use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.plan.AddPartitionDesc in project hive by apache.
the class ImportSemanticAnalyzer method createReplImportTasks.
* Create tasks for repl import
private static void createReplImportTasks(ImportTableDesc tblDesc, List<AddPartitionDesc> partitionDescs, ReplicationSpec replicationSpec, boolean waitOnPrecursor, Table table, URI fromURI, FileSystem fs, Warehouse wh, EximUtil.SemanticAnalyzerWrapperContext x, Long writeId, int stmtId, boolean isSourceMm, UpdatedMetaDataTracker updatedMetadata) throws HiveException, URISyntaxException, IOException, MetaException {
Task<?> dr = null;
WriteEntity.WriteType lockType = WriteEntity.WriteType.DDL_NO_LOCK;
// Normally, on import, trying to create a table or a partition in a db that does not yet exist
// is a error condition. However, in the case of a REPL LOAD, it is possible that we are trying
// to create tasks to create a table inside a db that as-of-now does not exist, but there is
// a precursor Task waiting that will create it before this is encountered. Thus, we instantiate
// defaults and do not error out in that case.
Database parentDb = x.getHive().getDatabase(tblDesc.getDatabaseName());
if (parentDb == null) {
if (!waitOnPrecursor) {
throw new SemanticException(ErrorMsg.DATABASE_NOT_EXISTS.getMsg(tblDesc.getDatabaseName()));
if (table != null) {
if (!replicationSpec.allowReplacementInto(table.getParameters())) {
// If the target table exists and is newer or same as current update based on, then just noop it.
x.getLOG().info("Table {}.{} is not replaced as it is newer than the update", tblDesc.getDatabaseName(), tblDesc.getTableName());
} else {
// If table doesn't exist, allow creating a new one only if the database state is older than the update.
if ((parentDb != null) && (!replicationSpec.allowReplacementInto(parentDb.getParameters()))) {
// If the target table exists and is newer or same as current update based on, then just noop it.
x.getLOG().info("Table {}.{} is not created as the database is newer than the update", tblDesc.getDatabaseName(), tblDesc.getTableName());
if (updatedMetadata != null) {
updatedMetadata.set(replicationSpec.getReplicationState(), tblDesc.getDatabaseName(), tblDesc.getTableName(), null);
if (tblDesc.getLocation() == null) {
if (!waitOnPrecursor) {
tblDesc.setLocation(wh.getDefaultTablePath(parentDb, tblDesc.getTableName()).toString());
} else {
tblDesc.setLocation(wh.getDnsPath(new Path(wh.getDefaultDatabasePath(tblDesc.getDatabaseName()), org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.utils.MetaStoreUtils.encodeTableName(tblDesc.getTableName().toLowerCase()))).toString());
/* Note: In the following section, Metadata-only import handling logic is
interleaved with regular repl-import logic. The rule of thumb being
followed here is that MD-only imports are essentially ALTERs. They do
not load data, and should not be "creating" any metadata - they should
be replacing instead. The only place it makes sense for a MD-only import
to create is in the case of a table that's been dropped and recreated,
or in the case of an unpartitioned table. In all other cases, it should
behave like a noop or a pure MD alter.
if (table == null) {
if (lockType == WriteEntity.WriteType.DDL_NO_LOCK) {
lockType = WriteEntity.WriteType.DDL_SHARED;
Task t = createTableTask(tblDesc, x);
table = new Table(tblDesc.getDatabaseName(), tblDesc.getTableName());
if (!replicationSpec.isMetadataOnly()) {
if (isPartitioned(tblDesc)) {
Task<?> ict = createImportCommitTask(tblDesc.getDatabaseName(), tblDesc.getTableName(), writeId, stmtId, AcidUtils.isInsertOnlyTable(tblDesc.getTblProps()));
for (AddPartitionDesc addPartitionDesc : partitionDescs) {
t.addDependentTask(addSinglePartition(fromURI, fs, tblDesc, table, wh, addPartitionDesc, replicationSpec, x, writeId, stmtId, isSourceMm, ict));
if (updatedMetadata != null) {
} else {
x.getLOG().debug("adding dependent CopyWork/MoveWork for table");
t.addDependentTask(loadTable(fromURI, table, true, new Path(tblDesc.getLocation()), replicationSpec, x, writeId, stmtId, isSourceMm));
// Simply create
} else {
// Table existed, and is okay to replicate into, not dropping and re-creating.
if (table.isPartitioned()) {
x.getLOG().debug("table partitioned");
for (AddPartitionDesc addPartitionDesc : partitionDescs) {
Map<String, String> partSpec = addPartitionDesc.getPartition(0).getPartSpec();
org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.Partition ptn = null;
Task<?> ict = replicationSpec.isMetadataOnly() ? null : createImportCommitTask(tblDesc.getDatabaseName(), tblDesc.getTableName(), writeId, stmtId, AcidUtils.isInsertOnlyTable(tblDesc.getTblProps()));
if ((ptn = x.getHive().getPartition(table, partSpec, false)) == null) {
if (!replicationSpec.isMetadataOnly()) {
x.getTasks().add(addSinglePartition(fromURI, fs, tblDesc, table, wh, addPartitionDesc, replicationSpec, x, writeId, stmtId, isSourceMm, ict));
if (updatedMetadata != null) {
} else {
x.getTasks().add(alterSinglePartition(fromURI, fs, tblDesc, table, wh, addPartitionDesc, replicationSpec, null, x));
if (updatedMetadata != null) {
} else {
// the destination ptn's is older than the replacement's.
if (replicationSpec.allowReplacementInto(ptn.getParameters())) {
if (!replicationSpec.isMetadataOnly()) {
x.getTasks().add(addSinglePartition(fromURI, fs, tblDesc, table, wh, addPartitionDesc, replicationSpec, x, writeId, stmtId, isSourceMm, ict));
} else {
x.getTasks().add(alterSinglePartition(fromURI, fs, tblDesc, table, wh, addPartitionDesc, replicationSpec, ptn, x));
if (updatedMetadata != null) {
if (lockType == WriteEntity.WriteType.DDL_NO_LOCK) {
lockType = WriteEntity.WriteType.DDL_SHARED;
if (replicationSpec.isMetadataOnly() && partitionDescs.isEmpty()) {
// MD-ONLY table alter
x.getTasks().add(alterTableTask(tblDesc, x, replicationSpec));
if (lockType == WriteEntity.WriteType.DDL_NO_LOCK) {
lockType = WriteEntity.WriteType.DDL_SHARED;
} else {
x.getLOG().debug("table non-partitioned");
if (!replicationSpec.isMetadataOnly()) {
// repl-imports are replace-into unless the event is insert-into
loadTable(fromURI, table, replicationSpec.isReplace(), new Path(fromURI), replicationSpec, x, writeId, stmtId, isSourceMm);
} else {
x.getTasks().add(alterTableTask(tblDesc, x, replicationSpec));
if (lockType == WriteEntity.WriteType.DDL_NO_LOCK) {
lockType = WriteEntity.WriteType.DDL_SHARED;
x.getOutputs().add(new WriteEntity(table, lockType));
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.plan.AddPartitionDesc in project hive by apache.
the class ImportSemanticAnalyzer method createRegularImportTasks.
* Create tasks for regular import, no repl complexity
* @param tblDesc
* @param partitionDescs
* @param isPartSpecSet
* @param replicationSpec
* @param table
* @param fromURI
* @param fs
* @param wh
private static void createRegularImportTasks(ImportTableDesc tblDesc, List<AddPartitionDesc> partitionDescs, boolean isPartSpecSet, ReplicationSpec replicationSpec, Table table, URI fromURI, FileSystem fs, Warehouse wh, EximUtil.SemanticAnalyzerWrapperContext x, Long writeId, int stmtId, boolean isSourceMm) throws HiveException, URISyntaxException, IOException, MetaException {
if (table != null) {
if (table.isPartitioned()) {
x.getLOG().debug("table partitioned");
Task<?> ict = createImportCommitTask(table.getDbName(), table.getTableName(), writeId, stmtId, AcidUtils.isInsertOnlyTable(table.getParameters()));
for (AddPartitionDesc addPartitionDesc : partitionDescs) {
Map<String, String> partSpec = addPartitionDesc.getPartition(0).getPartSpec();
org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.Partition ptn = null;
if ((ptn = x.getHive().getPartition(table, partSpec, false)) == null) {
x.getTasks().add(addSinglePartition(fromURI, fs, tblDesc, table, wh, addPartitionDesc, replicationSpec, x, writeId, stmtId, isSourceMm, ict));
} else {
throw new SemanticException(ErrorMsg.PARTITION_EXISTS.getMsg(partSpecToString(partSpec)));
} else {
x.getLOG().debug("table non-partitioned");
// ensure if destination is not empty only for regular import
Path tgtPath = new Path(table.getDataLocation().toString());
FileSystem tgtFs = FileSystem.get(tgtPath.toUri(), x.getConf());
checkTargetLocationEmpty(tgtFs, tgtPath, replicationSpec, x.getLOG());
loadTable(fromURI, table, false, tgtPath, replicationSpec, x, writeId, stmtId, isSourceMm);
// Set this to read because we can't overwrite any existing partitions
x.getOutputs().add(new WriteEntity(table, WriteEntity.WriteType.DDL_NO_LOCK));
} else {
x.getLOG().debug("table " + tblDesc.getTableName() + " does not exist");
Task<?> t = createTableTask(tblDesc, x);
table = new Table(tblDesc.getDatabaseName(), tblDesc.getTableName());
Database parentDb = x.getHive().getDatabase(tblDesc.getDatabaseName());
// Since we are going to be creating a new table in a db, we should mark that db as a write entity
// so that the auth framework can go to work there.
x.getOutputs().add(new WriteEntity(parentDb, WriteEntity.WriteType.DDL_SHARED));
if (isPartitioned(tblDesc)) {
Task<?> ict = createImportCommitTask(tblDesc.getDatabaseName(), tblDesc.getTableName(), writeId, stmtId, AcidUtils.isInsertOnlyTable(tblDesc.getTblProps()));
for (AddPartitionDesc addPartitionDesc : partitionDescs) {
t.addDependentTask(addSinglePartition(fromURI, fs, tblDesc, table, wh, addPartitionDesc, replicationSpec, x, writeId, stmtId, isSourceMm, ict));
} else {
x.getLOG().debug("adding dependent CopyWork/MoveWork for table");
if (tblDesc.isExternal() && (tblDesc.getLocation() == null)) {
x.getLOG().debug("Importing in place, no emptiness check, no copying/loading");
Path dataPath = new Path(fromURI.toString(), EximUtil.DATA_PATH_NAME);
} else {
Path tablePath = null;
if (tblDesc.getLocation() != null) {
tablePath = new Path(tblDesc.getLocation());
} else {
tablePath = wh.getDefaultTablePath(parentDb, tblDesc.getTableName());
FileSystem tgtFs = FileSystem.get(tablePath.toUri(), x.getConf());
checkTargetLocationEmpty(tgtFs, tablePath, replicationSpec, x.getLOG());
if (isSourceMm) {
// since target table doesn't exist, it should inherit soruce table's properties
Map<String, String> tblproperties = table.getParameters();
tblproperties.put("transactional", "true");
tblproperties.put("transactional_properties", "insert_only");
t.addDependentTask(loadTable(fromURI, table, false, tablePath, replicationSpec, x, writeId, stmtId, isSourceMm));