use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.PartitionIterable in project hive by apache.
the class TableExport method getAuthEntities.
public AuthEntities getAuthEntities() throws SemanticException {
AuthEntities authEntities = new AuthEntities();
try {
// Return if metadata-only
if (replicationSpec.isMetadataOnly() || replicationSpec.isMetadataOnlyForExternalTables()) {
return authEntities;
PartitionIterable partitions = getPartitions();
if (tableSpec != null) {
if (tableSpec.tableHandle.isPartitioned()) {
if (partitions == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("partitions cannot be null for partitionTable :" + tableSpec.getTableName().getTable());
for (Partition partition : partitions) {
authEntities.inputs.add(new ReadEntity(partition));
} else {
authEntities.inputs.add(new ReadEntity(tableSpec.tableHandle));
authEntities.outputs.add(toWriteEntity(paths.metadataExportRootDir(), conf));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new SemanticException(e);
return authEntities;
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.PartitionIterable in project hive by apache.
the class ExportSemanticAnalyzer method prepareExport.
// FIXME : Move to EximUtil - it's okay for this to stay here for a little while more till we finalize the statics
public static void prepareExport(ASTNode ast, URI toURI, TableSpec ts, ReplicationSpec replicationSpec, Hive db, HiveConf conf, Context ctx, List<Task<? extends Serializable>> rootTasks, HashSet<ReadEntity> inputs, HashSet<WriteEntity> outputs, Logger LOG) throws SemanticException {
if (ts != null) {
try {
if (replicationSpec.isInReplicationScope() && ts.tableHandle.isTemporary()) {
// No replication for temporary tables either
ts = null;
} else if (ts.tableHandle.isView()) {
} catch (SemanticException e) {
// ignore for replication, error if not.
if (replicationSpec.isInReplicationScope()) {
// null out ts so we can't use it.
ts = null;
} else {
throw e;
try {
FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(toURI, conf);
Path toPath = new Path(toURI.getScheme(), toURI.getAuthority(), toURI.getPath());
try {
FileStatus tgt = fs.getFileStatus(toPath);
// target exists
if (!tgt.isDir()) {
throw new SemanticException(ErrorMsg.INVALID_PATH.getMsg(ast, "Target is not a directory : " + toURI));
} else {
FileStatus[] files = fs.listStatus(toPath, FileUtils.HIDDEN_FILES_PATH_FILTER);
if (files != null && files.length != 0) {
throw new SemanticException(ErrorMsg.INVALID_PATH.getMsg(ast, "Target is not an empty directory : " + toURI));
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new SemanticException(ErrorMsg.INVALID_PATH.getMsg(ast), e);
PartitionIterable partitions = null;
try {
if ((ts != null) && (ts.tableHandle.isPartitioned())) {
if (ts.specType == TableSpec.SpecType.TABLE_ONLY) {
// TABLE-ONLY, fetch partitions if regular export, don't if metadata-only
if (replicationSpec.isMetadataOnly()) {
partitions = null;
} else {
partitions = new PartitionIterable(db, ts.tableHandle, null, conf.getIntVar(HiveConf.ConfVars.METASTORE_BATCH_RETRIEVE_MAX));
} else {
// PARTITIONS specified - partitions inside tableSpec
partitions = new PartitionIterable(ts.partitions);
} else {
// Either tableHandle isn't partitioned => null, or repl-export after ts becomes null => null.
// or this is a noop-replication export, so we can skip looking at ptns.
partitions = null;
Path path = new Path(ctx.getLocalTmpPath(), EximUtil.METADATA_NAME);
EximUtil.createExportDump(FileSystem.getLocal(conf), path, (ts != null ? ts.tableHandle : null), partitions, replicationSpec);
Task<? extends Serializable> rTask = ReplCopyTask.getDumpCopyTask(replicationSpec, path, new Path(toURI), conf);
LOG.debug("_metadata file written into " + path.toString() + " and then copied to " + toURI.toString());
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new SemanticException(ErrorMsg.IO_ERROR.getMsg("Exception while writing out the local file"), e);
if (!(replicationSpec.isMetadataOnly() || (ts == null))) {
Path parentPath = new Path(toURI);
if (ts.tableHandle.isPartitioned()) {
for (Partition partition : partitions) {
Path fromPath = partition.getDataLocation();
Path toPartPath = new Path(parentPath, partition.getName());
Task<? extends Serializable> rTask = ReplCopyTask.getDumpCopyTask(replicationSpec, fromPath, toPartPath, conf);
inputs.add(new ReadEntity(partition));
} else {
Path fromPath = ts.tableHandle.getDataLocation();
Path toDataPath = new Path(parentPath, EximUtil.DATA_PATH_NAME);
Task<? extends Serializable> rTask = ReplCopyTask.getDumpCopyTask(replicationSpec, fromPath, toDataPath, conf);
inputs.add(new ReadEntity(ts.tableHandle));
outputs.add(toWriteEntity(parentPath, conf));
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.PartitionIterable in project hive by apache.
the class DescTableOperation method getColumnsNoColumnPath.
private void getColumnsNoColumnPath(Table table, Partition partition, List<FieldSchema> cols) throws HiveException {
cols.addAll(partition == null || table.getTableType() == TableType.VIRTUAL_VIEW ? table.getCols() : partition.getCols());
if (!desc.isFormatted()) {
// Fetch partition statistics only for describe extended or formatted.
if (desc.isExtended() || desc.isFormatted()) {
boolean disablePartitionStats = HiveConf.getBoolVar(context.getConf(), HiveConf.ConfVars.HIVE_DESCRIBE_PARTITIONED_TABLE_IGNORE_STATS);
if (table.isPartitioned() && partition == null && !disablePartitionStats) {
// No partition specified for partitioned table, lets fetch all.
Map<String, String> tblProps = table.getParameters() == null ? new HashMap<String, String>() : table.getParameters();
Map<String, Long> valueMap = new HashMap<>();
Map<String, Boolean> stateMap = new HashMap<>();
for (String stat : StatsSetupConst.SUPPORTED_STATS) {
valueMap.put(stat, 0L);
stateMap.put(stat, true);
PartitionIterable partitions = new PartitionIterable(context.getDb(), table, null, MetastoreConf.getIntVar(context.getConf(), MetastoreConf.ConfVars.BATCH_RETRIEVE_MAX));
int numParts = 0;
for (Partition p : partitions) {
Map<String, String> partitionProps = p.getParameters();
Boolean state = StatsSetupConst.areBasicStatsUptoDate(partitionProps);
for (String stat : StatsSetupConst.SUPPORTED_STATS) {
stateMap.put(stat, stateMap.get(stat) && state);
if (partitionProps != null && partitionProps.get(stat) != null) {
valueMap.put(stat, valueMap.get(stat) + Long.parseLong(partitionProps.get(stat)));
tblProps.put(StatsSetupConst.NUM_PARTITIONS, Integer.toString(numParts));
for (String stat : StatsSetupConst.SUPPORTED_STATS) {
StatsSetupConst.setBasicStatsState(tblProps, Boolean.toString(stateMap.get(stat)));
tblProps.put(stat, valueMap.get(stat).toString());
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.PartitionIterable in project hive by apache.
the class DescTableOperation method getColumnDataForPartitionKeyColumn.
private void getColumnDataForPartitionKeyColumn(Table table, List<FieldSchema> cols, List<ColumnStatisticsObj> colStats, List<String> colNames, Map<String, String> tableProps) throws HiveException, MetaException {
FieldSchema partCol = table.getPartColByName(colNames.get(0));
PartitionIterable parts = new PartitionIterable(context.getDb(), table, null, MetastoreConf.getIntVar(context.getConf(), MetastoreConf.ConfVars.BATCH_RETRIEVE_MAX));
ColumnInfo ci = new ColumnInfo(partCol.getName(), TypeInfoUtils.getTypeInfoFromTypeString(partCol.getType()), null, false);
ColStatistics cs = StatsUtils.getColStatsForPartCol(ci, parts, context.getConf());
ColumnStatisticsData data = new ColumnStatisticsData();
ColStatistics.Range r = cs.getRange();
StatObjectConverter.fillColumnStatisticsData(partCol.getType(), data, r == null ? null : r.minValue, r == null ? null : r.maxValue, r == null ? null : r.minValue, r == null ? null : r.maxValue, r == null ? null : r.minValue.toString(), r == null ? null : r.maxValue.toString(), cs.getNumNulls(), cs.getCountDistint(), null, cs.getAvgColLen(), cs.getAvgColLen(), cs.getNumTrues(), cs.getNumFalses());
ColumnStatisticsObj cso = new ColumnStatisticsObj(partCol.getName(), partCol.getType(), data);
StatsSetupConst.setColumnStatsState(tableProps, colNames);
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.PartitionIterable in project hive by apache.
the class AlterTableSetPropertiesOperation method doAlteration.
protected void doAlteration(Table table, Partition partition) throws HiveException {
if (StatsSetupConst.USER.equals(environmentContext.getProperties().get(StatsSetupConst.STATS_GENERATED))) {
if (partition != null) {
} else {
boolean isFromMmTable = AcidUtils.isInsertOnlyTable(table.getParameters());
Boolean isToMmTable = AcidUtils.isToInsertOnlyTable(table, desc.getProps());
if (!isFromMmTable && BooleanUtils.isTrue(isToMmTable)) {
if (!HiveConf.getBoolVar(context.getConf(), ConfVars.HIVE_MM_ALLOW_ORIGINALS)) {
List<Task<?>> mmTasks = generateAddMmTasks(table, desc.getWriteId());
for (Task<?> mmTask : mmTasks) {
} else {
if (!table.getPartitionKeys().isEmpty()) {
PartitionIterable parts = new PartitionIterable(context.getDb(), table, null, MetastoreConf.getIntVar(context.getConf(), MetastoreConf.ConfVars.BATCH_RETRIEVE_MAX));
for (Partition part : parts) {
} else {
} else if (isFromMmTable && BooleanUtils.isFalse(isToMmTable)) {
throw new HiveException("Cannot convert an ACID table to non-ACID");
// Converting to/from external table
String externalProp = desc.getProps().get("EXTERNAL");
if (externalProp != null) {
if (Boolean.parseBoolean(externalProp) && table.getTableType() == TableType.MANAGED_TABLE) {
} else if (!Boolean.parseBoolean(externalProp) && table.getTableType() == TableType.EXTERNAL_TABLE) {