use of org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.task.JobContextImpl in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestCopyCommitter method testDeleteMissingFlatInterleavedFiles.
public void testDeleteMissingFlatInterleavedFiles() {
TaskAttemptContext taskAttemptContext = getTaskAttemptContext(config);
JobContext jobContext = new JobContextImpl(taskAttemptContext.getConfiguration(), taskAttemptContext.getTaskAttemptID().getJobID());
Configuration conf = jobContext.getConfiguration();
String sourceBase;
String targetBase;
FileSystem fs = null;
try {
OutputCommitter committer = new CopyCommitter(null, taskAttemptContext);
fs = FileSystem.get(conf);
sourceBase = "/tmp1/" + String.valueOf(rand.nextLong());
targetBase = "/tmp1/" + String.valueOf(rand.nextLong());
TestDistCpUtils.createFile(fs, sourceBase + "/1");
TestDistCpUtils.createFile(fs, sourceBase + "/3");
TestDistCpUtils.createFile(fs, sourceBase + "/4");
TestDistCpUtils.createFile(fs, sourceBase + "/5");
TestDistCpUtils.createFile(fs, sourceBase + "/7");
TestDistCpUtils.createFile(fs, sourceBase + "/8");
TestDistCpUtils.createFile(fs, sourceBase + "/9");
TestDistCpUtils.createFile(fs, targetBase + "/2");
TestDistCpUtils.createFile(fs, targetBase + "/4");
TestDistCpUtils.createFile(fs, targetBase + "/5");
TestDistCpUtils.createFile(fs, targetBase + "/7");
TestDistCpUtils.createFile(fs, targetBase + "/9");
TestDistCpUtils.createFile(fs, targetBase + "/A");
DistCpOptions options = new DistCpOptions(Arrays.asList(new Path(sourceBase)), new Path("/out"));
CopyListing listing = new GlobbedCopyListing(conf, CREDENTIALS);
Path listingFile = new Path("/tmp1/" + String.valueOf(rand.nextLong()));
listing.buildListing(listingFile, options);
conf.set(DistCpConstants.CONF_LABEL_TARGET_WORK_PATH, targetBase);
conf.set(DistCpConstants.CONF_LABEL_TARGET_FINAL_PATH, targetBase);
if (!TestDistCpUtils.checkIfFoldersAreInSync(fs, targetBase, sourceBase)) {"Source and target folders are not in sync");
Assert.assertEquals(fs.listStatus(new Path(targetBase)).length, 4);
//Test for idempotent commit
if (!TestDistCpUtils.checkIfFoldersAreInSync(fs, targetBase, sourceBase)) {"Source and target folders are not in sync");
Assert.assertEquals(fs.listStatus(new Path(targetBase)).length, 4);
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.error("Exception encountered while testing for delete missing", e);"Delete missing failure");
} finally {
TestDistCpUtils.delete(fs, "/tmp1");
conf.set(DistCpConstants.CONF_LABEL_DELETE_MISSING, "false");
use of org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.task.JobContextImpl in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestCopyCommitter method testAtomicCommitMissingFinal.
public void testAtomicCommitMissingFinal() {
TaskAttemptContext taskAttemptContext = getTaskAttemptContext(config);
JobContext jobContext = new JobContextImpl(taskAttemptContext.getConfiguration(), taskAttemptContext.getTaskAttemptID().getJobID());
Configuration conf = jobContext.getConfiguration();
String workPath = "/tmp1/" + String.valueOf(rand.nextLong());
String finalPath = "/tmp1/" + String.valueOf(rand.nextLong());
FileSystem fs = null;
try {
OutputCommitter committer = new CopyCommitter(null, taskAttemptContext);
fs = FileSystem.get(conf);
fs.mkdirs(new Path(workPath));
conf.set(DistCpConstants.CONF_LABEL_TARGET_WORK_PATH, workPath);
conf.set(DistCpConstants.CONF_LABEL_TARGET_FINAL_PATH, finalPath);
conf.setBoolean(DistCpConstants.CONF_LABEL_ATOMIC_COPY, true);
Assert.assertTrue(fs.exists(new Path(workPath)));
Assert.assertFalse(fs.exists(new Path(finalPath)));
Assert.assertFalse(fs.exists(new Path(workPath)));
Assert.assertTrue(fs.exists(new Path(finalPath)));
//Test for idempotent commit
Assert.assertFalse(fs.exists(new Path(workPath)));
Assert.assertTrue(fs.exists(new Path(finalPath)));
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.error("Exception encountered while testing for preserve status", e);"Atomic commit failure");
} finally {
TestDistCpUtils.delete(fs, workPath);
TestDistCpUtils.delete(fs, finalPath);
conf.setBoolean(DistCpConstants.CONF_LABEL_ATOMIC_COPY, false);
use of org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.task.JobContextImpl in project gora by apache.
the class GoraMapReduceUtils method createJobContext.
public static JobContext createJobContext(Configuration conf, String inputPath) throws IOException {
if (inputPath != null) {
Job job = Job.getInstance(conf);
FileInputFormat.addInputPath(job, new Path(inputPath));
return new JobContextImpl(job.getConfiguration(), null);
return new JobContextImpl(conf, null);
use of org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.task.JobContextImpl in project jena by apache.
the class AbstractBlankNodeTests method blank_node_divergence_02.
* Test that starts with two blank nodes with the same identity in a single
* file, splits them over two files and shows that they diverge in the
* subsequent job when the JENA-820 workaround is not enabled
* @throws IOException
* @throws InterruptedException
public void blank_node_divergence_02() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
Assume.assumeTrue("Requires ParserProfile be respected", this.respectsParserProfile());
Assume.assumeFalse("Requires that Blank Node identity not be preserved", this.preservesBlankNodeIdentity());
// Temporary files
File a = File.createTempFile("bnode_divergence", getInitialInputExtension());
File intermediateOutputDir = Files.createTempDirectory("bnode_divergence", new FileAttribute[0]).toFile();
try {
// Prepare the input data
// Two mentions of the same blank node in the same file
List<T> tuples = new ArrayList<>();
Node bnode = NodeFactory.createBlankNode();
Node pred = NodeFactory.createURI("");
tuples.add(createTuple(bnode, pred, NodeFactory.createLiteral("first")));
tuples.add(createTuple(bnode, pred, NodeFactory.createLiteral("second")));
writeTuples(a, tuples);
// Set up fake job which will process the file as a single split
Configuration config = new Configuration(true);
InputFormat<LongWritable, TValue> inputFormat = createInitialInputFormat();
Job job = Job.getInstance(config);
NLineInputFormat.setNumLinesPerSplit(job, 100);
FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, new Path(a.getAbsolutePath()));
FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, new Path(intermediateOutputDir.getAbsolutePath()));
JobContext context = new JobContextImpl(job.getConfiguration(), job.getJobID());
// Get the splits
List<InputSplit> splits = inputFormat.getSplits(context);
Assert.assertEquals(1, splits.size());
for (InputSplit split : splits) {
// Initialize the input reading
TaskAttemptContext inputTaskContext = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(job.getConfiguration(), createAttemptID(1, 1, 1));
RecordReader<LongWritable, TValue> reader = inputFormat.createRecordReader(split, inputTaskContext);
reader.initialize(split, inputTaskContext);
// Copy the input to the output - each triple goes to a separate
// output file
// This is how we force multiple files to be produced
int taskID = 1;
while (reader.nextKeyValue()) {
// Prepare the output writing
OutputFormat<LongWritable, TValue> outputFormat = createIntermediateOutputFormat();
TaskAttemptContext outputTaskContext = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(job.getConfiguration(), createAttemptID(1, ++taskID, 1));
RecordWriter<LongWritable, TValue> writer = outputFormat.getRecordWriter(outputTaskContext);
writer.write(reader.getCurrentKey(), reader.getCurrentValue());
// Promote outputs from temporary status
// Now we need to create a subsequent job that reads the
// intermediate outputs
// As described in JENA-820 at this point the blank nodes are
// consistent, however when we read them from different files they
// by default get treated as different nodes and so the blank nodes
// diverge which is incorrect and undesirable behaviour in
// multi-stage pipelines. However it is the default behaviour
// because when we start from external inputs we want them to be
// file scoped.
LOGGER.debug("Intermediate output directory is {}", intermediateOutputDir.getAbsolutePath());
job = Job.getInstance(config);
inputFormat = createIntermediateInputFormat();
FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, new Path(intermediateOutputDir.getAbsolutePath()));
// Make sure JENA-820 flag is disabled
job.getConfiguration().setBoolean(RdfIOConstants.GLOBAL_BNODE_IDENTITY, false);
context = new JobContextImpl(job.getConfiguration(), job.getJobID());
// Get the splits
splits = inputFormat.getSplits(context);
Assert.assertEquals(2, splits.size());
// Expect to end up with a single blank node
Set<Node> nodes = new HashSet<Node>();
for (InputSplit split : splits) {
TaskAttemptContext inputTaskContext = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(job.getConfiguration(), new TaskAttemptID());
RecordReader<LongWritable, TValue> reader = inputFormat.createRecordReader(split, inputTaskContext);
reader.initialize(split, inputTaskContext);
while (reader.nextKeyValue()) {
// Nodes should have diverged
Assert.assertEquals(2, nodes.size());
} finally {
use of org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.task.JobContextImpl in project jena by apache.
the class AbstractBlankNodeTests method blank_node_identity_01.
* Test that starts with two blank nodes in two different files and checks
* that writing them to a single file does not conflate them
* @throws IOException
* @throws InterruptedException
public void blank_node_identity_01() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
Assume.assumeTrue("Requires ParserProfile be respected", this.respectsParserProfile());
Assume.assumeFalse("Requires that Blank Node identity not be preserved", this.preservesBlankNodeIdentity());
// Temporary files
File a = File.createTempFile("bnode_identity", getInitialInputExtension());
File b = File.createTempFile("bnode_identity", getInitialInputExtension());
File intermediateOutputDir = Files.createTempDirectory("bnode_identity", new FileAttribute[0]).toFile();
try {
// Prepare the input data
// Different blank nodes in different files
List<T> tuples = new ArrayList<>();
Node bnode1 = NodeFactory.createBlankNode();
Node bnode2 = NodeFactory.createBlankNode();
Node pred = NodeFactory.createURI("");
tuples.add(createTuple(bnode1, pred, NodeFactory.createLiteral("first")));
writeTuples(a, tuples);
tuples.add(createTuple(bnode2, pred, NodeFactory.createLiteral("second")));
writeTuples(b, tuples);
// Set up fake job which will process the two files
Configuration config = new Configuration(true);
InputFormat<LongWritable, TValue> inputFormat = createInitialInputFormat();
Job job = Job.getInstance(config);
NLineInputFormat.setNumLinesPerSplit(job, 100);
FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, new Path(a.getAbsolutePath()), new Path(b.getAbsolutePath()));
FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, new Path(intermediateOutputDir.getAbsolutePath()));
JobContext context = new JobContextImpl(job.getConfiguration(), job.getJobID());
// Get the splits
List<InputSplit> splits = inputFormat.getSplits(context);
Assert.assertEquals(2, splits.size());
// Prepare the output writing - putting all output to a single file
OutputFormat<LongWritable, TValue> outputFormat = createIntermediateOutputFormat();
TaskAttemptContext outputTaskContext = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(job.getConfiguration(), createAttemptID(1, 2, 1));
RecordWriter<LongWritable, TValue> writer = outputFormat.getRecordWriter(outputTaskContext);
for (InputSplit split : splits) {
// Initialize the input reading
TaskAttemptContext inputTaskContext = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(job.getConfiguration(), createAttemptID(1, 1, 1));
RecordReader<LongWritable, TValue> reader = inputFormat.createRecordReader(split, inputTaskContext);
reader.initialize(split, inputTaskContext);
// output
while (reader.nextKeyValue()) {
writer.write(reader.getCurrentKey(), reader.getCurrentValue());
// Promote outputs from temporary status
// Now we need to create a subsequent job that reads the
// intermediate outputs
// The Blank nodes should have been given separate identities so we
// should not be conflating them, this is the opposite problem to
// that described in JENA-820
LOGGER.debug("Intermediate output directory is {}", intermediateOutputDir.getAbsolutePath());
job = Job.getInstance(config);
inputFormat = createIntermediateInputFormat();
NLineInputFormat.setNumLinesPerSplit(job, 100);
FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, new Path(intermediateOutputDir.getAbsolutePath()));
context = new JobContextImpl(job.getConfiguration(), job.getJobID());
// Get the splits
splits = inputFormat.getSplits(context);
Assert.assertEquals(1, splits.size());
// Expect to end up with a single blank node
Set<Node> nodes = new HashSet<Node>();
for (InputSplit split : splits) {
TaskAttemptContext inputTaskContext = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(job.getConfiguration(), new TaskAttemptID());
RecordReader<LongWritable, TValue> reader = inputFormat.createRecordReader(split, inputTaskContext);
reader.initialize(split, inputTaskContext);
while (reader.nextKeyValue()) {
// Nodes must not have converged
Assert.assertEquals(2, nodes.size());
} finally {