use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.objectinspector.UnionObjectInspector in project hive by apache.
the class LazyBinarySerDe2 method createLBSerializer.
* Generate a LBSerializer for the given ObjectInspector
* @param oi
* @return
LBSerializer createLBSerializer(ObjectInspector oi) {
switch(oi.getCategory()) {
PrimitiveObjectInspector poi = (PrimitiveObjectInspector) oi;
return createPrimitiveLBSerializer(poi);
case LIST:
ListObjectInspector loi = (ListObjectInspector) oi;
ObjectInspector eoi = loi.getListElementObjectInspector();
return new LBListSerializer(createLBSerializer(eoi));
case MAP:
MapObjectInspector moi = (MapObjectInspector) oi;
ObjectInspector koi = moi.getMapKeyObjectInspector();
ObjectInspector voi = moi.getMapValueObjectInspector();
return new LBMapSerializer(createLBSerializer(koi), createLBSerializer(voi));
case STRUCT:
StructObjectInspector soi = (StructObjectInspector) oi;
List<? extends StructField> fields = soi.getAllStructFieldRefs();
LBSerializer[] fieldSerializers = new LBSerializer[fields.size()];
for (int idx = 0; idx < fieldSerializers.length; ++idx) {
fieldSerializers[idx] = createLBSerializer(fields.get(idx).getFieldObjectInspector());
return new LBStructSerializer(fieldSerializers);
case UNION:
UnionObjectInspector uoi = (UnionObjectInspector) oi;
List<ObjectInspector> unionFields = uoi.getObjectInspectors();
LBSerializer[] unionFieldSerializers = new LBSerializer[unionFields.size()];
for (int idx = 0; idx < unionFieldSerializers.length; ++idx) {
unionFieldSerializers[idx] = createLBSerializer(unionFields.get(idx));
return new LBUnionSerializer(unionFieldSerializers);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported category " + oi.getCategory());
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.objectinspector.UnionObjectInspector in project hive by apache.
the class ObjectInspectorConverters method getConvertedOI.
* Utility function to convert from one object inspector type to another.
* The output object inspector type should have all fields as settableOI type.
* The above condition can be violated only if equalsCheck is true and inputOI is
* equal to outputOI.
* @param inputOI : input object inspector
* @param outputOI : output object inspector
* @param oiSettableProperties : The object inspector to isSettable mapping used to cache
* intermediate results.
* @param equalsCheck : Do we need to check if the inputOI and outputOI are the same?
* true : If they are the same, we return the object inspector directly.
* false : Do not perform an equality check on inputOI and outputOI
* @return : The output object inspector containing all settable fields. The return value
* can contain non-settable fields only if inputOI equals outputOI and equalsCheck is
* true.
public static ObjectInspector getConvertedOI(ObjectInspector inputOI, ObjectInspector outputOI, Map<ObjectInspector, Boolean> oiSettableProperties, boolean equalsCheck) {
// 2. If the outputOI has all fields settable, return it
if ((equalsCheck && inputOI.equals(outputOI)) || ObjectInspectorUtils.hasAllFieldsSettable(outputOI, oiSettableProperties) == true) {
return outputOI;
// T is settable recursively i.e all the nested fields are also settable.
switch(outputOI.getCategory()) {
// Create a writable object inspector for primitive type and return it.
PrimitiveObjectInspector primOutputOI = (PrimitiveObjectInspector) outputOI;
return PrimitiveObjectInspectorFactory.getPrimitiveWritableObjectInspector(primOutputOI.getTypeInfo());
case STRUCT:
StructObjectInspector structOutputOI = (StructObjectInspector) outputOI;
// create a standard settable struct object inspector.
List<? extends StructField> listFields = structOutputOI.getAllStructFieldRefs();
List<String> structFieldNames = new ArrayList<String>(listFields.size());
List<ObjectInspector> structFieldObjectInspectors = new ArrayList<ObjectInspector>(listFields.size());
for (StructField listField : listFields) {
// We need to make sure that the underlying fields are settable as well.
// Hence, the recursive call for each field.
// Note that equalsCheck is false while invoking getConvertedOI() because
// we need to bypass the initial inputOI.equals(outputOI) check.
structFieldObjectInspectors.add(getConvertedOI(listField.getFieldObjectInspector(), listField.getFieldObjectInspector(), oiSettableProperties, false));
return ObjectInspectorFactory.getStandardStructObjectInspector(structFieldNames, structFieldObjectInspectors);
case LIST:
ListObjectInspector listOutputOI = (ListObjectInspector) outputOI;
// We need to make sure that the list element type is settable.
return ObjectInspectorFactory.getStandardListObjectInspector(getConvertedOI(listOutputOI.getListElementObjectInspector(), listOutputOI.getListElementObjectInspector(), oiSettableProperties, false));
case MAP:
MapObjectInspector mapOutputOI = (MapObjectInspector) outputOI;
// We need to make sure that the key type and the value types are settable.
return ObjectInspectorFactory.getStandardMapObjectInspector(getConvertedOI(mapOutputOI.getMapKeyObjectInspector(), mapOutputOI.getMapKeyObjectInspector(), oiSettableProperties, false), getConvertedOI(mapOutputOI.getMapValueObjectInspector(), mapOutputOI.getMapValueObjectInspector(), oiSettableProperties, false));
case UNION:
UnionObjectInspector unionOutputOI = (UnionObjectInspector) outputOI;
// create a standard settable union object inspector
List<ObjectInspector> unionListFields = unionOutputOI.getObjectInspectors();
List<ObjectInspector> unionFieldObjectInspectors = new ArrayList<ObjectInspector>(unionListFields.size());
for (ObjectInspector listField : unionListFields) {
// We need to make sure that all the field associated with the union are settable.
unionFieldObjectInspectors.add(getConvertedOI(listField, listField, oiSettableProperties, false));
return ObjectInspectorFactory.getStandardUnionObjectInspector(unionFieldObjectInspectors);
// Unsupported in-memory structure.
throw new RuntimeException("Hive internal error: conversion of " + inputOI.getTypeName() + " to " + outputOI.getTypeName() + " not supported yet.");
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.objectinspector.UnionObjectInspector in project hive by apache.
the class ObjectInspectorUtils method hasAllFieldsSettable.
* @param oi - Input object inspector
* @param oiSettableProperties - Lookup map to cache the result.(If no caching, pass null)
* @return - true if : (1) oi is an instance of settable<DataType>OI.
* (2) All the embedded object inspectors are instances of settable<DataType>OI.
* If (1) or (2) is false, return false.
public static boolean hasAllFieldsSettable(ObjectInspector oi, Map<ObjectInspector, Boolean> oiSettableProperties) {
// If the result is already present in the cache, return it.
if (!(oiSettableProperties == null) && oiSettableProperties.containsKey(oi)) {
return oiSettableProperties.get(oi).booleanValue();
// If the top-level object inspector is non-settable return false
if (!(isInstanceOfSettableOI(oi))) {
return setOISettablePropertiesMap(oi, oiSettableProperties, false);
Boolean returnValue = true;
switch(oi.getCategory()) {
case STRUCT:
StructObjectInspector structOutputOI = (StructObjectInspector) oi;
List<? extends StructField> listFields = structOutputOI.getAllStructFieldRefs();
for (StructField listField : listFields) {
if (!hasAllFieldsSettable(listField.getFieldObjectInspector(), oiSettableProperties)) {
returnValue = false;
case LIST:
ListObjectInspector listOutputOI = (ListObjectInspector) oi;
returnValue = hasAllFieldsSettable(listOutputOI.getListElementObjectInspector(), oiSettableProperties);
case MAP:
MapObjectInspector mapOutputOI = (MapObjectInspector) oi;
returnValue = hasAllFieldsSettable(mapOutputOI.getMapKeyObjectInspector(), oiSettableProperties) && hasAllFieldsSettable(mapOutputOI.getMapValueObjectInspector(), oiSettableProperties);
case UNION:
UnionObjectInspector unionOutputOI = (UnionObjectInspector) oi;
List<ObjectInspector> unionListFields = unionOutputOI.getObjectInspectors();
for (ObjectInspector listField : unionListFields) {
if (!hasAllFieldsSettable(listField, oiSettableProperties)) {
returnValue = false;
throw new RuntimeException("Hive internal error inside hasAllFieldsSettable : " + oi.getTypeName() + " not supported yet.");
return setOISettablePropertiesMap(oi, oiSettableProperties, returnValue);
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.objectinspector.UnionObjectInspector in project hive by apache.
the class ObjectInspectorUtils method compareTypes.
* Compares two types identified by the given object inspectors. This method
* compares the types as follows:
* <ol>
* <li>If the given inspectors do not belong to same category, the result is
* negative.</li>
* <li>If the given inspectors are for <code>PRIMITIVE</code> type, the result
* is the comparison of their type names.</li>
* <li>If the given inspectors are for <code>LIST</code> type, then the result
* is recursive call to compare the type of list elements.</li>
* <li>If the given inspectors are <code>MAP</code> type, then the result is a
* recursive call to compare the map key and value types.</li>
* <li>If the given inspectors are <code>STRUCT</code> type, then the result
* is negative if they do not have the same number of fields. If they do have
* the same number of fields, the result is a recursive call to compare each
* of the field types.</li>
* <li>If none of the above, the result is negative.</li>
* </ol>
* @param o1
* @param o2
* @return true if the given object inspectors represent the same types.
public static boolean compareTypes(ObjectInspector o1, ObjectInspector o2) {
Category c1 = o1.getCategory();
Category c2 = o2.getCategory();
// Return false if categories are not equal
if (!c1.equals(c2)) {
return false;
// If both categories are primitive return the comparison of type names.
if (c1.equals(Category.PRIMITIVE)) {
return o1.getTypeName().equals(o2.getTypeName());
// If lists, recursively compare the list element types
if (c1.equals(Category.LIST)) {
ObjectInspector child1 = ((ListObjectInspector) o1).getListElementObjectInspector();
ObjectInspector child2 = ((ListObjectInspector) o2).getListElementObjectInspector();
return compareTypes(child1, child2);
// If maps, recursively compare the key and value types
if (c1.equals(Category.MAP)) {
MapObjectInspector mapOI1 = (MapObjectInspector) o1;
MapObjectInspector mapOI2 = (MapObjectInspector) o2;
ObjectInspector childKey1 = mapOI1.getMapKeyObjectInspector();
ObjectInspector childKey2 = mapOI2.getMapKeyObjectInspector();
if (compareTypes(childKey1, childKey2)) {
ObjectInspector childVal1 = mapOI1.getMapValueObjectInspector();
ObjectInspector childVal2 = mapOI2.getMapValueObjectInspector();
if (compareTypes(childVal1, childVal2)) {
return true;
return false;
// If structs, recursively compare the fields
if (c1.equals(Category.STRUCT)) {
StructObjectInspector structOI1 = (StructObjectInspector) o1;
StructObjectInspector structOI2 = (StructObjectInspector) o2;
List<? extends StructField> childFieldsList1 = structOI1.getAllStructFieldRefs();
List<? extends StructField> childFieldsList2 = structOI2.getAllStructFieldRefs();
if (childFieldsList1 == null && childFieldsList2 == null) {
return true;
} else if (childFieldsList1 == null || childFieldsList2 == null) {
return false;
} else if (childFieldsList1.size() != childFieldsList2.size()) {
return false;
Iterator<? extends StructField> it1 = childFieldsList1.iterator();
Iterator<? extends StructField> it2 = childFieldsList2.iterator();
while (it1.hasNext()) {
StructField field1 =;
StructField field2 =;
if (!compareTypes(field1.getFieldObjectInspector(), field2.getFieldObjectInspector())) {
return false;
return true;
if (c1.equals(Category.UNION)) {
UnionObjectInspector uoi1 = (UnionObjectInspector) o1;
UnionObjectInspector uoi2 = (UnionObjectInspector) o2;
List<ObjectInspector> ois1 = uoi1.getObjectInspectors();
List<ObjectInspector> ois2 = uoi2.getObjectInspectors();
if (ois1 == null && ois2 == null) {
return true;
} else if (ois1 == null || ois2 == null) {
return false;
} else if (ois1.size() != ois2.size()) {
return false;
Iterator<? extends ObjectInspector> it1 = ois1.iterator();
Iterator<? extends ObjectInspector> it2 = ois2.iterator();
while (it1.hasNext()) {
if (!compareTypes(, {
return false;
return true;
// Unknown category
throw new RuntimeException("Unknown category encountered: " + c1);
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.objectinspector.UnionObjectInspector in project hive by apache.
the class ObjectInspectorUtils method compare.
* Compare two objects with their respective ObjectInspectors.
* if nullValueOpt is MAXVALUE, treat null as maximum value.
* if nullValueOpt is MINVALUE, treat null as minimum value.
public static int compare(Object o1, ObjectInspector oi1, Object o2, ObjectInspector oi2, MapEqualComparer mapEqualComparer, NullValueOption nullValueOpt) {
if (oi1.getCategory() != oi2.getCategory()) {
return oi1.getCategory().compareTo(oi2.getCategory());
int nullCmpRtn = -1;
switch(nullValueOpt) {
nullCmpRtn = 1;
nullCmpRtn = -1;
if (o1 == null) {
return o2 == null ? 0 : nullCmpRtn;
} else if (o2 == null) {
return -nullCmpRtn;
switch(oi1.getCategory()) {
PrimitiveObjectInspector poi1 = ((PrimitiveObjectInspector) oi1);
PrimitiveObjectInspector poi2 = ((PrimitiveObjectInspector) oi2);
if (poi1.getPrimitiveCategory() != poi2.getPrimitiveCategory()) {
return poi1.getPrimitiveCategory().compareTo(poi2.getPrimitiveCategory());
switch(poi1.getPrimitiveCategory()) {
case VOID:
return 0;
int v1 = ((BooleanObjectInspector) poi1).get(o1) ? 1 : 0;
int v2 = ((BooleanObjectInspector) poi2).get(o2) ? 1 : 0;
return v1 - v2;
case BYTE:
int v1 = ((ByteObjectInspector) poi1).get(o1);
int v2 = ((ByteObjectInspector) poi2).get(o2);
return v1 - v2;
case SHORT:
int v1 = ((ShortObjectInspector) poi1).get(o1);
int v2 = ((ShortObjectInspector) poi2).get(o2);
return v1 - v2;
case INT:
int v1 = ((IntObjectInspector) poi1).get(o1);
int v2 = ((IntObjectInspector) poi2).get(o2);
return v1 > v2 ? 1 : (v1 < v2 ? -1 : 0);
case LONG:
long v1 = ((LongObjectInspector) poi1).get(o1);
long v2 = ((LongObjectInspector) poi2).get(o2);
return v1 > v2 ? 1 : (v1 < v2 ? -1 : 0);
case FLOAT:
float v1 = ((FloatObjectInspector) poi1).get(o1);
float v2 = ((FloatObjectInspector) poi2).get(o2);
// The IEEE 754 floating point spec specifies that signed -0.0 and 0.0 should be treated as equal.
if (v1 == 0.0f && v2 == 0.0f) {
return 0;
} else {
// treats -0.0 and 0.0 as different
return, v2);
case DOUBLE:
double v1 = ((DoubleObjectInspector) poi1).get(o1);
double v2 = ((DoubleObjectInspector) poi2).get(o2);
// The IEEE 754 floating point spec specifies that signed -0.0 and 0.0 should be treated as equal.
if (v1 == 0.0d && v2 == 0.0d) {
return 0;
} else {
// treats -0.0 and 0.0 as different
return, v2);
case STRING:
if (poi1.preferWritable() || poi2.preferWritable()) {
Text t1 = (Text) poi1.getPrimitiveWritableObject(o1);
Text t2 = (Text) poi2.getPrimitiveWritableObject(o2);
return t1 == null ? (t2 == null ? 0 : -1) : (t2 == null ? 1 : t1.compareTo(t2));
} else {
String s1 = (String) poi1.getPrimitiveJavaObject(o1);
String s2 = (String) poi2.getPrimitiveJavaObject(o2);
return s1 == null ? (s2 == null ? 0 : -1) : (s2 == null ? 1 : s1.compareTo(s2));
case CHAR:
HiveCharWritable t1 = ((HiveCharObjectInspector) poi1).getPrimitiveWritableObject(o1);
HiveCharWritable t2 = ((HiveCharObjectInspector) poi2).getPrimitiveWritableObject(o2);
return t1.compareTo(t2);
HiveVarcharWritable t1 = ((HiveVarcharObjectInspector) poi1).getPrimitiveWritableObject(o1);
HiveVarcharWritable t2 = ((HiveVarcharObjectInspector) poi2).getPrimitiveWritableObject(o2);
return t1.compareTo(t2);
case BINARY:
BytesWritable bw1 = ((BinaryObjectInspector) poi1).getPrimitiveWritableObject(o1);
BytesWritable bw2 = ((BinaryObjectInspector) poi2).getPrimitiveWritableObject(o2);
return bw1.compareTo(bw2);
case DATE:
DateWritable d1 = ((DateObjectInspector) poi1).getPrimitiveWritableObject(o1);
DateWritable d2 = ((DateObjectInspector) poi2).getPrimitiveWritableObject(o2);
return d1.compareTo(d2);
TimestampWritable t1 = ((TimestampObjectInspector) poi1).getPrimitiveWritableObject(o1);
TimestampWritable t2 = ((TimestampObjectInspector) poi2).getPrimitiveWritableObject(o2);
return t1.compareTo(t2);
TimestampLocalTZWritable tstz1 = ((TimestampLocalTZObjectInspector) poi1).getPrimitiveWritableObject(o1);
TimestampLocalTZWritable tstz2 = ((TimestampLocalTZObjectInspector) poi2).getPrimitiveWritableObject(o2);
return tstz1.compareTo(tstz2);
HiveIntervalYearMonthWritable i1 = ((HiveIntervalYearMonthObjectInspector) poi1).getPrimitiveWritableObject(o1);
HiveIntervalYearMonthWritable i2 = ((HiveIntervalYearMonthObjectInspector) poi2).getPrimitiveWritableObject(o2);
return i1.compareTo(i2);
HiveIntervalDayTimeWritable i1 = ((HiveIntervalDayTimeObjectInspector) poi1).getPrimitiveWritableObject(o1);
HiveIntervalDayTimeWritable i2 = ((HiveIntervalDayTimeObjectInspector) poi2).getPrimitiveWritableObject(o2);
return i1.compareTo(i2);
HiveDecimalWritable t1 = ((HiveDecimalObjectInspector) poi1).getPrimitiveWritableObject(o1);
HiveDecimalWritable t2 = ((HiveDecimalObjectInspector) poi2).getPrimitiveWritableObject(o2);
return t1.compareTo(t2);
throw new RuntimeException("Unknown type: " + poi1.getPrimitiveCategory());
case STRUCT:
StructObjectInspector soi1 = (StructObjectInspector) oi1;
StructObjectInspector soi2 = (StructObjectInspector) oi2;
List<? extends StructField> fields1 = soi1.getAllStructFieldRefs();
List<? extends StructField> fields2 = soi2.getAllStructFieldRefs();
int minimum = Math.min(fields1.size(), fields2.size());
for (int i = 0; i < minimum; i++) {
int r = compare(soi1.getStructFieldData(o1, fields1.get(i)), fields1.get(i).getFieldObjectInspector(), soi2.getStructFieldData(o2, fields2.get(i)), fields2.get(i).getFieldObjectInspector(), mapEqualComparer, nullValueOpt);
if (r != 0) {
return r;
return fields1.size() - fields2.size();
case LIST:
ListObjectInspector loi1 = (ListObjectInspector) oi1;
ListObjectInspector loi2 = (ListObjectInspector) oi2;
int minimum = Math.min(loi1.getListLength(o1), loi2.getListLength(o2));
for (int i = 0; i < minimum; i++) {
int r = compare(loi1.getListElement(o1, i), loi1.getListElementObjectInspector(), loi2.getListElement(o2, i), loi2.getListElementObjectInspector(), mapEqualComparer, nullValueOpt);
if (r != 0) {
return r;
return loi1.getListLength(o1) - loi2.getListLength(o2);
case MAP:
if (mapEqualComparer == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Compare on map type not supported!");
} else {
return, (MapObjectInspector) oi1, o2, (MapObjectInspector) oi2);
case UNION:
UnionObjectInspector uoi1 = (UnionObjectInspector) oi1;
UnionObjectInspector uoi2 = (UnionObjectInspector) oi2;
byte tag1 = uoi1.getTag(o1);
byte tag2 = uoi2.getTag(o2);
if (tag1 != tag2) {
return tag1 - tag2;
return compare(uoi1.getField(o1), uoi1.getObjectInspectors().get(tag1), uoi2.getField(o2), uoi2.getObjectInspectors().get(tag2), mapEqualComparer, nullValueOpt);
throw new RuntimeException("Compare on unknown type: " + oi1.getCategory());