistry.getGenericUDAFEvaluator("max", aggFnOIs, false, false), params, false, Mode.PARTIAL1);
AggregationDesc bloomFilter = new AggregationDesc("bloom_filter", FunctionRegistry.getGenericUDAFEvaluator("bloom_filter", aggFnOIs, false, false), params, false, Mode.PARTIAL1);
GenericUDAFBloomFilterEvaluator bloomFilterEval = (GenericUDAFBloomFilterEvaluator) bloomFilter.getGenericUDAFEvaluator();
if (sjHint != null && sjHint.getNumEntries() > 0) {
LOG.debug("Setting size for " + keyBaseAlias + " to " + sjHint.getNumEntries() + " based on the hint");
} catch (SemanticException e) {
LOG.error("Error creating min/max aggregations on key", e);
throw new IllegalStateException("Error creating min/max aggregations on key", e);
// Create the Group by Operator
ArrayList<String> gbOutputNames = new ArrayList<String>();
GroupByDesc groupBy = new GroupByDesc(GroupByDesc.Mode.HASH, gbOutputNames, new ArrayList<ExprNodeDesc>(), aggs, false, groupByMemoryUsage, memoryThreshold, null, false, -1, false);
ArrayList<ColumnInfo> groupbyColInfos = new ArrayList<ColumnInfo>();
groupbyColInfos.add(new ColumnInfo(gbOutputNames.get(0), key.getTypeInfo(), "", false));
groupbyColInfos.add(new ColumnInfo(gbOutputNames.get(1), key.getTypeInfo(), "", false));
groupbyColInfos.add(new ColumnInfo(gbOutputNames.get(2), key.getTypeInfo(), "", false));
GroupByOperator groupByOp = (GroupByOperator) OperatorFactory.getAndMakeChild(groupBy, new RowSchema(groupbyColInfos), selectOp);
groupByOp.setColumnExprMap(new HashMap<String, ExprNodeDesc>());
// Get the column names of the aggregations for reduce sink
int colPos = 0;
ArrayList<ExprNodeDesc> rsValueCols = new ArrayList<ExprNodeDesc>();
for (int i = 0; i < aggs.size() - 1; i++) {
ExprNodeColumnDesc colExpr = new ExprNodeColumnDesc(key.getTypeInfo(), gbOutputNames.get(colPos++), "", false);
// Bloom Filter uses binary
ExprNodeColumnDesc colExpr = new ExprNodeColumnDesc(TypeInfoFactory.binaryTypeInfo, gbOutputNames.get(colPos++), "", false);
// Create the reduce sink operator
ReduceSinkDesc rsDesc = PlanUtils.getReduceSinkDesc(new ArrayList<ExprNodeDesc>(), rsValueCols, gbOutputNames, false, -1, 0, 1, Operation.NOT_ACID);
ReduceSinkOperator rsOp = (ReduceSinkOperator) OperatorFactory.getAndMakeChild(rsDesc, new RowSchema(groupByOp.getSchema()), groupByOp);
Map<String, ExprNodeDesc> columnExprMap = new HashMap<String, ExprNodeDesc>();
// Create the final Group By Operator
ArrayList<AggregationDesc> aggsFinal = new ArrayList<AggregationDesc>();
try {
List<ObjectInspector> minFinalFnOIs = new ArrayList<ObjectInspector>();
List<ObjectInspector> maxFinalFnOIs = new ArrayList<ObjectInspector>();
List<ObjectInspector> bloomFilterFinalFnOIs = new ArrayList<ObjectInspector>();
ArrayList<ExprNodeDesc> minFinalParams = new ArrayList<ExprNodeDesc>();
ArrayList<ExprNodeDesc> maxFinalParams = new ArrayList<ExprNodeDesc>();
ArrayList<ExprNodeDesc> bloomFilterFinalParams = new ArrayList<ExprNodeDesc>();
// Use the expressions from Reduce Sink.
// Coming from a ReduceSink the aggregations would be in the form VALUE._col0, VALUE._col1
minFinalParams.add(new ExprNodeColumnDesc(rsValueCols.get(0).getTypeInfo(), Utilities.ReduceField.VALUE + "." + gbOutputNames.get(0), "", false));
maxFinalParams.add(new ExprNodeColumnDesc(rsValueCols.get(1).getTypeInfo(), Utilities.ReduceField.VALUE + "." + gbOutputNames.get(1), "", false));
bloomFilterFinalParams.add(new ExprNodeColumnDesc(rsValueCols.get(2).getTypeInfo(), Utilities.ReduceField.VALUE + "." + gbOutputNames.get(2), "", false));
AggregationDesc min = new AggregationDesc("min", FunctionRegistry.getGenericUDAFEvaluator("min", minFinalFnOIs, false, false), minFinalParams, false, Mode.FINAL);
AggregationDesc max = new AggregationDesc("max", FunctionRegistry.getGenericUDAFEvaluator("max", maxFinalFnOIs, false, false), maxFinalParams, false, Mode.FINAL);
AggregationDesc bloomFilter = new AggregationDesc("bloom_filter", FunctionRegistry.getGenericUDAFEvaluator("bloom_filter", bloomFilterFinalFnOIs, false, false), bloomFilterFinalParams, false, Mode.FINAL);
GenericUDAFBloomFilterEvaluator bloomFilterEval = (GenericUDAFBloomFilterEvaluator) bloomFilter.getGenericUDAFEvaluator();
if (sjHint != null && sjHint.getNumEntries() > 0) {
} catch (SemanticException e) {
LOG.error("Error creating min/max aggregations on key", e);
throw new IllegalStateException("Error creating min/max aggregations on key", e);
GroupByDesc groupByDescFinal = new GroupByDesc(GroupByDesc.Mode.FINAL, gbOutputNames, new ArrayList<ExprNodeDesc>(), aggsFinal, false, groupByMemoryUsage, memoryThreshold, null, false, 0, false);
GroupByOperator groupByOpFinal = (GroupByOperator) OperatorFactory.getAndMakeChild(groupByDescFinal, new RowSchema(rsOp.getSchema()), rsOp);
groupByOpFinal.setColumnExprMap(new HashMap<String, ExprNodeDesc>());
createFinalRsForSemiJoinOp(parseContext, ts, groupByOpFinal, key, keyBaseAlias, ctx.parent.getChildren().get(0), sjHint != null);
return true;
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.GroupByOperator in project hive by apache.
the class HiveGBOpConvUtil method genMapSideGBRS.
private static OpAttr genMapSideGBRS(OpAttr inputOpAf, GBInfo gbInfo) throws SemanticException {
Map<String, ExprNodeDesc> colExprMap = new HashMap<String, ExprNodeDesc>();
List<String> outputKeyColumnNames = new ArrayList<String>();
List<String> outputValueColumnNames = new ArrayList<String>();
ArrayList<ColumnInfo> colInfoLst = new ArrayList<ColumnInfo>();
GroupByOperator mapGB = (GroupByOperator) inputOpAf.inputs.get(0);
ArrayList<ExprNodeDesc> reduceKeys = getReduceKeysForRS(mapGB, 0, gbInfo.gbKeys.size() - 1, outputKeyColumnNames, false, colInfoLst, colExprMap, false, false);
int keyLength = reduceKeys.size();
if (inclGrpSetInMapSide(gbInfo)) {
addGrpSetCol(false, SemanticAnalyzer.getColumnInternalName(reduceKeys.size()), true, reduceKeys, outputKeyColumnNames, colInfoLst, colExprMap);
if (mapGB.getConf().getKeys().size() > reduceKeys.size()) {
// NOTE: All dist cols have single output col name;
reduceKeys.addAll(getReduceKeysForRS(mapGB, reduceKeys.size(), mapGB.getConf().getKeys().size() - 1, outputKeyColumnNames, true, colInfoLst, colExprMap, false, false));
} else if (!gbInfo.distColIndices.isEmpty()) {
// This is the case where distinct cols are part of GB Keys in which case
// we still need to add it to out put col names
ArrayList<ExprNodeDesc> reduceValues = getValueKeysForRS(mapGB, mapGB.getConf().getKeys().size(), outputValueColumnNames, colInfoLst, colExprMap, false, false);
ReduceSinkOperator rsOp = (ReduceSinkOperator) OperatorFactory.getAndMakeChild(PlanUtils.getReduceSinkDesc(reduceKeys, keyLength, reduceValues, gbInfo.distColIndices, outputKeyColumnNames, outputValueColumnNames, true, -1, getNumPartFieldsForMapSideRS(gbInfo), getParallelismForMapSideRS(gbInfo), AcidUtils.Operation.NOT_ACID), new RowSchema(colInfoLst), mapGB);
return new OpAttr("", new HashSet<Integer>(), rsOp);
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.GroupByOperator in project hive by apache.
the class DynamicPartitionPruningOptimization method generateEventOperatorPlan.
private void generateEventOperatorPlan(DynamicListContext ctx, ParseContext parseContext, TableScanOperator ts, String column, String columnType) {
// we will put a fork in the plan at the source of the reduce sink
Operator<? extends OperatorDesc> parentOfRS = ctx.generator.getParentOperators().get(0);
// we need the expr that generated the key of the reduce sink
ExprNodeDesc key = ctx.generator.getConf().getKeyCols().get(ctx.desc.getKeyIndex());
// we also need the expr for the partitioned table
ExprNodeDesc partKey = ctx.parent.getChildren().get(0);
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("key expr: " + key);
LOG.debug("partition key expr: " + partKey);
List<ExprNodeDesc> keyExprs = new ArrayList<ExprNodeDesc>();
// group by requires "ArrayList", don't ask.
ArrayList<String> outputNames = new ArrayList<String>();
// project the relevant key column
SelectDesc select = new SelectDesc(keyExprs, outputNames);
SelectOperator selectOp = (SelectOperator) OperatorFactory.getAndMakeChild(select, parentOfRS);
// do a group by on the list to dedup
float groupByMemoryUsage = HiveConf.getFloatVar(parseContext.getConf(), HiveConf.ConfVars.HIVEMAPAGGRHASHMEMORY);
float memoryThreshold = HiveConf.getFloatVar(parseContext.getConf(), HiveConf.ConfVars.HIVEMAPAGGRMEMORYTHRESHOLD);
ArrayList<ExprNodeDesc> groupByExprs = new ArrayList<ExprNodeDesc>();
ExprNodeDesc groupByExpr = new ExprNodeColumnDesc(key.getTypeInfo(), outputNames.get(0), null, false);
GroupByDesc groupBy = new GroupByDesc(GroupByDesc.Mode.HASH, outputNames, groupByExprs, new ArrayList<AggregationDesc>(), false, groupByMemoryUsage, memoryThreshold, null, false, -1, true);
GroupByOperator groupByOp = (GroupByOperator) OperatorFactory.getAndMakeChild(groupBy, selectOp);
Map<String, ExprNodeDesc> colMap = new HashMap<String, ExprNodeDesc>();
colMap.put(outputNames.get(0), groupByExpr);
// finally add the event broadcast operator
if (HiveConf.getVar(parseContext.getConf(), ConfVars.HIVE_EXECUTION_ENGINE).equals("tez")) {
DynamicPruningEventDesc eventDesc = new DynamicPruningEventDesc();
eventDesc.setTable(PlanUtils.getReduceValueTableDesc(PlanUtils.getFieldSchemasFromColumnList(keyExprs, "key")));
OperatorFactory.getAndMakeChild(eventDesc, groupByOp);
} else {
// Must be spark branch
SparkPartitionPruningSinkDesc desc = new SparkPartitionPruningSinkDesc();
desc.setTable(PlanUtils.getReduceValueTableDesc(PlanUtils.getFieldSchemasFromColumnList(keyExprs, "key")));
desc.addTarget(column, columnType, partKey, null, ts);
SparkPartitionPruningSinkOperator dppSink = (SparkPartitionPruningSinkOperator) OperatorFactory.getAndMakeChild(desc, groupByOp);
if (HiveConf.getBoolVar(parseContext.getConf(), ConfVars.HIVE_COMBINE_EQUIVALENT_WORK_OPTIMIZATION)) {
mayReuseExistingDPPSink(parentOfRS, Arrays.asList(selectOp, groupByOp, dppSink));
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.GroupByOperator in project hive by apache.
the class GlobalLimitOptimizer method checkQbpForGlobalLimit.
* Check the limit number in all sub queries
* @return if there is one and only one limit for all subqueries, return the limit
* if there is no limit, return 0
* otherwise, return null
private static LimitOperator checkQbpForGlobalLimit(TableScanOperator ts) {
Set<Class<? extends Operator<?>>> searchedClasses = new ImmutableSet.Builder<Class<? extends Operator<?>>>().add(ReduceSinkOperator.class).add(GroupByOperator.class).add(FilterOperator.class).add(LimitOperator.class).build();
Multimap<Class<? extends Operator<?>>, Operator<?>> ops = OperatorUtils.classifyOperators(ts, searchedClasses);
// existsOrdering AND existsPartitioning should be false.
for (Operator<?> op : ops.get(ReduceSinkOperator.class)) {
ReduceSinkDesc reduceSinkConf = ((ReduceSinkOperator) op).getConf();
if (reduceSinkConf.isOrdering() || reduceSinkConf.isPartitioning()) {
return null;
// - There cannot exist any (distinct) aggregate.
for (Operator<?> op : ops.get(GroupByOperator.class)) {
GroupByDesc groupByConf = ((GroupByOperator) op).getConf();
if (groupByConf.isAggregate() || groupByConf.isDistinct()) {
return null;
// - There cannot exist any sampling predicate.
for (Operator<?> op : ops.get(FilterOperator.class)) {
FilterDesc filterConf = ((FilterOperator) op).getConf();
if (filterConf.getIsSamplingPred()) {
return null;
// If there is one and only one limit starting at op, return the limit
// If there is no limit, return 0
// Otherwise, return null
Collection<Operator<?>> limitOps = ops.get(LimitOperator.class);
if (limitOps.size() == 1) {
return (LimitOperator) limitOps.iterator().next();
} else if (limitOps.size() == 0) {
return null;
return null;
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.GroupByOperator in project hive by apache.
the class SemanticAnalyzer method genGroupByPlan1MR.
* Generate a Group-By plan using a single map-reduce job (3 operators will be
* inserted):
* ReduceSink ( keys = (K1_EXP, K2_EXP, DISTINCT_EXP), values = (A1_EXP,
* A2_EXP) ) SortGroupBy (keys = (KEY.0,KEY.1), aggregations =
* (count_distinct(KEY.2), sum(VALUE.0), count(VALUE.1))) Select (final
* selects).
* @param dest
* @param qb
* @param input
* @return
* @throws SemanticException
* Generate a Group-By plan using 1 map-reduce job. Spray by the
* group by key, and sort by the distinct key (if any), and compute
* aggregates * The aggregation evaluation functions are as
* follows: Partitioning Key: grouping key
* Sorting Key: grouping key if no DISTINCT grouping + distinct key
* Reducer: iterate/merge (mode = COMPLETE)
@SuppressWarnings({ "nls" })
private Operator genGroupByPlan1MR(String dest, QB qb, Operator input) throws SemanticException {
QBParseInfo parseInfo = qb.getParseInfo();
int numReducers = -1;
ObjectPair<List<ASTNode>, List<Long>> grpByExprsGroupingSets = getGroupByGroupingSetsForClause(parseInfo, dest);
List<ASTNode> grpByExprs = grpByExprsGroupingSets.getFirst();
List<Long> groupingSets = grpByExprsGroupingSets.getSecond();
if (grpByExprs.isEmpty()) {
numReducers = 1;
// Grouping sets are not allowed
if (!groupingSets.isEmpty()) {
throw new SemanticException(ErrorMsg.HIVE_GROUPING_SETS_AGGR_NOMAPAGGR.getMsg());
// ////// 1. Generate ReduceSinkOperator
ReduceSinkOperator reduceSinkOperatorInfo = genGroupByPlanReduceSinkOperator(qb, dest, input, grpByExprs, grpByExprs.size(), false, numReducers, false, false);
// ////// 2. Generate GroupbyOperator
Operator groupByOperatorInfo = genGroupByPlanGroupByOperator(parseInfo, dest, reduceSinkOperatorInfo, reduceSinkOperatorInfo, GroupByDesc.Mode.COMPLETE, null);
return groupByOperatorInfo;