use of in project hive by apache.
the class SQLStdHiveAuthorizationValidator method checkPrivileges.
public void checkPrivileges(HiveOperationType hiveOpType, List<HivePrivilegeObject> inputHObjs, List<HivePrivilegeObject> outputHObjs, HiveAuthzContext context) throws HiveAuthzPluginException, HiveAccessControlException {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
String msg = "Checking privileges for operation " + hiveOpType + " by user " + authenticator.getUserName() + " on " + " input objects " + inputHObjs + " and output objects " + outputHObjs + ". Context Info: " + context;
String userName = authenticator.getUserName();
IMetaStoreClient metastoreClient = metastoreClientFactory.getHiveMetastoreClient();
// check privileges on input and output objects
List<String> deniedMessages = new ArrayList<String>();
checkPrivileges(hiveOpType, inputHObjs, metastoreClient, userName, IOType.INPUT, deniedMessages);
checkPrivileges(hiveOpType, outputHObjs, metastoreClient, userName, IOType.OUTPUT, deniedMessages);
SQLAuthorizationUtils.assertNoDeniedPermissions(new HivePrincipal(userName, HivePrincipalType.USER), hiveOpType, deniedMessages);