Search in sources :

Example 81 with RunningJob

use of org.apache.hadoop.mapred.RunningJob in project hive by apache.

the class LogRetriever method logJob.

private void logJob(String logDir, String jobID, PrintWriter listWriter) throws IOException {
    RunningJob rj = jobClient.getJob(JobID.forName(jobID));
    String jobURLString = rj.getTrackingURL();
    Path jobDir = new Path(logDir, jobID);
    // Logger jobconf
    try {
        logJobConf(jobID, jobURLString, jobDir.toString());
    } catch (IOException e) {
        System.err.println("Cannot retrieve job.xml.html for " + jobID);
    listWriter.println("job: " + jobID + "(" + "name=" + rj.getJobName() + "," + "status=" + JobStatus.getJobRunState(rj.getJobState()) + ")");
    // Get completed attempts
    List<AttemptInfo> attempts = new ArrayList<AttemptInfo>();
    for (String type : new String[] { "map", "reduce", "setup", "cleanup" }) {
        try {
            List<AttemptInfo> successAttempts = getCompletedAttempts(jobID, jobURLString, type);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            System.err.println("Cannot retrieve " + type + " tasks for " + jobID);
    // Get failed attempts
    try {
        List<AttemptInfo> failedAttempts = getFailedAttempts(jobID, jobURLString);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        System.err.println("Cannot retrieve failed attempts for " + jobID);
    // Logger attempts
    for (AttemptInfo attempt : attempts) {
        try {
            logAttempt(jobID, attempt, jobDir.toString());
            listWriter.println("  attempt:" + + "(" + "type=" + attempt.type + "," + "status=" + attempt.status + "," + "starttime=" + attempt.startTime + "," + "endtime=" + attempt.endTime + ")");
        } catch (IOException e) {
            System.err.println("Cannot log attempt " +;
Also used : Path(org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path) RunningJob(org.apache.hadoop.mapred.RunningJob) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) IOException(

Example 82 with RunningJob

use of org.apache.hadoop.mapred.RunningJob in project hive by apache.

the class CompactorMR method launchCompactionJob.

 * @param baseDir if not null, it's either table/partition root folder or base_xxxx.
 *                If it's base_xxxx, it's in dirsToSearch, else the actual original files
 *                (all leaves recursively) are in the dirsToSearch list
private void launchCompactionJob(JobConf job, Path baseDir, CompactionType compactionType, StringableList dirsToSearch, List<AcidUtils.ParsedDelta> parsedDeltas, int curDirNumber, int obsoleteDirNumber, HiveConf hiveConf, IMetaStoreClient msc, long id, String jobName) throws IOException {
    job.setBoolean(IS_MAJOR, compactionType == CompactionType.MAJOR);
    if (dirsToSearch == null) {
        dirsToSearch = new StringableList();
    StringableList deltaDirs = new StringableList();
    // Note: if compaction creates a delta, it won't replace an existing base dir, so the txn ID
    // of the base dir won't be a part of delta's range. If otoh compaction creates a base,
    // we don't care about this value because bases don't have min txn ID in the name.
    // However logically this should also take base into account if it's included.
    long minTxn = Long.MAX_VALUE;
    long maxTxn = Long.MIN_VALUE;
    for (AcidUtils.ParsedDelta delta : parsedDeltas) {
        LOG.debug("Adding delta " + delta.getPath() + " to directories to search");
        minTxn = Math.min(minTxn, delta.getMinWriteId());
        maxTxn = Math.max(maxTxn, delta.getMaxWriteId());
    if (baseDir != null)
        job.set(BASE_DIR, baseDir.toString());
    job.set(DELTA_DIRS, deltaDirs.toString());
    job.set(DIRS_TO_SEARCH, dirsToSearch.toString());
    job.setLong(MIN_TXN, minTxn);
    job.setLong(MAX_TXN, maxTxn);
    // HIVE-23354 enforces that MR speculative execution is disabled
    job.setBoolean(MRJobConfig.REDUCE_SPECULATIVE, false);
    job.setBoolean(MRJobConfig.MAP_SPECULATIVE, false);
    // Add tokens for all the file system in the input path.
    ArrayList<Path> dirs = new ArrayList<>();
    if (baseDir != null) {
    TokenCache.obtainTokensForNamenodes(job.getCredentials(), dirs.toArray(new Path[] {}), job);
    if (hiveConf.getBoolVar(HiveConf.ConfVars.HIVE_IN_TEST)) {
        mrJob = job;
    }"Submitting " + compactionType + " compaction job '" + job.getJobName() + "' to " + job.getQueueName() + " queue.  " + "(current delta dirs count=" + curDirNumber + ", obsolete delta dirs count=" + obsoleteDirNumber + ". TxnIdRange[" + minTxn + "," + maxTxn + "]");
    JobClient jc = null;
    try {
        jc = new JobClient(job);
        RunningJob rj = jc.submitJob(job);"Submitted compaction job '" + job.getJobName() + "' with jobID=" + rj.getID() + " compaction ID=" + id);
        try {
            msc.setHadoopJobid(rj.getID().toString(), id);
        } catch (TException e) {
            LOG.warn("Error setting hadoop job, jobId=" + rj.getID().toString() + " compactionId=" + id, e);
        if (!rj.isSuccessful()) {
            throw new IOException((compactionType == CompactionType.MAJOR ? "Major" : "Minor") + " compactor job failed for " + jobName + "! Hadoop JobId: " + rj.getID());
    } finally {
        if (jc != null) {
Also used : Path(org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path) TException(org.apache.thrift.TException) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) RunningJob(org.apache.hadoop.mapred.RunningJob) IOException( JobClient(org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobClient) AcidUtils(

Example 83 with RunningJob

use of org.apache.hadoop.mapred.RunningJob in project hive by apache.

the class HadoopJobExecHelper method progress.

private MapRedStats progress(ExecDriverTaskHandle th) throws IOException, LockException {
    JobClient jc = th.getJobClient();
    RunningJob rj = th.getRunningJob();
    SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS");
    // DecimalFormat longFormatter = new DecimalFormat("###,###");
    long reportTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    long maxReportInterval = HiveConf.getTimeVar(job, HiveConf.ConfVars.HIVE_LOG_INCREMENTAL_PLAN_PROGRESS_INTERVAL, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
    boolean fatal = false;
    StringBuilder errMsg = new StringBuilder();
    long pullInterval = HiveConf.getLongVar(job, HiveConf.ConfVars.HIVECOUNTERSPULLINTERVAL);
    boolean initializing = true;
    boolean initOutputPrinted = false;
    long cpuMsec = -1;
    int numMap = -1;
    int numReduce = -1;
    List<ClientStatsPublisher> clientStatPublishers = getClientStatPublishers();
    final boolean localMode = ShimLoader.getHadoopShims().isLocalMode(job);
    MapRedStats mapRedStats = new MapRedStats(job, numMap, numReduce, cpuMsec, false, rj.getID().toString());
    updateMapRedTaskWebUIStatistics(mapRedStats, rj);
    while (!rj.isComplete()) {
        if (th.getContext() != null) {
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        if (initializing && rj.getJobState() == JobStatus.PREP) {
            // No reason to poll untill the job is initialized
        } else {
            // By now the job is initialized so no reason to do
            // rj.getJobState() again and we do not want to do an extra RPC call
            initializing = false;
        if (!localMode) {
            if (!initOutputPrinted) {
                SessionState ss = SessionState.get();
                String logMapper;
                String logReducer;
                TaskReport[] mappers = jc.getMapTaskReports(rj.getID());
                if (mappers == null) {
                    logMapper = "no information for number of mappers; ";
                } else {
                    numMap = mappers.length;
                    if (ss != null) {
                        ss.getHiveHistory().setTaskProperty(queryId, getId(), Keys.TASK_NUM_MAPPERS, Integer.toString(numMap));
                    logMapper = "number of mappers: " + numMap + "; ";
                TaskReport[] reducers = jc.getReduceTaskReports(rj.getID());
                if (reducers == null) {
                    logReducer = "no information for number of reducers. ";
                } else {
                    numReduce = reducers.length;
                    if (ss != null) {
                        ss.getHiveHistory().setTaskProperty(queryId, getId(), Keys.TASK_NUM_REDUCERS, Integer.toString(numReduce));
                    logReducer = "number of reducers: " + numReduce;
                console.printInfo("Hadoop job information for " + getId() + ": " + logMapper + logReducer);
                initOutputPrinted = true;
            RunningJob newRj = jc.getJob(rj.getID());
            if (newRj == null) {
                // So raise a meaningful exception
                throw new IOException("Could not find status of job:" + rj.getID());
            } else {
                rj = newRj;
        // let the job retry several times, which eventually lead to failure.
        if (fatal) {
            // wait until rj.isComplete
        Counters ctrs = th.getCounters();
        updateMapRedTaskWebUIStatistics(mapRedStats, rj);
        if (fatal = checkFatalErrors(ctrs, errMsg)) {
            console.printError("[Fatal Error] " + errMsg.toString() + ". Killing the job.");
        updateCounters(ctrs, rj);
        // Prepare data for Client Stat Publishers (if any present) and execute them
        if (clientStatPublishers.size() > 0 && ctrs != null) {
            Map<String, Double> exctractedCounters = extractAllCounterValues(ctrs);
            for (ClientStatsPublisher clientStatPublisher : clientStatPublishers) {
                try {
          , rj.getID().toString());
                } catch (RuntimeException runtimeException) {
                    LOG.error("Exception " + runtimeException.getClass().getCanonicalName() + " thrown when running clientStatsPublishers. The stack trace is: ", runtimeException);
        if (mapProgress == lastMapProgress && reduceProgress == lastReduceProgress && System.currentTimeMillis() < reportTime + maxReportInterval) {
        StringBuilder report = new StringBuilder();
        report.append(' ').append(getId());
        report.append(" map = ").append(mapProgress).append("%, ");
        report.append(" reduce = ").append(reduceProgress).append('%');
        // it out.
        if (ctrs != null) {
            Counter counterCpuMsec = ctrs.findCounter("org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Task$Counter", "CPU_MILLISECONDS");
            if (counterCpuMsec != null) {
                long newCpuMSec = counterCpuMsec.getValue();
                if (newCpuMSec > 0) {
                    cpuMsec = newCpuMSec;
                    report.append(", Cumulative CPU ").append((cpuMsec / 1000D)).append(" sec");
        // write out serialized plan with counters to log file
        String output = report.toString();
        SessionState ss = SessionState.get();
        if (ss != null) {
            ss.getHiveHistory().setTaskCounters(queryId, getId(), ctrs);
            ss.getHiveHistory().setTaskProperty(queryId, getId(), Keys.TASK_HADOOP_PROGRESS, output);
            if (ss.getConf().getBoolVar(HiveConf.ConfVars.HIVE_LOG_INCREMENTAL_PLAN_PROGRESS)) {
                ss.getHiveHistory().progressTask(queryId, this.task);
        reportTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    Counters ctrs = th.getCounters();
    if (ctrs != null) {
        Counter counterCpuMsec = ctrs.findCounter("org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Task$Counter", "CPU_MILLISECONDS");
        if (counterCpuMsec != null) {
            long newCpuMSec = counterCpuMsec.getValue();
            if (newCpuMSec > cpuMsec) {
                cpuMsec = newCpuMSec;
    if (cpuMsec > 0) {
        String status = "MapReduce Total cumulative CPU time: " + Utilities.formatMsecToStr(cpuMsec);
    boolean success;
    if (fatal) {
        success = false;
    } else {
        // the last check before the job is completed
        if (checkFatalErrors(ctrs, errMsg)) {
            console.printError("[Fatal Error] " + errMsg.toString());
            success = false;
        } else {
            SessionState ss = SessionState.get();
            if (ss != null) {
                ss.getHiveHistory().setTaskCounters(queryId, getId(), ctrs);
            success = rj.isSuccessful();
    updateMapRedTaskWebUIStatistics(mapRedStats, rj);
    // update based on the final value of the counters
    updateCounters(ctrs, rj);
    SessionState ss = SessionState.get();
    if (ss != null) {
        // Set the number of table rows affected in mapRedStats to display number of rows inserted.
        if (ctrs != null) {
            Counter counter = ctrs.findCounter(ss.getConf().getVar(HiveConf.ConfVars.HIVECOUNTERGROUP), FileSinkOperator.TOTAL_TABLE_ROWS_WRITTEN);
            if (counter != null) {
    return mapRedStats;
Also used : SessionState(org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.session.SessionState) TaskReport(org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TaskReport) IOException( JobClient(org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobClient) Counter(org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Counters.Counter) ClientStatsPublisher(org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.stats.ClientStatsPublisher) RunningJob(org.apache.hadoop.mapred.RunningJob) MapRedStats(org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.MapRedStats) Counters(org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Counters) SimpleDateFormat(java.text.SimpleDateFormat)

Example 84 with RunningJob

use of org.apache.hadoop.mapred.RunningJob in project ambrose by twitter.

the class MapReduceHelper method getMapReduceJobState.

private MapReduceJobState getMapReduceJobState(MapReduceJob job, JobClient jobClient) throws Exception {
    RunningJob runningJob = getRunningJob(job, jobClient);
    JobID jobID = runningJob.getID();
    TaskReport[] mapTaskReport = jobClient.getMapTaskReports(jobID);
    TaskReport[] reduceTaskReport = jobClient.getReduceTaskReports(jobID);
    return new MapReduceJobState(runningJob, mapTaskReport, reduceTaskReport);
Also used : TaskReport(org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TaskReport) RunningJob(org.apache.hadoop.mapred.RunningJob) JobID(org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobID)

Example 85 with RunningJob

use of org.apache.hadoop.mapred.RunningJob in project ambrose by twitter.

the class MapReduceHelper method setJobConfFromFile.

 * Get the configurations at the beginning of the job flow, it will contain information about the
 * map/reduce plan and decoded pig script.
 * @param job job whose configuration should be fetched.
 * @param jobClient client with which to retrieve job configuration.
public void setJobConfFromFile(MapReduceJob job, JobClient jobClient) {
    try {
        RunningJob runningJob = getRunningJob(job, jobClient);
        String jobFile = runningJob.getJobFile();"Loading RunningJob configuration file '%s'", jobFile));
        Path path = new Path(jobFile);
        FileSystem fileSystem = FileSystem.get(new Configuration());
        InputStream inputStream =;
        Configuration conf = new Configuration(false);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        LOG.warn("Error occurred when retrieving configuration info", e);
Also used : Path(org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path) Configuration(org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration) InputStream( FileSystem(org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem) RunningJob(org.apache.hadoop.mapred.RunningJob)


RunningJob (org.apache.hadoop.mapred.RunningJob)93 JobConf (org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf)65 Path (org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path)49 JobClient (org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobClient)33 IOException ( FileSystem (org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem)28 DMLConfig (org.apache.sysml.conf.DMLConfig)27 Group (org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Counters.Group)26 Counters (org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Counters)17 Configuration (org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration)14 MatrixChar_N_ReducerGroups (org.apache.sysml.runtime.matrix.mapred.MRJobConfiguration.MatrixChar_N_ReducerGroups)13 InputInfo ( DMLRuntimeException (org.apache.sysml.runtime.DMLRuntimeException)8 File ( TaggedMatrixBlock ( DataOutputStream ( URI ( FSDataOutputStream (org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataOutputStream)5 Context (org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.Context)5 Text (