use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.lib.Dispatcher in project hive by apache.
the class SkewJoinOptimizer method transform.
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.optimizer.Transform#transform
* (org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.parse.ParseContext)
public ParseContext transform(ParseContext pctx) throws SemanticException {
Map<Rule, NodeProcessor> opRules = new LinkedHashMap<Rule, NodeProcessor>();
opRules.put(new RuleRegExp("R1", "TS%.*RS%JOIN%"), getSkewJoinProc(pctx));
SkewJoinOptProcCtx skewJoinOptProcCtx = new SkewJoinOptProcCtx(pctx);
// The dispatcher fires the processor corresponding to the closest matching
// rule and passes the context along
Dispatcher disp = new DefaultRuleDispatcher(null, opRules, skewJoinOptProcCtx);
GraphWalker ogw = new DefaultGraphWalker(disp);
// Create a list of topop nodes
List<Node> topNodes = new ArrayList<Node>();
ogw.startWalking(topNodes, null);
return pctx;
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.lib.Dispatcher in project hive by apache.
the class SortedMergeBucketMapJoinOptimizer method getListOfRejectedJoins.
private void getListOfRejectedJoins(ParseContext pctx, SortBucketJoinProcCtx smbJoinContext) throws SemanticException {
// Go through all joins - it should only contain selects and filters between
// tablescan and join operators.
Map<Rule, NodeProcessor> opRules = new LinkedHashMap<Rule, NodeProcessor>();
opRules.put(new RuleRegExp("R1", JoinOperator.getOperatorName() + "%"), getCheckCandidateJoin());
// The dispatcher fires the processor corresponding to the closest matching
// rule and passes the context along
Dispatcher disp = new DefaultRuleDispatcher(getDefaultProc(), opRules, smbJoinContext);
GraphWalker ogw = new DefaultGraphWalker(disp);
// Create a list of topop nodes
ArrayList<Node> topNodes = new ArrayList<Node>();
ogw.startWalking(topNodes, null);
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.lib.Dispatcher in project hive by apache.
the class SamplePruner method transform.
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
* org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.optimizer.Transform#transform(org.apache.hadoop
* .hive.ql.parse.ParseContext)
public ParseContext transform(ParseContext pctx) throws SemanticException {
// create a the context for walking operators
SamplePrunerCtx samplePrunerCtx = new SamplePrunerCtx(pctx.getOpToSamplePruner());
Map<Rule, NodeProcessor> opRules = new LinkedHashMap<Rule, NodeProcessor>();
opRules.put(new RuleRegExp("R1", "(" + TableScanOperator.getOperatorName() + "%" + FilterOperator.getOperatorName() + "%" + FilterOperator.getOperatorName() + "%|" + TableScanOperator.getOperatorName() + "%" + FilterOperator.getOperatorName() + "%)"), getFilterProc());
// The dispatcher fires the processor corresponding to the closest matching
// rule and passes the context along
Dispatcher disp = new DefaultRuleDispatcher(getDefaultProc(), opRules, samplePrunerCtx);
GraphWalker ogw = new DefaultGraphWalker(disp);
// Create a list of topop nodes
ArrayList<Node> topNodes = new ArrayList<Node>();
ogw.startWalking(topNodes, null);
return pctx;
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.lib.Dispatcher in project hive by apache.
the class ReduceSinkDeDuplication method transform.
public ParseContext transform(ParseContext pctx) throws SemanticException {
pGraphContext = pctx;
// generate pruned column list for all relevant operators
ReduceSinkDeduplicateProcCtx cppCtx = new ReduceSinkDeduplicateProcCtx(pGraphContext);
// for auto convert map-joins, it not safe to dedup in here (todo)
boolean mergeJoins = !pctx.getConf().getBoolVar(HIVECONVERTJOIN) && !pctx.getConf().getBoolVar(HIVECONVERTJOINNOCONDITIONALTASK) && !pctx.getConf().getBoolVar(ConfVars.HIVE_CONVERT_JOIN_BUCKET_MAPJOIN_TEZ) && !pctx.getConf().getBoolVar(ConfVars.HIVEDYNAMICPARTITIONHASHJOIN);
// If multiple rules can be matched with same cost, last rule will be choosen as a processor
// see DefaultRuleDispatcher#dispatch()
Map<Rule, NodeProcessor> opRules = new LinkedHashMap<Rule, NodeProcessor>();
opRules.put(new RuleRegExp("R1", RS + "%.*%" + RS + "%"), ReduceSinkDeduplicateProcFactory.getReducerReducerProc());
opRules.put(new RuleRegExp("R2", RS + "%" + GBY + "%.*%" + RS + "%"), ReduceSinkDeduplicateProcFactory.getGroupbyReducerProc());
if (mergeJoins) {
opRules.put(new RuleRegExp("R3", JOIN + "%.*%" + RS + "%"), ReduceSinkDeduplicateProcFactory.getJoinReducerProc());
// The dispatcher fires the processor corresponding to the closest matching
// rule and passes the context along
Dispatcher disp = new DefaultRuleDispatcher(ReduceSinkDeduplicateProcFactory.getDefaultProc(), opRules, cppCtx);
GraphWalker ogw = new DefaultGraphWalker(disp);
// Create a list of topop nodes
ArrayList<Node> topNodes = new ArrayList<Node>();
ogw.startWalking(topNodes, null);
return pGraphContext;
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.lib.Dispatcher in project hive by apache.
the class AnnotateWithOpTraits method transform.
public ParseContext transform(ParseContext pctx) throws SemanticException {
AnnotateOpTraitsProcCtx annotateCtx = new AnnotateOpTraitsProcCtx(pctx);
// create a walker which walks the tree in a BFS manner while maintaining the
// operator stack. The dispatcher generates the plan from the operator tree
Map<Rule, NodeProcessor> opRules = new LinkedHashMap<Rule, NodeProcessor>();
opRules.put(new RuleRegExp("TS", TableScanOperator.getOperatorName() + "%"), OpTraitsRulesProcFactory.getTableScanRule());
opRules.put(new RuleRegExp("RS", ReduceSinkOperator.getOperatorName() + "%"), OpTraitsRulesProcFactory.getReduceSinkRule());
opRules.put(new RuleRegExp("JOIN", JoinOperator.getOperatorName() + "%"), OpTraitsRulesProcFactory.getJoinRule());
opRules.put(new RuleRegExp("MAPJOIN", MapJoinOperator.getOperatorName() + "%"), OpTraitsRulesProcFactory.getMultiParentRule());
opRules.put(new RuleRegExp("SMB", SMBMapJoinOperator.getOperatorName() + "%"), OpTraitsRulesProcFactory.getMultiParentRule());
opRules.put(new RuleRegExp("MUX", MuxOperator.getOperatorName() + "%"), OpTraitsRulesProcFactory.getMultiParentRule());
opRules.put(new RuleRegExp("DEMUX", DemuxOperator.getOperatorName() + "%"), OpTraitsRulesProcFactory.getMultiParentRule());
opRules.put(new RuleRegExp("UNION", UnionOperator.getOperatorName() + "%"), OpTraitsRulesProcFactory.getMultiParentRule());
opRules.put(new RuleRegExp("GBY", GroupByOperator.getOperatorName() + "%"), OpTraitsRulesProcFactory.getGroupByRule());
opRules.put(new RuleRegExp("SEL", SelectOperator.getOperatorName() + "%"), OpTraitsRulesProcFactory.getSelectRule());
// The dispatcher fires the processor corresponding to the closest matching
// rule and passes the context along
Dispatcher disp = new DefaultRuleDispatcher(OpTraitsRulesProcFactory.getDefaultRule(), opRules, annotateCtx);
GraphWalker ogw = new LevelOrderWalker(disp, 0);
// Create a list of topop nodes
ArrayList<Node> topNodes = new ArrayList<Node>();
ogw.startWalking(topNodes, null);
return pctx;