use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.plan.SMBJoinDesc in project hive by apache.
the class SparkSMBJoinHintOptimizer method removeSmallTableReduceSink.
* In bucket mapjoin, there are ReduceSinks that mark a small table parent (Reduce Sink are removed from big-table).
* In SMB join these are not expected for any parents, either from small or big tables.
* @param mapJoinOp
private void removeSmallTableReduceSink(MapJoinOperator mapJoinOp) {
SMBJoinDesc smbJoinDesc = new SMBJoinDesc(mapJoinOp.getConf());
List<Operator<? extends OperatorDesc>> parentOperators = mapJoinOp.getParentOperators();
for (int i = 0; i < parentOperators.size(); i++) {
Operator<? extends OperatorDesc> par = parentOperators.get(i);
if (i != smbJoinDesc.getPosBigTable()) {
if (par instanceof ReduceSinkOperator) {
List<Operator<? extends OperatorDesc>> grandParents = par.getParentOperators();
Preconditions.checkArgument(grandParents.size() == 1, "AssertionError: expect # of parents to be 1, but was " + grandParents.size());
Operator<? extends OperatorDesc> grandParent = grandParents.get(0);
mapJoinOp.getParentOperators().set(i, grandParent);