use of org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.annotation.Metrics in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestFileSink method testFileSink.
@Test(timeout = 6000)
public void testFileSink() throws IOException {
outFile = getTestTempFile("test-file-sink-", ".out");
final String outPath = outFile.getAbsolutePath();
// NB: specify large period to avoid multiple metrics snapshotting:
new ConfigBuilder().add("*.period", 10000).add("test.sink.mysink0.class", FileSink.class.getName()).add("test.sink.mysink0.filename", outPath).add("test.sink.mysink0.context", "test1").save(TestMetricsConfig.getTestFilename("hadoop-metrics2-test"));
MetricsSystemImpl ms = new MetricsSystemImpl("test");
final MyMetrics1 mm1 = new MyMetrics1().registerWith(ms);
new MyMetrics2().registerWith(ms);
// publish the metrics
InputStream is = null;
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = null;
String outFileContent = null;
try {
is = new FileInputStream(outFile);
baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream((int) outFile.length());
IOUtils.copyBytes(is, baos, 1024, true);
outFileContent = new String(baos.toByteArray(), "UTF-8");
} finally {
IOUtils.cleanup(null, baos, is);
// Check the out file content. Should be something like the following:
//1360244820087 test1.testRecord1: Context=test1, testTag1=testTagValue1, testTag2=testTagValue2, Hostname=myhost, testMetric1=1, testMetric2=2
//1360244820089 test1.testRecord2: Context=test1, testTag22=testTagValue22, Hostname=myhost
// Note that in the below expression we allow tags and metrics to go in arbitrary order.
Pattern expectedContentPattern = Pattern.compile(// line #1:
"^\\d+\\s+test1.testRecord1:\\s+Context=test1,\\s+" + "(testTag1=testTagValue1,\\s+testTag2=testTagValue2|testTag2=testTagValue2,\\s+testTag1=testTagValue1)," + "\\s+Hostname=.*,\\s+(testMetric1=1,\\s+testMetric2=2|testMetric2=2,\\s+testMetric1=1)" + // line #2:
"$[\\n\\r]*^\\d+\\s+test1.testRecord2:\\s+Context=test1," + "\\s+testTag22=testTagValue22,\\s+Hostname=.*$[\\n\\r]*", Pattern.MULTILINE);
use of org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.annotation.Metrics in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestMetricsCache method testUpdate.
public void testUpdate() {
MetricsCache cache = new MetricsCache();
MetricsRecord mr = makeRecord("r", Arrays.asList(makeTag("t", "tv")), Arrays.asList(makeMetric("m", 0), makeMetric("m1", 1)));
MetricsCache.Record cr = cache.update(mr);
assertEquals("same record size", cr.metrics().size(), ((Collection<AbstractMetric>) mr.metrics()).size());
assertEquals("same metric value", 0, cr.getMetric("m"));
MetricsRecord mr2 = makeRecord("r", Arrays.asList(makeTag("t", "tv")), Arrays.asList(makeMetric("m", 2), makeMetric("m2", 42)));
cr = cache.update(mr2);
assertEquals("contains 3 metric", 3, cr.metrics().size());
checkMetricValue("updated metric value", cr, "m", 2);
checkMetricValue("old metric value", cr, "m1", 1);
checkMetricValue("new metric value", cr, "m2", 42);
MetricsRecord mr3 = makeRecord("r", // different tag value
Arrays.asList(makeTag("t", "tv3")), Arrays.asList(makeMetric("m3", 3)));
// should get a new record
cr = cache.update(mr3);
assertEquals("contains 1 metric", 1, cr.metrics().size());
checkMetricValue("updated metric value", cr, "m3", 3);
// tags cache should be empty so far
assertEquals("no tags", 0, cr.tags().size());
// until now
cr = cache.update(mr3, true);
assertEquals("Got 1 tag", 1, cr.tags().size());
assertEquals("Tag value", "tv3", cr.getTag("t"));
checkMetricValue("Metric value", cr, "m3", 3);
use of org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.annotation.Metrics in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestMetricsCache method testNullTag.
* Make sure metrics tag has a sane hashCode impl
public void testNullTag() {
MetricsCache cache = new MetricsCache();
MetricsRecord mr = makeRecord("r", Arrays.asList(makeTag("t", null)), Arrays.asList(makeMetric("m", 0), makeMetric("m1", 1)));
MetricsCache.Record cr = cache.update(mr);
assertTrue("t value should be null", null == cr.getTag("t"));
use of org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.annotation.Metrics in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestMetricsCache method makeRecord.
private MetricsRecord makeRecord(String name, Collection<MetricsTag> tags, Collection<AbstractMetric> metrics) {
MetricsRecord mr = mock(MetricsRecord.class);
return mr;
use of org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.annotation.Metrics in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestRollingFileSystemSinkWithLocal method testSilentFailedWrite.
* Test that writing fails silently when the directory is not writable.
public void testSilentFailedWrite() {
String path = methodDir.getAbsolutePath();
MetricsSystem ms = initMetricsSystem(path, true, false);
new MyMetrics1().registerWith(ms);
MockSink.errored = false;
try {
// publish the metrics
assertFalse("An exception was generated while writing metrics " + "when the target directory was not writable, even though the " + "sink is set to ignore errors", MockSink.errored);
} finally {
// Make sure the dir is writable again so we can delete it at the end