use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.processors.CommandProcessorResponse in project hive by apache.
the class TestDbTxnManager2 method basicBlocking.
public void basicBlocking() throws Exception {
dropTable(new String[] { "T6" });
CommandProcessorResponse cpr ="create table if not exists T6(a int)");
cpr = driver.compileAndRespond("select a from T6");
//gets S lock on T6
txnMgr.acquireLocks(driver.getPlan(), ctx, "Fifer");
List<HiveLock> selectLocks = ctx.getHiveLocks();
cpr = driver.compileAndRespond("drop table if exists T6");
//tries to get X lock on T1 and gets Waiting state
LockState lockState = ((DbTxnManager) txnMgr).acquireLocks(driver.getPlan(), ctx, "Fiddler", false);
List<ShowLocksResponseElement> locks = getLocks();
Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected lock count", 2, locks.size());
checkLock(LockType.SHARED_READ, LockState.ACQUIRED, "default", "T6", null, locks);
checkLock(LockType.EXCLUSIVE, LockState.WAITING, "default", "T6", null, locks);
//release S on T6
//attempt to X on T6 again - succeed
lockState = ((DbLockManager) txnMgr.getLockManager()).checkLock(locks.get(1).getLockid());
locks = getLocks();
Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected lock count", 1, locks.size());
checkLock(LockType.EXCLUSIVE, LockState.ACQUIRED, "default", "T6", null, locks);
List<HiveLock> xLock = new ArrayList<HiveLock>(0);
xLock.add(new DbLockManager.DbHiveLock(locks.get(0).getLockid()));
cpr ="drop table if exists T6");
locks = getLocks();
Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected number of locks found", 0, locks.size());
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.processors.CommandProcessorResponse in project hive by apache.
the class TestDbTxnManager2 method insertOverwritePartitionedCreate.
public void insertOverwritePartitionedCreate() throws Exception {
dropTable(new String[] { "T4" });
CommandProcessorResponse cpr ="create table if not exists T4 (name string, gpa double) partitioned by (age int)");
cpr ="create table if not exists T5(name string, age int, gpa double)");
cpr = driver.compileAndRespond("INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE T4 PARTITION (age) SELECT name, age, gpa FROM T5");
txnMgr.acquireLocks(driver.getPlan(), ctx, "Fifer");
List<ShowLocksResponseElement> locks = getLocks();
Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected lock count", 2, locks.size());
checkLock(LockType.SHARED_READ, LockState.ACQUIRED, "default", "T5", null, locks);
checkLock(LockType.EXCLUSIVE, LockState.ACQUIRED, "default", "T4", null, locks);
Assert.assertEquals("Lock remained", 0, getLocks().size());
cpr ="drop table if exists T5");
cpr ="drop table if exists T4");
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.processors.CommandProcessorResponse in project hive by apache.
the class TestTxnCommands method testMergeNegative2.
public void testMergeNegative2() throws Exception {
CommandProcessorResponse cpr = runStatementOnDriverNegative("MERGE INTO " + Table.ACIDTBL + " target USING " + Table.NONACIDORCTBL + "\n source ON = " + "\nWHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE set b = 1 " + "\nWHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE set b=a");
Assert.assertEquals(ErrorMsg.MERGE_TOO_MANY_UPDATE, ((HiveException) cpr.getException()).getCanonicalErrorMsg());
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.processors.CommandProcessorResponse in project hive by apache.
the class TestTxnCommands method testTimeOutReaper.
public void testTimeOutReaper() throws Exception {
runStatementOnDriver("set autocommit false");
runStatementOnDriver("start transaction");
runStatementOnDriver("delete from " + Table.ACIDTBL + " where a = 5");
//make sure currently running txn is considered aborted by housekeeper
hiveConf.setTimeVar(HiveConf.ConfVars.HIVE_TIMEDOUT_TXN_REAPER_START, 0, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
hiveConf.setTimeVar(HiveConf.ConfVars.HIVE_TXN_TIMEOUT, 2, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
AcidHouseKeeperService houseKeeperService = new AcidHouseKeeperService();
//this will abort the txn
TestTxnCommands2.runHouseKeeperService(houseKeeperService, hiveConf);
//this should fail because txn aborted due to timeout
CommandProcessorResponse cpr = runStatementOnDriverNegative("delete from " + Table.ACIDTBL + " where a = 5");
Assert.assertTrue("Actual: " + cpr.getErrorMessage(), cpr.getErrorMessage().contains("Transaction manager has aborted the transaction txnid:1"));
//now test that we don't timeout locks we should not
//heartbeater should be running in the background every 1/2 second
hiveConf.setTimeVar(HiveConf.ConfVars.HIVE_TXN_TIMEOUT, 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
//hiveConf.setBoolVar(HiveConf.ConfVars.HIVETESTMODEFAILHEARTBEATER, true);
runStatementOnDriver("start transaction");
runStatementOnDriver("select count(*) from " + Table.ACIDTBL + " where a = 17");
TxnStore txnHandler = TxnUtils.getTxnStore(hiveConf);
//since there is txn open, we are heartbeating the txn not individual locks
GetOpenTxnsInfoResponse txnsInfoResponse = txnHandler.getOpenTxnsInfo();
Assert.assertEquals(2, txnsInfoResponse.getOpen_txns().size());
TxnInfo txnInfo = null;
for (TxnInfo ti : txnsInfoResponse.getOpen_txns()) {
if (ti.getState() == TxnState.OPEN) {
txnInfo = ti;
Assert.assertEquals(2, txnInfo.getId());
Assert.assertEquals(TxnState.OPEN, txnInfo.getState());
String s = TxnDbUtil.queryToString("select TXN_STARTED, TXN_LAST_HEARTBEAT from TXNS where TXN_ID = " + txnInfo.getId(), false);
String[] vals = s.split("\\s+");
Assert.assertEquals("Didn't get expected timestamps", 2, vals.length);
long lastHeartbeat = Long.parseLong(vals[1]);
//these 2 values are equal when TXN entry is made. Should never be equal after 1st heartbeat, which we
//expect to have happened by now since HIVE_TXN_TIMEOUT=1sec
Assert.assertNotEquals("Didn't see heartbeat happen", Long.parseLong(vals[0]), lastHeartbeat);
ShowLocksResponse slr = txnHandler.showLocks(new ShowLocksRequest());
TestDbTxnManager2.checkLock(LockType.SHARED_READ, LockState.ACQUIRED, "default",, null, slr.getLocks());
TestTxnCommands2.runHouseKeeperService(houseKeeperService, hiveConf);
slr = txnHandler.showLocks(new ShowLocksRequest());
Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected lock count: " + slr, 1, slr.getLocks().size());
TestDbTxnManager2.checkLock(LockType.SHARED_READ, LockState.ACQUIRED, "default",, null, slr.getLocks());
TestTxnCommands2.runHouseKeeperService(houseKeeperService, hiveConf);
slr = txnHandler.showLocks(new ShowLocksRequest());
Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected lock count: " + slr, 1, slr.getLocks().size());
TestDbTxnManager2.checkLock(LockType.SHARED_READ, LockState.ACQUIRED, "default",, null, slr.getLocks());
//should've done several heartbeats
s = TxnDbUtil.queryToString("select TXN_STARTED, TXN_LAST_HEARTBEAT from TXNS where TXN_ID = " + txnInfo.getId(), false);
vals = s.split("\\s+");
Assert.assertEquals("Didn't get expected timestamps", 2, vals.length);
Assert.assertTrue("Heartbeat didn't progress: (old,new) (" + lastHeartbeat + "," + vals[1] + ")", lastHeartbeat < Long.parseLong(vals[1]));
slr = txnHandler.showLocks(new ShowLocksRequest());
Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected lock count", 0, slr.getLocks().size());
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.processors.CommandProcessorResponse in project hive by apache.
the class TestTxnCommands method testErrors.
* add tests for all transitions - AC=t, AC=t, AC=f, commit (for example)
* @throws Exception
public void testErrors() throws Exception {
runStatementOnDriver("set autocommit true");
CommandProcessorResponse cpr = runStatementOnDriverNegative("start transaction");
Assert.assertEquals("Error didn't match: " + cpr, ErrorMsg.OP_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_AUTOCOMMIT.getErrorCode(), cpr.getErrorCode());
runStatementOnDriver("set autocommit false");
runStatementOnDriver("start transaction");
CommandProcessorResponse cpr2 = runStatementOnDriverNegative("create table foo(x int, y int)");
Assert.assertEquals("Expected DDL to fail in an open txn", ErrorMsg.OP_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_TXN.getErrorCode(), cpr2.getErrorCode());
runStatementOnDriver("set autocommit true");
CommandProcessorResponse cpr3 = runStatementOnDriverNegative("update " + Table.ACIDTBL + " set a = 1 where b != 1");
Assert.assertEquals("Expected update of bucket column to fail", "FAILED: SemanticException [Error 10302]: Updating values of bucketing columns is not supported. Column a.", cpr3.getErrorMessage());
//line below should in principle work but Driver doesn't propagate errorCode properly
//Assert.assertEquals("Expected update of bucket column to fail", ErrorMsg.UPDATE_CANNOT_UPDATE_BUCKET_VALUE.getErrorCode(), cpr3.getErrorCode());
//not allowed in AC=true
cpr3 = runStatementOnDriverNegative("commit work");
Assert.assertEquals("Error didn't match: " + cpr3, ErrorMsg.OP_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_AUTOCOMMIT.getErrorCode(), cpr.getErrorCode());
//not allowed in AC=true
cpr3 = runStatementOnDriverNegative("rollback work");
Assert.assertEquals("Error didn't match: " + cpr3, ErrorMsg.OP_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_AUTOCOMMIT.getErrorCode(), cpr.getErrorCode());
runStatementOnDriver("set autocommit false");
//not allowed in w/o tx
cpr3 = runStatementOnDriverNegative("commit");
Assert.assertEquals("Error didn't match: " + cpr3, ErrorMsg.OP_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_AUTOCOMMIT.getErrorCode(), cpr.getErrorCode());
//not allowed in w/o tx
cpr3 = runStatementOnDriverNegative("rollback");
Assert.assertEquals("Error didn't match: " + cpr3, ErrorMsg.OP_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_AUTOCOMMIT.getErrorCode(), cpr.getErrorCode());
runStatementOnDriver("start transaction");
//not allowed in a tx
cpr3 = runStatementOnDriverNegative("start transaction");
Assert.assertEquals("Expected start transaction to fail", ErrorMsg.OP_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_TXN.getErrorCode(), cpr3.getErrorCode());
//ok since previously opened txn was killed
runStatementOnDriver("start transaction");
runStatementOnDriver("insert into " + Table.ACIDTBL + "(a,b) values(1,2)");
List<String> rs0 = runStatementOnDriver("select a,b from " + Table.ACIDTBL + " order by a,b");
Assert.assertEquals("Can't see my own write", 1, rs0.size());
//this should commit previous txn
runStatementOnDriver("set autocommit true");
rs0 = runStatementOnDriver("select a,b from " + Table.ACIDTBL + " order by a,b");
Assert.assertEquals("Can't see my own write", 1, rs0.size());