use of org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.NodeReport in project apex-core by apache.
the class HostLocalTest method testPartitionLocality.
public void testPartitionLocality() {
int partitionCount = 3;
LogicalPlan dag = new LogicalPlan();
dag.getAttributes().put(com.datatorrent.api.Context.DAGContext.APPLICATION_PATH, new File("target", HostLocalTest.class.getName()).getAbsolutePath());
dag.setAttribute(OperatorContext.STORAGE_AGENT, new MemoryStorageAgent());
GenericTestOperator o1 = dag.addOperator("o1", GenericTestOperator.class);
GenericTestOperator partitioned = dag.addOperator("partitioned", GenericTestOperator.class);
LocalityPartitioner partitioner = new LocalityPartitioner();
dag.getMeta(partitioned).getAttributes().put(OperatorContext.PARTITIONER, partitioner);
dag.addStream("o1_outport1", o1.outport1, partitioned.inport1);
StreamingContainerManager scm = new StreamingContainerManager(dag);
ResourceRequestHandler rr = new ResourceRequestHandler();
int containerMem = 1000;
Map<String, NodeReport> nodeReports = Maps.newHashMap();
for (int i = 0; i < partitionCount; i++) {
NodeReport nr = BuilderUtils.newNodeReport(BuilderUtils.newNodeId("host" + (i + 1), 0), NodeState.RUNNING, "httpAddress", "rackName", BuilderUtils.newResource(0, 0), BuilderUtils.newResource(containerMem * 2, 2), 0, null, 0);
nodeReports.put(nr.getNodeId().getHost(), nr);
// set resources
Set<String> expectedHosts = Sets.newHashSet();
for (int i = 0; i < partitionCount; i++) {
expectedHosts.add("host" + (i + 1));
for (ContainerStartRequest csr : scm.containerStartRequests) {
String host = rr.getHost(csr, true);
if (host != null) {
Assert.assertTrue("All the allocated hosts removed", expectedHosts.isEmpty());
use of org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.NodeReport in project apex-core by apache.
the class StramMiniClusterTest method testSetupShutdown.
public void testSetupShutdown() throws Exception {
GetClusterNodesRequest request = Records.newRecord(GetClusterNodesRequest.class);
ClientRMService clientRMService = yarnCluster.getResourceManager().getClientRMService();
GetClusterNodesResponse response = clientRMService.getClusterNodes(request);
List<NodeReport> nodeReports = response.getNodeReports();"{}", nodeReports);
for (NodeReport nr : nodeReports) {"Node: {}", nr.getNodeId());"Total memory: {}", nr.getCapability());"Used memory: {}", nr.getUsed());"Number containers: {}", nr.getNumContainers());
JarHelper jarHelper = new JarHelper();"engine jar: {}", jarHelper.getJar(StreamingAppMaster.class));"engine test jar: {}", jarHelper.getJar(StramMiniClusterTest.class));
// create test application
Properties dagProps = new Properties();
// input module (ensure shutdown works while windows are generated)
dagProps.put(StreamingApplication.APEX_PREFIX + "operator.numGen.classname", TestGeneratorInputOperator.class.getName());
dagProps.put(StreamingApplication.APEX_PREFIX + "operator.numGen.maxTuples", "1");
dagProps.put(StreamingApplication.APEX_PREFIX + "operator.module1.classname", GenericTestOperator.class.getName());
dagProps.put(StreamingApplication.APEX_PREFIX + "operator.module2.classname", GenericTestOperator.class.getName());
dagProps.put(StreamingApplication.APEX_PREFIX + "stream.fromNumGen.source", "numGen.outport");
dagProps.put(StreamingApplication.APEX_PREFIX + "stream.fromNumGen.sinks", "module1.inport1");
dagProps.put(StreamingApplication.APEX_PREFIX + "stream.n1n2.source", "module1.outport1");
dagProps.put(StreamingApplication.APEX_PREFIX + "stream.n1n2.sinks", "module2.inport1");
dagProps.setProperty(StreamingApplication.APEX_PREFIX + LogicalPlan.MASTER_MEMORY_MB.getName(), "128");
dagProps.setProperty(StreamingApplication.APEX_PREFIX + LogicalPlan.CONTAINER_JVM_OPTIONS.getName(), "");
dagProps.setProperty(StreamingApplication.APEX_PREFIX + "operator.*." + OperatorContext.MEMORY_MB.getName(), "64");
dagProps.setProperty(StreamingApplication.APEX_PREFIX + "operator.*." + OperatorContext.VCORES.getName(), "1");
dagProps.setProperty(StreamingApplication.APEX_PREFIX + "operator.*.port.*." + Context.PortContext.BUFFER_MEMORY_MB.getName(), "32");
dagProps.setProperty(StreamingApplication.APEX_PREFIX + LogicalPlan.DEBUG.getName(), "true");"dag properties: {}", dagProps);"Initializing Client");
LogicalPlanConfiguration tb = new LogicalPlanConfiguration(conf);
tb.addFromProperties(dagProps, null);
LogicalPlan dag = createDAG(tb);
Configuration yarnConf = new Configuration(yarnCluster.getConfig());
StramClient client = new StramClient(yarnConf, dag);
try {
if (StringUtils.isBlank(System.getenv("JAVA_HOME"))) {
// JAVA_HOME not set in the yarn mini cluster
client.javaCmd = "java";
}"Running client");
boolean result = client.monitorApplication();"Client run completed. Result=" + result);
} finally {
use of org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.NodeReport in project cdap by caskdata.
the class YarnCheck method run.
public void run() {
int yarnConnectTimeout = cConf.getInt(Constants.Startup.YARN_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS, 60);"Checking YARN availability -- may take up to {} seconds.", yarnConnectTimeout);
final YarnClient yarnClient = YarnClient.createYarnClient();
List<NodeReport> nodeReports;
// if yarn is not up, yarnClient.start() will hang.
ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(new ThreadFactoryBuilder().setNameFormat("startup-checker").build());
try {
Future<List<NodeReport>> result = executorService.submit(new Callable<List<NodeReport>>() {
public List<NodeReport> call() throws Exception {
return yarnClient.getNodeReports();
nodeReports = result.get(yarnConnectTimeout, TimeUnit.SECONDS);" YARN availability successfully verified.");
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to get status of YARN nodemanagers. " + "Please check that YARN is running " + "and that the correct Hadoop configuration (core-site.xml, yarn-site.xml) and libraries " + "are included in the CDAP master classpath.", e);
} finally {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("Error stopping yarn client.", e);
} finally {
use of org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.NodeReport in project cdap by caskdata.
the class YarnCheck method checkResources.
private void checkResources(List<NodeReport> nodeReports) {"Checking that YARN has enough resources to run all system services.");
int memoryCapacity = 0;
int vcoresCapacity = 0;
int memoryUsed = 0;
int vcoresUsed = 0;
int availableNodes = 0;
for (NodeReport nodeReport : nodeReports) {
NodeId nodeId = nodeReport.getNodeId();
LOG.debug("Got report for node {}", nodeId);
if (!nodeReport.getNodeState().isUnusable()) {
Resource nodeCapability = nodeReport.getCapability();
Resource nodeUsed = nodeReport.getUsed();
// some versions of hadoop return null, others do not
if (nodeCapability != null) {
LOG.debug("node {} resource capability: memory = {}, vcores = {}", nodeId, nodeCapability.getMemory(), nodeCapability.getVirtualCores());
memoryCapacity += nodeCapability.getMemory();
vcoresCapacity += nodeCapability.getVirtualCores();
if (nodeUsed != null) {
LOG.debug("node {} resources used: memory = {}, vcores = {}", nodeId, nodeUsed.getMemory(), nodeUsed.getVirtualCores());
memoryUsed += nodeUsed.getMemory();
vcoresUsed += nodeUsed.getVirtualCores();
LOG.debug("YARN resource capacity: {} MB of memory and {} virtual cores.", memoryCapacity, vcoresCapacity);
LOG.debug("YARN resources used: {} MB of memory and {} virtual cores.", memoryUsed, vcoresUsed);
// calculate memory and vcores required by CDAP
int requiredMemoryMB = 0;
int requiredVCores = 0;
Set<String> invalidKeys = new HashSet<>();
for (ServiceResourceKeys serviceResourceKeys : systemServicesResourceKeys) {
boolean hasConfigError = false;
int instances = 0;
int memoryMB = 0;
int vcores = 0;
try {
instances = serviceResourceKeys.getInstances();
} catch (Exception e) {
hasConfigError = true;
try {
memoryMB = serviceResourceKeys.getMemory();
} catch (Exception e) {
hasConfigError = true;
try {
vcores = serviceResourceKeys.getVcores();
} catch (Exception e) {
hasConfigError = true;
if (!hasConfigError) {
LOG.debug("Resource settings for system service {}: {}={}, {}={}, {}={}", serviceResourceKeys.getServiceName(), serviceResourceKeys.getInstancesKey(), instances, serviceResourceKeys.getMemoryKey(), memoryMB, serviceResourceKeys.getVcoresKey(), vcores);
requiredMemoryMB += memoryMB * instances;
requiredVCores += vcores * instances;
if (!invalidKeys.isEmpty()) {
throw new RuntimeException("YARN resources check failed to invalid config settings for keys: " + Joiner.on(',').join(invalidKeys));
LOG.debug("{} MB of memory and {} virtual cores are required.", requiredMemoryMB, requiredVCores);
checkResources(requiredMemoryMB, requiredVCores, memoryCapacity, vcoresCapacity, "in capacity");
int availableMemoryMB = memoryCapacity - memoryUsed;
int availableVCores = vcoresCapacity - vcoresUsed;
try {
checkResources(requiredMemoryMB, requiredVCores, availableMemoryMB, availableVCores, "available");
} catch (Exception e) {
}" YARN resources successfully verified.");
use of org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.NodeReport in project incubator-systemml by apache.
the class YarnClusterAnalyzer method getClusterUtilization.
public static double getClusterUtilization() throws IOException {
double util = 0;
try {
if (_client == null)
_client = createYarnClient();
List<NodeReport> nodesReport = _client.getNodeReports();
double maxMem = 0;
double currMem = 0;
long maxCores = 0;
long currCores = 0;
for (NodeReport node : nodesReport) {
Resource max = node.getCapability();
Resource used = node.getUsed();
maxMem += max.getMemory();
currMem += used.getMemory();
maxCores += max.getVirtualCores();
currCores += used.getVirtualCores();
util = Math.max(// memory util
Math.min(1, currMem / maxMem), // vcore util
Math.min(1, (double) currCores / maxCores));
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new IOException(ex);
return util;