use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.parse.ASTNode in project SQLWindowing by hbutani.
the class WindowingTypeCheckProcFactory method processGByExpr.
* Function to do groupby subexpression elimination. This is called by all
* the processors initially. As an example, consider the query select a+b,
* count(1) from T group by a+b; Then a+b is already precomputed in the
* group by operators key, so we substitute a+b in the select list with the
* internal column name of the a+b expression that appears in the in input
* row resolver.
* @param nd
* The node that is being inspected.
* @param procCtx
* The processor context.
* @return exprNodeColumnDesc.
public static ExprNodeDesc processGByExpr(Node nd, Object procCtx) throws SemanticException {
// We recursively create the exprNodeDesc. Base cases: when we encounter
// a column ref, we convert that into an exprNodeColumnDesc; when we
// encounter
// a constant, we convert that into an exprNodeConstantDesc. For others
// we
// just
// build the exprNodeFuncDesc with recursively built children.
ASTNode expr = (ASTNode) nd;
TypeCheckCtx ctx = (TypeCheckCtx) procCtx;
RowResolver input = ctx.getInputRR();
ExprNodeDesc desc = null;
// If the current subExpression is pre-calculated, as in Group-By etc.
ColumnInfo colInfo = input.getExpression(expr);
if (colInfo != null) {
desc = new ExprNodeColumnDesc(colInfo.getType(), colInfo.getInternalName(), colInfo.getTabAlias(), colInfo.getIsVirtualCol());
// }
return desc;
return desc;
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.parse.ASTNode in project SQLWindowing by hbutani.
the class WindowingTypeCheckProcFactory method genExprNode.
public static HashMap<Node, Object> genExprNode(ASTNode expr, TypeCheckCtx tcCtx) throws SemanticException {
// Create the walker, the rules dispatcher and the context.
// create a walker which walks the tree in a DFS manner while
// maintaining
// the operator stack. The dispatcher
// generates the plan from the operator tree
Map<Rule, NodeProcessor> opRules = new LinkedHashMap<Rule, NodeProcessor>();
opRules.put(new RuleRegExp("R1", Windowing2Parser.NULL + "%"), getNullExprProcessor());
opRules.put(new RuleRegExp("R2", Windowing2Parser.Number + "%|" + Windowing2Parser.TinyintLiteral + "%|" + Windowing2Parser.SmallintLiteral + "%|" + Windowing2Parser.BigintLiteral + "%"), getNumExprProcessor());
opRules.put(new RuleRegExp("R3", Windowing2Parser.Identifier + "%|" + Windowing2Parser.StringLiteral + "%|" + Windowing2Parser.CHARSETLITERAL + "%|" + Windowing2Parser.STRINGLITERALSEQUENCE + "%|" + "%|" + Windowing2Parser.IF + "%|" + Windowing2Parser.CASE + "%|" + Windowing2Parser.WHEN + "%|" + Windowing2Parser.IN + "%|" + Windowing2Parser.ARRAY + "%|" + Windowing2Parser.MAP + "%|" + Windowing2Parser.BETWEEN + "%|" + Windowing2Parser.STRUCT + "%"), getStrExprProcessor());
opRules.put(new RuleRegExp("R4", Windowing2Parser.TRUE + "%|" + Windowing2Parser.FALSE + "%"), getBoolExprProcessor());
opRules.put(new RuleRegExp("R5", Windowing2Parser.TABLEORCOL + "%"), getColumnExprProcessor());
// The dispatcher fires the processor corresponding to the closest
// matching
// rule and passes the context along
Dispatcher disp = new DefaultRuleDispatcher(getDefaultExprProcessor(), opRules, tcCtx);
GraphWalker ogw = new DefaultGraphWalker(disp);
// Create a list of topop nodes
ArrayList<Node> topNodes = new ArrayList<Node>();
HashMap<Node, Object> nodeOutputs = new HashMap<Node, Object>();
ogw.startWalking(topNodes, nodeOutputs);
return nodeOutputs;
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.parse.ASTNode in project SQLWindowing by hbutani.
the class WindowSpecTranslation method translateColumn.
static void translateColumn(QueryDef qDef, ColumnDef cDef, InputInfo iInfo, ColumnSpec cSpec) throws WindowingException {
String colTabName = cSpec.getTableName();
if (colTabName != null && !colTabName.equals(iInfo.getAlias())) {
throw new WindowingException(sprintf("Unknown Table Reference in column", cSpec));
ASTNode expr = TranslateUtils.buildASTNode(cSpec.getColumnName());
ExprNodeDesc exprNode = TranslateUtils.buildExprNode(expr, iInfo.getTypeCheckCtx());
ExprNodeEvaluator exprEval = WindowingExprNodeEvaluatorFactory.get(qDef.getTranslationInfo(), exprNode);
ObjectInspector oi = TranslateUtils.initExprNodeEvaluator(qDef, exprNode, exprEval, iInfo);
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.parse.ASTNode in project SQLWindowing by hbutani.
the class SerializationUtils method addAntlrPersistenceDelegates.
public static void addAntlrPersistenceDelegates(XMLEncoder e) {
e.setPersistenceDelegate(ASTNode.class, new PersistenceDelegate() {
protected Expression instantiate(Object oldInstance, Encoder out) {
return new Expression(oldInstance, oldInstance.getClass(), "new", new Object[] { ((ASTNode) oldInstance).getToken() });
e.setPersistenceDelegate(CommonTree.class, new PersistenceDelegate() {
protected Expression instantiate(Object oldInstance, Encoder out) {
return new Expression(oldInstance, oldInstance.getClass(), "new", new Object[] { ((CommonTree) oldInstance).getToken() });
e.setPersistenceDelegate(BaseTree.class, new PersistenceDelegate() {
protected Expression instantiate(Object oldInstance, Encoder out) {
return new Expression(oldInstance, oldInstance.getClass(), "new", new Object[] {});
protected void initialize(Class type, Object oldInstance, Object newInstance, Encoder out) {
super.initialize(type, oldInstance, newInstance, out);
BaseTree t = (BaseTree) oldInstance;
for (int i = 0; i < t.getChildCount(); i++) {
out.writeStatement(new Statement(oldInstance, "addChild", new Object[] { t.getChild(i) }));
e.setPersistenceDelegate(CommonToken.class, new PersistenceDelegate() {
protected Expression instantiate(Object oldInstance, Encoder out) {
return new Expression(oldInstance, oldInstance.getClass(), "new", new Object[] { ((CommonToken) oldInstance).getType(), ((CommonToken) oldInstance).getText() });
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.parse.ASTNode in project SQLWindowing by hbutani.
the class InputTranslation method translate.
* <ol>
* <li> Get the <code>TableFunctionResolver</code> for this Function from the FunctionRegistry.
* <li> Create the TableFuncDef object.
* <li> Get the InputInfo for the input to this function.
* <li> Translate the Arguments to this Function in the Context of the InputInfo.
* <li> ask the TableFunctionResolver to create a TableFunctionEvaluator based on the Args passed in.
* <li> ask the TableFunctionEvaluator to setup the Map-side ObjectInspector. Gives a chance to functions that
* reshape the Input before it is partitioned to define the Shape after raw data is transformed.
* <li> Setup the Window Definition for this Function. The Window Definition is resolved wrt to the InputDef's
* Shape or the MapOI, for Functions that reshape the raw input.
* <li> ask the TableFunctionEvaluator to setup the Output ObjectInspector for this Function.
* <li> setup a Serde for the Output partition based on the OutputOI.
* </ol>
private static TableFuncDef translate(QueryDef qDef, TableFuncSpec tSpec, QueryInputDef inputDef) throws WindowingException {
QueryTranslationInfo tInfo = qDef.getTranslationInfo();
TableFunctionResolver tFn = FunctionRegistry.getTableFunctionResolver(tSpec.getName());
if (tFn == null) {
throw new WindowingException(sprintf("Unknown Table Function %s", tSpec.getName()));
TableFuncDef tDef = new TableFuncDef();
InputInfo iInfo = tInfo.getInputInfo(inputDef);
* translate args
ArrayList<ASTNode> args = tSpec.getArgs();
if (args != null) {
for (ASTNode expr : args) {
ArgDef argDef = translateTableFunctionArg(qDef, tDef, iInfo, expr);
tFn.initialize(qDef, tDef);
TableFunctionEvaluator tEval = tFn.getEvaluator();
tDef.setWindow(WindowSpecTranslation.translateWindow(qDef, tDef));
TranslateUtils.setupSerdeAndOI(tDef, inputDef, tInfo, tEval);
return tDef;