use of in project hive by apache.
the class DecimalColumnVector method ensureSize.
public void ensureSize(int size, boolean preserveData) {
super.ensureSize(size, preserveData);
// We assume the existing vector is always valid.
if (size <= vector.length)
HiveDecimalWritable[] oldArray = vector;
vector = new HiveDecimalWritable[size];
int initPos = 0;
if (preserveData) {
// we copy all of the values to avoid creating more objects
// TODO: it might be cheaper to always preserve data or reset existing objects
initPos = oldArray.length;
System.arraycopy(oldArray, 0, vector, 0, oldArray.length);
for (int i = initPos; i < vector.length; ++i) {
// Initially zero.
vector[i] = new HiveDecimalWritable(0);
use of in project hive by apache.
the class TestHiveDecimal method doTestDecimalsWithPrecisionScale.
public void doTestDecimalsWithPrecisionScale(String[] decStrings, int precision, int scale) {
HiveDecimalV1 oldSum = HiveDecimalV1.create(0);
HiveDecimalWritable sum = new HiveDecimalWritable(0);
for (int i = 0; i < decStrings.length; i++) {
String string = decStrings[i];
HiveDecimalV1 oldDec = HiveDecimalV1.create(string);
HiveDecimalV1 resultOldDec;
if (oldDec == null) {
resultOldDec = null;
} else {
resultOldDec = HiveDecimalV1.enforcePrecisionScale(oldDec, precision, scale);
HiveDecimal dec = HiveDecimal.create(string);
if (oldDec == null) {
Assert.assertTrue(dec == null);
HiveDecimal resultDec = HiveDecimal.enforcePrecisionScale(dec, precision, scale);
if (resultOldDec == null) {
Assert.assertTrue(resultDec == null);
Assert.assertEquals(resultOldDec.toString(), resultDec.toString());
Assert.assertEquals(resultOldDec.toFormatString(scale), resultDec.toFormatString(scale));
oldSum = oldSum.add(resultOldDec);
Assert.assertEquals(oldSum.toString(), sum.toString());
use of in project hive by apache.
the class GenericUDFRound method round.
protected HiveDecimalWritable round(HiveDecimalWritable inputDecWritable, int scale) {
HiveDecimalWritable result = new HiveDecimalWritable(inputDecWritable);
result.mutateSetScale(scale, HiveDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
return result;
use of in project hive by apache.
the class TestVectorizedORCReader method checkVectorizedReader.
private void checkVectorizedReader() throws Exception {
Reader vreader = OrcFile.createReader(testFilePath, OrcFile.readerOptions(conf));
Reader reader = OrcFile.createReader(testFilePath, OrcFile.readerOptions(conf));
RecordReaderImpl vrr = (RecordReaderImpl) vreader.rows();
RecordReaderImpl rr = (RecordReaderImpl) reader.rows();
VectorizedRowBatch batch = reader.getSchema().createRowBatch();
OrcStruct row = null;
// Check Vectorized ORC reader against ORC row reader
while (vrr.nextBatch(batch)) {
for (int i = 0; i < batch.size; i++) {
row = (OrcStruct);
for (int j = 0; j < batch.cols.length; j++) {
Object a = (row.getFieldValue(j));
ColumnVector cv = batch.cols[j];
// if the value is repeating, use row 0
int rowId = cv.isRepeating ? 0 : i;
// make sure the null flag agrees
if (a == null) {
Assert.assertEquals(true, !cv.noNulls && cv.isNull[rowId]);
} else if (a instanceof BooleanWritable) {
// Boolean values are stores a 1's and 0's, so convert and compare
Long temp = (long) (((BooleanWritable) a).get() ? 1 : 0);
long b = ((LongColumnVector) cv).vector[rowId];
Assert.assertEquals(temp.toString(), Long.toString(b));
} else if (a instanceof TimestampWritable) {
// Timestamps are stored as long, so convert and compare
TimestampWritable t = ((TimestampWritable) a);
TimestampColumnVector tcv = ((TimestampColumnVector) cv);
Assert.assertEquals(t.getTimestamp(), tcv.asScratchTimestamp(rowId));
} else if (a instanceof DateWritable) {
// Dates are stored as long, so convert and compare
DateWritable adt = (DateWritable) a;
long b = ((LongColumnVector) cv).vector[rowId];
Assert.assertEquals(adt.get().getTime(), DateWritable.daysToMillis((int) b));
} else if (a instanceof HiveDecimalWritable) {
// Decimals are stored as BigInteger, so convert and compare
HiveDecimalWritable dec = (HiveDecimalWritable) a;
HiveDecimalWritable b = ((DecimalColumnVector) cv).vector[i];
Assert.assertEquals(dec, b);
} else if (a instanceof DoubleWritable) {
double b = ((DoubleColumnVector) cv).vector[rowId];
assertEquals(a.toString(), Double.toString(b));
} else if (a instanceof Text) {
BytesColumnVector bcv = (BytesColumnVector) cv;
Text b = new Text();
b.set(bcv.vector[rowId], bcv.start[rowId], bcv.length[rowId]);
assertEquals(a, b);
} else if (a instanceof IntWritable || a instanceof LongWritable || a instanceof ByteWritable || a instanceof ShortWritable) {
assertEquals(a.toString(), Long.toString(((LongColumnVector) cv).vector[rowId]));
} else {
assertEquals("huh", a.getClass().getName());
// Check repeating
Assert.assertEquals(false, batch.cols[0].isRepeating);
Assert.assertEquals(false, batch.cols[1].isRepeating);
Assert.assertEquals(false, batch.cols[2].isRepeating);
Assert.assertEquals(true, batch.cols[3].isRepeating);
Assert.assertEquals(false, batch.cols[4].isRepeating);
Assert.assertEquals(false, batch.cols[5].isRepeating);
Assert.assertEquals(false, batch.cols[6].isRepeating);
Assert.assertEquals(false, batch.cols[7].isRepeating);
Assert.assertEquals(false, batch.cols[8].isRepeating);
Assert.assertEquals(false, batch.cols[9].isRepeating);
// Check non null
Assert.assertEquals(false, batch.cols[0].noNulls);
Assert.assertEquals(false, batch.cols[1].noNulls);
Assert.assertEquals(true, batch.cols[2].noNulls);
Assert.assertEquals(true, batch.cols[3].noNulls);
Assert.assertEquals(false, batch.cols[4].noNulls);
Assert.assertEquals(false, batch.cols[5].noNulls);
Assert.assertEquals(false, batch.cols[6].noNulls);
Assert.assertEquals(false, batch.cols[7].noNulls);
Assert.assertEquals(false, batch.cols[8].noNulls);
Assert.assertEquals(false, batch.cols[9].noNulls);
Assert.assertEquals(false, rr.nextBatch(batch));
use of in project hive by apache.
the class GenericUDFTrunc method evaluateNumber.
private Object evaluateNumber(DeferredObject[] arguments) throws HiveException, UDFArgumentTypeException {
if (arguments[0] == null) {
return null;
Object input = arguments[0].get();
if (input == null) {
return null;
if (arguments.length == 2 && arguments[1] != null && arguments[1].get() != null && !inputSacleConst) {
Object scaleObj = null;
switch(inputScaleOI.getPrimitiveCategory()) {
case BYTE:
scaleObj = byteConverter.convert(arguments[1].get());
scale = ((ByteWritable) scaleObj).get();
case SHORT:
scaleObj = shortConverter.convert(arguments[1].get());
scale = ((ShortWritable) scaleObj).get();
case INT:
scaleObj = intConverter.convert(arguments[1].get());
scale = ((IntWritable) scaleObj).get();
case LONG:
scaleObj = longConverter.convert(arguments[1].get());
long l = ((LongWritable) scaleObj).get();
if (l < Integer.MIN_VALUE || l > Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
throw new UDFArgumentException(getFuncName().toUpperCase() + " scale argument out of allowed range");
scale = (int) l;
switch(inputType1) {
case VOID:
return null;
HiveDecimalWritable decimalWritable = (HiveDecimalWritable) inputOI.getPrimitiveWritableObject(input);
HiveDecimal dec = trunc(decimalWritable.getHiveDecimal(), scale);
if (dec == null) {
return null;
return new HiveDecimalWritable(dec);
case BYTE:
ByteWritable byteWritable = (ByteWritable) inputOI.getPrimitiveWritableObject(input);
if (scale >= 0) {
return byteWritable;
} else {
return new ByteWritable((byte) trunc(byteWritable.get(), scale));
case SHORT:
ShortWritable shortWritable = (ShortWritable) inputOI.getPrimitiveWritableObject(input);
if (scale >= 0) {
return shortWritable;
} else {
return new ShortWritable((short) trunc(shortWritable.get(), scale));
case INT:
IntWritable intWritable = (IntWritable) inputOI.getPrimitiveWritableObject(input);
if (scale >= 0) {
return intWritable;
} else {
return new IntWritable((int) trunc(intWritable.get(), scale));
case LONG:
LongWritable longWritable = (LongWritable) inputOI.getPrimitiveWritableObject(input);
if (scale >= 0) {
return longWritable;
} else {
return new LongWritable(trunc(longWritable.get(), scale));
case FLOAT:
float f = ((FloatWritable) inputOI.getPrimitiveWritableObject(input)).get();
return new FloatWritable((float) trunc(f, scale));
case DOUBLE:
return trunc(((DoubleWritable) inputOI.getPrimitiveWritableObject(input)), scale);
throw new UDFArgumentTypeException(0, "Only numeric or string group data types are allowed for TRUNC function. Got " +;