use of in project hbase by apache.
the class SecureBulkLoadManager method secureBulkLoadHFiles.
public Map<byte[], List<Path>> secureBulkLoadHFiles(final Region region, final BulkLoadHFileRequest request) throws IOException {
final List<Pair<byte[], String>> familyPaths = new ArrayList<>(request.getFamilyPathCount());
for (ClientProtos.BulkLoadHFileRequest.FamilyPath el : request.getFamilyPathList()) {
familyPaths.add(new Pair<>(el.getFamily().toByteArray(), el.getPath()));
Token userToken = null;
if (userProvider.isHadoopSecurityEnabled()) {
userToken = new Token(request.getFsToken().getIdentifier().toByteArray(), request.getFsToken().getPassword().toByteArray(), new Text(request.getFsToken().getKind()), new Text(request.getFsToken().getService()));
final String bulkToken = request.getBulkToken();
User user = getActiveUser();
final UserGroupInformation ugi = user.getUGI();
if (userProvider.isHadoopSecurityEnabled()) {
try {
Token tok = TokenUtil.obtainToken(conn);
if (tok != null) {
boolean b = ugi.addToken(tok);
LOG.debug("token added " + tok + " for user " + ugi + " return=" + b);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
LOG.warn("unable to add token", ioe);
if (userToken != null) {
} else if (userProvider.isHadoopSecurityEnabled()) {
//for mini cluster testing
throw new DoNotRetryIOException("User token cannot be null");
boolean bypass = false;
if (region.getCoprocessorHost() != null) {
bypass = region.getCoprocessorHost().preBulkLoadHFile(familyPaths);
boolean loaded = false;
Map<byte[], List<Path>> map = null;
try {
if (!bypass) {
// ('request user'), another for the target fs (HBase region server principal).
if (userProvider.isHadoopSecurityEnabled()) {
FsDelegationToken targetfsDelegationToken = new FsDelegationToken(userProvider, "renewer");
Token<?> targetFsToken = targetfsDelegationToken.getUserToken();
if (targetFsToken != null && (userToken == null || !targetFsToken.getService().equals(userToken.getService()))) {
map = ugi.doAs(new PrivilegedAction<Map<byte[], List<Path>>>() {
public Map<byte[], List<Path>> run() {
FileSystem fs = null;
try {
fs = FileSystem.get(conf);
for (Pair<byte[], String> el : familyPaths) {
Path stageFamily = new Path(bulkToken, Bytes.toString(el.getFirst()));
if (!fs.exists(stageFamily)) {
fs.setPermission(stageFamily, PERM_ALL_ACCESS);
//To enable access prior to staging
return region.bulkLoadHFiles(familyPaths, true, new SecureBulkLoadListener(fs, bulkToken, conf), request.getCopyFile());
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("Failed to complete bulk load", e);
return null;
if (map != null) {
loaded = true;
} finally {
if (region.getCoprocessorHost() != null) {
region.getCoprocessorHost().postBulkLoadHFile(familyPaths, map, loaded);
return map;
use of in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestSchedulerUtils method testValidateResourceBlacklistRequest.
public void testValidateResourceBlacklistRequest() throws Exception {
MyContainerManager containerManager = new MyContainerManager();
final MockRMWithAMS rm = new MockRMWithAMS(new YarnConfiguration(), containerManager);
MockNM nm1 = rm.registerNode("localhost:1234", 5120);
Map<ApplicationAccessType, String> acls = new HashMap<ApplicationAccessType, String>(2);
acls.put(ApplicationAccessType.VIEW_APP, "*");
RMApp app = rm.submitApp(1024, "appname", "appuser", acls);
RMAppAttempt attempt = app.getCurrentAppAttempt();
ApplicationAttemptId applicationAttemptId = attempt.getAppAttemptId();
// Create a client to the RM.
final Configuration conf = rm.getConfig();
final YarnRPC rpc = YarnRPC.create(conf);
UserGroupInformation currentUser = UserGroupInformation.createRemoteUser(applicationAttemptId.toString());
Credentials credentials = containerManager.getContainerCredentials();
final InetSocketAddress rmBindAddress = rm.getApplicationMasterService().getBindAddress();
Token<? extends TokenIdentifier> amRMToken = MockRMWithAMS.setupAndReturnAMRMToken(rmBindAddress, credentials.getAllTokens());
ApplicationMasterProtocol client = currentUser.doAs(new PrivilegedAction<ApplicationMasterProtocol>() {
public ApplicationMasterProtocol run() {
return (ApplicationMasterProtocol) rpc.getProxy(ApplicationMasterProtocol.class, rmBindAddress, conf);
RegisterApplicationMasterRequest request = Records.newRecord(RegisterApplicationMasterRequest.class);
ResourceBlacklistRequest blacklistRequest = ResourceBlacklistRequest.newInstance(Collections.singletonList(ResourceRequest.ANY), null);
AllocateRequest allocateRequest = AllocateRequest.newInstance(0, 0.0f, null, null, blacklistRequest);
boolean error = false;
try {
} catch (InvalidResourceBlacklistRequestException e) {
error = true;
Assert.assertTrue("Didn't not catch InvalidResourceBlacklistRequestException", error);
use of in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestApplicationPriority method testUpdateInvalidPriorityAtRuntime.
public void testUpdateInvalidPriorityAtRuntime() throws Exception {
Configuration conf = new Configuration();
conf.setClass(YarnConfiguration.RM_SCHEDULER, CapacityScheduler.class, ResourceScheduler.class);
// Set Max Application Priority as 10
conf.setInt(YarnConfiguration.MAX_CLUSTER_LEVEL_APPLICATION_PRIORITY, 10);
MockRM rm = new MockRM(conf);
Priority appPriority1 = Priority.newInstance(5);
MockNM nm1 = rm.registerNode("", 16 * GB);
RMApp app1 = rm.submitApp(1 * GB, appPriority1);
// kick the scheduler, 1 GB given to AM1, remaining 15GB on nm1
MockAM am1 = MockRM.launchAM(app1, rm, nm1);
// get scheduler
CapacityScheduler cs = (CapacityScheduler) rm.getResourceScheduler();
// Change the priority of App1 to 15
Priority appPriority2 = Priority.newInstance(15);
UserGroupInformation ugi = UserGroupInformation.createRemoteUser(app1.getUser());
cs.updateApplicationPriority(appPriority2, app1.getApplicationId(), null, ugi);
// get scheduler app
FiCaSchedulerApp schedulerAppAttempt = cs.getSchedulerApplications().get(app1.getApplicationId()).getCurrentAppAttempt();
// Verify whether priority 15 is reset to 10
Priority appPriority3 = Priority.newInstance(10);
Assert.assertEquals(appPriority3, schedulerAppAttempt.getPriority());
use of in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestApplicationPriority method testRMRestartWithChangeInPriority.
@Test(timeout = 180000)
public void testRMRestartWithChangeInPriority() throws Exception {
conf.setBoolean(YarnConfiguration.RECOVERY_ENABLED, true);
conf.setBoolean(YarnConfiguration.RM_WORK_PRESERVING_RECOVERY_ENABLED, false);
conf.set(YarnConfiguration.RM_STORE, MemoryRMStateStore.class.getName());
conf.setInt(YarnConfiguration.RM_AM_MAX_ATTEMPTS, YarnConfiguration.DEFAULT_RM_AM_MAX_ATTEMPTS);
conf.setInt(YarnConfiguration.MAX_CLUSTER_LEVEL_APPLICATION_PRIORITY, 10);
MemoryRMStateStore memStore = new MemoryRMStateStore();
RMState rmState = memStore.getState();
Map<ApplicationId, ApplicationStateData> rmAppState = rmState.getApplicationState();
// PHASE 1: create state in an RM
// start RM
MockRM rm1 = new MockRM(conf, memStore);
MockNM nm1 = new MockNM("", 15120, rm1.getResourceTrackerService());
Priority appPriority1 = Priority.newInstance(5);
RMApp app1 = rm1.submitApp(1 * GB, appPriority1);
// kick the scheduler, 1 GB given to AM1, remaining 15GB on nm1
MockAM am1 = MockRM.launchAM(app1, rm1, nm1);
// get scheduler
CapacityScheduler cs = (CapacityScheduler) rm1.getResourceScheduler();
// Change the priority of App1 to 8
Priority appPriority2 = Priority.newInstance(8);
UserGroupInformation ugi = UserGroupInformation.createRemoteUser(app1.getUser());
cs.updateApplicationPriority(appPriority2, app1.getApplicationId(), null, ugi);
// let things settle down
// create new RM to represent restart and recover state
MockRM rm2 = new MockRM(conf, memStore);
// start new RM
// change NM to point to new RM
// Verify RM Apps after this restart
Assert.assertEquals(1, rm2.getRMContext().getRMApps().size());
// get scheduler app
RMApp loadedApp = rm2.getRMContext().getRMApps().get(app1.getApplicationId());
// Verify whether priority 15 is reset to 10
Assert.assertEquals(appPriority2, loadedApp.getApplicationPriority());
use of in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestApplicationPriority method testUpdatePriorityAtRuntime.
public void testUpdatePriorityAtRuntime() throws Exception {
Configuration conf = new Configuration();
conf.setClass(YarnConfiguration.RM_SCHEDULER, CapacityScheduler.class, ResourceScheduler.class);
// Set Max Application Priority as 10
conf.setInt(YarnConfiguration.MAX_CLUSTER_LEVEL_APPLICATION_PRIORITY, 10);
MockRM rm = new MockRM(conf);
Priority appPriority1 = Priority.newInstance(5);
MockNM nm1 = rm.registerNode("", 16 * GB);
RMApp app1 = rm.submitApp(1 * GB, appPriority1);
// kick the scheduler, 1 GB given to AM1, remaining 15GB on nm1
MockAM am1 = MockRM.launchAM(app1, rm, nm1);
// get scheduler
CapacityScheduler cs = (CapacityScheduler) rm.getResourceScheduler();
// Change the priority of App1 to 8
Priority appPriority2 = Priority.newInstance(8);
UserGroupInformation ugi = UserGroupInformation.createRemoteUser(app1.getUser());
cs.updateApplicationPriority(appPriority2, app1.getApplicationId(), null, ugi);
// get scheduler app
FiCaSchedulerApp schedulerAppAttempt = cs.getSchedulerApplications().get(app1.getApplicationId()).getCurrentAppAttempt();
// Verify whether the new priority is updated
Assert.assertEquals(appPriority2, schedulerAppAttempt.getPriority());