use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.typeinfo.TypeInfoUtils.getStandardWritableObjectInspectorFromTypeInfo in project hive by apache.
the class TestVectorIfStatement method doVectorIfTest.
private void doVectorIfTest(TypeInfo typeInfo, IfVariation ifVariation, List<String> columns, String[] columnNames, TypeInfo[] typeInfos, DataTypePhysicalVariation[] dataTypePhysicalVariations, List<ExprNodeDesc> children, IfStmtTestMode ifStmtTestMode, ColumnScalarMode columnScalarMode, VectorRandomBatchSource batchSource, Object[] resultObjects) throws Exception {
final boolean isFilter = ifVariation.isFilter;
GenericUDF udf;
switch(ifStmtTestMode) {
udf = new GenericUDFIf();
udf = new GenericUDFWhen();
throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected IF statement test mode " + ifStmtTestMode);
ExprNodeGenericFuncDesc exprDesc = new ExprNodeGenericFuncDesc(typeInfo, udf, children);
String ifExprMode = (ifStmtTestMode != IfStmtTestMode.VECTOR_EXPRESSION ? "adaptor" : "good");
HiveConf hiveConf = new HiveConf();
hiveConf.setVar(HiveConf.ConfVars.HIVE_VECTORIZED_IF_EXPR_MODE, ifExprMode);
VectorizationContext vectorizationContext = new VectorizationContext("name", columns, Arrays.asList(typeInfos), Arrays.asList(dataTypePhysicalVariations), hiveConf);
VectorExpression vectorExpression = vectorizationContext.getVectorExpression(exprDesc, (isFilter ? VectorExpressionDescriptor.Mode.FILTER : VectorExpressionDescriptor.Mode.PROJECTION));
final TypeInfo outputTypeInfo;
final ObjectInspector objectInspector;
if (!isFilter) {
outputTypeInfo = vectorExpression.getOutputTypeInfo();
objectInspector = TypeInfoUtils.getStandardWritableObjectInspectorFromTypeInfo(outputTypeInfo);
} else {
outputTypeInfo = null;
objectInspector = null;
if (ifStmtTestMode == IfStmtTestMode.VECTOR_EXPRESSION && vectorExpression instanceof VectorUDFAdaptor) {
System.out.println("*NO NATIVE VECTOR EXPRESSION* typeInfo " + typeInfo.toString() + " ifStmtTestMode " + ifStmtTestMode + " ifVariation " + ifVariation + " columnScalarMode " + columnScalarMode + " vectorExpression " + vectorExpression.toString());
String[] outputScratchTypeNames = vectorizationContext.getScratchColumnTypeNames();
DataTypePhysicalVariation[] outputDataTypePhysicalVariations = vectorizationContext.getScratchDataTypePhysicalVariations();
VectorizedRowBatchCtx batchContext = new VectorizedRowBatchCtx(columnNames, typeInfos, dataTypePhysicalVariations, /* dataColumnNums */
null, /* partitionColumnCount */
0, /* virtualColumnCount */
0, /* neededVirtualColumns */
null, outputScratchTypeNames, outputDataTypePhysicalVariations);
VectorizedRowBatch batch = batchContext.createVectorizedRowBatch();
// System.out.println("*VECTOR EXPRESSION* " + vectorExpression.getClass().getSimpleName());
"*DEBUG* typeInfo " + typeInfo.toString() +
" ifStmtTestMode " + ifStmtTestMode +
" ifVariation " + ifVariation +
" columnScalarMode " + columnScalarMode +
" vectorExpression " + vectorExpression.toString());
VectorExtractRow resultVectorExtractRow = null;
Object[] scrqtchRow = null;
if (!isFilter) {
resultVectorExtractRow = new VectorExtractRow();
final int outputColumnNum = vectorExpression.getOutputColumnNum();
resultVectorExtractRow.init(new TypeInfo[] { outputTypeInfo }, new int[] { outputColumnNum });
scrqtchRow = new Object[1];
boolean copySelectedInUse = false;
int[] copySelected = new int[VectorizedRowBatch.DEFAULT_SIZE];
int rowIndex = 0;
while (true) {
if (!batchSource.fillNextBatch(batch)) {
final int originalBatchSize = batch.size;
if (isFilter) {
copySelectedInUse = batch.selectedInUse;
if (batch.selectedInUse) {
System.arraycopy(batch.selected, 0, copySelected, 0, originalBatchSize);
// In filter mode, the batch size can be made smaller.
if (!isFilter) {
extractResultObjects(batch, rowIndex, resultVectorExtractRow, scrqtchRow, objectInspector, resultObjects);
} else {
final int currentBatchSize = batch.size;
if (copySelectedInUse && batch.selectedInUse) {
int selectIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < originalBatchSize; i++) {
final int originalBatchIndex = copySelected[i];
final boolean booleanResult;
if (selectIndex < currentBatchSize && batch.selected[selectIndex] == originalBatchIndex) {
booleanResult = true;
} else {
booleanResult = false;
resultObjects[rowIndex + i] = new BooleanWritable(booleanResult);
} else if (batch.selectedInUse) {
int selectIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < originalBatchSize; i++) {
final boolean booleanResult;
if (selectIndex < currentBatchSize && batch.selected[selectIndex] == i) {
booleanResult = true;
} else {
booleanResult = false;
resultObjects[rowIndex + i] = new BooleanWritable(booleanResult);
} else if (currentBatchSize == 0) {
// Whole batch got zapped.
for (int i = 0; i < originalBatchSize; i++) {
resultObjects[rowIndex + i] = new BooleanWritable(false);
} else {
// Every row kept.
for (int i = 0; i < originalBatchSize; i++) {
resultObjects[rowIndex + i] = new BooleanWritable(true);
rowIndex += originalBatchSize;
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.typeinfo.TypeInfoUtils.getStandardWritableObjectInspectorFromTypeInfo in project hive by apache.
the class TestVectorNegative method doRowArithmeticTest.
private void doRowArithmeticTest(TypeInfo typeInfo, List<String> columns, List<ExprNodeDesc> children, ExprNodeGenericFuncDesc exprDesc, Object[][] randomRows, ObjectInspector rowInspector, TypeInfo outputTypeInfo, Object[] resultObjects) throws Exception {
"*DEBUG* typeInfo " + typeInfo.toString() +
" negativeTestMode ROW_MODE" +
" exprDesc " + exprDesc.toString());
HiveConf hiveConf = new HiveConf();
ExprNodeEvaluator evaluator = ExprNodeEvaluatorFactory.get(exprDesc, hiveConf);
ObjectInspector objectInspector = TypeInfoUtils.getStandardWritableObjectInspectorFromTypeInfo(outputTypeInfo);
final int rowCount = randomRows.length;
for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) {
Object[] row = randomRows[i];
Object result = evaluator.evaluate(row);
Object copyResult = null;
try {
copyResult = ObjectInspectorUtils.copyToStandardObject(result, objectInspector, ObjectInspectorCopyOption.WRITABLE);
} catch (Exception e) {
resultObjects[i] = copyResult;
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.typeinfo.TypeInfoUtils.getStandardWritableObjectInspectorFromTypeInfo in project hive by apache.
the class Vectorizer method getVectorAggregationDesc.
private static ImmutablePair<VectorAggregationDesc, String> getVectorAggregationDesc(AggregationDesc aggrDesc, VectorizationContext vContext) throws HiveException {
String aggregateName = aggrDesc.getGenericUDAFName();
List<ExprNodeDesc> parameterList = aggrDesc.getParameters();
final int parameterCount = parameterList.size();
final GenericUDAFEvaluator.Mode udafEvaluatorMode = aggrDesc.getMode();
* Look at evaluator to get output type info.
GenericUDAFEvaluator evaluator = aggrDesc.getGenericUDAFEvaluator();
ObjectInspector[] parameterObjectInspectors = new ObjectInspector[parameterCount];
for (int i = 0; i < parameterCount; i++) {
TypeInfo typeInfo = parameterList.get(i).getTypeInfo();
parameterObjectInspectors[i] = TypeInfoUtils.getStandardWritableObjectInspectorFromTypeInfo(typeInfo);
// The only way to get the return object inspector (and its return type) is to
// initialize it...
ObjectInspector returnOI = evaluator.init(aggrDesc.getMode(), parameterObjectInspectors);
final TypeInfo outputTypeInfo = TypeInfoUtils.getTypeInfoFromTypeString(returnOI.getTypeName());
return getVectorAggregationDesc(aggregateName, parameterList, evaluator, outputTypeInfo, udafEvaluatorMode, vContext);
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.typeinfo.TypeInfoUtils.getStandardWritableObjectInspectorFromTypeInfo in project hive by apache.
the class FakeCaptureVectorToRowOutputOperator method initializeOp.
public void initializeOp(Configuration conf) throws HiveException {
VectorizationContextRegion vectorizationContextRegion = (VectorizationContextRegion) op;
VectorizationContext outputVectorizationContext = vectorizationContextRegion.getOutputVectorizationContext();
outputTypeInfos = outputVectorizationContext.getInitialTypeInfos();
final int outputLength = outputTypeInfos.length;
outputObjectInspectors = new ObjectInspector[outputLength];
for (int i = 0; i < outputLength; i++) {
TypeInfo typeInfo = outputTypeInfos[i];
outputObjectInspectors[i] = TypeInfoUtils.getStandardWritableObjectInspectorFromTypeInfo(typeInfo);
vectorExtractRow = new VectorExtractRow();
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.typeinfo.TypeInfoUtils.getStandardWritableObjectInspectorFromTypeInfo in project hive by apache.
the class HBaseUtils method deserializePartitionKey.
// Deserialize a partition key and return _only_ the partition values.
private static List<String> deserializePartitionKey(List<FieldSchema> partitions, byte[] key, Configuration conf) {
StringBuffer names = new StringBuffer();
StringBuffer types = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < partitions.size(); i++) {
if (i != partitions.size() - 1) {
BinarySortableSerDe serDe = new BinarySortableSerDe();
Properties props = new Properties();
props.setProperty(serdeConstants.LIST_COLUMNS, names.toString());
props.setProperty(serdeConstants.LIST_COLUMN_TYPES, types.toString());
try {
serDe.initialize(conf, props);
List deserializedkeys = ((List) serDe.deserialize(new BytesWritable(key))).subList(2, partitions.size() + 2);
List<String> partitionKeys = new ArrayList<String>();
for (int i = 0; i < deserializedkeys.size(); i++) {
Object deserializedKey = deserializedkeys.get(i);
if (deserializedKey == null) {
partitionKeys.add(HiveConf.getVar(conf, HiveConf.ConfVars.DEFAULTPARTITIONNAME));
} else {
TypeInfo inputType = TypeInfoUtils.getTypeInfoFromTypeString(partitions.get(i).getType());
ObjectInspector inputOI = TypeInfoUtils.getStandardWritableObjectInspectorFromTypeInfo(inputType);
Converter converter = ObjectInspectorConverters.getConverter(inputOI, PrimitiveObjectInspectorFactory.javaStringObjectInspector);
partitionKeys.add((String) converter.convert(deserializedKey));
return partitionKeys;
} catch (SerDeException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Error when deserialize key", e);