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Example 21 with OmDirectoryInfo

use of in project ozone by apache.

the class TestS3InitiateMultipartUploadRequestWithFSO method verifyDirectoriesInDB.

private long verifyDirectoriesInDB(List<String> dirs, long bucketID) throws IOException {
    // bucketID is the parent
    long parentID = bucketID;
    for (int indx = 0; indx < dirs.size(); indx++) {
        String dirName = dirs.get(indx);
        String dbKey = "";
        // for index=0, parentID is bucketID
        dbKey = omMetadataManager.getOzonePathKey(parentID, dirName);
        OmDirectoryInfo omDirInfo = omMetadataManager.getDirectoryTable().get(dbKey);
        Assert.assertNotNull("Invalid directory!", omDirInfo);
        Assert.assertEquals("Invalid directory!", dirName, omDirInfo.getName());
        Assert.assertEquals("Invalid dir path!", parentID + "/" + dirName, omDirInfo.getPath());
        parentID = omDirInfo.getObjectID();
    return parentID;
Also used : OmDirectoryInfo(

Example 22 with OmDirectoryInfo

use of in project ozone by apache.

the class TestOMFileCreateRequestWithFSO method verifyPathInOpenKeyTable.

protected OmKeyInfo verifyPathInOpenKeyTable(String key, long id, boolean doAssert) throws Exception {
    long bucketId = OMRequestTestUtils.getBucketId(volumeName, bucketName, omMetadataManager);
    String[] pathComponents = StringUtils.split(key, '/');
    long parentId = bucketId;
    for (int indx = 0; indx < pathComponents.length; indx++) {
        String pathElement = pathComponents[indx];
        // Reached last component, which is file name
        if (indx == pathComponents.length - 1) {
            String dbOpenFileName = omMetadataManager.getOpenFileName(parentId, pathElement, id);
            OmKeyInfo omKeyInfo = omMetadataManager.getOpenKeyTable(getBucketLayout()).get(dbOpenFileName);
            if (doAssert) {
                Assert.assertNotNull("Invalid key!", omKeyInfo);
            return omKeyInfo;
        } else {
            // directory
            String dbKey = omMetadataManager.getOzonePathKey(parentId, pathElement);
            OmDirectoryInfo dirInfo = omMetadataManager.getDirectoryTable().get(dbKey);
            parentId = dirInfo.getObjectID();
    if (doAssert) {"Invalid key!");
    return null;
Also used : OmKeyInfo( OmDirectoryInfo(

Example 23 with OmDirectoryInfo

use of in project ozone by apache.

the class TestOMFileCreateRequestWithFSO method getDirInfo.

private OmDirectoryInfo getDirInfo(String key) throws Exception {
    long bucketId = OMRequestTestUtils.getBucketId(volumeName, bucketName, omMetadataManager);
    String[] pathComponents = StringUtils.split(key, '/');
    long parentId = bucketId;
    OmDirectoryInfo dirInfo = null;
    for (int indx = 0; indx < pathComponents.length; indx++) {
        String pathElement = pathComponents[indx];
        // Reached last component, which is file name
        // directory
        String dbKey = omMetadataManager.getOzonePathKey(parentId, pathElement);
        dirInfo = omMetadataManager.getDirectoryTable().get(dbKey);
        parentId = dirInfo.getObjectID();
    return dirInfo;
Also used : OmDirectoryInfo(

Example 24 with OmDirectoryInfo

use of in project ozone by apache.

the class TestOMAllocateBlockRequestWithFSO method verifyPathInOpenKeyTable.

protected OmKeyInfo verifyPathInOpenKeyTable(String key, long id, boolean doAssert) throws Exception {
    long bucketId = OMRequestTestUtils.getBucketId(volumeName, bucketName, omMetadataManager);
    String[] pathComponents = StringUtils.split(key, '/');
    long parentId = bucketId;
    for (int indx = 0; indx < pathComponents.length; indx++) {
        String pathElement = pathComponents[indx];
        // Reached last component, which is file name
        if (indx == pathComponents.length - 1) {
            String dbOpenFileName = omMetadataManager.getOpenFileName(parentId, pathElement, id);
            OmKeyInfo omKeyInfo = omMetadataManager.getOpenKeyTable(getBucketLayout()).get(dbOpenFileName);
            if (doAssert) {
                Assert.assertNotNull("Invalid key!", omKeyInfo);
            return omKeyInfo;
        } else {
            // directory
            String dbKey = omMetadataManager.getOzonePathKey(parentId, pathElement);
            OmDirectoryInfo dirInfo = omMetadataManager.getDirectoryTable().get(dbKey);
            parentId = dirInfo.getObjectID();
    if (doAssert) {"Invalid key!");
    return null;
Also used : OmKeyInfo( OmDirectoryInfo(

Example 25 with OmDirectoryInfo

use of in project ozone by apache.

the class OMFileRequest method verifyDirectoryKeysInPath.

 * Verify any dir/key exist in the given path in the specified
 * volume/bucket by iterating through directory table.
 * @param omMetadataManager OM Metadata manager
 * @param volumeName        volume name
 * @param bucketName        bucket name
 * @param keyName           key name
 * @param keyPath           path
 * @return OMPathInfoWithFSO path info object
 * @throws IOException on DB failure
public static OMPathInfoWithFSO verifyDirectoryKeysInPath(@Nonnull OMMetadataManager omMetadataManager, @Nonnull String volumeName, @Nonnull String bucketName, @Nonnull String keyName, @Nonnull Path keyPath) throws IOException {
    String leafNodeName = OzoneFSUtils.getFileName(keyName);
    List<String> missing = new ArrayList<>();
    // Found no files/ directories in the given path.
    OMDirectoryResult result = OMDirectoryResult.NONE;
    Iterator<Path> elements = keyPath.iterator();
    String bucketKey = omMetadataManager.getBucketKey(volumeName, bucketName);
    OmBucketInfo omBucketInfo = omMetadataManager.getBucketTable().get(bucketKey);
    // by default, inherit bucket ACLs
    List<OzoneAcl> inheritAcls = omBucketInfo.getAcls();
    long lastKnownParentId = omBucketInfo.getObjectID();
    // absolute path for trace logs
    String dbDirName = "";
    // for better logging
    StringBuilder fullKeyPath = new StringBuilder(bucketKey);
    while (elements.hasNext()) {
        String fileName =;
        if (missing.size() > 0) {
            // Assume /vol1/buck1/a/b/c exists, then add d, e, f into missing list.
            if (elements.hasNext()) {
                // skips leaf node.
        // For example, /vol1/buck1/a/b/c/d/e/f/file1.txt
        // 1. Do lookup on directoryTable. If not exists goto next step.
        // 2. Do look on keyTable. If not exists goto next step.
        // 3. Add 'sub-dir' to missing parents list
        String dbNodeName = omMetadataManager.getOzonePathKey(lastKnownParentId, fileName);
        OmDirectoryInfo omDirInfo = omMetadataManager.getDirectoryTable().get(dbNodeName);
        if (omDirInfo != null) {
            dbDirName += omDirInfo.getName() + OzoneConsts.OZONE_URI_DELIMITER;
            if (elements.hasNext()) {
                result = OMDirectoryResult.DIRECTORY_EXISTS_IN_GIVENPATH;
                lastKnownParentId = omDirInfo.getObjectID();
                inheritAcls = omDirInfo.getAcls();
            } else {
                // Checked all the sub-dirs till the leaf node.
                // Found a directory in the given path.
                result = OMDirectoryResult.DIRECTORY_EXISTS;
        } else {
            // TODO: Need to add UT for this case along with OMFileCreateRequest.
            if (omMetadataManager.getKeyTable(BucketLayout.FILE_SYSTEM_OPTIMIZED).isExist(dbNodeName)) {
                if (elements.hasNext()) {
                    // Found a file in the given key name.
                    result = OMDirectoryResult.FILE_EXISTS_IN_GIVENPATH;
                } else {
                    // Checked all the sub-dirs till the leaf file.
                    // Found a file with the given key name.
                    result = OMDirectoryResult.FILE_EXISTS;
                // Skip directory traversal as it hits key.
            // Add to missing list, there is no such file/directory with given name.
            if (elements.hasNext()) {
    LOG.trace("verifyFiles/Directories in Path : " + "/" + volumeName + "/" + bucketName + "/" + keyName + ":" + result);
    if (result == OMDirectoryResult.FILE_EXISTS_IN_GIVENPATH || result == OMDirectoryResult.FILE_EXISTS) {
        return new OMPathInfoWithFSO(leafNodeName, lastKnownParentId, missing, result, inheritAcls, fullKeyPath.toString());
    String dbDirKeyName = omMetadataManager.getOzoneDirKey(volumeName, bucketName, dbDirName);
    LOG.trace("Acls inherited from parent " + dbDirKeyName + " are : " + inheritAcls);
    return new OMPathInfoWithFSO(leafNodeName, lastKnownParentId, missing, result, inheritAcls);
Also used : Path(java.nio.file.Path) OmBucketInfo( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) OzoneAcl(org.apache.hadoop.ozone.OzoneAcl) OmDirectoryInfo(


OmDirectoryInfo ( OmKeyInfo ( Test (org.junit.Test)16 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)12 OmBucketInfo ( OMClientResponse ( RepeatedOmKeyInfo ( IOException ( OMException ( OMMetadataManager ( Path (java.nio.file.Path)5 Path (org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path)4 Table (org.apache.hadoop.hdds.utils.db.Table)4 DirectoryDeletingService ( OMMetrics ( OzoneFileStatus ( OMRequest (org.apache.hadoop.ozone.protocol.proto.OzoneManagerProtocolProtos.OMRequest)3 OMResponse (org.apache.hadoop.ozone.protocol.proto.OzoneManagerProtocolProtos.OMResponse)3 Map (java.util.Map)2 ImmutablePair (org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.ImmutablePair)2