use of org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.jobhistory.JobHistoryParser in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestJobHistoryParsing method testMultipleFailedTasks.
public void testMultipleFailedTasks() throws Exception {
JobHistoryParser parser = new JobHistoryParser(Mockito.mock(FSDataInputStream.class));
EventReader reader = Mockito.mock(EventReader.class);
// Hack!
final AtomicInteger numEventsRead = new AtomicInteger(0);
final org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.TaskType taskType = org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.TaskType.MAP;
final TaskID[] tids = new TaskID[2];
final JobID jid = new JobID("1", 1);
tids[0] = new TaskID(jid, taskType, 0);
tids[1] = new TaskID(jid, taskType, 1);
Mockito.when(reader.getNextEvent()).thenAnswer(new Answer<HistoryEvent>() {
public HistoryEvent answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws IOException {
// send two task start and two task fail events for tasks 0 and 1
int eventId = numEventsRead.getAndIncrement();
TaskID tid = tids[eventId & 0x1];
if (eventId < 2) {
return new TaskStartedEvent(tid, 0, taskType, "");
if (eventId < 4) {
TaskFailedEvent tfe = new TaskFailedEvent(tid, 0, taskType, "failed", "FAILED", null, new Counters());
return tfe;
if (eventId < 5) {
JobUnsuccessfulCompletionEvent juce = new JobUnsuccessfulCompletionEvent(jid, 100L, 2, 0, "JOB_FAILED", Collections.singletonList("Task failed: " + tids[0].toString()));
return juce;
return null;
JobInfo info = parser.parse(reader);
assertTrue("Task 0 not implicated", info.getErrorInfo().contains(tids[0].toString()));
use of org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.jobhistory.JobHistoryParser in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestJobHistoryParsing method testFailedJobHistoryWithoutDiagnostics.
public void testFailedJobHistoryWithoutDiagnostics() throws Exception {
final Path histPath = new Path(getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("job_1393307629410_0001-1393307687476-user-Sleep+job-1393307723835-0-0-FAILED-default-1393307693920.jhist").getFile());
final FileSystem lfs = FileSystem.getLocal(new Configuration());
final FSDataInputStream fsdis =;
try {
JobHistoryParser parser = new JobHistoryParser(fsdis);
JobInfo info = parser.parse();
assertEquals("History parsed jobId incorrectly", info.getJobId(), JobID.forName("job_1393307629410_0001"));
assertEquals("Default diagnostics incorrect ", "", info.getErrorInfo());
} finally {
use of org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.jobhistory.JobHistoryParser in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestJobHistoryParsing method testHistoryParsingForFailedAttempts.
@Test(timeout = 30000)
public void testHistoryParsingForFailedAttempts() throws Exception {"STARTING testHistoryParsingForFailedAttempts");
try {
Configuration conf = new Configuration();
conf.setClass(NET_TOPOLOGY_NODE_SWITCH_MAPPING_IMPL_KEY, MyResolver.class, DNSToSwitchMapping.class);
MRApp app = new MRAppWithHistoryWithFailedAttempt(2, 1, true, this.getClass().getName(), true);
Job job = app.getContext().getAllJobs().values().iterator().next();
JobId jobId = job.getID();
app.waitForState(job, JobState.SUCCEEDED);
// make sure all events are flushed
JobHistory jobHistory = new JobHistory();
HistoryFileInfo fileInfo = jobHistory.getJobFileInfo(jobId);
JobHistoryParser parser;
JobInfo jobInfo;
synchronized (fileInfo) {
Path historyFilePath = fileInfo.getHistoryFile();
FSDataInputStream in = null;
FileContext fc = null;
try {
fc = FileContext.getFileContext(conf);
in =;
} catch (IOException ioe) {"Can not open history file: " + historyFilePath, ioe);
throw (new Exception("Can not open History File"));
parser = new JobHistoryParser(in);
jobInfo = parser.parse();
Exception parseException = parser.getParseException();
Assert.assertNull("Caught an expected exception " + parseException, parseException);
int noOffailedAttempts = 0;
Map<TaskID, TaskInfo> allTasks = jobInfo.getAllTasks();
for (Task task : job.getTasks().values()) {
TaskInfo taskInfo = allTasks.get(TypeConverter.fromYarn(task.getID()));
for (TaskAttempt taskAttempt : task.getAttempts().values()) {
TaskAttemptInfo taskAttemptInfo = taskInfo.getAllTaskAttempts().get(TypeConverter.fromYarn((taskAttempt.getID())));
// Verify rack-name for all task attempts
Assert.assertEquals("rack-name is incorrect", taskAttemptInfo.getRackname(), RACK_NAME);
if (taskAttemptInfo.getTaskStatus().equals("FAILED")) {
Assert.assertEquals("No of Failed tasks doesn't match.", 2, noOffailedAttempts);
} finally {"FINISHED testHistoryParsingForFailedAttempts");