use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.plan.DDLWork in project hive by apache.
the class DDLSemanticAnalyzer method analyzeCreateResourcePlan.
private void analyzeCreateResourcePlan(ASTNode ast) throws SemanticException {
if (ast.getChildCount() == 0) {
throw new SemanticException("Expected name in CREATE RESOURCE PLAN statement");
String resourcePlanName = unescapeIdentifier(ast.getChild(0).getText());
Integer queryParallelism = null;
String likeName = null;
for (int i = 1; i < ast.getChildCount(); ++i) {
Tree child = ast.getChild(i);
switch(child.getType()) {
// Note: later we may be able to set multiple things together (except LIKE).
if (queryParallelism == null && likeName == null) {
queryParallelism = Integer.parseInt(child.getChild(0).getText());
} else {
throw new SemanticException("Conflicting create arguments " + ast.toStringTree());
case HiveParser.TOK_LIKERP:
if (queryParallelism == null && likeName == null) {
likeName = unescapeIdentifier(child.getChild(0).getText());
} else {
throw new SemanticException("Conflicting create arguments " + ast.toStringTree());
throw new SemanticException("Invalid create arguments " + ast.toStringTree());
CreateResourcePlanDesc desc = new CreateResourcePlanDesc(resourcePlanName, queryParallelism, likeName);
rootTasks.add(TaskFactory.get(new DDLWork(getInputs(), getOutputs(), desc)));
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.plan.DDLWork in project hive by apache.
the class DDLSemanticAnalyzer method analyzeDropTable.
private void analyzeDropTable(ASTNode ast, TableType expectedType) throws SemanticException {
String tableName = getUnescapedName((ASTNode) ast.getChild(0));
boolean ifExists = (ast.getFirstChildWithType(HiveParser.TOK_IFEXISTS) != null);
// we want to signal an error if the table/view doesn't exist and we're
// configured not to fail silently
boolean throwException = !ifExists && !HiveConf.getBoolVar(conf, ConfVars.DROPIGNORESNONEXISTENT);
ReplicationSpec replicationSpec = new ReplicationSpec(ast);
Table tab = getTable(tableName, throwException);
if (tab != null) {
inputs.add(new ReadEntity(tab));
outputs.add(new WriteEntity(tab, WriteEntity.WriteType.DDL_EXCLUSIVE));
boolean ifPurge = (ast.getFirstChildWithType(HiveParser.KW_PURGE) != null);
DropTableDesc dropTblDesc = new DropTableDesc(tableName, expectedType, ifExists, ifPurge, replicationSpec);
rootTasks.add(TaskFactory.get(new DDLWork(getInputs(), getOutputs(), dropTblDesc)));
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.plan.DDLWork in project hive by apache.
the class DDLSemanticAnalyzer method analyzeDescribeTable.
* A query like this will generate a tree as follows
* "describe formatted default.maptable partition (b=100) id;"
* TOK_TABNAME --> root for tablename, 2 child nodes mean DB specified
* default
* maptable
* TOK_PARTSPEC --> root node for partition spec. else columnName
* b
* 100
* id --> root node for columnName
* formatted
private void analyzeDescribeTable(ASTNode ast) throws SemanticException {
ASTNode tableTypeExpr = (ASTNode) ast.getChild(0);
String dbName = null;
String tableName = null;
String colPath = null;
Map<String, String> partSpec = null;
ASTNode tableNode = null;
// tablename is either TABLENAME or DBNAME.TABLENAME if db is given
if (((ASTNode) tableTypeExpr.getChild(0)).getType() == HiveParser.TOK_TABNAME) {
tableNode = (ASTNode) tableTypeExpr.getChild(0);
if (tableNode.getChildCount() == 1) {
tableName = ((ASTNode) tableNode.getChild(0)).getText();
} else {
dbName = ((ASTNode) tableNode.getChild(0)).getText();
tableName = dbName + "." + ((ASTNode) tableNode.getChild(1)).getText();
} else {
throw new SemanticException(((ASTNode) tableTypeExpr.getChild(0)).getText() + " is not an expected token type");
// process the second child,if exists, node to get partition spec(s)
partSpec = QualifiedNameUtil.getPartitionSpec(db, tableTypeExpr, tableName);
// process the third child node,if exists, to get partition spec(s)
colPath = QualifiedNameUtil.getColPath(db, tableTypeExpr, dbName, tableName, partSpec);
// validate database
if (dbName != null) {
if (partSpec != null) {
validateTable(tableName, partSpec);
DescTableDesc descTblDesc = new DescTableDesc(ctx.getResFile(), tableName, partSpec, colPath);
boolean showColStats = false;
if (ast.getChildCount() == 2) {
int descOptions = ast.getChild(1).getType();
descTblDesc.setFormatted(descOptions == HiveParser.KW_FORMATTED);
descTblDesc.setExt(descOptions == HiveParser.KW_EXTENDED);
// if we are describing a table or column
if (!colPath.equalsIgnoreCase(tableName) && descTblDesc.isFormatted()) {
showColStats = true;
inputs.add(new ReadEntity(getTable(tableName)));
Task ddlTask = TaskFactory.get(new DDLWork(getInputs(), getOutputs(), descTblDesc));
String schema = DescTableDesc.getSchema(showColStats);
setFetchTask(createFetchTask(schema));"analyzeDescribeTable done");
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.plan.DDLWork in project hive by apache.
the class DDLSemanticAnalyzer method analyzeShowTableProperties.
private void analyzeShowTableProperties(ASTNode ast) throws SemanticException {
ShowTblPropertiesDesc showTblPropertiesDesc;
String[] qualified = getQualifiedTableName((ASTNode) ast.getChild(0));
String propertyName = null;
if (ast.getChildCount() > 1) {
propertyName = unescapeSQLString(ast.getChild(1).getText());
String tableNames = getDotName(qualified);
validateTable(tableNames, null);
showTblPropertiesDesc = new ShowTblPropertiesDesc(ctx.getResFile().toString(), tableNames, propertyName);
rootTasks.add(TaskFactory.get(new DDLWork(getInputs(), getOutputs(), showTblPropertiesDesc)));
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.plan.DDLWork in project hive by apache.
the class DDLSemanticAnalyzer method analyzeAlterTableRename.
private void analyzeAlterTableRename(String[] source, ASTNode ast, boolean expectView) throws SemanticException {
String[] target = getQualifiedTableName((ASTNode) ast.getChild(0));
String sourceName = getDotName(source);
String targetName = getDotName(target);
AlterTableDesc alterTblDesc = new AlterTableDesc(sourceName, targetName, expectView, null);
addInputsOutputsAlterTable(sourceName, null, alterTblDesc);
rootTasks.add(TaskFactory.get(new DDLWork(getInputs(), getOutputs(), alterTblDesc)));