use of org.apache.hadoop.yarn.exceptions.ApplicationNotFoundException in project hadoop by apache.
the class ClientRMService method getContainerReport.
* (non-Javadoc)
* we're going to fix the issue of showing non-running containers of the
* running application in YARN-1794
public GetContainerReportResponse getContainerReport(GetContainerReportRequest request) throws YarnException, IOException {
ContainerId containerId = request.getContainerId();
ApplicationAttemptId appAttemptId = containerId.getApplicationAttemptId();
ApplicationId appId = appAttemptId.getApplicationId();
UserGroupInformation callerUGI;
try {
callerUGI = UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser();
} catch (IOException ie) {"Error getting UGI ", ie);
throw RPCUtil.getRemoteException(ie);
RMApp application = this.rmContext.getRMApps().get(appId);
if (application == null) {
// ApplicationNotFoundException and let client to handle.
throw new ApplicationNotFoundException("Application with id '" + appId + "' doesn't exist in RM. Please check that the job submission " + "was successful.");
boolean allowAccess = checkAccess(callerUGI, application.getUser(), ApplicationAccessType.VIEW_APP, application);
GetContainerReportResponse response = null;
if (allowAccess) {
RMAppAttempt appAttempt = application.getAppAttempts().get(appAttemptId);
if (appAttempt == null) {
throw new ApplicationAttemptNotFoundException("ApplicationAttempt with id '" + appAttemptId + "' doesn't exist in RM.");
RMContainer rmConatiner = this.rmContext.getScheduler().getRMContainer(containerId);
if (rmConatiner == null) {
throw new ContainerNotFoundException("Container with id '" + containerId + "' doesn't exist in RM.");
response = GetContainerReportResponse.newInstance(rmConatiner.createContainerReport());
} else {
throw new YarnException("User " + callerUGI.getShortUserName() + " does not have privilege to see this application " + appId);
return response;
use of org.apache.hadoop.yarn.exceptions.ApplicationNotFoundException in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestClientServiceDelegate method getRMDelegate.
private ResourceMgrDelegate getRMDelegate() throws IOException {
ResourceMgrDelegate rm = mock(ResourceMgrDelegate.class);
try {
ApplicationId appId = jobId.getAppId();
when(rm.getApplicationReport(appId)).thenThrow(new ApplicationNotFoundException(appId + " not found"));
} catch (YarnException e) {
throw new IOException(e);
return rm;
use of org.apache.hadoop.yarn.exceptions.ApplicationNotFoundException in project hadoop by apache.
the class YarnClientImpl method getApplicationReport.
public ApplicationReport getApplicationReport(ApplicationId appId) throws YarnException, IOException {
GetApplicationReportResponse response = null;
try {
GetApplicationReportRequest request = Records.newRecord(GetApplicationReportRequest.class);
response = rmClient.getApplicationReport(request);
} catch (ApplicationNotFoundException e) {
if (!historyServiceEnabled) {
// Just throw it as usual if historyService is not enabled.
throw e;
return historyClient.getApplicationReport(appId);
return response.getApplicationReport();
use of org.apache.hadoop.yarn.exceptions.ApplicationNotFoundException in project hadoop by apache.
the class YarnClientImpl method submitApplication.
public ApplicationId submitApplication(ApplicationSubmissionContext appContext) throws YarnException, IOException {
ApplicationId applicationId = appContext.getApplicationId();
if (applicationId == null) {
throw new ApplicationIdNotProvidedException("ApplicationId is not provided in ApplicationSubmissionContext");
SubmitApplicationRequest request = Records.newRecord(SubmitApplicationRequest.class);
// Only when the security and the timeline service are both enabled
if (isSecurityEnabled() && timelineV1ServiceEnabled) {
//TODO: YARN-1763:Handle RM failovers during the submitApplication call.
int pollCount = 0;
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
EnumSet<YarnApplicationState> waitingStates = EnumSet.of(YarnApplicationState.NEW, YarnApplicationState.NEW_SAVING, YarnApplicationState.SUBMITTED);
EnumSet<YarnApplicationState> failToSubmitStates = EnumSet.of(YarnApplicationState.FAILED, YarnApplicationState.KILLED);
while (true) {
try {
ApplicationReport appReport = getApplicationReport(applicationId);
YarnApplicationState state = appReport.getYarnApplicationState();
if (!waitingStates.contains(state)) {
if (failToSubmitStates.contains(state)) {
throw new YarnException("Failed to submit " + applicationId + " to YARN : " + appReport.getDiagnostics());
}"Submitted application " + applicationId);
long elapsedMillis = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
if (enforceAsyncAPITimeout() && elapsedMillis >= asyncApiPollTimeoutMillis) {
throw new YarnException("Timed out while waiting for application " + applicationId + " to be submitted successfully");
// is blocked here too long.
if (++pollCount % 10 == 0) {"Application submission is not finished, " + "submitted application " + applicationId + " is still in " + state);
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ie) {
String msg = "Interrupted while waiting for application " + applicationId + " to be successfully submitted.";
throw new YarnException(msg, ie);
} catch (ApplicationNotFoundException ex) {
// FailOver or RM restart happens before RMStateStore saves
// ApplicationState"Re-submit application " + applicationId + "with the " + "same ApplicationSubmissionContext");
return applicationId;
use of org.apache.hadoop.yarn.exceptions.ApplicationNotFoundException in project hadoop by apache.
the class ApplicationCLI method printContainerReport.
* Prints the container report for an container id.
* @param containerId
* @return exitCode
* @throws YarnException
private int printContainerReport(String containerId) throws YarnException, IOException {
ContainerReport containerReport = null;
try {
containerReport = client.getContainerReport(ContainerId.fromString(containerId));
} catch (ApplicationNotFoundException e) {
sysout.println("Application for Container with id '" + containerId + "' doesn't exist in RM or Timeline Server.");
return -1;
} catch (ApplicationAttemptNotFoundException e) {
sysout.println("Application Attempt for Container with id '" + containerId + "' doesn't exist in RM or Timeline Server.");
return -1;
} catch (ContainerNotFoundException e) {
sysout.println("Container with id '" + containerId + "' doesn't exist in RM or Timeline Server.");
return -1;
// Use PrintWriter.println, which uses correct platform line ending.
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
PrintWriter containerReportStr = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(baos, Charset.forName("UTF-8")));
if (containerReport != null) {
containerReportStr.println("Container Report : ");
containerReportStr.print("\tContainer-Id : ");
containerReportStr.print("\tStart-Time : ");
containerReportStr.print("\tFinish-Time : ");
containerReportStr.print("\tState : ");
containerReportStr.print("\tLOG-URL : ");
containerReportStr.print("\tHost : ");
containerReportStr.print("\tNodeHttpAddress : ");
containerReportStr.println(containerReport.getNodeHttpAddress() == null ? "N/A" : containerReport.getNodeHttpAddress());
containerReportStr.print("\tDiagnostics : ");
} else {
containerReportStr.print("Container with id '" + containerId + "' doesn't exist in Timeline Server.");
return -1;
return 0;