use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.udf.generic.GenericUDFToUnixTimeStamp in project hive by apache.
the class IndexPredicateAnalyzer method getColumnExpr.
// Check if ExprNodeColumnDesc is wrapped in expr.
// If so, peel off. Otherwise return itself.
private static ExprNodeDesc getColumnExpr(ExprNodeDesc expr) {
if (expr instanceof ExprNodeColumnDesc) {
return expr;
ExprNodeGenericFuncDesc funcDesc = null;
if (expr instanceof ExprNodeGenericFuncDesc) {
funcDesc = (ExprNodeGenericFuncDesc) expr;
if (null == funcDesc) {
return expr;
GenericUDF udf = funcDesc.getGenericUDF();
// check if its a simple cast expression.
if ((udf instanceof GenericUDFBridge || udf instanceof GenericUDFToBinary || udf instanceof GenericUDFToString || udf instanceof GenericUDFToChar || udf instanceof GenericUDFToVarchar || udf instanceof GenericUDFToDecimal || udf instanceof GenericUDFToDate || udf instanceof GenericUDFToUnixTimeStamp || udf instanceof GenericUDFToUtcTimestamp) && funcDesc.getChildren().size() == 1 && funcDesc.getChildren().get(0) instanceof ExprNodeColumnDesc) {
return expr.getChildren().get(0);
return expr;
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.udf.generic.GenericUDFToUnixTimeStamp in project hive by apache.
the class ConstantPropagateProcFactory method shortcutFunction.
private static ExprNodeDesc shortcutFunction(GenericUDF udf, List<ExprNodeDesc> newExprs, Operator<? extends Serializable> op) throws UDFArgumentException {
if (udf instanceof GenericUDFOPEqual) {
assert newExprs.size() == 2;
boolean foundUDFInFirst = false;
ExprNodeGenericFuncDesc caseOrWhenexpr = null;
if (newExprs.get(0) instanceof ExprNodeGenericFuncDesc) {
caseOrWhenexpr = (ExprNodeGenericFuncDesc) newExprs.get(0);
if (caseOrWhenexpr.getGenericUDF() instanceof GenericUDFWhen || caseOrWhenexpr.getGenericUDF() instanceof GenericUDFCase) {
foundUDFInFirst = true;
if (!foundUDFInFirst && newExprs.get(1) instanceof ExprNodeGenericFuncDesc) {
caseOrWhenexpr = (ExprNodeGenericFuncDesc) newExprs.get(1);
if (!(caseOrWhenexpr.getGenericUDF() instanceof GenericUDFWhen || caseOrWhenexpr.getGenericUDF() instanceof GenericUDFCase)) {
return null;
if (null == caseOrWhenexpr) {
// we didn't find case or when udf
return null;
GenericUDF childUDF = caseOrWhenexpr.getGenericUDF();
List<ExprNodeDesc> children = new ArrayList(caseOrWhenexpr.getChildren());
int i;
if (childUDF instanceof GenericUDFWhen) {
for (i = 1; i < children.size(); i += 2) {
children.set(i, ExprNodeGenericFuncDesc.newInstance(new GenericUDFOPEqual(), Lists.newArrayList(children.get(i), newExprs.get(foundUDFInFirst ? 1 : 0))));
if (children.size() % 2 == 1) {
i = children.size() - 1;
children.set(i, ExprNodeGenericFuncDesc.newInstance(new GenericUDFOPEqual(), Lists.newArrayList(children.get(i), newExprs.get(foundUDFInFirst ? 1 : 0))));
// after constant folding of child expression the return type of UDFWhen might have changed,
// so recreate the expression
ExprNodeGenericFuncDesc newCaseOrWhenExpr = ExprNodeGenericFuncDesc.newInstance(childUDF, caseOrWhenexpr.getFuncText(), children);
return newCaseOrWhenExpr;
} else if (childUDF instanceof GenericUDFCase) {
for (i = 2; i < children.size(); i += 2) {
children.set(i, ExprNodeGenericFuncDesc.newInstance(new GenericUDFOPEqual(), Lists.newArrayList(children.get(i), newExprs.get(foundUDFInFirst ? 1 : 0))));
if (children.size() % 2 == 0) {
i = children.size() - 1;
children.set(i, ExprNodeGenericFuncDesc.newInstance(new GenericUDFOPEqual(), Lists.newArrayList(children.get(i), newExprs.get(foundUDFInFirst ? 1 : 0))));
// after constant folding of child expression the return type of UDFCase might have changed,
// so recreate the expression
ExprNodeGenericFuncDesc newCaseOrWhenExpr = ExprNodeGenericFuncDesc.newInstance(childUDF, caseOrWhenexpr.getFuncText(), children);
return newCaseOrWhenExpr;
} else {
// cant happen
return null;
if (udf instanceof GenericUDFOPAnd) {
final BitSet positionsToRemove = new BitSet();
final List<ExprNodeDesc> notNullExprs = new ArrayList<ExprNodeDesc>();
final List<Integer> notNullExprsPositions = new ArrayList<Integer>();
final List<ExprNodeDesc> compareExprs = new ArrayList<ExprNodeDesc>();
for (int i = 0; i < newExprs.size(); i++) {
ExprNodeDesc childExpr = newExprs.get(i);
if (childExpr instanceof ExprNodeConstantDesc) {
ExprNodeConstantDesc c = (ExprNodeConstantDesc) childExpr;
if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(c.getValue())) {
// if true, prune it
} else {
if (Boolean.FALSE.equals(c.getValue())) {
// if false, return false
return childExpr;
} else if (childExpr instanceof ExprNodeGenericFuncDesc && ((ExprNodeGenericFuncDesc) childExpr).getGenericUDF() instanceof GenericUDFOPNotNull && childExpr.getChildren().get(0) instanceof ExprNodeColumnDesc) {
} else if (childExpr instanceof ExprNodeGenericFuncDesc && ((ExprNodeGenericFuncDesc) childExpr).getGenericUDF() instanceof GenericUDFBaseCompare && !(((ExprNodeGenericFuncDesc) childExpr).getGenericUDF() instanceof GenericUDFOPNotEqual) && childExpr.getChildren().size() == 2) {
// Try to fold (key <op> 86) and (key is not null) to (key <op> 86)
// where <op> can be "=", ">=", "<=", ">", "<".
// Note: (key <> 86) and (key is not null) cannot be folded
ExprNodeColumnDesc colDesc = ExprNodeDescUtils.getColumnExpr(childExpr.getChildren().get(0));
if (null == colDesc) {
colDesc = ExprNodeDescUtils.getColumnExpr(childExpr.getChildren().get(1));
if (colDesc != null) {
// Try to fold (key = 86) and (key is not null) to (key = 86)
for (int i = 0; i < notNullExprs.size(); i++) {
for (ExprNodeDesc other : compareExprs) {
if (notNullExprs.get(i).isSame(other)) {
// Remove unnecessary expressions
int pos = 0;
int removed = 0;
while ((pos = positionsToRemove.nextSetBit(pos)) != -1) {
newExprs.remove(pos - removed);
if (newExprs.size() == 0) {
return new ExprNodeConstantDesc(TypeInfoFactory.booleanTypeInfo, Boolean.TRUE);
if (newExprs.size() == 1) {
return newExprs.get(0);
if (udf instanceof GenericUDFOPOr) {
final BitSet positionsToRemove = new BitSet();
for (int i = 0; i < newExprs.size(); i++) {
ExprNodeDesc childExpr = newExprs.get(i);
if (childExpr instanceof ExprNodeConstantDesc) {
ExprNodeConstantDesc c = (ExprNodeConstantDesc) childExpr;
if (Boolean.FALSE.equals(c.getValue())) {
// if false, prune it
} else if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(c.getValue())) {
// if true return true
return childExpr;
int pos = 0;
int removed = 0;
while ((pos = positionsToRemove.nextSetBit(pos)) != -1) {
newExprs.remove(pos - removed);
if (newExprs.size() == 0) {
return new ExprNodeConstantDesc(TypeInfoFactory.booleanTypeInfo, Boolean.FALSE);
if (newExprs.size() == 1) {
return newExprs.get(0);
if (udf instanceof GenericUDFWhen) {
if (!(newExprs.size() == 2 || newExprs.size() == 3)) {
// we currently only handle either 1 or 2 branch.
return null;
ExprNodeDesc thenExpr = newExprs.get(1);
ExprNodeDesc elseExpr = newExprs.size() == 3 ? newExprs.get(2) : new ExprNodeConstantDesc(newExprs.get(1).getTypeInfo(), null);
ExprNodeDesc whenExpr = newExprs.get(0);
if (whenExpr instanceof ExprNodeConstantDesc) {
Boolean whenVal = (Boolean) ((ExprNodeConstantDesc) whenExpr).getValue();
return (whenVal == null || Boolean.FALSE.equals(whenVal)) ? elseExpr : thenExpr;
if (thenExpr instanceof ExprNodeConstantDesc && elseExpr instanceof ExprNodeConstantDesc) {
ExprNodeConstantDesc constThen = (ExprNodeConstantDesc) thenExpr;
ExprNodeConstantDesc constElse = (ExprNodeConstantDesc) elseExpr;
Object thenVal = constThen.getValue();
Object elseVal = constElse.getValue();
if (thenVal == null) {
if (elseVal == null) {
// both branches are null.
return thenExpr;
} else if (op instanceof FilterOperator) {
// we can still fold, since here null is equivalent to false.
return Boolean.TRUE.equals(elseVal) ? ExprNodeGenericFuncDesc.newInstance(new GenericUDFOPNot(), newExprs.subList(0, 1)) : Boolean.FALSE.equals(elseVal) ? elseExpr : null;
} else {
// can't do much, expression is not in context of filter, so we can't treat null as equivalent to false here.
return null;
} else if (elseVal == null && op instanceof FilterOperator) {
return Boolean.TRUE.equals(thenVal) ? whenExpr : Boolean.FALSE.equals(thenVal) ? thenExpr : null;
} else if (thenVal.equals(elseVal)) {
return thenExpr;
} else if (thenVal instanceof Boolean && elseVal instanceof Boolean) {
List<ExprNodeDesc> children = new ArrayList<>();
children.add(new ExprNodeConstantDesc(false));
ExprNodeGenericFuncDesc func = ExprNodeGenericFuncDesc.newInstance(new GenericUDFCoalesce(), children);
if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(thenVal)) {
return func;
} else {
List<ExprNodeDesc> exprs = new ArrayList<>();
return ExprNodeGenericFuncDesc.newInstance(new GenericUDFOPNot(), exprs);
} else {
return null;
if (udf instanceof GenericUDFCase) {
// where ss_sold_date= '1998-01-01' ;
if (!(newExprs.size() == 3 || newExprs.size() == 4)) {
// we currently only handle either 1 or 2 branch.
return null;
ExprNodeDesc thenExpr = newExprs.get(2);
ExprNodeDesc elseExpr = newExprs.size() == 4 ? newExprs.get(3) : new ExprNodeConstantDesc(newExprs.get(2).getTypeInfo(), null);
if (thenExpr instanceof ExprNodeConstantDesc && elseExpr instanceof ExprNodeConstantDesc) {
ExprNodeConstantDesc constThen = (ExprNodeConstantDesc) thenExpr;
ExprNodeConstantDesc constElse = (ExprNodeConstantDesc) elseExpr;
Object thenVal = constThen.getValue();
Object elseVal = constElse.getValue();
if (thenVal == null) {
if (null == elseVal) {
return thenExpr;
} else if (op instanceof FilterOperator) {
return Boolean.TRUE.equals(elseVal) ? ExprNodeGenericFuncDesc.newInstance(new GenericUDFOPNotEqual(), newExprs.subList(0, 2)) : Boolean.FALSE.equals(elseVal) ? elseExpr : null;
} else {
return null;
} else if (null == elseVal && op instanceof FilterOperator) {
return Boolean.TRUE.equals(thenVal) ? ExprNodeGenericFuncDesc.newInstance(new GenericUDFOPEqual(), newExprs.subList(0, 2)) : Boolean.FALSE.equals(thenVal) ? thenExpr : null;
} else if (thenVal.equals(elseVal)) {
return thenExpr;
} else if (thenVal instanceof Boolean && elseVal instanceof Boolean) {
ExprNodeGenericFuncDesc equal = ExprNodeGenericFuncDesc.newInstance(new GenericUDFOPEqual(), newExprs.subList(0, 2));
List<ExprNodeDesc> children = new ArrayList<>();
children.add(new ExprNodeConstantDesc(false));
ExprNodeGenericFuncDesc func = ExprNodeGenericFuncDesc.newInstance(new GenericUDFCoalesce(), children);
if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(thenVal)) {
return func;
} else {
List<ExprNodeDesc> exprs = new ArrayList<>();
return ExprNodeGenericFuncDesc.newInstance(new GenericUDFOPNot(), exprs);
} else {
return null;
if (udf instanceof GenericUDFUnixTimeStamp) {
if (newExprs.size() >= 1) {
// unix_timestamp(args) -> to_unix_timestamp(args)
return ExprNodeGenericFuncDesc.newInstance(new GenericUDFToUnixTimeStamp(), newExprs);
return null;