use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.plan.MergeJoinWork in project hive by apache.
the class DagUtils method createVertex.
* Create a vertex from a given work object.
* @param conf JobConf to be used to this execution unit
* @param work The instance of BaseWork representing the actual work to be performed
* by this vertex.
* @param scratchDir HDFS scratch dir for this execution unit.
* @param appJarLr Local resource for hive-exec.
* @param additionalLr
* @param fileSystem FS corresponding to scratchDir and LocalResources
* @param ctx This query's context
* @return Vertex
public Vertex createVertex(JobConf conf, BaseWork work, Path scratchDir, LocalResource appJarLr, List<LocalResource> additionalLr, FileSystem fileSystem, Context ctx, boolean hasChildren, TezWork tezWork, VertexType vertexType) throws Exception {
Vertex v = null;
// BaseWork.
if (work instanceof MapWork) {
v = createVertex(conf, (MapWork) work, appJarLr, additionalLr, fileSystem, scratchDir, ctx, vertexType);
} else if (work instanceof ReduceWork) {
v = createVertex(conf, (ReduceWork) work, appJarLr, additionalLr, fileSystem, scratchDir, ctx);
} else if (work instanceof MergeJoinWork) {
v = createVertex(conf, (MergeJoinWork) work, appJarLr, additionalLr, fileSystem, scratchDir, ctx, vertexType);
} else {
// something is seriously wrong if this is happening
throw new HiveException(ErrorMsg.GENERIC_ERROR.getErrorCodedMsg());
// initialize stats publisher if necessary
if (work.isGatheringStats()) {
StatsPublisher statsPublisher;
StatsFactory factory = StatsFactory.newFactory(conf);
if (factory != null) {
StatsCollectionContext sCntxt = new StatsCollectionContext(conf);
sCntxt.setStatsTmpDirs(Utilities.getStatsTmpDirs(work, conf));
statsPublisher = factory.getStatsPublisher();
if (!statsPublisher.init(sCntxt)) {
// creating stats table if not exists
if (HiveConf.getBoolVar(conf, HiveConf.ConfVars.HIVE_STATS_RELIABLE)) {
throw new HiveException(ErrorMsg.STATSPUBLISHER_INITIALIZATION_ERROR.getErrorCodedMsg());
// final vertices need to have at least one output
if (!hasChildren) {
v.addDataSink("out_" + work.getName(), new DataSinkDescriptor(OutputDescriptor.create(MROutput.class.getName()).setUserPayload(TezUtils.createUserPayloadFromConf(conf)), null, null));
return v;
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.plan.MergeJoinWork in project hive by apache.
the class MergeJoinProc method process.
public Object process(Node nd, Stack<Node> stack, NodeProcessorCtx procCtx, Object... nodeOutputs) throws SemanticException {
GenTezProcContext context = (GenTezProcContext) procCtx;
CommonMergeJoinOperator mergeJoinOp = (CommonMergeJoinOperator) nd;
if (stack.size() < 2) {
// safety check for L53 to get parentOp, although it is very unlikely that
// stack size is less than 2, i.e., there is only one MergeJoinOperator in the stack.
context.currentMergeJoinOperator = mergeJoinOp;
return null;
TezWork tezWork = context.currentTask.getWork();
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Operator<? extends OperatorDesc> parentOp = (Operator<? extends OperatorDesc>) ((stack.get(stack.size() - 2)));
// we need to set the merge work that has been created as part of the dummy store walk. If a
// merge work already exists for this merge join operator, add the dummy store work to the
// merge work. Else create a merge work, add above work to the merge work
MergeJoinWork mergeWork = null;
if (context.opMergeJoinWorkMap.containsKey(mergeJoinOp)) {
// we already have the merge work corresponding to this merge join operator
mergeWork = context.opMergeJoinWorkMap.get(mergeJoinOp);
} else {
mergeWork = new MergeJoinWork();
context.opMergeJoinWorkMap.put(mergeJoinOp, mergeWork);
if (!(stack.get(stack.size() - 2) instanceof DummyStoreOperator)) {
/* this may happen in one of the following case:
TS[0], FIL[26], SEL[2], DUMMY_STORE[30], MERGEJOIN[29]]
TS[3], FIL[27], SEL[5], ---------------
context.currentMergeJoinOperator = mergeJoinOp;
return null;
// Guaranteed to be just 1 because each DummyStoreOperator can be part of only one work.
BaseWork parentWork = context.childToWorkMap.get(parentOp).get(0);
mergeWork.addMergedWork(null, parentWork, context.leafOperatorToFollowingWork);
tezWork.setVertexType(mergeWork, VertexType.MULTI_INPUT_UNINITIALIZED_EDGES);
for (BaseWork grandParentWork : tezWork.getParents(parentWork)) {
TezEdgeProperty edgeProp = tezWork.getEdgeProperty(grandParentWork, parentWork);
tezWork.disconnect(grandParentWork, parentWork);
tezWork.connect(grandParentWork, mergeWork, edgeProp);
for (BaseWork childWork : tezWork.getChildren(parentWork)) {
TezEdgeProperty edgeProp = tezWork.getEdgeProperty(parentWork, childWork);
tezWork.disconnect(parentWork, childWork);
tezWork.connect(mergeWork, childWork, edgeProp);
DummyStoreOperator dummyOp = (DummyStoreOperator) (stack.get(stack.size() - 2));
return true;