use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.wm.ExecutionTrigger in project hive by apache.
the class TestTriggersTezSessionPoolManager method testTriggerCustomNonExistent.
@Test(timeout = 60000)
public void testTriggerCustomNonExistent() throws Exception {
Expression expression = ExpressionFactory.fromString("OPEN_FILES > 50");
Trigger trigger = new ExecutionTrigger("non_existent", expression, new Action(Action.Type.KILL_QUERY));
String query = "select l.under_col, l.value from " + tableName + " l join " + tableName + " r on l.under_col>=r.under_col";
runQueryWithTrigger(query, null, null);
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.wm.ExecutionTrigger in project hive by apache.
the class TestTriggersTezSessionPoolManager method testTriggerHighBytesWrite.
@Test(timeout = 60000)
public void testTriggerHighBytesWrite() throws Exception {
Expression expression = ExpressionFactory.fromString("FILE_BYTES_WRITTEN > 100");
Trigger trigger = new ExecutionTrigger("big_write", expression, new Action(Action.Type.KILL_QUERY));
String query = "select sleep(t1.under_col, 5), t1.value from " + tableName + " t1 join " + tableName + " t2 on t1.under_col>=t2.under_col";
runQueryWithTrigger(query, null, trigger + " violated");
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.wm.ExecutionTrigger in project hive by apache.
the class TestTriggersTezSessionPoolManager method testTriggerCustomCreatedFiles.
@Test(timeout = 120000)
public void testTriggerCustomCreatedFiles() throws Exception {
List<String> cmds = getConfigs();
Expression expression = ExpressionFactory.fromString("CREATED_FILES > 5");
Trigger trigger = new ExecutionTrigger("high_read_ops", expression, new Action(Action.Type.KILL_QUERY));
String query = "create table testtab2 as select * from " + tableName;
runQueryWithTrigger(query, cmds, trigger + " violated");
// partitioned insert
expression = ExpressionFactory.fromString("CREATED_FILES > 10");
trigger = new ExecutionTrigger("high_read_ops", expression, new Action(Action.Type.KILL_QUERY));
cmds.add("drop table src3");
cmds.add("create table src3 (key int) partitioned by (value string)");
query = "insert overwrite table src3 partition (value) select sleep(under_col, 10), value from " + tableName + " where under_col < 100";
runQueryWithTrigger(query, cmds, trigger + " violated");
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.wm.ExecutionTrigger in project hive by apache.
the class WorkloadManager method applyNewResourcePlanOnMasterThread.
private void applyNewResourcePlanOnMasterThread(EventState e, WmThreadSyncWork syncWork, HashSet<String> poolsToRedistribute) {
int totalQueryParallelism = 0;
WMFullResourcePlan plan = e.resourcePlanToApply;
if (plan == null) {
// NULL plan means WM is disabled via a command; it could still be reenabled."Disabling workload management because the resource plan has been removed");
this.rpName = null;
this.defaultPool = null;
this.userPoolMapping = new UserPoolMapping(null, null);
} else {
this.rpName = plan.getPlan().getName();
this.defaultPool = plan.getPlan().getDefaultPoolPath();
this.userPoolMapping = new UserPoolMapping(plan.getMappings(), defaultPool);
// Note: we assume here that plan has been validated beforehand, so we don't verify
// that fractions or query parallelism add up, etc.
Map<String, PoolState> oldPools = pools;
pools = new HashMap<>();
ArrayList<List<WMPool>> poolsByLevel = new ArrayList<>();
if (plan != null) {
// first distribute them by levels, then add level by level.
for (WMPool pool : plan.getPools()) {
String fullName = pool.getPoolPath();
int ix = StringUtils.countMatches(fullName, POOL_SEPARATOR_STR);
while (poolsByLevel.size() <= ix) {
// We expect all the levels to have items.
poolsByLevel.add(new LinkedList<WMPool>());
for (int level = 0; level < poolsByLevel.size(); ++level) {
List<WMPool> poolsOnLevel = poolsByLevel.get(level);
for (WMPool pool : poolsOnLevel) {
String fullName = pool.getPoolPath();
int qp = pool.getQueryParallelism();
double fraction = pool.getAllocFraction();
if (level > 0) {
String parentName = fullName.substring(0, fullName.lastIndexOf(POOL_SEPARATOR));
PoolState parent = pools.get(parentName);
fraction = parent.finalFraction * fraction;
parent.finalFractionRemaining -= fraction;
PoolState state = oldPools == null ? null : oldPools.remove(fullName);
if (state == null) {
state = new PoolState(fullName, qp, fraction, pool.getSchedulingPolicy());
} else {
// This will also take care of the queries if query parallelism changed.
state.update(qp, fraction, syncWork, e, pool.getSchedulingPolicy());
state.setTriggers(new LinkedList<Trigger>());"Adding Hive pool: " + state);
pools.put(fullName, state);
totalQueryParallelism += qp;
// GLOBAL - all pools inherit
if (plan != null && plan.isSetTriggers() && plan.isSetPoolTriggers()) {
Map<String, Trigger> triggers = new HashMap<>();
for (WMTrigger trigger : plan.getTriggers()) {
ExecutionTrigger execTrigger = ExecutionTrigger.fromWMTrigger(trigger);
triggers.put(trigger.getTriggerName(), execTrigger);
for (WMPoolTrigger poolTrigger : plan.getPoolTriggers()) {
PoolState pool = pools.get(poolTrigger.getPool());
Trigger trigger = triggers.get(poolTrigger.getTrigger());
poolsToRedistribute.add(pool.fullName);"Adding pool " + pool.fullName + " trigger " + trigger);
if (oldPools != null && !oldPools.isEmpty()) {
// Looks like some pools were removed; kill running queries, re-queue the queued ones.
for (PoolState oldPool : oldPools.values()) {
oldPool.destroy(syncWork, e.getRequests, e.toReuse);
}"Updating with " + totalQueryParallelism + " total query parallelism");
int deltaSessions = totalQueryParallelism - this.totalQueryParallelism;
this.totalQueryParallelism = totalQueryParallelism;
// Nothing to do.
if (deltaSessions == 0)
if (deltaSessions < 0) {
// First, see if we have sessions that we were planning to restart/kill; get rid of those.
deltaSessions = transferSessionsToDestroy(syncWork.toKillQuery.keySet(), syncWork.toDestroyNoRestart, deltaSessions);
deltaSessions = transferSessionsToDestroy(syncWork.toRestartInUse, syncWork.toDestroyNoRestart, deltaSessions);
if (deltaSessions != 0) {
failOnFutureFailure(tezAmPool.resizeAsync(deltaSessions, syncWork.toDestroyNoRestart));