use of in project jena by apache.
the class TestDistinctTriples method distinct_triples_03.
public void distinct_triples_03() throws IOException {
MapReduceDriver<LongWritable, TripleWritable, TripleWritable, NullWritable, NullWritable, TripleWritable> driver = this.getMapReduceDriver();
Triple t = new Triple(NodeFactory.createURI("urn:s"), NodeFactory.createURI("urn:p"), NodeFactory.createLiteral("1"));
Triple t2 = new Triple(t.getSubject(), t.getPredicate(), NodeFactory.createLiteral("2"));
Assert.assertNotEquals(t, t2);
TripleWritable tw = new TripleWritable(t);
TripleWritable tw2 = new TripleWritable(t2);
Assert.assertNotEquals(tw, tw2);
driver.addInput(new LongWritable(1), tw);
driver.addInput(new LongWritable(2), tw2);
driver.addOutput(NullWritable.get(), tw);
driver.addOutput(NullWritable.get(), tw2);
use of in project jena by apache.
the class AbstractCharacteristicSetGeneratingReducerTests method characteristic_set_generating_reducer_01.
* Test basic characteristic set computation
* @throws IOException
public void characteristic_set_generating_reducer_01() throws IOException {
MapReduceDriver<LongWritable, T, NodeWritable, T, CharacteristicSetWritable, NullWritable> driver = this.getMapReduceDriver();
T tuple = this.createTuple(1, "http://predicate");
driver.addInput(new LongWritable(1), tuple);
this.createSet(driver, 1, "http://predicate");
use of in project jena by apache.
the class TestDistinctTriples method distinct_triples_04.
public void distinct_triples_04() throws IOException {
MapReduceDriver<LongWritable, TripleWritable, TripleWritable, NullWritable, NullWritable, TripleWritable> driver = this.getMapReduceDriver();
Node s1 = NodeFactory.createURI("urn:nf#cbf2b2c7-109e-4097-bbea-f67f272c7fcc");
Node s2 = NodeFactory.createURI("urn:nf#bb08b75c-1ad2-47ef-acd2-eb2d92b94b89");
Node p = NodeFactory.createURI("urn:p");
Node o = NodeFactory.createURI("urn:");
Assert.assertNotEquals(s1, s2);
Triple t1 = new Triple(s1, p, o);
Triple t2 = new Triple(s2, p, o);
Assert.assertNotEquals(t1, t2);
TripleWritable tw1 = new TripleWritable(t1);
TripleWritable tw2 = new TripleWritable(t2);
Assert.assertNotEquals(tw1, tw2);
Assert.assertNotEquals(0, tw1.compareTo(tw2));
driver.addInput(new LongWritable(1), tw1);
driver.addInput(new LongWritable(2), tw2);
driver.addOutput(NullWritable.get(), tw1);
driver.addOutput(NullWritable.get(), tw2);
use of in project jena by apache.
the class AbstractBlockBasedNodeTupleReader method nextKeyValue.
public boolean nextKeyValue() throws IOException {
// Reuse key for efficiency
if (key == null) {
key = new LongWritable();
if (this.finished)
return false;
try {
if (this.iter.hasNext()) {
// Position will be relative to the start for the split we're
// processing
Long l = this.start +;
if (l != null) {
// finished
if (this.compressionCodecs != null && l > this.length)
this.length = l + 1;
this.tuple = this.createInstance(;
return true;
} else {
// Need to ensure that the parser thread has finished in order
// to determine whether we finished without error
if (this.parserError != null) {
LOG.error("Error parsing block, aborting further parsing", this.parserError);
if (!this.ignoreBadTuples)
throw new IOException("Error parsing block at position " + (this.start + this.input.getBytesRead()) + ", aborting further parsing", this.parserError);
this.key = null;
this.tuple = null;
this.finished = true;
// the stream
if (this.compressionCodecs != null)
return false;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw e;
} catch (Throwable e) {
// Failed to read the tuple on this line
LOG.error("Error parsing block, aborting further parsing", e);
if (!this.ignoreBadTuples) {
throw new IOException("Error parsing block at position " + (this.start + this.input.getBytesRead()) + ", aborting further parsing", e);
this.key = null;
this.tuple = null;
this.finished = true;
return false;
use of in project jena by apache.
the class AbstractLineBasedNodeTupleReader method nextKeyValue.
public final boolean nextKeyValue() throws IOException {
// Reuse key for efficiency
if (key == null) {
key = new LongWritable();
// Reset value which we use for reading lines
if (value == null) {
value = new Text();
tuple = null;
// Try to read the next valid line
int newSize = 0;
while (pos < end) {
// Read next line
newSize = in.readLine(value, maxLineLength, Math.max((int) Math.min(Integer.MAX_VALUE, end - pos), maxLineLength));
// Once we get an empty line we've reached the end of our input
if (newSize == 0) {
// Update position, remember that where inputs are compressed we may
// be at a larger position then we expected because the length of
// the split is likely less than the length of the data once
// decompressed
pos += newSize;
if (pos > estLength)
estLength = pos + 1;
// Skip lines that exceed the line length limit that has been set
if (newSize >= maxLineLength) {
LOG.warn("Skipped oversized line of size {} at position {}", newSize, (pos - newSize));
// Attempt to read the tuple from current line
try {
Iterator<TValue> iter = this.getIterator(value.toString(), maker);
if (iter.hasNext()) {
tuple = this.createInstance(;
// break out of the loop
} else {
// Empty line/Comment line
LOG.debug("Valid line with no triple at position {}", (pos - newSize));
} catch (Throwable e) {
// Failed to read the tuple on this line
LOG.error("Bad tuple at position " + (pos - newSize), e);
if (this.ignoreBadTuples)
throw new IOException(String.format("Bad tuple at position %d", (pos - newSize)), e);
boolean result = this.tuple != null;
// End of input
if (newSize == 0) {
key = null;
value = null;
tuple = null;
result = false;
estLength = pos;
LOG.debug("nextKeyValue() --> {}", result);
return result;