Search in sources :

Example 61 with JobId

use of org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.v2.api.records.JobId in project hadoop by apache.

the class JobHistoryFileReplayMapperV1 method map.

public void map(IntWritable key, IntWritable val, Context context) throws IOException {
    // collect the apps it needs to process
    TimelineClient tlc = new TimelineClientImpl();
    TimelineEntityConverterV1 converter = new TimelineEntityConverterV1();
    JobHistoryFileReplayHelper helper = new JobHistoryFileReplayHelper(context);
    int replayMode = helper.getReplayMode();
    Collection<JobFiles> jobs = helper.getJobFiles();
    JobHistoryFileParser parser = helper.getParser();
    if (jobs.isEmpty()) { + " will process no jobs");
    } else { + " will process " + jobs.size() + " jobs");
    for (JobFiles job : jobs) {
        // process each job
        String jobIdStr = job.getJobId();"processing " + jobIdStr + "...");
        JobId jobId = TypeConverter.toYarn(JobID.forName(jobIdStr));
        ApplicationId appId = jobId.getAppId();
        try {
            // parse the job info and configuration
            Path historyFilePath = job.getJobHistoryFilePath();
            Path confFilePath = job.getJobConfFilePath();
            if ((historyFilePath == null) || (confFilePath == null)) {
            JobInfo jobInfo = parser.parseHistoryFile(historyFilePath);
            Configuration jobConf = parser.parseConfiguration(confFilePath);
  "parsed the job history file and the configuration file for job " + jobIdStr);
            // create entities from job history and write them
            long totalTime = 0;
            Set<TimelineEntity> entitySet = converter.createTimelineEntities(jobInfo, jobConf);
  "converted them into timeline entities for job " + jobIdStr);
            // use the current user for this purpose
            UserGroupInformation ugi = UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser();
            long startWrite = System.nanoTime();
            try {
                switch(replayMode) {
                    case JobHistoryFileReplayHelper.WRITE_ALL_AT_ONCE:
                        writeAllEntities(tlc, entitySet, ugi);
                    case JobHistoryFileReplayHelper.WRITE_PER_ENTITY:
                        writePerEntity(tlc, entitySet, ugi);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                LOG.error("writing to the timeline service failed", e);
            long endWrite = System.nanoTime();
            totalTime += TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(endWrite - startWrite);
            int numEntities = entitySet.size();
  "wrote " + numEntities + " entities in " + totalTime + " ms");
        } finally {
            // move it along
Also used : Path(org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path) Configuration(org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration) JobFiles(org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.JobHistoryFileReplayHelper.JobFiles) TimelineEntity(org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.timeline.TimelineEntity) IOException( YarnException(org.apache.hadoop.yarn.exceptions.YarnException) TimelineClient(org.apache.hadoop.yarn.client.api.TimelineClient) JobInfo(org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.jobhistory.JobHistoryParser.JobInfo) TimelineClientImpl(org.apache.hadoop.yarn.client.api.impl.TimelineClientImpl) ApplicationId(org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ApplicationId) JobId(org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.v2.api.records.JobId) UserGroupInformation(

Example 62 with JobId

use of org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.v2.api.records.JobId in project hadoop by apache.

the class JobHistoryEventHandler method serviceInit.

/* (non-Javadoc)
   * @see org.apache.hadoop.yarn.service.AbstractService#init(org.
   * apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration)
   * Initializes the FileSystem and Path objects for the log and done directories.
   * Creates these directories if they do not already exist.
protected void serviceInit(Configuration conf) throws Exception {
    String jobId = TypeConverter.fromYarn(context.getApplicationID()).toString();
    String stagingDirStr = null;
    String doneDirStr = null;
    String userDoneDirStr = null;
    try {
        stagingDirStr = JobHistoryUtils.getConfiguredHistoryStagingDirPrefix(conf, jobId);
        doneDirStr = JobHistoryUtils.getConfiguredHistoryIntermediateDoneDirPrefix(conf);
        userDoneDirStr = JobHistoryUtils.getHistoryIntermediateDoneDirForUser(conf);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        LOG.error("Failed while getting the configured log directories", e);
        throw new YarnRuntimeException(e);
    //Check for the existence of the history staging dir. Maybe create it. 
    try {
        stagingDirPath = FileContext.getFileContext(conf).makeQualified(new Path(stagingDirStr));
        stagingDirFS = FileSystem.get(stagingDirPath.toUri(), conf);
        mkdir(stagingDirFS, stagingDirPath, new FsPermission(JobHistoryUtils.HISTORY_STAGING_DIR_PERMISSIONS));
    } catch (IOException e) {
        LOG.error("Failed while checking for/creating  history staging path: [" + stagingDirPath + "]", e);
        throw new YarnRuntimeException(e);
    //Check for the existence of intermediate done dir.
    Path doneDirPath = null;
    try {
        doneDirPath = FileContext.getFileContext(conf).makeQualified(new Path(doneDirStr));
        doneDirFS = FileSystem.get(doneDirPath.toUri(), conf);
        // created by the JobHistoryServer or as part of deployment.
        if (!doneDirFS.exists(doneDirPath)) {
            if (JobHistoryUtils.shouldCreateNonUserDirectory(conf)) {
      "Creating intermediate history logDir: [" + doneDirPath + "] + based on conf. Should ideally be created by the JobHistoryServer: " + MRJobConfig.MR_AM_CREATE_JH_INTERMEDIATE_BASE_DIR);
                mkdir(doneDirFS, doneDirPath, new FsPermission(JobHistoryUtils.HISTORY_INTERMEDIATE_DONE_DIR_PERMISSIONS.toShort()));
            // TODO Temporary toShort till new FsPermission(FsPermissions)
            // respects
            // sticky
            } else {
                String message = "Not creating intermediate history logDir: [" + doneDirPath + "] based on conf: " + MRJobConfig.MR_AM_CREATE_JH_INTERMEDIATE_BASE_DIR + ". Either set to true or pre-create this directory with" + " appropriate permissions";
                throw new YarnRuntimeException(message);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        LOG.error("Failed checking for the existance of history intermediate " + "done directory: [" + doneDirPath + "]");
        throw new YarnRuntimeException(e);
    //Check/create user directory under intermediate done dir.
    try {
        doneDirPrefixPath = FileContext.getFileContext(conf).makeQualified(new Path(userDoneDirStr));
        mkdir(doneDirFS, doneDirPrefixPath, new FsPermission(JobHistoryUtils.HISTORY_INTERMEDIATE_USER_DIR_PERMISSIONS));
    } catch (IOException e) {
        LOG.error("Error creating user intermediate history done directory: [ " + doneDirPrefixPath + "]", e);
        throw new YarnRuntimeException(e);
    // Maximum number of unflushed completion-events that can stay in the queue
    // before flush kicks in.
    // We want to cut down flushes after job completes so as to write quicker,
    // so we increase maxUnflushedEvents post Job completion by using the
    // following multiplier.
    // Max time until which flush doesn't take place.
    // configuration status: off, on_with_v1 or on_with_v2.
    if (conf.getBoolean(MRJobConfig.MAPREDUCE_JOB_EMIT_TIMELINE_DATA, MRJobConfig.DEFAULT_MAPREDUCE_JOB_EMIT_TIMELINE_DATA)) {"Emitting job history data to the timeline service is enabled");
        if (YarnConfiguration.timelineServiceEnabled(conf)) {
            boolean timelineServiceV2Enabled = ((int) YarnConfiguration.getTimelineServiceVersion(conf) == 2);
            if (timelineServiceV2Enabled) {
                timelineV2Client = ((MRAppMaster.RunningAppContext) context).getTimelineV2Client();
            } else {
                timelineClient = ((MRAppMaster.RunningAppContext) context).getTimelineClient();
  "Timeline service is enabled; version: " + YarnConfiguration.getTimelineServiceVersion(conf));
        } else {
  "Timeline service is not enabled");
    } else {"Emitting job history data to the timeline server is not " + "enabled");
    // Flag for setting
    String jhistFormat = conf.get(JHAdminConfig.MR_HS_JHIST_FORMAT, JHAdminConfig.DEFAULT_MR_HS_JHIST_FORMAT);
    if (jhistFormat.equals("json")) {
        jhistMode = EventWriter.WriteMode.JSON;
    } else if (jhistFormat.equals("binary")) {
        jhistMode = EventWriter.WriteMode.BINARY;
    } else {
        LOG.warn("Unrecognized value '" + jhistFormat + "' for property " + JHAdminConfig.MR_HS_JHIST_FORMAT + ".  Valid values are " + "'json' or 'binary'.  Falling back to default value '" + JHAdminConfig.DEFAULT_MR_HS_JHIST_FORMAT + "'.");
Also used : YarnRuntimeException(org.apache.hadoop.yarn.exceptions.YarnRuntimeException) Path(org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path) MRAppMaster( IOException( FsPermission(org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.FsPermission)

Example 63 with JobId

use of org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.v2.api.records.JobId in project hadoop by apache.

the class JobHistoryEventHandler method serviceStop.

protected void serviceStop() throws Exception {"Stopping JobHistoryEventHandler. " + "Size of the outstanding queue size is " + eventQueue.size());
    stopped = true;
    //do not interrupt while event handling is in progress
    synchronized (lock) {
        if (eventHandlingThread != null) {
            LOG.debug("Interrupting Event Handling thread");
        } else {
            LOG.debug("Null event handling thread");
    try {
        if (eventHandlingThread != null) {
            LOG.debug("Waiting for Event Handling thread to complete");
    } catch (InterruptedException ie) {"Interrupted Exception while stopping", ie);
    // the metaInfo object is wrapped up.
    for (MetaInfo mi : fileMap.values()) {
        try {
            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                LOG.debug("Shutting down timer for " + mi);
        } catch (IOException e) {
  "Exception while canceling delayed flush timer. " + "Likely caused by a failed flush " + e.getMessage());
    //write all the events remaining in queue
    Iterator<JobHistoryEvent> it = eventQueue.iterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
        JobHistoryEvent ev =;"In stop, writing event " + ev.getType());
    // closed their event writers
    if (forceJobCompletion) {
        for (Map.Entry<JobId, MetaInfo> jobIt : fileMap.entrySet()) {
            JobId toClose = jobIt.getKey();
            MetaInfo mi = jobIt.getValue();
            if (mi != null && mi.isWriterActive()) {
                LOG.warn("Found jobId " + toClose + " to have not been closed. Will close");
                //Create a JobFinishEvent so that it is written to the job history
                final Job job = context.getJob(toClose);
                JobUnsuccessfulCompletionEvent jucEvent = new JobUnsuccessfulCompletionEvent(TypeConverter.fromYarn(toClose), System.currentTimeMillis(), job.getCompletedMaps(), job.getCompletedReduces(), createJobStateForJobUnsuccessfulCompletionEvent(mi.getForcedJobStateOnShutDown()), job.getDiagnostics());
                JobHistoryEvent jfEvent = new JobHistoryEvent(toClose, jucEvent);
                //Bypass the queue mechanism which might wait. Call the method directly
    //close all file handles
    for (MetaInfo mi : fileMap.values()) {
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
  "Exception while closing file " + e.getMessage());
    if (timelineClient != null) {
    } else if (timelineV2Client != null) {
    }"Stopped JobHistoryEventHandler. super.stop()");
Also used : IOException( Job( Map(java.util.Map) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) JobId(org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.v2.api.records.JobId)

Example 64 with JobId

use of org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.v2.api.records.JobId in project hadoop by apache.

the class MRAppMaster method serviceInit.

protected void serviceInit(final Configuration conf) throws Exception {
    // create the job classloader if enabled
    conf.setBoolean(Dispatcher.DISPATCHER_EXIT_ON_ERROR_KEY, true);
    dispatcher = createDispatcher();
    taskAttemptFinishingMonitor = createTaskAttemptFinishingMonitor(dispatcher.getEventHandler());
    context = new RunningAppContext(conf, taskAttemptFinishingMonitor);
    // Job name is the same as the app name util we support DAG of jobs
    // for an app later
    appName = conf.get(MRJobConfig.JOB_NAME, "<missing app name>");
    conf.setInt(MRJobConfig.APPLICATION_ATTEMPT_ID, appAttemptID.getAttemptId());
    newApiCommitter = false;
    jobId = MRBuilderUtils.newJobId(appAttemptID.getApplicationId(), appAttemptID.getApplicationId().getId());
    int numReduceTasks = conf.getInt(MRJobConfig.NUM_REDUCES, 0);
    if ((numReduceTasks > 0 && conf.getBoolean("", false)) || (numReduceTasks == 0 && conf.getBoolean("", false))) {
        newApiCommitter = true;"Using mapred newApiCommitter.");
    boolean copyHistory = false;
    committer = createOutputCommitter(conf);
    try {
        String user = UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser().getShortUserName();
        Path stagingDir = MRApps.getStagingAreaDir(conf, user);
        FileSystem fs = getFileSystem(conf);
        boolean stagingExists = fs.exists(stagingDir);
        Path startCommitFile = MRApps.getStartJobCommitFile(conf, user, jobId);
        boolean commitStarted = fs.exists(startCommitFile);
        Path endCommitSuccessFile = MRApps.getEndJobCommitSuccessFile(conf, user, jobId);
        boolean commitSuccess = fs.exists(endCommitSuccessFile);
        Path endCommitFailureFile = MRApps.getEndJobCommitFailureFile(conf, user, jobId);
        boolean commitFailure = fs.exists(endCommitFailureFile);
        if (!stagingExists) {
            isLastAMRetry = true;
  "Attempt num: " + appAttemptID.getAttemptId() + " is last retry: " + isLastAMRetry + " because the staging dir doesn't exist.");
            errorHappenedShutDown = true;
            forcedState = JobStateInternal.ERROR;
            shutDownMessage = "Staging dir does not exist " + stagingDir;
        } else if (commitStarted) {
            //A commit was started so this is the last time, we just need to know
            // what result we will use to notify, and how we will unregister
            errorHappenedShutDown = true;
            isLastAMRetry = true;
  "Attempt num: " + appAttemptID.getAttemptId() + " is last retry: " + isLastAMRetry + " because a commit was started.");
            copyHistory = true;
            if (commitSuccess) {
                shutDownMessage = "Job commit succeeded in a prior MRAppMaster attempt " + "before it crashed. Recovering.";
                forcedState = JobStateInternal.SUCCEEDED;
            } else if (commitFailure) {
                shutDownMessage = "Job commit failed in a prior MRAppMaster attempt " + "before it crashed. Not retrying.";
                forcedState = JobStateInternal.FAILED;
            } else {
                if (isCommitJobRepeatable()) {
                    // cleanup previous half done commits if committer supports
                    // repeatable job commit.
                    errorHappenedShutDown = false;
                    cleanupInterruptedCommit(conf, fs, startCommitFile);
                } else {
                    //The commit is still pending, commit error
                    shutDownMessage = "Job commit from a prior MRAppMaster attempt is " + "potentially in progress. Preventing multiple commit executions";
                    forcedState = JobStateInternal.ERROR;
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new YarnRuntimeException("Error while initializing", e);
    if (errorHappenedShutDown) {
        NoopEventHandler eater = new NoopEventHandler();
        //We do not have a JobEventDispatcher in this path
        dispatcher.register(JobEventType.class, eater);
        EventHandler<JobHistoryEvent> historyService = null;
        if (copyHistory) {
            historyService = createJobHistoryHandler(context);
            dispatcher.register(org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.jobhistory.EventType.class, historyService);
        } else {
            dispatcher.register(org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.jobhistory.EventType.class, eater);
        if (copyHistory) {
            // Now that there's a FINISHING state for application on RM to give AMs
            // plenty of time to clean up after unregister it's safe to clean staging
            // directory after unregistering with RM. So, we start the staging-dir
            // cleaner BEFORE the ContainerAllocator so that on shut-down,
            // ContainerAllocator unregisters first and then the staging-dir cleaner
            // deletes staging directory.
        // service to allocate containers from RM (if non-uber) or to fake it (uber)
        containerAllocator = createContainerAllocator(null, context);
        dispatcher.register(ContainerAllocator.EventType.class, containerAllocator);
        if (copyHistory) {
            // Add the JobHistoryEventHandler last so that it is properly stopped first.
            // This will guarantee that all history-events are flushed before AM goes
            // ahead with shutdown.
            // Note: Even though JobHistoryEventHandler is started last, if any
            // component creates a JobHistoryEvent in the meanwhile, it will be just be
            // queued inside the JobHistoryEventHandler 
            JobHistoryCopyService cpHist = new JobHistoryCopyService(appAttemptID, dispatcher.getEventHandler());
    } else {
        //service to handle requests from JobClient
        clientService = createClientService(context);
        // Init ClientService separately so that we stop it separately, since this
        // service needs to wait some time before it stops so clients can know the
        // final states
        containerAllocator = createContainerAllocator(clientService, context);
        //service to handle the output committer
        committerEventHandler = createCommitterEventHandler(context, committer);
        //policy handling preemption requests from RM
        callWithJobClassLoader(conf, new Action<Void>() {

            public Void call(Configuration conf) {
                preemptionPolicy = createPreemptionPolicy(conf);
                return null;
        //service to handle requests to TaskUmbilicalProtocol
        taskAttemptListener = createTaskAttemptListener(context, preemptionPolicy);
        //service to log job history events
        EventHandler<JobHistoryEvent> historyService = createJobHistoryHandler(context);
        dispatcher.register(org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.jobhistory.EventType.class, historyService);
        this.jobEventDispatcher = new JobEventDispatcher();
        //register the event dispatchers
        dispatcher.register(JobEventType.class, jobEventDispatcher);
        dispatcher.register(TaskEventType.class, new TaskEventDispatcher());
        dispatcher.register(TaskAttemptEventType.class, new TaskAttemptEventDispatcher());
        dispatcher.register(CommitterEventType.class, committerEventHandler);
        if (conf.getBoolean(MRJobConfig.MAP_SPECULATIVE, false) || conf.getBoolean(MRJobConfig.REDUCE_SPECULATIVE, false)) {
            //optional service to speculate on task attempts' progress
            speculator = createSpeculator(conf, context);
        speculatorEventDispatcher = new SpeculatorEventDispatcher(conf);
        dispatcher.register(Speculator.EventType.class, speculatorEventDispatcher);
        // Now that there's a FINISHING state for application on RM to give AMs
        // plenty of time to clean up after unregister it's safe to clean staging
        // directory after unregistering with RM. So, we start the staging-dir
        // cleaner BEFORE the ContainerAllocator so that on shut-down,
        // ContainerAllocator unregisters first and then the staging-dir cleaner
        // deletes staging directory.
        // service to allocate containers from RM (if non-uber) or to fake it (uber)
        dispatcher.register(ContainerAllocator.EventType.class, containerAllocator);
        // corresponding service to launch allocated containers via NodeManager
        containerLauncher = createContainerLauncher(context);
        dispatcher.register(ContainerLauncher.EventType.class, containerLauncher);
        // Add the JobHistoryEventHandler last so that it is properly stopped first.
        // This will guarantee that all history-events are flushed before AM goes
        // ahead with shutdown.
        // Note: Even though JobHistoryEventHandler is started last, if any
        // component creates a JobHistoryEvent in the meanwhile, it will be just be
        // queued inside the JobHistoryEventHandler 
Also used : JobHistoryCopyService(org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.jobhistory.JobHistoryCopyService) Configuration(org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration) YarnConfiguration(org.apache.hadoop.yarn.conf.YarnConfiguration) JobHistoryEvent(org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.jobhistory.JobHistoryEvent) ContainerLauncher( LocalContainerLauncher(org.apache.hadoop.mapred.LocalContainerLauncher) FileSystem(org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem) Path(org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path) IOException( ContainerAllocator( RMContainerAllocator( LocalContainerAllocator( DefaultSpeculator( Speculator( YarnRuntimeException(org.apache.hadoop.yarn.exceptions.YarnRuntimeException)

Example 65 with JobId

use of org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.v2.api.records.JobId in project hadoop by apache.

the class JHEventHandlerForSigtermTest method testSigTermedFunctionality.

public /**
   * Tests that in case of SIGTERM, the JHEH stops without processing its event
   * queue (because we must stop quickly lest we get SIGKILLed) and processes
   * a JobUnsuccessfulEvent for jobs which were still running (so that they may
   * show up in the JobHistoryServer)
void testSigTermedFunctionality() throws IOException {
    AppContext mockedContext = Mockito.mock(AppContext.class);
    JHEventHandlerForSigtermTest jheh = new JHEventHandlerForSigtermTest(mockedContext, 0);
    JobId jobId = Mockito.mock(JobId.class);
    //Submit 4 events and check that they're handled in the absence of a signal
    final int numEvents = 4;
    JobHistoryEvent[] events = new JobHistoryEvent[numEvents];
    for (int i = 0; i < numEvents; ++i) {
        events[i] = getEventToEnqueue(jobId);
    //Make sure events were handled
    assertTrue("handleEvent should've been called only 4 times but was " + jheh.eventsHandled, jheh.eventsHandled == 4);
    //Create a new jheh because the last stop closed the eventWriter etc.
    jheh = new JHEventHandlerForSigtermTest(mockedContext, 0);
    // Make constructor of JobUnsuccessfulCompletionEvent pass
    Job job = Mockito.mock(Job.class);
    // Make TypeConverter(JobID) pass
    ApplicationId mockAppId = Mockito.mock(ApplicationId.class);
    for (int i = 0; i < numEvents; ++i) {
        events[i] = getEventToEnqueue(jobId);
    //Make sure events were handled, 4 + 1 finish event
    assertTrue("handleEvent should've been called only 5 times but was " + jheh.eventsHandled, jheh.eventsHandled == 5);
    assertTrue("Last event handled wasn't JobUnsuccessfulCompletionEvent", jheh.lastEventHandled.getHistoryEvent() instanceof JobUnsuccessfulCompletionEvent);
Also used : RunningAppContext( AppContext( Job( ApplicationId(org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ApplicationId) JobId(org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.v2.api.records.JobId) Test(org.junit.Test)


JobId (org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.v2.api.records.JobId)276 Test (org.junit.Test)238 Job ( ClientResponse (com.sun.jersey.api.client.ClientResponse)103 WebResource (com.sun.jersey.api.client.WebResource)103 Task ( JSONObject (org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONObject)81 Configuration (org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration)77 TaskId (org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.v2.api.records.TaskId)61 ApplicationAttemptId (org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ApplicationAttemptId)55 Path (org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path)52 TaskAttemptId (org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.v2.api.records.TaskAttemptId)51 ApplicationId (org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ApplicationId)47 TaskAttempt ( YarnConfiguration (org.apache.hadoop.yarn.conf.YarnConfiguration)36 AppContext ( IOException ( JobConf (org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf)28 HistoryFileInfo (org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.v2.hs.HistoryFileManager.HistoryFileInfo)25 JobID (org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.JobID)23