use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.lib.SemanticGraphWalker in project hive by apache.
the class SparkCompiler method runSetReducerParallelism.
private void runSetReducerParallelism(OptimizeSparkProcContext procCtx) throws SemanticException {
ParseContext pCtx = procCtx.getParseContext();
Map<SemanticRule, SemanticNodeProcessor> opRules = new LinkedHashMap<SemanticRule, SemanticNodeProcessor>();
opRules.put(new RuleRegExp("Set parallelism - ReduceSink", ReduceSinkOperator.getOperatorName() + "%"), new SetSparkReducerParallelism(pCtx.getConf()));
// The dispatcher fires the processor corresponding to the closest matching
// rule and passes the context along
SemanticDispatcher disp = new DefaultRuleDispatcher(null, opRules, procCtx);
SemanticGraphWalker ogw = new PreOrderWalker(disp);
// Create a list of topop nodes
ArrayList<Node> topNodes = new ArrayList<Node>();
ogw.startWalking(topNodes, null);
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.lib.SemanticGraphWalker in project hive by apache.
the class SparkCompiler method runDynamicPartitionPruning.
private void runDynamicPartitionPruning(OptimizeSparkProcContext procCtx) throws SemanticException {
if (!conf.isSparkDPPAny()) {
ParseContext parseContext = procCtx.getParseContext();
Map<SemanticRule, SemanticNodeProcessor> opRules = new LinkedHashMap<SemanticRule, SemanticNodeProcessor>();
opRules.put(new RuleRegExp(new String("Dynamic Partition Pruning"), FilterOperator.getOperatorName() + "%"), new DynamicPartitionPruningOptimization());
// The dispatcher fires the processor corresponding to the closest matching
// rule and passes the context along
SemanticDispatcher disp = new DefaultRuleDispatcher(null, opRules, procCtx);
SemanticGraphWalker ogw = new ForwardWalker(disp);
List<Node> topNodes = new ArrayList<Node>();
ogw.startWalking(topNodes, null);
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.lib.SemanticGraphWalker in project hive by apache.
the class SparkCompiler method runRemoveDynamicPruning.
private void runRemoveDynamicPruning(OptimizeSparkProcContext procCtx) throws SemanticException {
ParseContext pCtx = procCtx.getParseContext();
Map<SemanticRule, SemanticNodeProcessor> opRules = new LinkedHashMap<SemanticRule, SemanticNodeProcessor>();
opRules.put(new RuleRegExp("Disabling Dynamic Partition Pruning", SparkPartitionPruningSinkOperator.getOperatorName() + "%"), new SparkRemoveDynamicPruning());
// The dispatcher fires the processor corresponding to the closest matching
// rule and passes the context along
SemanticDispatcher disp = new DefaultRuleDispatcher(null, opRules, procCtx);
SemanticGraphWalker ogw = new DefaultGraphWalker(disp);
// Create a list of topop nodes
ArrayList<Node> topNodes = new ArrayList<Node>();
ogw.startWalking(topNodes, null);
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.lib.SemanticGraphWalker in project hive by apache.
the class SparkCompiler method runJoinOptimizations.
private void runJoinOptimizations(OptimizeSparkProcContext procCtx) throws SemanticException {
ParseContext pCtx = procCtx.getParseContext();
Map<SemanticRule, SemanticNodeProcessor> opRules = new LinkedHashMap<SemanticRule, SemanticNodeProcessor>();
opRules.put(new TypeRule(JoinOperator.class), new SparkJoinOptimizer(pCtx));
opRules.put(new TypeRule(MapJoinOperator.class), new SparkJoinHintOptimizer(pCtx));
// The dispatcher fires the processor corresponding to the closest matching
// rule and passes the context along
SemanticDispatcher disp = new DefaultRuleDispatcher(null, opRules, procCtx);
SemanticGraphWalker ogw = new DefaultGraphWalker(disp);
// Create a list of topop nodes
ArrayList<Node> topNodes = new ArrayList<Node>();
ogw.startWalking(topNodes, null);
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.lib.SemanticGraphWalker in project hive by apache.
the class SparkCompiler method generateTaskTree.
* TODO: need to turn on rules that's commented out and add more if necessary.
protected void generateTaskTree(List<Task<?>> rootTasks, ParseContext pCtx, List<Task<MoveWork>> mvTask, Set<ReadEntity> inputs, Set<WriteEntity> outputs) throws SemanticException {
GenSparkUtils utils = GenSparkUtils.getUtils();
ParseContext tempParseContext = getParseContext(pCtx, rootTasks);
GenSparkProcContext procCtx = new GenSparkProcContext(conf, tempParseContext, mvTask, rootTasks, inputs, outputs, pCtx.getTopOps());
// -------------------------------- First Pass ---------------------------------- //
// Identify SparkPartitionPruningSinkOperators, and break OP tree if necessary
Map<SemanticRule, SemanticNodeProcessor> opRules = new LinkedHashMap<SemanticRule, SemanticNodeProcessor>();
opRules.put(new RuleRegExp("Clone OP tree for PartitionPruningSink", SparkPartitionPruningSinkOperator.getOperatorName() + "%"), new SplitOpTreeForDPP());
SemanticDispatcher disp = new DefaultRuleDispatcher(null, opRules, procCtx);
SemanticGraphWalker ogw = new GenSparkWorkWalker(disp, procCtx);
List<Node> topNodes = new ArrayList<Node>();
ogw.startWalking(topNodes, null);
// -------------------------------- Second Pass ---------------------------------- //
// Process operator tree in two steps: first we process the extra op trees generated
// in the first pass. Then we process the main op tree, and the result task will depend
// on the task generated in the first pass.
generateTaskTreeHelper(procCtx, topNodes);
// the partitions used.
if (!procCtx.clonedPruningTableScanSet.isEmpty()) {
SparkTask pruningTask = SparkUtilities.createSparkTask(conf);
SparkTask mainTask = procCtx.currentTask;
procCtx.currentTask = pruningTask;
generateTaskTreeHelper(procCtx, topNodes);
procCtx.currentTask = mainTask;
// we need to clone some operator plans and remove union operators still
for (BaseWork w : procCtx.workWithUnionOperators) {
GenSparkUtils.getUtils().removeUnionOperators(procCtx, w);
// we need to fill MapWork with 'local' work and bucket information for SMB Join.
// finally make sure the file sink operators are set up right
for (FileSinkOperator fileSink : procCtx.fileSinkSet) {
GenSparkUtils.getUtils().processFileSink(procCtx, fileSink);
// Process partition pruning sinks
for (Operator<?> prunerSink : procCtx.pruningSinkSet) {
utils.processPartitionPruningSink(procCtx, (SparkPartitionPruningSinkOperator) prunerSink);