use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.processors.CommandProcessorResponse in project hive by apache.
the class GenericUDTFGetSplits method createPlanFragment.
public PlanFragment createPlanFragment(String query, int num, ApplicationId splitsAppId) throws HiveException {
HiveConf conf = new HiveConf(SessionState.get().getConf());
HiveConf.setVar(conf, ConfVars.HIVEFETCHTASKCONVERSION, "none");
String originalMode = HiveConf.getVar(conf, ConfVars.HIVE_EXECUTION_MODE);
HiveConf.setVar(conf, ConfVars.HIVE_EXECUTION_MODE, "llap");
HiveConf.setBoolVar(conf, ConfVars.HIVE_TEZ_GENERATE_CONSISTENT_SPLITS, true);
HiveConf.setBoolVar(conf, ConfVars.LLAP_CLIENT_CONSISTENT_SPLITS, true);
conf.setBoolean(TezSplitGrouper.TEZ_GROUPING_NODE_LOCAL_ONLY, true);
// Tez/LLAP requires RPC query plan
HiveConf.setBoolVar(conf, ConfVars.HIVE_RPC_QUERY_PLAN, true);
try {
jc = DagUtils.getInstance().createConfiguration(conf);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new HiveException(e);
// Instantiate Driver to compile the query passed in.
// This UDF is running as part of an existing query, which may already be using the
// SessionState TxnManager. If this new Driver also tries to use the same TxnManager
// then this may mess up the existing state of the TxnManager.
// So initialize the new Driver with a new TxnManager so that it does not use the
// Session TxnManager that is already in use.
HiveTxnManager txnManager = TxnManagerFactory.getTxnManagerFactory().getTxnManager(conf);
Driver driver = new Driver(new QueryState.Builder().withHiveConf(conf).nonIsolated().build(), null, null, txnManager);
DriverCleanup driverCleanup = new DriverCleanup(driver, txnManager, splitsAppId.toString());
boolean needsCleanup = true;
try {
CommandProcessorResponse cpr = driver.compileAndRespond(query);
if (cpr.getResponseCode() != 0) {
throw new HiveException("Failed to compile query: " + cpr.getException());
QueryPlan plan = driver.getPlan();
List<Task<?>> roots = plan.getRootTasks();
Schema schema = convertSchema(plan.getResultSchema());
if (roots == null || roots.size() != 1 || !(roots.get(0) instanceof TezTask)) {
throw new HiveException("Was expecting a single TezTask.");
TezWork tezWork = ((TezTask) roots.get(0)).getWork();
if (tezWork.getAllWork().size() != 1) {
String tableName = "table_" + UUID.randomUUID().toString().replaceAll("[^A-Za-z0-9 ]", "");
String ctas = "create temporary table " + tableName + " as " + query;"Materializing the query for LLAPIF; CTAS: " + ctas);
HiveConf.setVar(conf, ConfVars.HIVE_EXECUTION_MODE, originalMode);
cpr =, false);
if (cpr.getResponseCode() != 0) {
throw new HiveException("Failed to create temp table: " + cpr.getException());
HiveConf.setVar(conf, ConfVars.HIVE_EXECUTION_MODE, "llap");
query = "select * from " + tableName;
cpr = driver.compileAndRespond(query);
if (cpr.getResponseCode() != 0) {
throw new HiveException("Failed to create temp table: " + cpr.getException());
plan = driver.getPlan();
roots = plan.getRootTasks();
schema = convertSchema(plan.getResultSchema());
if (roots == null || roots.size() != 1 || !(roots.get(0) instanceof TezTask)) {
throw new HiveException("Was expecting a single TezTask.");
tezWork = ((TezTask) roots.get(0)).getWork();
} else {
// The read will have READ_COMMITTED level semantics.
try {
} catch (CommandProcessorResponse cpr1) {
throw new HiveException("Failed to acquire locks", cpr1);
// Attach the resources to the session cleanup.
needsCleanup = false;
// Pass the ValidTxnList and ValidTxnWriteIdList snapshot configurations corresponding to the input query
HiveConf driverConf = driver.getConf();
String validTxnString = driverConf.get(ValidTxnList.VALID_TXNS_KEY);
if (validTxnString != null) {
jc.set(ValidTxnList.VALID_TXNS_KEY, validTxnString);
String validWriteIdString = driverConf.get(ValidTxnWriteIdList.VALID_TABLES_WRITEIDS_KEY);
if (validWriteIdString != null) {
jc.set(ValidTxnWriteIdList.VALID_TABLES_WRITEIDS_KEY, validWriteIdString);
return new PlanFragment(tezWork, schema, jc);
} finally {
if (needsCleanup) {
if (driverCleanup != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException err) {
throw new HiveException(err);
} else if (driver != null) {
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.processors.CommandProcessorResponse in project hive by apache.
the class Driver method compileInternal.
private void compileInternal(String command, boolean deferClose) throws CommandProcessorResponse {
Metrics metrics = MetricsFactory.getInstance();
if (metrics != null) {
metrics.incrementCounter(MetricsConstant.WAITING_COMPILE_OPS, 1);
PerfLogger perfLogger = SessionState.getPerfLogger();
perfLogger.PerfLogBegin(CLASS_NAME, PerfLogger.WAIT_COMPILE);
final ReentrantLock compileLock = tryAcquireCompileLock(isParallelEnabled, command);
perfLogger.PerfLogEnd(CLASS_NAME, PerfLogger.WAIT_COMPILE);
if (metrics != null) {
metrics.decrementCounter(MetricsConstant.WAITING_COMPILE_OPS, 1);
if (compileLock == null) {
throw createProcessorResponse(ErrorMsg.COMPILE_LOCK_TIMED_OUT.getErrorCode());
try {
compile(command, true, deferClose);
} catch (CommandProcessorResponse cpr) {
try {
} catch (LockException e) {
LOG.warn("Exception in releasing locks. " + org.apache.hadoop.util.StringUtils.stringifyException(e));
throw cpr;
} finally {
// Save compile-time PerfLogging for WebUI.
// Execution-time Perf logs are done by either another thread's PerfLogger
// or a reset PerfLogger.
queryDisplay.setPerfLogStarts(QueryDisplay.Phase.COMPILATION, perfLogger.getStartTimes());
queryDisplay.setPerfLogEnds(QueryDisplay.Phase.COMPILATION, perfLogger.getEndTimes());
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.processors.CommandProcessorResponse in project hive by apache.
the class Driver method compile.
// deferClose indicates if the close/destroy should be deferred when the process has been
// interrupted, it should be set to true if the compile is called within another method like
// runInternal, which defers the close to the called in that method.
private void compile(String command, boolean resetTaskIds, boolean deferClose) throws CommandProcessorResponse {
PerfLogger perfLogger = SessionState.getPerfLogger(true);
perfLogger.PerfLogBegin(CLASS_NAME, PerfLogger.DRIVER_RUN);
perfLogger.PerfLogBegin(CLASS_NAME, PerfLogger.COMPILE);
try {
lDrvState.driverState = DriverState.COMPILING;
} finally {
command = new VariableSubstitution(new HiveVariableSource() {
public Map<String, String> getHiveVariable() {
return SessionState.get().getHiveVariables();
}).substitute(conf, command);
String queryStr = command;
try {
// command should be redacted to avoid to logging sensitive data
queryStr = HookUtils.redactLogString(conf, command);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("WARNING! Query command could not be redacted." + e);
checkInterrupted("at beginning of compilation.", null, null);
if (ctx != null && ctx.getExplainAnalyze() != AnalyzeState.RUNNING) {
// close the existing ctx etc before compiling a new query, but does not destroy driver
if (resetTaskIds) {
String queryId = queryState.getQueryId();
if (ctx != null) {
// save some info for webUI for use after plan is freed
this.queryDisplay.setQueryId(queryId);"Compiling command(queryId=" + queryId + "): " + queryStr);
// FIXME: sideeffect will leave the last query set at the session level
// Whether any error occurred during query compilation. Used for query lifetime hook.
boolean compileError = false;
boolean parseError = false;
try {
// Initialize the transaction manager. This must be done before analyze is called.
if (initTxnMgr != null) {
queryTxnMgr = initTxnMgr;
} else {
queryTxnMgr = SessionState.get().initTxnMgr(conf);
if (queryTxnMgr instanceof Configurable) {
((Configurable) queryTxnMgr).setConf(conf);
// In case when user Ctrl-C twice to kill Hive CLI JVM, we want to release locks
// if compile is being called multiple times, clear the old shutdownhook
final HiveTxnManager txnMgr = queryTxnMgr;
shutdownRunner = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
releaseLocksAndCommitOrRollback(false, txnMgr);
} catch (LockException e) {
LOG.warn("Exception when releasing locks in ShutdownHook for Driver: " + e.getMessage());
ShutdownHookManager.addShutdownHook(shutdownRunner, SHUTDOWN_HOOK_PRIORITY);
checkInterrupted("before parsing and analysing the query", null, null);
if (ctx == null) {
ctx = new Context(conf);
perfLogger.PerfLogBegin(CLASS_NAME, PerfLogger.PARSE);
// Trigger query hook before compilation
ASTNode tree;
try {
tree = ParseUtils.parse(command, ctx);
} catch (ParseException e) {
parseError = true;
throw e;
} finally {
hookRunner.runAfterParseHook(command, parseError);
perfLogger.PerfLogEnd(CLASS_NAME, PerfLogger.PARSE);
perfLogger.PerfLogBegin(CLASS_NAME, PerfLogger.ANALYZE);
// Flush the metastore cache. This assures that we don't pick up objects from a previous
// query running in this same thread. This has to be done after we get our semantic
// analyzer (this is when the connection to the metastore is made) but before we analyze,
// because at that point we need access to the objects.
BaseSemanticAnalyzer sem;
// Do semantic analysis and plan generation
if (hookRunner.hasPreAnalyzeHooks()) {
HiveSemanticAnalyzerHookContext hookCtx = new HiveSemanticAnalyzerHookContextImpl();
tree = hookRunner.runPreAnalyzeHooks(hookCtx, tree);
sem = SemanticAnalyzerFactory.get(queryState, tree);
sem.analyze(tree, ctx);
hookRunner.runPostAnalyzeHooks(hookCtx, sem.getAllRootTasks());
} else {
sem = SemanticAnalyzerFactory.get(queryState, tree);
sem.analyze(tree, ctx);
}"Semantic Analysis Completed");
// Retrieve information about cache usage for the query.
if (conf.getBoolVar(HiveConf.ConfVars.HIVE_QUERY_RESULTS_CACHE_ENABLED)) {
cacheUsage = sem.getCacheUsage();
// validate the plan
perfLogger.PerfLogEnd(CLASS_NAME, PerfLogger.ANALYZE);
checkInterrupted("after analyzing query.", null, null);
// get the output schema
schema = getSchema(sem, conf);
plan = new QueryPlan(queryStr, sem, perfLogger.getStartTime(PerfLogger.DRIVER_RUN), queryId, queryState.getHiveOperation(), schema);
conf.set("", "hive_" + queryId);
conf.set("", queryStr);
// initialize FetchTask right here
if (plan.getFetchTask() != null) {
plan.getFetchTask().initialize(queryState, plan, null, ctx.getOpContext());
// do the authorization check
if (!sem.skipAuthorization() && HiveConf.getBoolVar(conf, HiveConf.ConfVars.HIVE_AUTHORIZATION_ENABLED)) {
try {
perfLogger.PerfLogBegin(CLASS_NAME, PerfLogger.DO_AUTHORIZATION);
doAuthorization(queryState.getHiveOperation(), sem, command);
} catch (AuthorizationException authExp) {
console.printError("Authorization failed:" + authExp.getMessage() + ". Use SHOW GRANT to get more details.");
errorMessage = authExp.getMessage();
SQLState = "42000";
throw createProcessorResponse(403);
} finally {
perfLogger.PerfLogEnd(CLASS_NAME, PerfLogger.DO_AUTHORIZATION);
if (conf.getBoolVar(ConfVars.HIVE_LOG_EXPLAIN_OUTPUT)) {
String explainOutput = getExplainOutput(sem, plan, tree);
if (explainOutput != null) {"EXPLAIN output for queryid " + queryId + " : " + explainOutput);
if (conf.isWebUiQueryInfoCacheEnabled()) {
} catch (CommandProcessorResponse cpr) {
throw cpr;
} catch (Exception e) {
checkInterrupted("during query compilation: " + e.getMessage(), null, null);
compileError = true;
ErrorMsg error = ErrorMsg.getErrorMsg(e.getMessage());
errorMessage = "FAILED: " + e.getClass().getSimpleName();
if (error != ErrorMsg.GENERIC_ERROR) {
errorMessage += " [Error " + error.getErrorCode() + "]:";
// HIVE-4889
if ((e instanceof IllegalArgumentException) && e.getMessage() == null && e.getCause() != null) {
errorMessage += " " + e.getCause().getMessage();
} else {
errorMessage += " " + e.getMessage();
if (error == ErrorMsg.TXNMGR_NOT_ACID) {
errorMessage += ". Failed command: " + queryStr;
SQLState = error.getSQLState();
downstreamError = e;
console.printError(errorMessage, "\n" + org.apache.hadoop.util.StringUtils.stringifyException(e));
throw createProcessorResponse(error.getErrorCode());
} finally {
// before/after execution hook will never be executed.
if (!parseError) {
try {
hookRunner.runAfterCompilationHook(command, compileError);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("Failed when invoking query after-compilation hook.", e);
double duration = perfLogger.PerfLogEnd(CLASS_NAME, PerfLogger.COMPILE) / 1000.00;
ImmutableMap<String, Long> compileHMSTimings = dumpMetaCallTimingWithoutEx("compilation");
queryDisplay.setHmsTimings(QueryDisplay.Phase.COMPILATION, compileHMSTimings);
boolean isInterrupted = lDrvState.isAborted();
if (isInterrupted && !deferClose) {
try {
if (isInterrupted) {
lDrvState.driverState = deferClose ? DriverState.EXECUTING : DriverState.ERROR;
} else {
lDrvState.driverState = compileError ? DriverState.ERROR : DriverState.COMPILED;
} finally {
if (isInterrupted) {"Compiling command(queryId=" + queryId + ") has been interrupted after " + duration + " seconds");
} else {"Completed compiling command(queryId=" + queryId + "); Time taken: " + duration + " seconds");
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.processors.CommandProcessorResponse in project hive by apache.
the class TestDbTxnManager2 method testValidWriteIdListSnapshot.
public void testValidWriteIdListSnapshot() throws Exception {
// Create a transactional table
dropTable(new String[] { "temp.T7" });
CommandProcessorResponse cpr ="create database if not exists temp");
cpr ="create table if not exists temp.T7(a int, b int) clustered by(b) into 2 buckets stored as orc " + "TBLPROPERTIES ('transactional'='true')");
// Open a base txn which allocates write ID and then committed.
long baseTxnId = txnMgr.openTxn(ctx, "u0");
long baseWriteId = txnMgr.getTableWriteId("temp", "T7");
Assert.assertEquals(1, baseWriteId);
// committed baseTxnId
// Open a txn with no writes.
HiveTxnManager txnMgr1 = TxnManagerFactory.getTxnManagerFactory().getTxnManager(conf);
long underHwmOpenTxnId = txnMgr1.openTxn(ctx, "u1");
Assert.assertTrue("Invalid txn ID", underHwmOpenTxnId > baseTxnId);
// Open a txn to be tested for ValidWriteIdList. Get the ValidTxnList during open itself.
// Verify the ValidWriteIdList with no open/aborted write txns on this table.
// Write ID of committed txn should be valid.
HiveTxnManager txnMgr2 = TxnManagerFactory.getTxnManagerFactory().getTxnManager(conf);
long testTxnId = txnMgr2.openTxn(ctx, "u2");
Assert.assertTrue("Invalid txn ID", testTxnId > underHwmOpenTxnId);
String testValidTxns = txnMgr2.getValidTxns().toString();
ValidWriteIdList testValidWriteIds = txnMgr2.getValidWriteIds(Collections.singletonList("temp.t7"), testValidTxns).getTableValidWriteIdList("temp.t7");
Assert.assertEquals(baseWriteId, testValidWriteIds.getHighWatermark());
Assert.assertTrue("Invalid write ID list", testValidWriteIds.isWriteIdValid(baseWriteId));
// Open a txn which allocate write ID and remain open state.
HiveTxnManager txnMgr3 = TxnManagerFactory.getTxnManagerFactory().getTxnManager(conf);
long aboveHwmOpenTxnId = txnMgr3.openTxn(ctx, "u3");
Assert.assertTrue("Invalid txn ID", aboveHwmOpenTxnId > testTxnId);
long aboveHwmOpenWriteId = txnMgr3.getTableWriteId("temp", "T7");
Assert.assertEquals(2, aboveHwmOpenWriteId);
// Allocate writeId to txn under HWM. This will get Id greater than a txn > HWM.
long underHwmOpenWriteId = txnMgr1.getTableWriteId("temp", "T7");
Assert.assertEquals(3, underHwmOpenWriteId);
// Verify the ValidWriteIdList with one open txn on this table. Write ID of open txn should be invalid.
testValidWriteIds = txnMgr2.getValidWriteIds(Collections.singletonList("temp.t7"), testValidTxns).getTableValidWriteIdList("temp.t7");
Assert.assertEquals(underHwmOpenWriteId, testValidWriteIds.getHighWatermark());
Assert.assertTrue("Invalid write ID list", testValidWriteIds.isWriteIdValid(baseWriteId));
Assert.assertFalse("Invalid write ID list", testValidWriteIds.isWriteIdValid(underHwmOpenWriteId));
Assert.assertFalse("Invalid write ID list", testValidWriteIds.isWriteIdValid(aboveHwmOpenWriteId));
// Commit the txn under HWM.
// Verify the writeId of this committed txn should be invalid for test txn.
testValidWriteIds = txnMgr2.getValidWriteIds(Collections.singletonList("temp.t7"), testValidTxns).getTableValidWriteIdList("temp.t7");
Assert.assertEquals(underHwmOpenWriteId, testValidWriteIds.getHighWatermark());
Assert.assertTrue("Invalid write ID list", testValidWriteIds.isWriteIdValid(baseWriteId));
Assert.assertFalse("Invalid write ID list", testValidWriteIds.isWriteIdValid(underHwmOpenWriteId));
Assert.assertFalse("Invalid write ID list", testValidWriteIds.isWriteIdValid(aboveHwmOpenWriteId));
// Allocate writeId from test txn and then verify ValidWriteIdList.
// Write Ids of committed and self test txn should be valid but writeId of open txn should be invalid.
// WriteId of recently committed txn which was open when get ValidTxnList snapshot should be invalid as well.
long testWriteId = txnMgr2.getTableWriteId("temp", "T7");
Assert.assertEquals(4, testWriteId);
testValidWriteIds = txnMgr2.getValidWriteIds(Collections.singletonList("temp.t7"), testValidTxns).getTableValidWriteIdList("temp.t7");
Assert.assertEquals(testWriteId, testValidWriteIds.getHighWatermark());
Assert.assertTrue("Invalid write ID list", testValidWriteIds.isWriteIdValid(baseWriteId));
Assert.assertTrue("Invalid write ID list", testValidWriteIds.isWriteIdValid(testWriteId));
Assert.assertFalse("Invalid write ID list", testValidWriteIds.isWriteIdValid(underHwmOpenWriteId));
Assert.assertFalse("Invalid write ID list", testValidWriteIds.isWriteIdValid(aboveHwmOpenWriteId));
cpr ="drop database if exists temp cascade");
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.processors.CommandProcessorResponse in project hive by apache.
the class TestDbTxnManager2 method testFairness.
public void testFairness() throws Exception {
dropTable(new String[] { "T6" });
CommandProcessorResponse cpr ="create table if not exists T6(a int)");
cpr = driver.compileAndRespond("select a from T6");
// gets S lock on T6
txnMgr.acquireLocks(driver.getPlan(), ctx, "Fifer");
HiveTxnManager txnMgr2 = TxnManagerFactory.getTxnManagerFactory().getTxnManager(conf);
cpr = driver.compileAndRespond("drop table if exists T6");
// tries to get X lock on T6 and gets Waiting state
LockState lockState = ((DbTxnManager) txnMgr2).acquireLocks(driver.getPlan(), ctx, "Fiddler", false);
List<ShowLocksResponseElement> locks = getLocks();
Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected lock count", 2, locks.size());
checkLock(LockType.SHARED_READ, LockState.ACQUIRED, "default", "T6", null, locks);
checkLock(LockType.EXCLUSIVE, LockState.WAITING, "default", "T6", null, locks);
HiveTxnManager txnMgr3 = TxnManagerFactory.getTxnManagerFactory().getTxnManager(conf);
// this should block behind the X lock on T6
// this is a contrived example, in practice this query would of course fail after drop table
cpr = driver.compileAndRespond("select a from T6");
// gets S lock on T6
((DbTxnManager) txnMgr3).acquireLocks(driver.getPlan(), ctx, "Fifer", false);
locks = getLocks();
Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected lock count", 3, locks.size());
checkLock(LockType.SHARED_READ, LockState.ACQUIRED, "default", "T6", null, locks);
checkLock(LockType.SHARED_READ, LockState.WAITING, "default", "T6", null, locks);
checkLock(LockType.EXCLUSIVE, LockState.WAITING, "default", "T6", null, locks);