use of org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestMergeManager method testMemoryMerge.
@Test(timeout = 10000)
public void testMemoryMerge() throws Exception {
final int TOTAL_MEM_BYTES = 10000;
final int OUTPUT_SIZE = 7950;
JobConf conf = new JobConf();
conf.setFloat(MRJobConfig.SHUFFLE_INPUT_BUFFER_PERCENT, 1.0f);
conf.setFloat(MRJobConfig.SHUFFLE_MEMORY_LIMIT_PERCENT, 0.8f);
conf.setFloat(MRJobConfig.SHUFFLE_MERGE_PERCENT, 0.9f);
TestExceptionReporter reporter = new TestExceptionReporter();
CyclicBarrier mergeStart = new CyclicBarrier(2);
CyclicBarrier mergeComplete = new CyclicBarrier(2);
StubbedMergeManager mgr = new StubbedMergeManager(conf, reporter, mergeStart, mergeComplete);
// reserve enough map output to cause a merge when it is committed
MapOutput<Text, Text> out1 = mgr.reserve(null, OUTPUT_SIZE, 0);
Assert.assertTrue("Should be a memory merge", (out1 instanceof InMemoryMapOutput));
InMemoryMapOutput<Text, Text> mout1 = (InMemoryMapOutput<Text, Text>) out1;
MapOutput<Text, Text> out2 = mgr.reserve(null, OUTPUT_SIZE, 0);
Assert.assertTrue("Should be a memory merge", (out2 instanceof InMemoryMapOutput));
InMemoryMapOutput<Text, Text> mout2 = (InMemoryMapOutput<Text, Text>) out2;
// next reservation should be a WAIT
MapOutput<Text, Text> out3 = mgr.reserve(null, OUTPUT_SIZE, 0);
Assert.assertEquals("Should be told to wait", null, out3);
// trigger the first merge and wait for merge thread to start merging
// and free enough output to reserve more
Assert.assertEquals(1, mgr.getNumMerges());
// reserve enough map output to cause another merge when committed
out1 = mgr.reserve(null, OUTPUT_SIZE, 0);
Assert.assertTrue("Should be a memory merge", (out1 instanceof InMemoryMapOutput));
mout1 = (InMemoryMapOutput<Text, Text>) out1;
out2 = mgr.reserve(null, OUTPUT_SIZE, 0);
Assert.assertTrue("Should be a memory merge", (out2 instanceof InMemoryMapOutput));
mout2 = (InMemoryMapOutput<Text, Text>) out2;
// next reservation should be null
out3 = mgr.reserve(null, OUTPUT_SIZE, 0);
Assert.assertEquals("Should be told to wait", null, out3);
// commit output *before* merge thread completes
// allow the first merge to complete
// start the second merge and verify
Assert.assertEquals(2, mgr.getNumMerges());
// trigger the end of the second merge
Assert.assertEquals(2, mgr.getNumMerges());
Assert.assertEquals("exception reporter invoked", 0, reporter.getNumExceptions());
use of org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestMergeManager method testZeroShuffleMemoryLimitPercent.
public void testZeroShuffleMemoryLimitPercent() throws Exception {
final JobConf jobConf = new JobConf();
jobConf.setFloat(MRJobConfig.SHUFFLE_MEMORY_LIMIT_PERCENT, 0.0f);
final MergeManagerImpl<Text, Text> mgr = new MergeManagerImpl<>(null, jobConf, mock(LocalFileSystem.class), null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, new MROutputFiles());
verifyReservedMapOutputType(mgr, 10L, "DISK");
use of org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestMergeManager method testIoSortDefaults.
public void testIoSortDefaults() {
final JobConf jobConf = new JobConf();
assertEquals(10, jobConf.getInt(MRJobConfig.IO_SORT_FACTOR, 100));
assertEquals(100, jobConf.getInt(MRJobConfig.IO_SORT_MB, 10));
use of org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestShuffleScheduler method TestSucceedAndFailedCopyMap.
public <K, V> void TestSucceedAndFailedCopyMap() throws Exception {
JobConf job = new JobConf();
//mock creation
TaskUmbilicalProtocol mockUmbilical = mock(TaskUmbilicalProtocol.class);
Reporter mockReporter = mock(Reporter.class);
FileSystem mockFileSystem = mock(FileSystem.class);
Class<? extends org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Reducer> combinerClass = job.getCombinerClass();
// needed for mock with generic
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") CombineOutputCollector<K, V> mockCombineOutputCollector = (CombineOutputCollector<K, V>) mock(CombineOutputCollector.class);
org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.TaskAttemptID mockTaskAttemptID = mock(org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.TaskAttemptID.class);
LocalDirAllocator mockLocalDirAllocator = mock(LocalDirAllocator.class);
CompressionCodec mockCompressionCodec = mock(CompressionCodec.class);
Counter mockCounter = mock(Counter.class);
TaskStatus mockTaskStatus = mock(TaskStatus.class);
Progress mockProgress = mock(Progress.class);
MapOutputFile mockMapOutputFile = mock(MapOutputFile.class);
Task mockTask = mock(Task.class);
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") MapOutput<K, V> output = mock(MapOutput.class);
ShuffleConsumerPlugin.Context<K, V> context = new ShuffleConsumerPlugin.Context<K, V>(mockTaskAttemptID, job, mockFileSystem, mockUmbilical, mockLocalDirAllocator, mockReporter, mockCompressionCodec, combinerClass, mockCombineOutputCollector, mockCounter, mockCounter, mockCounter, mockCounter, mockCounter, mockCounter, mockTaskStatus, mockProgress, mockProgress, mockTask, mockMapOutputFile, null);
TaskStatus status = new TaskStatus() {
public boolean getIsMap() {
return false;
public void addFetchFailedMap(TaskAttemptID mapTaskId) {
Progress progress = new Progress();
ShuffleSchedulerImpl<K, V> scheduler = new ShuffleSchedulerImpl<K, V>(job, status, null, null, progress, context.getShuffledMapsCounter(), context.getReduceShuffleBytes(), context.getFailedShuffleCounter());
MapHost host1 = new MapHost("host1", null);
TaskAttemptID failedAttemptID = new TaskAttemptID(new org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TaskID(new JobID("test", 0), TaskType.MAP, 0), 0);
TaskAttemptID succeedAttemptID = new TaskAttemptID(new org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TaskID(new JobID("test", 0), TaskType.MAP, 1), 1);
// handle output fetch failure for failedAttemptID, part I
// handle output fetch succeed for succeedAttemptID
long bytes = (long) 500 * 1024 * 1024;
scheduler.copySucceeded(succeedAttemptID, host1, bytes, 0, 500000, output);
// handle output fetch failure for failedAttemptID, part II
// for MAPREDUCE-6361: verify no NPE exception get thrown out
scheduler.copyFailed(failedAttemptID, host1, true, false);
use of org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf in project hadoop by apache.
the class HSAdmin method addSecurityConfiguration.
private Configuration addSecurityConfiguration(Configuration conf) {
conf = new JobConf(conf);
conf.set(CommonConfigurationKeys.HADOOP_SECURITY_SERVICE_USER_NAME_KEY, conf.get(JHAdminConfig.MR_HISTORY_PRINCIPAL, ""));
return conf;