use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.SerDeException in project presto by prestodb.
the class RecordFileWriter method initializeSerializer.
private static Serializer initializeSerializer(Configuration conf, Properties properties, String serializerName) {
try {
Serializer result = (Serializer) Class.forName(serializerName).getConstructor().newInstance();
result.initialize(conf, properties);
return result;
} catch (SerDeException | ReflectiveOperationException e) {
throw Throwables.propagate(e);
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.SerDeException in project cdap by caskdata.
the class SimpleMapEqualComparerTest method testCompatibleType.
public void testCompatibleType() throws SerDeException, IOException {
// empty maps
TextStringMapHolder o1 = new TextStringMapHolder();
StructObjectInspector oi1 = (StructObjectInspector) ObjectInspectorFactory.getReflectionObjectInspector(TextStringMapHolder.class);
LazySimpleSerDe serde = new LazySimpleSerDe();
Configuration conf = new Configuration();
Properties tbl = new Properties();
tbl.setProperty(serdeConstants.LIST_COLUMNS, ObjectInspectorUtils.getFieldNames(oi1));
tbl.setProperty(serdeConstants.LIST_COLUMN_TYPES, ObjectInspectorUtils.getFieldTypes(oi1));
LazySerDeParameters serdeParams = new LazySerDeParameters(conf, tbl, LazySimpleSerDe.class.getName());
serde.initialize(conf, tbl);
ObjectInspector oi2 = serde.getObjectInspector();
Object o2 = serializeAndDeserialize(o1, oi1, serde, serdeParams);
int rc =, oi1, o2, oi2, new SimpleMapEqualComparer());
Assert.assertEquals(0, rc);
// equal maps
o1.mMap.put(new Text("42"), "The answer to Life, Universe And Everything");
o1.mMap.put(new Text("1729"), "A taxi cab number");
o2 = serializeAndDeserialize(o1, oi1, serde, serdeParams);
rc =, oi1, o2, oi2, new SimpleMapEqualComparer());
Assert.assertEquals(0, rc);
// unequal maps
o1.mMap.put(new Text("1729"), "Hardy-Ramanujan Number");
rc =, oi1, o2, oi2, new SimpleMapEqualComparer());
Assert.assertFalse(0 == rc);
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.SerDeException in project cdap by caskdata.
the class SimpleMapEqualComparerTest method testIncompatibleType.
public void testIncompatibleType() throws SerDeException, IOException {
// empty maps
StringTextMapHolder o1 = new StringTextMapHolder();
StructObjectInspector oi1 = (StructObjectInspector) ObjectInspectorFactory.getReflectionObjectInspector(StringTextMapHolder.class);
LazySimpleSerDe serde = new LazySimpleSerDe();
Configuration conf = new Configuration();
Properties tbl = new Properties();
tbl.setProperty(serdeConstants.LIST_COLUMNS, ObjectInspectorUtils.getFieldNames(oi1));
tbl.setProperty(serdeConstants.LIST_COLUMN_TYPES, ObjectInspectorUtils.getFieldTypes(oi1));
LazySerDeParameters serdeParams = new LazySerDeParameters(conf, tbl, LazySimpleSerDe.class.getName());
serde.initialize(conf, tbl);
ObjectInspector oi2 = serde.getObjectInspector();
Object o2 = serializeAndDeserialize(o1, oi1, serde, serdeParams);
int rc =, oi1, o2, oi2, new SimpleMapEqualComparer());
Assert.assertEquals(0, rc);
// equal maps
o1.mMap.put("42", new Text("The answer to Life, Universe And Everything"));
o1.mMap.put("1729", new Text("A taxi cab number"));
o2 = serializeAndDeserialize(o1, oi1, serde, serdeParams);
rc =, oi1, o2, oi2, new SimpleMapEqualComparer());
Assert.assertFalse(0 == rc);
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.SerDeException in project cdap by caskdata.
the class SimpleMapEqualComparerTest method serializeAndDeserialize.
Object serializeAndDeserialize(StringTextMapHolder o1, StructObjectInspector oi1, LazySimpleSerDe serde, LazySerDeParameters serdeParams) throws IOException, SerDeException {
ByteStream.Output serializeStream = new ByteStream.Output();
LazySimpleSerDe.serialize(serializeStream, o1, oi1, serdeParams.getSeparators(), 0, serdeParams.getNullSequence(), serdeParams.isEscaped(), serdeParams.getEscapeChar(), serdeParams.getNeedsEscape());
Text t = new Text(serializeStream.toByteArray());
return serde.deserialize(t);
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.SerDeException in project cdap by caskdata.
the class StreamSerDe method initialize.
// initialize gets called multiple times by Hive. It may seem like a good idea to put additional settings into
// the conf, but be very careful when doing so. If there are multiple hive tables involved in a query, initialize
// for each table is called before input splits are fetched for any table. It is therefore not safe to put anything
// the input format may need into conf in this method. Rather, use StorageHandler's method to place needed config
// into the properties map there, which will get passed here and also copied into the job conf for the input
// format to consume.
public void initialize(Configuration conf, Properties properties) throws SerDeException {
// The columns property comes from the Hive metastore, which has it from the create table statement
// It is then important that this schema be accurate and in the right order - the same order as
// object inspectors will reflect them.
String streamName = properties.getProperty(Constants.Explore.STREAM_NAME);
String streamNamespace = properties.getProperty(Constants.Explore.STREAM_NAMESPACE);
// to avoid a null pointer exception that prevents dropping a table, we handle the null namespace case here.
if (streamNamespace == null) {
// we also still need an ObjectInspector as Hive uses it to check what columns the table has.
this.inspector = new ObjectDeserializer(properties, null).getInspector();
StreamId streamId = new StreamId(streamNamespace, streamName);
try (ContextManager.Context context = ContextManager.getContext(conf)) {
Schema schema = null;
// Because it calls initialize just to get the object inspector
if (context != null) {
// Get the stream format from the stream config.
FormatSpecification formatSpec = getFormatSpec(properties, streamId, context);
this.streamFormat = (AbstractStreamEventRecordFormat) RecordFormats.createInitializedFormat(formatSpec);
schema = formatSpec.getSchema();
this.deserializer = new ObjectDeserializer(properties, schema, BODY_OFFSET);
this.inspector = deserializer.getInspector();
} catch (UnsupportedTypeException e) {
// this should have been validated up front when schema was set on the stream.
// if we hit this something went wrong much earlier.
LOG.error("Schema unsupported by format.", e);
throw new SerDeException("Schema unsupported by format.", e);
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.error("Could not get the config for stream {}.", streamName, e);
throw new SerDeException("Could not get the config for stream " + streamName, e);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("Could not create the format for stream {}.", streamName, e);
throw new SerDeException("Could not create the format for stream " + streamName, e);