use of in project hive by apache.
the class LazyBinarySerDe method serialize.
* A recursive function that serialize an object to a byte buffer based on its
* object inspector.
* @param byteStream
* the byte stream storing the serialization data
* @param obj
* the object to serialize
* @param objInspector
* the object inspector
* @param skipLengthPrefix a boolean indicating whether length prefix is
* needed for list/map/struct
* @param warnedOnceNullMapKey a boolean indicating whether a warning
* has been issued once already when encountering null map keys
public static void serialize(RandomAccessOutput byteStream, Object obj, ObjectInspector objInspector, boolean skipLengthPrefix, BooleanRef warnedOnceNullMapKey) throws SerDeException {
// do nothing for null object
if (null == obj) {
switch(objInspector.getCategory()) {
PrimitiveObjectInspector poi = (PrimitiveObjectInspector) objInspector;
switch(poi.getPrimitiveCategory()) {
case VOID:
boolean v = ((BooleanObjectInspector) poi).get(obj);
byteStream.write((byte) (v ? 1 : 0));
case BYTE:
ByteObjectInspector boi = (ByteObjectInspector) poi;
byte v = boi.get(obj);
case SHORT:
ShortObjectInspector spoi = (ShortObjectInspector) poi;
short v = spoi.get(obj);
byteStream.write((byte) (v >> 8));
byteStream.write((byte) (v));
case INT:
IntObjectInspector ioi = (IntObjectInspector) poi;
int v = ioi.get(obj);
LazyBinaryUtils.writeVInt(byteStream, v);
case LONG:
LongObjectInspector loi = (LongObjectInspector) poi;
long v = loi.get(obj);
LazyBinaryUtils.writeVLong(byteStream, v);
case FLOAT:
FloatObjectInspector foi = (FloatObjectInspector) poi;
int v = Float.floatToIntBits(foi.get(obj));
byteStream.write((byte) (v >> 24));
byteStream.write((byte) (v >> 16));
byteStream.write((byte) (v >> 8));
byteStream.write((byte) (v));
case DOUBLE:
DoubleObjectInspector doi = (DoubleObjectInspector) poi;
LazyBinaryUtils.writeDouble(byteStream, doi.get(obj));
case STRING:
StringObjectInspector soi = (StringObjectInspector) poi;
Text t = soi.getPrimitiveWritableObject(obj);
serializeText(byteStream, t, skipLengthPrefix);
case CHAR:
HiveCharObjectInspector hcoi = (HiveCharObjectInspector) poi;
Text t = hcoi.getPrimitiveWritableObject(obj).getTextValue();
serializeText(byteStream, t, skipLengthPrefix);
HiveVarcharObjectInspector hcoi = (HiveVarcharObjectInspector) poi;
Text t = hcoi.getPrimitiveWritableObject(obj).getTextValue();
serializeText(byteStream, t, skipLengthPrefix);
case BINARY:
BinaryObjectInspector baoi = (BinaryObjectInspector) poi;
BytesWritable bw = baoi.getPrimitiveWritableObject(obj);
int length = bw.getLength();
if (!skipLengthPrefix) {
LazyBinaryUtils.writeVInt(byteStream, length);
} else {
if (length == 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("LazyBinaryColumnarSerde cannot serialize a non-null zero " + "length binary field. Consider using either LazyBinarySerde or ColumnarSerde.");
byteStream.write(bw.getBytes(), 0, length);
case DATE:
DateWritable d = ((DateObjectInspector) poi).getPrimitiveWritableObject(obj);
writeDateToByteStream(byteStream, d);
TimestampObjectInspector toi = (TimestampObjectInspector) poi;
TimestampWritable t = toi.getPrimitiveWritableObject(obj);
TimestampLocalTZWritable t = ((TimestampLocalTZObjectInspector) poi).getPrimitiveWritableObject(obj);
HiveIntervalYearMonthWritable intervalYearMonth = ((HiveIntervalYearMonthObjectInspector) poi).getPrimitiveWritableObject(obj);
HiveIntervalDayTimeWritable intervalDayTime = ((HiveIntervalDayTimeObjectInspector) poi).getPrimitiveWritableObject(obj);
HiveDecimalObjectInspector bdoi = (HiveDecimalObjectInspector) poi;
HiveDecimalWritable t = bdoi.getPrimitiveWritableObject(obj);
if (t == null) {
writeToByteStream(byteStream, t);
throw new RuntimeException("Unrecognized type: " + poi.getPrimitiveCategory());
case LIST:
ListObjectInspector loi = (ListObjectInspector) objInspector;
ObjectInspector eoi = loi.getListElementObjectInspector();
int byteSizeStart = 0;
int listStart = 0;
if (!skipLengthPrefix) {
// 1/ reserve spaces for the byte size of the list
// which is a integer and takes four bytes
byteSizeStart = byteStream.getLength();
listStart = byteStream.getLength();
// 2/ write the size of the list as a VInt
int size = loi.getListLength(obj);
LazyBinaryUtils.writeVInt(byteStream, size);
// 3/ write the null bytes
byte nullByte = 0;
for (int eid = 0; eid < size; eid++) {
// set the bit to 1 if an element is not null
if (null != loi.getListElement(obj, eid)) {
nullByte |= 1 << (eid % 8);
// if this is the last element
if (7 == eid % 8 || eid == size - 1) {
nullByte = 0;
// 4/ write element by element from the list
for (int eid = 0; eid < size; eid++) {
serialize(byteStream, loi.getListElement(obj, eid), eoi, false, warnedOnceNullMapKey);
if (!skipLengthPrefix) {
// 5/ update the list byte size
int listEnd = byteStream.getLength();
int listSize = listEnd - listStart;
writeSizeAtOffset(byteStream, byteSizeStart, listSize);
case MAP:
MapObjectInspector moi = (MapObjectInspector) objInspector;
ObjectInspector koi = moi.getMapKeyObjectInspector();
ObjectInspector voi = moi.getMapValueObjectInspector();
Map<?, ?> map = moi.getMap(obj);
int byteSizeStart = 0;
int mapStart = 0;
if (!skipLengthPrefix) {
// 1/ reserve spaces for the byte size of the map
// which is a integer and takes four bytes
byteSizeStart = byteStream.getLength();
mapStart = byteStream.getLength();
// 2/ write the size of the map which is a VInt
int size = map.size();
LazyBinaryUtils.writeVInt(byteStream, size);
// 3/ write the null bytes
int b = 0;
byte nullByte = 0;
for (Map.Entry<?, ?> entry : map.entrySet()) {
// set the bit to 1 if a key is not null
if (null != entry.getKey()) {
nullByte |= 1 << (b % 8);
} else if (warnedOnceNullMapKey != null) {
if (!warnedOnceNullMapKey.value) {
LOG.warn("Null map key encountered! Ignoring similar problems.");
warnedOnceNullMapKey.value = true;
// set the bit to 1 if a value is not null
if (null != entry.getValue()) {
nullByte |= 1 << (b % 8);
// or if this is the last key-value pair
if (0 == b % 8 || b == size * 2) {
nullByte = 0;
// 4/ write key-value pairs one by one
for (Map.Entry<?, ?> entry : map.entrySet()) {
serialize(byteStream, entry.getKey(), koi, false, warnedOnceNullMapKey);
serialize(byteStream, entry.getValue(), voi, false, warnedOnceNullMapKey);
if (!skipLengthPrefix) {
// 5/ update the byte size of the map
int mapEnd = byteStream.getLength();
int mapSize = mapEnd - mapStart;
writeSizeAtOffset(byteStream, byteSizeStart, mapSize);
case STRUCT:
case UNION:
int byteSizeStart = 0;
int typeStart = 0;
if (!skipLengthPrefix) {
// 1/ reserve spaces for the byte size of the struct
// which is a integer and takes four bytes
byteSizeStart = byteStream.getLength();
typeStart = byteStream.getLength();
if (ObjectInspector.Category.STRUCT.equals(objInspector.getCategory())) {
// 2/ serialize the struct
serializeStruct(byteStream, obj, (StructObjectInspector) objInspector, warnedOnceNullMapKey);
} else {
// 2/ serialize the union
serializeUnion(byteStream, obj, (UnionObjectInspector) objInspector, warnedOnceNullMapKey);
if (!skipLengthPrefix) {
// 3/ update the byte size of the struct
int typeEnd = byteStream.getLength();
int typeSize = typeEnd - typeStart;
writeSizeAtOffset(byteStream, byteSizeStart, typeSize);
throw new RuntimeException("Unrecognized type: " + objInspector.getCategory());
use of in project hive by apache.
the class VerifyLazy method lazyCompare.
public static boolean lazyCompare(TypeInfo typeInfo, Object lazyObject, Object expectedObject) {
if (expectedObject == null) {
if (lazyObject != null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Expected object is null but object is not null " + lazyObject.toString() + " typeInfo " + typeInfo.toString());
return true;
} else if (lazyObject == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Expected object is not null \"" + expectedObject.toString() + "\" typeInfo " + typeInfo.toString() + " but object is null");
if (lazyObject instanceof Writable) {
if (!lazyObject.equals(expectedObject)) {
throw new RuntimeException("Expected object " + expectedObject.toString() + " and actual object " + lazyObject.toString() + " is not equal typeInfo " + typeInfo.toString());
return true;
if (lazyObject instanceof LazyPrimitive) {
Object primitiveObject = ((LazyPrimitive) lazyObject).getObject();
PrimitiveTypeInfo primitiveTypeInfo = (PrimitiveTypeInfo) typeInfo;
switch(primitiveTypeInfo.getPrimitiveCategory()) {
if (!(primitiveObject instanceof LazyBoolean)) {
throw new RuntimeException("Expected LazyBoolean");
boolean value = ((LazyBoolean) primitiveObject).getWritableObject().get();
boolean expected = ((BooleanWritable) expectedObject).get();
if (value != expected) {
throw new RuntimeException("Boolean field mismatch (expected " + expected + " found " + value + ")");
case BYTE:
if (!(primitiveObject instanceof LazyByte)) {
throw new RuntimeException("Expected LazyByte");
byte value = ((LazyByte) primitiveObject).getWritableObject().get();
byte expected = ((ByteWritable) expectedObject).get();
if (value != expected) {
throw new RuntimeException("Byte field mismatch (expected " + (int) expected + " found " + (int) value + ")");
case SHORT:
if (!(primitiveObject instanceof LazyShort)) {
throw new RuntimeException("Expected LazyShort");
short value = ((LazyShort) primitiveObject).getWritableObject().get();
short expected = ((ShortWritable) expectedObject).get();
if (value != expected) {
throw new RuntimeException("Short field mismatch (expected " + expected + " found " + value + ")");
case INT:
if (!(primitiveObject instanceof LazyInteger)) {
throw new RuntimeException("Expected LazyInteger");
int value = ((LazyInteger) primitiveObject).getWritableObject().get();
int expected = ((IntWritable) expectedObject).get();
if (value != expected) {
throw new RuntimeException("Int field mismatch (expected " + expected + " found " + value + ")");
case LONG:
if (!(primitiveObject instanceof LazyLong)) {
throw new RuntimeException("Expected LazyLong");
long value = ((LazyLong) primitiveObject).getWritableObject().get();
long expected = ((LongWritable) expectedObject).get();
if (value != expected) {
throw new RuntimeException("Long field mismatch (expected " + expected + " found " + value + ")");
case FLOAT:
if (!(primitiveObject instanceof LazyFloat)) {
throw new RuntimeException("Expected LazyFloat");
float value = ((LazyFloat) primitiveObject).getWritableObject().get();
float expected = ((FloatWritable) expectedObject).get();
if (value != expected) {
throw new RuntimeException("Float field mismatch (expected " + expected + " found " + value + ")");
case DOUBLE:
if (!(primitiveObject instanceof LazyDouble)) {
throw new RuntimeException("Expected LazyDouble");
double value = ((LazyDouble) primitiveObject).getWritableObject().get();
double expected = ((DoubleWritable) expectedObject).get();
if (value != expected) {
throw new RuntimeException("Double field mismatch (expected " + expected + " found " + value + ")");
case STRING:
if (!(primitiveObject instanceof LazyString)) {
throw new RuntimeException("Text expected writable not Text");
Text value = ((LazyString) primitiveObject).getWritableObject();
Text expected = ((Text) expectedObject);
if (!value.equals(expected)) {
throw new RuntimeException("String field mismatch (expected '" + expected + "' found '" + value + "')");
case CHAR:
if (!(primitiveObject instanceof LazyHiveChar)) {
throw new RuntimeException("Expected LazyHiveChar");
HiveChar value = ((LazyHiveChar) primitiveObject).getWritableObject().getHiveChar();
HiveChar expected = ((HiveCharWritable) expectedObject).getHiveChar();
if (!value.equals(expected)) {
throw new RuntimeException("HiveChar field mismatch (expected '" + expected + "' found '" + value + "')");
if (!(primitiveObject instanceof LazyHiveVarchar)) {
throw new RuntimeException("Expected LazyHiveVarchar");
HiveVarchar value = ((LazyHiveVarchar) primitiveObject).getWritableObject().getHiveVarchar();
HiveVarchar expected = ((HiveVarcharWritable) expectedObject).getHiveVarchar();
if (!value.equals(expected)) {
throw new RuntimeException("HiveVarchar field mismatch (expected '" + expected + "' found '" + value + "')");
if (!(primitiveObject instanceof LazyHiveDecimal)) {
throw new RuntimeException("Expected LazyDecimal");
HiveDecimal value = ((LazyHiveDecimal) primitiveObject).getWritableObject().getHiveDecimal();
HiveDecimal expected = ((HiveDecimalWritable) expectedObject).getHiveDecimal();
if (!value.equals(expected)) {
DecimalTypeInfo decimalTypeInfo = (DecimalTypeInfo) primitiveTypeInfo;
int precision = decimalTypeInfo.getPrecision();
int scale = decimalTypeInfo.getScale();
throw new RuntimeException("Decimal field mismatch (expected " + expected.toString() + " found " + value.toString() + ") precision " + precision + ", scale " + scale);
case DATE:
if (!(primitiveObject instanceof LazyDate)) {
throw new RuntimeException("Expected LazyDate");
Date value = ((LazyDate) primitiveObject).getWritableObject().get();
Date expected = ((DateWritable) expectedObject).get();
if (!value.equals(expected)) {
throw new RuntimeException("Date field mismatch (expected " + expected + " found " + value + ")");
if (!(primitiveObject instanceof LazyTimestamp)) {
throw new RuntimeException("TimestampWritable expected writable not TimestampWritable");
Timestamp value = ((LazyTimestamp) primitiveObject).getWritableObject().getTimestamp();
Timestamp expected = ((TimestampWritable) expectedObject).getTimestamp();
if (!value.equals(expected)) {
throw new RuntimeException("Timestamp field mismatch (expected " + expected + " found " + value + ")");
if (!(primitiveObject instanceof LazyHiveIntervalYearMonth)) {
throw new RuntimeException("Expected LazyHiveIntervalYearMonth");
HiveIntervalYearMonth value = ((LazyHiveIntervalYearMonth) primitiveObject).getWritableObject().getHiveIntervalYearMonth();
HiveIntervalYearMonth expected = ((HiveIntervalYearMonthWritable) expectedObject).getHiveIntervalYearMonth();
if (!value.equals(expected)) {
throw new RuntimeException("HiveIntervalYearMonth field mismatch (expected " + expected + " found " + value + ")");
if (!(primitiveObject instanceof LazyHiveIntervalDayTime)) {
throw new RuntimeException("Expected writable LazyHiveIntervalDayTime");
HiveIntervalDayTime value = ((LazyHiveIntervalDayTime) primitiveObject).getWritableObject().getHiveIntervalDayTime();
HiveIntervalDayTime expected = ((HiveIntervalDayTimeWritable) expectedObject).getHiveIntervalDayTime();
if (!value.equals(expected)) {
throw new RuntimeException("HiveIntervalDayTime field mismatch (expected " + expected + " found " + value + ")");
case BINARY:
if (!(primitiveObject instanceof LazyBinary)) {
throw new RuntimeException("Expected LazyBinary");
BytesWritable bytesWritable = ((LazyBinary) primitiveObject).getWritableObject();
byte[] value = Arrays.copyOfRange(bytesWritable.getBytes(), 0, bytesWritable.getLength());
BytesWritable bytesWritableExpected = (BytesWritable) expectedObject;
byte[] expected = Arrays.copyOfRange(bytesWritableExpected.getBytes(), 0, bytesWritableExpected.getLength());
if (value.length != expected.length) {
throw new RuntimeException("Byte Array field mismatch (expected " + Arrays.toString(expected) + " found " + Arrays.toString(value) + ")");
for (int b = 0; b < value.length; b++) {
if (value[b] != expected[b]) {
throw new RuntimeException("Byte Array field mismatch (expected " + Arrays.toString(expected) + " found " + Arrays.toString(value) + ")");
throw new Error("Unknown primitive category " + primitiveTypeInfo.getPrimitiveCategory());
} else if (lazyObject instanceof LazyArray) {
LazyArray lazyArray = (LazyArray) lazyObject;
List<Object> list = lazyArray.getList();
List<Object> expectedList = (List<Object>) expectedObject;
ListTypeInfo listTypeInfo = (ListTypeInfo) typeInfo;
if (list.size() != expectedList.size()) {
throw new RuntimeException("SerDe deserialized list length does not match (list " + list.toString() + " list.size() " + list.size() + " expectedList " + expectedList.toString() + " expectedList.size() " + expectedList.size() + ")" + " elementTypeInfo " + listTypeInfo.getListElementTypeInfo().toString());
return lazyCompareList((ListTypeInfo) typeInfo, list, expectedList);
} else if (typeInfo instanceof ListTypeInfo) {
List<Object> list;
if (lazyObject instanceof LazyBinaryArray) {
list = ((LazyBinaryArray) lazyObject).getList();
} else {
list = (List<Object>) lazyObject;
List<Object> expectedList = (List<Object>) expectedObject;
if (list.size() != expectedList.size()) {
throw new RuntimeException("SerDe deserialized list length does not match (list " + list.toString() + " list.size() " + list.size() + " expectedList " + expectedList.toString() + " expectedList.size() " + expectedList.size() + ")");
return lazyCompareList((ListTypeInfo) typeInfo, list, expectedList);
} else if (lazyObject instanceof LazyMap) {
LazyMap lazyMap = (LazyMap) lazyObject;
Map<Object, Object> map = lazyMap.getMap();
Map<Object, Object> expectedMap = (Map<Object, Object>) expectedObject;
return lazyCompareMap((MapTypeInfo) typeInfo, map, expectedMap);
} else if (typeInfo instanceof MapTypeInfo) {
Map<Object, Object> map;
Map<Object, Object> expectedMap = (Map<Object, Object>) expectedObject;
if (lazyObject instanceof LazyBinaryMap) {
map = ((LazyBinaryMap) lazyObject).getMap();
} else {
map = (Map<Object, Object>) lazyObject;
return lazyCompareMap((MapTypeInfo) typeInfo, map, expectedMap);
} else if (lazyObject instanceof LazyStruct) {
LazyStruct lazyStruct = (LazyStruct) lazyObject;
List<Object> fields = lazyStruct.getFieldsAsList();
List<Object> expectedFields = (List<Object>) expectedObject;
StructTypeInfo structTypeInfo = (StructTypeInfo) typeInfo;
return lazyCompareStruct(structTypeInfo, fields, expectedFields);
} else if (typeInfo instanceof StructTypeInfo) {
ArrayList<Object> fields;
if (lazyObject instanceof LazyBinaryStruct) {
fields = ((LazyBinaryStruct) lazyObject).getFieldsAsList();
} else {
fields = (ArrayList<Object>) lazyObject;
List<Object> expectedFields = (List<Object>) expectedObject;
StructTypeInfo structTypeInfo = (StructTypeInfo) typeInfo;
return lazyCompareStruct(structTypeInfo, fields, expectedFields);
} else if (lazyObject instanceof LazyUnion) {
LazyUnion union = (LazyUnion) lazyObject;
StandardUnionObjectInspector.StandardUnion expectedUnion = (StandardUnionObjectInspector.StandardUnion) expectedObject;
UnionTypeInfo unionTypeInfo = (UnionTypeInfo) typeInfo;
return lazyCompareUnion(unionTypeInfo, union, expectedUnion);
} else if (typeInfo instanceof UnionTypeInfo) {
StandardUnionObjectInspector.StandardUnion expectedUnion = (StandardUnionObjectInspector.StandardUnion) expectedObject;
UnionTypeInfo unionTypeInfo = (UnionTypeInfo) typeInfo;
if (lazyObject instanceof LazyBinaryUnion) {
return lazyCompareUnion(unionTypeInfo, (LazyBinaryUnion) lazyObject, expectedUnion);
} else {
return lazyCompareUnion(unionTypeInfo, (UnionObject) lazyObject, expectedUnion);
} else {
System.err.println("Not implemented " + typeInfo.getClass().getName());
return true;
use of in project hive by apache.
the class LazySimpleSerializeWrite method writeDate.
public void writeDate(Date date) throws IOException {
if (dateWritable == null) {
dateWritable = new DateWritable();
LazyDate.writeUTF8(output, dateWritable);
use of in project presto by prestodb.
the class TestObjectEncoders method testPrimitiveObjectEncoders.
public void testPrimitiveObjectEncoders() {
ObjectInspector inspector;
ObjectEncoder encoder;
inspector = writableLongObjectInspector;
encoder = createEncoder(BIGINT, inspector);
assertTrue(encoder.encode(new LongWritable(123456L)) instanceof Long);
inspector = writableIntObjectInspector;
encoder = createEncoder(INTEGER, inspector);
assertTrue(encoder.encode(new IntWritable(12345)) instanceof Long);
inspector = writableShortObjectInspector;
encoder = createEncoder(SMALLINT, inspector);
assertTrue(encoder.encode(new ShortWritable((short) 1234)) instanceof Long);
inspector = writableByteObjectInspector;
encoder = createEncoder(TINYINT, inspector);
assertTrue(encoder.encode(new ByteWritable((byte) 123)) instanceof Long);
inspector = writableBooleanObjectInspector;
encoder = createEncoder(BOOLEAN, inspector);
assertTrue(encoder.encode(new BooleanWritable(true)) instanceof Boolean);
inspector = writableDoubleObjectInspector;
encoder = createEncoder(DOUBLE, inspector);
assertTrue(encoder.encode(new DoubleWritable(0.1)) instanceof Double);
inspector = writableDateObjectInspector;
encoder = createEncoder(DATE, inspector);
assertTrue(encoder.encode(new DateWritable(DateTimeUtils.createDate(18380L))) instanceof Long);
inspector = writableHiveDecimalObjectInspector;
encoder = createEncoder(createDecimalType(11, 10), inspector);
assertTrue(encoder.encode(new HiveDecimalWritable("1.2345678910")) instanceof Long);
encoder = createEncoder(createDecimalType(34, 33), inspector);
assertTrue(encoder.encode(new HiveDecimalWritable("1.281734081274028174012432412423134")) instanceof Slice);
use of in project presto by prestodb.
the class TestHiveBucketing method testHashingCompare.
public void testHashingCompare() throws Exception {
assertBucketEquals("boolean", null);
assertBucketEquals("boolean", true);
assertBucketEquals("boolean", false);
assertBucketEquals("tinyint", null);
assertBucketEquals("tinyint", (byte) 5);
assertBucketEquals("tinyint", Byte.MIN_VALUE);
assertBucketEquals("tinyint", Byte.MAX_VALUE);
assertBucketEquals("smallint", null);
assertBucketEquals("smallint", (short) 300);
assertBucketEquals("smallint", Short.MIN_VALUE);
assertBucketEquals("smallint", Short.MAX_VALUE);
assertBucketEquals("int", null);
assertBucketEquals("int", 300_000);
assertBucketEquals("int", Integer.MIN_VALUE);
assertBucketEquals("int", Integer.MAX_VALUE);
assertBucketEquals("bigint", null);
assertBucketEquals("bigint", 300_000_000_000L);
assertBucketEquals("bigint", Long.MIN_VALUE);
assertBucketEquals("bigint", Long.MAX_VALUE);
assertBucketEquals("float", null);
assertBucketEquals("float", 12.34F);
assertBucketEquals("float", -Float.MAX_VALUE);
assertBucketEquals("float", Float.MIN_VALUE);
assertBucketEquals("float", Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY);
assertBucketEquals("float", Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY);
assertBucketEquals("double", null);
assertBucketEquals("double", 12.34);
assertBucketEquals("double", -Double.MAX_VALUE);
assertBucketEquals("double", Double.MIN_VALUE);
assertBucketEquals("double", Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY);
assertBucketEquals("double", Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY);
assertBucketEquals("varchar(15)", null);
assertBucketEquals("varchar(15)", "");
assertBucketEquals("varchar(15)", "test string");
// 3-byte UTF-8 sequences (in Basic Plane, i.e. Plane 0)
assertBucketEquals("varchar(15)", "\u5f3a\u5927\u7684Presto\u5f15\u64ce");
// 4 code points: 20FFC - 20FFF. 4-byte UTF-8 sequences in Supplementary Plane 2
assertBucketEquals("varchar(15)", "\uD843\uDFFC\uD843\uDFFD\uD843\uDFFE\uD843\uDFFF");
assertBucketEquals("string", null);
assertBucketEquals("string", "");
assertBucketEquals("string", "test string");
// 3-byte UTF-8 sequences (in Basic Plane, i.e. Plane 0)
assertBucketEquals("string", "\u5f3a\u5927\u7684Presto\u5f15\u64ce");
// 4 code points: 20FFC - 20FFF. 4-byte UTF-8 sequences in Supplementary Plane 2
assertBucketEquals("string", "\uD843\uDFFC\uD843\uDFFD\uD843\uDFFE\uD843\uDFFF");
assertBucketEquals("date", null);
assertBucketEquals("date", new DateWritable(toIntExact(LocalDate.of(1970, 1, 1).toEpochDay())).get());
assertBucketEquals("date", new DateWritable(toIntExact(LocalDate.of(2015, 11, 19).toEpochDay())).get());
assertBucketEquals("date", new DateWritable(toIntExact(LocalDate.of(1950, 11, 19).toEpochDay())).get());
assertBucketEquals("timestamp", null);
assertBucketEquals("timestamp", new Timestamp(1000 * LocalDateTime.of(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0).toEpochSecond(ZoneOffset.UTC)));
assertBucketEquals("timestamp", new Timestamp(1000 * LocalDateTime.of(1969, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59, 999_000_000).toEpochSecond(ZoneOffset.UTC)));
assertBucketEquals("timestamp", new Timestamp(1000 * LocalDateTime.of(1950, 11, 19, 12, 34, 56, 789_000_000).toEpochSecond(ZoneOffset.UTC)));
assertBucketEquals("timestamp", new Timestamp(1000 * LocalDateTime.of(2015, 11, 19, 7, 6, 5, 432_000_000).toEpochSecond(ZoneOffset.UTC)));
assertBucketEquals("array<double>", null);
assertBucketEquals("array<boolean>", ImmutableList.of());
assertBucketEquals("array<smallint>", ImmutableList.of((short) 5, (short) 8, (short) 13));
assertBucketEquals("array<string>", ImmutableList.of("test1", "test2", "test3", "test4"));
assertBucketEquals("map<float,date>", null);
assertBucketEquals("map<double,timestamp>", ImmutableMap.of());
assertBucketEquals("map<string,bigint>", ImmutableMap.of("key", 123L, "key2", 123456789L, "key3", -123456L));
assertBucketEquals("array<array<bigint>>", ImmutableList.of(ImmutableList.of(10L, 20L), ImmutableList.of(-10L, -20L), asList((Object) null)));
assertBucketEquals("map<array<double>,map<int,timestamp>>", ImmutableMap.of(ImmutableList.of(12.3, 45.7), ImmutableMap.of(123, new Timestamp(1_234_567_890_000L))));
// multiple bucketing columns
assertBucketEquals(ImmutableList.of("float", "array<smallint>", "map<string,bigint>"), ImmutableList.of(12.34F, ImmutableList.of((short) 5, (short) 8, (short) 13), ImmutableMap.of("key", 123L)));
assertBucketEquals(ImmutableList.of("double", "array<smallint>", "boolean", "map<string,bigint>", "tinyint"), asList(null, ImmutableList.of((short) 5, (short) 8, (short) 13), null, ImmutableMap.of("key", 123L), null));