use of org.apache.hadoop.ozone.client.VolumeArgs in project ozone by apache.
the class TestOzoneManagerSnapshotProvider method testDownloadCheckpoint.
public void testDownloadCheckpoint() throws Exception {
String userName = "user" + RandomStringUtils.randomNumeric(5);
String adminName = "admin" + RandomStringUtils.randomNumeric(5);
String volumeName = "volume" + RandomStringUtils.randomNumeric(5);
String bucketName = "bucket" + RandomStringUtils.randomNumeric(5);
VolumeArgs createVolumeArgs = VolumeArgs.newBuilder().setOwner(userName).setAdmin(adminName).build();
objectStore.createVolume(volumeName, createVolumeArgs);
OzoneVolume retVolumeinfo = objectStore.getVolume(volumeName);
String leaderOMNodeId = OmFailoverProxyUtil.getFailoverProxyProvider(objectStore.getClientProxy()).getCurrentProxyOMNodeId();
OzoneManager leaderOM = cluster.getOzoneManager(leaderOMNodeId);
// Get a follower OM
String followerNodeId = leaderOM.getPeerNodes().get(0).getNodeId();
OzoneManager followerOM = cluster.getOzoneManager(followerNodeId);
// Download latest checkpoint from leader OM to follower OM
DBCheckpoint omSnapshot = followerOM.getOmSnapshotProvider().getOzoneManagerDBSnapshot(leaderOMNodeId);
long leaderSnapshotIndex = leaderOM.getRatisSnapshotIndex();
long downloadedSnapshotIndex = getDownloadedSnapshotIndex(omSnapshot);
// The snapshot index downloaded from leader OM should match the ratis
// snapshot index on the leader OM
Assert.assertEquals("The snapshot index downloaded from leader OM does " + "not match its ratis snapshot index", leaderSnapshotIndex, downloadedSnapshotIndex);
use of org.apache.hadoop.ozone.client.VolumeArgs in project ozone by apache.
the class TestRootedOzoneFileSystem method testNonPrivilegedUserMkdirCreateBucket.
public void testNonPrivilegedUserMkdirCreateBucket() throws IOException {
// This test is only meaningful when ACL is enabled
Assume.assumeTrue("ACL is not enabled. Skipping this test as it requires " + "ACL to be enabled to be meaningful.", enableAcl);
// Sanity check
final String volume = "volume-for-test-get-bucket";
// Create a volume as admin
// Create volume "tmp" with world access. allow non-admin to create buckets
ClientProtocol proxy = objectStore.getClientProxy();
// Get default acl rights for user
OzoneAclConfig aclConfig = conf.getObject(OzoneAclConfig.class);
ACLType userRights = aclConfig.getUserDefaultRights();
// Construct ACL for world access
OzoneAcl aclWorldAccess = new OzoneAcl(ACLIdentityType.WORLD, "", userRights, ACCESS);
// Construct VolumeArgs, set ACL to world access
VolumeArgs volumeArgs = new VolumeArgs.Builder().setAcls(Collections.singletonList(aclWorldAccess)).build();
proxy.createVolume(volume, volumeArgs);
// Create a bucket as non-admin, should succeed
final String bucket = "test-bucket-1";
try {
final Path myBucketPath = new Path(volume, bucket);
// Have to prepend the root to bucket path here.
// Otherwise, FS will automatically prepend user home directory path
// which is not we want here.
Assert.assertTrue(userOfs.mkdirs(new Path("/", myBucketPath)));
} catch (IOException e) {"Should not have thrown exception when creating bucket as" + " a regular user here");
// Clean up
proxy.deleteBucket(volume, bucket);
use of org.apache.hadoop.ozone.client.VolumeArgs in project ozone by apache.
the class TestRootedOzoneFileSystem method testTempMount.
* OFS: Test /tmp mount behavior.
public void testTempMount() throws IOException {
// Prep
// Use ClientProtocol to pass in volume ACL, ObjectStore won't do it
ClientProtocol proxy = objectStore.getClientProxy();
// Get default acl rights for user
OzoneAclConfig aclConfig = conf.getObject(OzoneAclConfig.class);
ACLType userRights = aclConfig.getUserDefaultRights();
// Construct ACL for world access
OzoneAcl aclWorldAccess = new OzoneAcl(ACLIdentityType.WORLD, "", userRights, ACCESS);
// Construct VolumeArgs
VolumeArgs volumeArgs = new VolumeArgs.Builder().setAcls(Collections.singletonList(aclWorldAccess)).setQuotaInNamespace(1000).setQuotaInBytes(Long.MAX_VALUE).build();
// Sanity check
Assert.assertEquals(Long.MAX_VALUE, volumeArgs.getQuotaInBytes());
Assert.assertEquals(1000, volumeArgs.getQuotaInNamespace());
Assert.assertEquals(0, volumeArgs.getMetadata().size());
Assert.assertEquals(1, volumeArgs.getAcls().size());
// Create volume "tmp" with world access. allow non-admin to create buckets
proxy.createVolume(OFSPath.OFS_MOUNT_TMP_VOLUMENAME, volumeArgs);
OzoneVolume vol = objectStore.getVolume(OFSPath.OFS_MOUNT_TMP_VOLUMENAME);
// Begin test
String hashedUsername = OFSPath.getTempMountBucketNameOfCurrentUser();
// Expect failure since temp bucket for current user is not created yet
try {
} catch (OMException ex) {
if (!ex.getResult().equals(BUCKET_NOT_FOUND)) {"Temp bucket for current user shouldn't have been created");
// Write under /tmp/, OFS will create the temp bucket if not exist
Path dir1 = new Path("/tmp/dir1");
try (FSDataOutputStream stream = ofs.create(new Path("/tmp/dir1/file1"))) {
// Verify temp bucket creation
OzoneBucket bucket = vol.getBucket(hashedUsername);
// Verify dir1 creation
FileStatus[] fileStatuses = fs.listStatus(new Path("/tmp/"));
Assert.assertEquals(1, fileStatuses.length);
Assert.assertEquals("/tmp/dir1", fileStatuses[0].getPath().toUri().getPath());
// Verify file1 creation
FileStatus[] fileStatusesInDir1 = fs.listStatus(dir1);
Assert.assertEquals(1, fileStatusesInDir1.length);
Assert.assertEquals("/tmp/dir1/file1", fileStatusesInDir1[0].getPath().toUri().getPath());
// Cleanup
fs.delete(dir1, true);