use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.plan.ExprNodeColumnDesc in project hive by apache.
the class SemanticAnalyzer method genGroupByPlanMapGroupByOperator.
* Generate the map-side GroupByOperator for the Query Block
* (qb.getParseInfo().getXXX(dest)). The new GroupByOperator will be a child
* of the inputOperatorInfo.
* @param mode
* The mode of the aggregation (HASH)
* @param genericUDAFEvaluators
* If not null, this function will store the mapping from Aggregation
* StringTree to the genericUDAFEvaluator in this parameter, so it
* can be used in the next-stage GroupBy aggregations.
* @return the new GroupByOperator
private Operator genGroupByPlanMapGroupByOperator(QB qb, String dest, List<ASTNode> grpByExprs, Operator inputOperatorInfo, GroupByDesc.Mode mode, Map<String, GenericUDAFEvaluator> genericUDAFEvaluators, List<Long> groupingSetKeys, boolean groupingSetsPresent) throws SemanticException {
RowResolver groupByInputRowResolver = opParseCtx.get(inputOperatorInfo).getRowResolver();
QBParseInfo parseInfo = qb.getParseInfo();
RowResolver groupByOutputRowResolver = new RowResolver();
ArrayList<ExprNodeDesc> groupByKeys = new ArrayList<ExprNodeDesc>();
ArrayList<String> outputColumnNames = new ArrayList<String>();
ArrayList<AggregationDesc> aggregations = new ArrayList<AggregationDesc>();
Map<String, ExprNodeDesc> colExprMap = new HashMap<String, ExprNodeDesc>();
for (int i = 0; i < grpByExprs.size(); ++i) {
ASTNode grpbyExpr = grpByExprs.get(i);
ExprNodeDesc grpByExprNode = genExprNodeDesc(grpbyExpr, groupByInputRowResolver);
if ((grpByExprNode instanceof ExprNodeColumnDesc) && ExprNodeDescUtils.indexOf(grpByExprNode, groupByKeys) >= 0) {
// Skip duplicated grouping keys, it happens when define column alias.
String field = getColumnInternalName(i);
groupByOutputRowResolver.putExpression(grpbyExpr, new ColumnInfo(field, grpByExprNode.getTypeInfo(), "", false));
colExprMap.put(field, groupByKeys.get(groupByKeys.size() - 1));
// The grouping set key is present after the grouping keys, before the distinct keys
int groupingSetsPosition = -1;
// for the grouping set (corresponding to the rollup).
if (groupingSetsPresent) {
groupingSetsPosition = groupByKeys.size();
createNewGroupingKey(groupByKeys, outputColumnNames, groupByOutputRowResolver, colExprMap);
// If there is a distinctFuncExp, add all parameters to the reduceKeys.
if (!parseInfo.getDistinctFuncExprsForClause(dest).isEmpty()) {
List<ASTNode> list = parseInfo.getDistinctFuncExprsForClause(dest);
for (ASTNode value : list) {
// 0 is function name
for (int i = 1; i < value.getChildCount(); i++) {
ASTNode parameter = (ASTNode) value.getChild(i);
if (groupByOutputRowResolver.getExpression(parameter) == null) {
ExprNodeDesc distExprNode = genExprNodeDesc(parameter, groupByInputRowResolver);
String field = getColumnInternalName(groupByKeys.size() - 1);
groupByOutputRowResolver.putExpression(parameter, new ColumnInfo(field, distExprNode.getTypeInfo(), "", false));
colExprMap.put(field, groupByKeys.get(groupByKeys.size() - 1));
// For each aggregation
HashMap<String, ASTNode> aggregationTrees = parseInfo.getAggregationExprsForClause(dest);
assert (aggregationTrees != null);
boolean containsDistinctAggr = false;
for (Map.Entry<String, ASTNode> entry : aggregationTrees.entrySet()) {
ASTNode value = entry.getValue();
String aggName = unescapeIdentifier(value.getChild(0).getText());
ArrayList<ExprNodeDesc> aggParameters = new ArrayList<ExprNodeDesc>();
// 0 is the function name
for (int i = 1; i < value.getChildCount(); i++) {
ASTNode paraExpr = (ASTNode) value.getChild(i);
ExprNodeDesc paraExprNode = genExprNodeDesc(paraExpr, groupByInputRowResolver);
boolean isDistinct = value.getType() == HiveParser.TOK_FUNCTIONDI;
containsDistinctAggr = containsDistinctAggr || isDistinct;
boolean isAllColumns = value.getType() == HiveParser.TOK_FUNCTIONSTAR;
Mode amode = groupByDescModeToUDAFMode(mode, isDistinct);
GenericUDAFEvaluator genericUDAFEvaluator = getGenericUDAFEvaluator(aggName, aggParameters, value, isDistinct, isAllColumns);
assert (genericUDAFEvaluator != null);
GenericUDAFInfo udaf = getGenericUDAFInfo(genericUDAFEvaluator, amode, aggParameters);
aggregations.add(new AggregationDesc(aggName.toLowerCase(), udaf.genericUDAFEvaluator, udaf.convertedParameters, isDistinct, amode));
String field = getColumnInternalName(groupByKeys.size() + aggregations.size() - 1);
if (groupByOutputRowResolver.getExpression(value) == null) {
groupByOutputRowResolver.putExpression(value, new ColumnInfo(field, udaf.returnType, "", false));
// GroupByOperators
if (genericUDAFEvaluators != null) {
genericUDAFEvaluators.put(entry.getKey(), genericUDAFEvaluator);
float groupByMemoryUsage = HiveConf.getFloatVar(conf, HiveConf.ConfVars.HIVEMAPAGGRHASHMEMORY);
float memoryThreshold = HiveConf.getFloatVar(conf, HiveConf.ConfVars.HIVEMAPAGGRMEMORYTHRESHOLD);
Operator op = putOpInsertMap(OperatorFactory.getAndMakeChild(new GroupByDesc(mode, outputColumnNames, groupByKeys, aggregations, false, groupByMemoryUsage, memoryThreshold, groupingSetKeys, groupingSetsPresent, groupingSetsPosition, containsDistinctAggr), new RowSchema(groupByOutputRowResolver.getColumnInfos()), inputOperatorInfo), groupByOutputRowResolver);
return op;
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.plan.ExprNodeColumnDesc in project hive by apache.
the class SemanticAnalyzer method genGroupByPlanReduceSinkOperator.
* Generate the ReduceSinkOperator for the Group By Query Block
* (qb.getPartInfo().getXXX(dest)). The new ReduceSinkOperator will be a child
* of inputOperatorInfo.
* It will put all Group By keys and the distinct field (if any) in the
* map-reduce sort key, and all other fields in the map-reduce value.
* @param numPartitionFields
* the number of fields for map-reduce partitioning. This is usually
* the number of fields in the Group By keys.
* @return the new ReduceSinkOperator.
* @throws SemanticException
private ReduceSinkOperator genGroupByPlanReduceSinkOperator(QB qb, String dest, Operator inputOperatorInfo, List<ASTNode> grpByExprs, int numPartitionFields, boolean changeNumPartitionFields, int numReducers, boolean mapAggrDone, boolean groupingSetsPresent) throws SemanticException {
RowResolver reduceSinkInputRowResolver = opParseCtx.get(inputOperatorInfo).getRowResolver();
QBParseInfo parseInfo = qb.getParseInfo();
RowResolver reduceSinkOutputRowResolver = new RowResolver();
Map<String, ExprNodeDesc> colExprMap = new HashMap<String, ExprNodeDesc>();
// Pre-compute group-by keys and store in reduceKeys
List<String> outputKeyColumnNames = new ArrayList<String>();
List<String> outputValueColumnNames = new ArrayList<String>();
ArrayList<ExprNodeDesc> reduceKeys = getReduceKeysForReduceSink(grpByExprs, dest, reduceSinkInputRowResolver, reduceSinkOutputRowResolver, outputKeyColumnNames, colExprMap);
int keyLength = reduceKeys.size();
int numOfColsRmedFromkey = grpByExprs.size() - keyLength;
// add a key for reduce sink
if (groupingSetsPresent) {
// Process grouping set for the reduce sink operator
processGroupingSetReduceSinkOperator(reduceSinkInputRowResolver, reduceSinkOutputRowResolver, reduceKeys, outputKeyColumnNames, colExprMap);
if (changeNumPartitionFields) {
List<List<Integer>> distinctColIndices = getDistinctColIndicesForReduceSink(parseInfo, dest, reduceKeys, reduceSinkInputRowResolver, reduceSinkOutputRowResolver, outputKeyColumnNames, colExprMap);
ArrayList<ExprNodeDesc> reduceValues = new ArrayList<ExprNodeDesc>();
HashMap<String, ASTNode> aggregationTrees = parseInfo.getAggregationExprsForClause(dest);
if (!mapAggrDone) {
getReduceValuesForReduceSinkNoMapAgg(parseInfo, dest, reduceSinkInputRowResolver, reduceSinkOutputRowResolver, outputValueColumnNames, reduceValues, colExprMap);
} else {
// Put partial aggregation results in reduceValues
int inputField = reduceKeys.size() + numOfColsRmedFromkey;
for (Map.Entry<String, ASTNode> entry : aggregationTrees.entrySet()) {
TypeInfo type = reduceSinkInputRowResolver.getColumnInfos().get(inputField).getType();
ExprNodeColumnDesc exprDesc = new ExprNodeColumnDesc(type, getColumnInternalName(inputField), "", false);
String outputColName = getColumnInternalName(reduceValues.size() - 1);
String internalName = Utilities.ReduceField.VALUE.toString() + "." + outputColName;
reduceSinkOutputRowResolver.putExpression(entry.getValue(), new ColumnInfo(internalName, type, null, false));
colExprMap.put(internalName, exprDesc);
ReduceSinkOperator rsOp = (ReduceSinkOperator) putOpInsertMap(OperatorFactory.getAndMakeChild(PlanUtils.getReduceSinkDesc(reduceKeys, groupingSetsPresent ? keyLength + 1 : keyLength, reduceValues, distinctColIndices, outputKeyColumnNames, outputValueColumnNames, true, -1, numPartitionFields, numReducers, AcidUtils.Operation.NOT_ACID), new RowSchema(reduceSinkOutputRowResolver.getColumnInfos()), inputOperatorInfo), reduceSinkOutputRowResolver);
return rsOp;
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.plan.ExprNodeColumnDesc in project hive by apache.
the class SemanticAnalyzer method genGroupByPlanReduceSinkOperator2MR.
* Generate the second ReduceSinkOperator for the Group By Plan
* (parseInfo.getXXX(dest)). The new ReduceSinkOperator will be a child of
* groupByOperatorInfo.
* The second ReduceSinkOperator will put the group by keys in the map-reduce
* sort key, and put the partial aggregation results in the map-reduce value.
* @param numPartitionFields
* the number of fields in the map-reduce partition key. This should
* always be the same as the number of Group By keys. We should be
* able to remove this parameter since in this phase there is no
* distinct any more.
* @return the new ReduceSinkOperator.
* @throws SemanticException
private Operator genGroupByPlanReduceSinkOperator2MR(QBParseInfo parseInfo, String dest, Operator groupByOperatorInfo, int numPartitionFields, int numReducers, boolean groupingSetsPresent) throws SemanticException {
RowResolver reduceSinkInputRowResolver2 = opParseCtx.get(groupByOperatorInfo).getRowResolver();
RowResolver reduceSinkOutputRowResolver2 = new RowResolver();
Map<String, ExprNodeDesc> colExprMap = new HashMap<String, ExprNodeDesc>();
ArrayList<ExprNodeDesc> reduceKeys = new ArrayList<ExprNodeDesc>();
ArrayList<String> outputColumnNames = new ArrayList<String>();
// Get group-by keys and store in reduceKeys
List<ASTNode> grpByExprs = getGroupByForClause(parseInfo, dest);
for (int i = 0; i < grpByExprs.size(); ++i) {
ASTNode grpbyExpr = grpByExprs.get(i);
String field = getColumnInternalName(i);
TypeInfo typeInfo = reduceSinkInputRowResolver2.getExpression(grpbyExpr).getType();
ExprNodeColumnDesc inputExpr = new ExprNodeColumnDesc(typeInfo, field, "", false);
ColumnInfo colInfo = new ColumnInfo(Utilities.ReduceField.KEY.toString() + "." + field, typeInfo, "", false);
reduceSinkOutputRowResolver2.putExpression(grpbyExpr, colInfo);
colExprMap.put(colInfo.getInternalName(), inputExpr);
// add a key for reduce sink
if (groupingSetsPresent) {
// Note that partitioning fields dont need to change, since it is either
// partitioned randomly, or by all grouping keys + distinct keys
processGroupingSetReduceSinkOperator(reduceSinkInputRowResolver2, reduceSinkOutputRowResolver2, reduceKeys, outputColumnNames, colExprMap);
// Get partial aggregation results and store in reduceValues
ArrayList<ExprNodeDesc> reduceValues = new ArrayList<ExprNodeDesc>();
int inputField = reduceKeys.size();
HashMap<String, ASTNode> aggregationTrees = parseInfo.getAggregationExprsForClause(dest);
for (Map.Entry<String, ASTNode> entry : aggregationTrees.entrySet()) {
String field = getColumnInternalName(inputField);
ASTNode t = entry.getValue();
TypeInfo typeInfo = reduceSinkInputRowResolver2.getExpression(t).getType();
ExprNodeColumnDesc exprDesc = new ExprNodeColumnDesc(typeInfo, field, "", false);
String col = getColumnInternalName(reduceValues.size() - 1);
reduceSinkOutputRowResolver2.putExpression(t, new ColumnInfo(Utilities.ReduceField.VALUE.toString() + "." + col, typeInfo, "", false));
colExprMap.put(col, exprDesc);
ReduceSinkOperator rsOp = (ReduceSinkOperator) putOpInsertMap(OperatorFactory.getAndMakeChild(PlanUtils.getReduceSinkDesc(reduceKeys, reduceValues, outputColumnNames, true, -1, numPartitionFields, numReducers, AcidUtils.Operation.NOT_ACID), new RowSchema(reduceSinkOutputRowResolver2.getColumnInfos()), groupByOperatorInfo), reduceSinkOutputRowResolver2);
return rsOp;
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.plan.ExprNodeColumnDesc in project hive by apache.
the class CalcitePlanner method handleInsertStatement.
// This function serves as the wrapper of handleInsertStatementSpec in
// SemanticAnalyzer
Operator<?> handleInsertStatement(String dest, Operator<?> input, RowResolver inputRR, QB qb) throws SemanticException {
ArrayList<ExprNodeDesc> colList = new ArrayList<ExprNodeDesc>();
ArrayList<ColumnInfo> columns = inputRR.getColumnInfos();
for (int i = 0; i < columns.size(); i++) {
ColumnInfo col = columns.get(i);
colList.add(new ExprNodeColumnDesc(col));
ASTNode selExprList = qb.getParseInfo().getSelForClause(dest);
RowResolver out_rwsch = handleInsertStatementSpec(colList, dest, inputRR, inputRR, qb, selExprList);
ArrayList<String> columnNames = new ArrayList<String>();
Map<String, ExprNodeDesc> colExprMap = new HashMap<String, ExprNodeDesc>();
for (int i = 0; i < colList.size(); i++) {
String outputCol = getColumnInternalName(i);
colExprMap.put(outputCol, colList.get(i));
Operator<?> output = putOpInsertMap(OperatorFactory.getAndMakeChild(new SelectDesc(colList, columnNames), new RowSchema(out_rwsch.getColumnInfos()), input), out_rwsch);
return output;
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.plan.ExprNodeColumnDesc in project hive by apache.
the class DDLSemanticAnalyzer method getFullPartitionSpecs.
* Get the partition specs from the tree. This stores the full specification
* with the comparator operator into the output list.
* @param ast Tree to extract partitions from.
* @param tab Table.
* @return Map of partitions by prefix length. Most of the time prefix length will
* be the same for all partition specs, so we can just OR the expressions.
private Map<Integer, List<ExprNodeGenericFuncDesc>> getFullPartitionSpecs(CommonTree ast, Table tab, boolean canGroupExprs) throws SemanticException {
String defaultPartitionName = HiveConf.getVar(conf, HiveConf.ConfVars.DEFAULTPARTITIONNAME);
Map<String, String> colTypes = new HashMap<String, String>();
for (FieldSchema fs : tab.getPartitionKeys()) {
colTypes.put(fs.getName().toLowerCase(), fs.getType());
Map<Integer, List<ExprNodeGenericFuncDesc>> result = new HashMap<Integer, List<ExprNodeGenericFuncDesc>>();
for (int childIndex = 0; childIndex < ast.getChildCount(); childIndex++) {
Tree partSpecTree = ast.getChild(childIndex);
if (partSpecTree.getType() != HiveParser.TOK_PARTSPEC) {
ExprNodeGenericFuncDesc expr = null;
HashSet<String> names = new HashSet<String>(partSpecTree.getChildCount());
for (int i = 0; i < partSpecTree.getChildCount(); ++i) {
CommonTree partSpecSingleKey = (CommonTree) partSpecTree.getChild(i);
assert (partSpecSingleKey.getType() == HiveParser.TOK_PARTVAL);
String key = stripIdentifierQuotes(partSpecSingleKey.getChild(0).getText()).toLowerCase();
String operator = partSpecSingleKey.getChild(1).getText();
ASTNode partValNode = (ASTNode) partSpecSingleKey.getChild(2);
TypeCheckCtx typeCheckCtx = new TypeCheckCtx(null);
ExprNodeConstantDesc valExpr = (ExprNodeConstantDesc) TypeCheckProcFactory.genExprNode(partValNode, typeCheckCtx).get(partValNode);
Object val = valExpr.getValue();
boolean isDefaultPartitionName = val.equals(defaultPartitionName);
String type = colTypes.get(key);
PrimitiveTypeInfo pti = TypeInfoFactory.getPrimitiveTypeInfo(type);
if (type == null) {
throw new SemanticException("Column " + key + " not found");
// Create the corresponding hive expression to filter on partition columns.
if (!isDefaultPartitionName) {
if (!valExpr.getTypeString().equals(type)) {
Converter converter = ObjectInspectorConverters.getConverter(TypeInfoUtils.getStandardJavaObjectInspectorFromTypeInfo(valExpr.getTypeInfo()), TypeInfoUtils.getStandardJavaObjectInspectorFromTypeInfo(pti));
val = converter.convert(valExpr.getValue());
ExprNodeColumnDesc column = new ExprNodeColumnDesc(pti, key, null, true);
ExprNodeGenericFuncDesc op;
if (!isDefaultPartitionName) {
op = makeBinaryPredicate(operator, column, new ExprNodeConstantDesc(pti, val));
} else {
GenericUDF originalOp = FunctionRegistry.getFunctionInfo(operator).getGenericUDF();
String fnName;
if (FunctionRegistry.isEq(originalOp)) {
fnName = "isnull";
} else if (FunctionRegistry.isNeq(originalOp)) {
fnName = "isnotnull";
} else {
throw new SemanticException("Cannot use " + operator + " in a default partition spec; only '=' and '!=' are allowed.");
op = makeUnaryPredicate(fnName, column);
// If it's multi-expr filter (e.g. a='5', b='2012-01-02'), AND with previous exprs.
expr = (expr == null) ? op : makeBinaryPredicate("and", expr, op);
if (expr == null) {
// We got the expr for one full partition spec. Determine the prefix length.
int prefixLength = calculatePartPrefix(tab, names);
List<ExprNodeGenericFuncDesc> orExpr = result.get(prefixLength);
// If we don't, create a new separate filter. In most cases there will only be one.
if (orExpr == null) {
result.put(prefixLength, Lists.newArrayList(expr));
} else if (canGroupExprs) {
orExpr.set(0, makeBinaryPredicate("or", expr, orExpr.get(0)));
} else {
return result;